if you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty...
Whoever finds himself is superior to the
The Gospel Of Thomas
“…if anyone thinks that he
knows anything,
he knows nothing yet as he
ought to know”
(1 Cor 8:2 NKJ)

For Self In

Of Light


While All Religions Seek
It Is Impossible To Know
Without First Knowing Self

Jesus Taught That There Is
Only One True Path To God
This Is True - And An
Integral Part Of This Path, Is To Know Thyself
None Of The Systems Of
Religion Today Possess This Important Esoteric Knowledge Of Self
Knowledge That Was Thrown
Away By Counterfeit Priests And Pseudo-Shepherds
It Is Written That If The Sacred Knowledge
Of The New Covenant Becomes Lost,
"...it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to
wander in error"
(Epistle Of Peter And James)
And this Has Been Man's Reality For
Seventeen Hundred Years

Also Revealing

The idea that you must find and come to Know
Thyself seems so antithetical to not only the message of the Gospel, but also
most religious monastic mindsets -- with the added fact that very few people would
even be able to define what it is about the self that one is required to know.
And what this
means is that the whole concept of Knowing Thyself, from the perspective of the modern dogmatic
and politically correct world, is
representative of an incomprehensible enigma. And this great
enigmatic void is not only true of the religious world, but is equally true of
the educational and scientific institutions that serve as the bedrock foundation
of our modern culture. And yet, if the Gospel
of Thomas saying of Jesus is correct -- and even representative of the "Q"
source that Bible scholars look for -- then it should be disconcerting to the
modern believer that Jesus portrays them as dwelling in a great poverty of mind
and being -- i.e.,
"...But if you will
not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty". But perhaps even more confusing is when this statement to
Know Thyself is seen in the context of whoever attempts to save his life will
loose it (Matt. 16:26) -- to the degree that one must totally deny one's self:
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23).
Thus, the questions must be posed: How can one Know Thyself, and yet must lose
one's self? What is there to know, if whatever is of the self must
be gotten rid of? By all accounts, this enigma of paradoxical
opposites appears to undermine all that most believers think they know about the
Gospel message. And if it is true that there is something to know
about the self that, if one is ignorant of this reality of self, that one dwells
in a state of abject poverty and knows nothing of any real value, then even what
a believer thinks they know and believes, will remain in perpetual error.
Thus, confirming the long ignored warning: "There is a
way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov
14:12). Which would confirm the validity of the warning in the
Epistle of Peter and James that if this paradoxical enigmatic knowledge is not
understood, that
"...it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in
error"!!! Could such a thing
be true?
The Reality Of Self: What if
the person you are in this world is not your real or true self?
What if your true self is more of a stranger to the person you are in this
world, than to a person living on the other side of the world who you have never
in your life met? In the same way that the Islamic term Jihad is the
portrayal of an inner spiritual struggle, what if the command to be fruitful and
multiply is making reference to the expansion of mind and being of the physical
you as an organic seed-self, to a condition of spiritual maturity where your
Whole or True Self can manifest in the body-vessel? How can this be, you ask? What if you are what is often portrayed as
the ego-self? Or, what G.I.Gurdjieff, Philip K. Dick and other
mystics portrayed as false-personalities? The first to second
century Christian Bishop Valentinus portrayed the false self as
"nature-man" who had no continuation beyond
physical death, because he lacked a connection with his real or true self. When Jesus stated that you
must lose yourself, what if he was making reference to the false-self that is in
this world? What if the person you are in this world is an expression of the True Self that
remains UnKnown to all but those who seek to Know Thyself? In
Eastern teachings our True-Self or Soul-Self is called the Atman. Eastern
or Western the question remains the same: What if
your True Self is unable to manifest in this world because of the physical and
three-dimensional limitations on the organic body in which you are presently
dwelling? Which would mean that when Jesus made reference to the
Divided" that cannot stand, what if he was stating that, so long as the person
you are in this world remains divided from your true-self that is not manifest
in the body -- primarily because of the limitations of the organic physical body
-- that you, in your divided state of mind and being, cannot stand?
What if your true self is locked deep beneath your being -- at a depth of mind
and being that you cannot readily access because of the limitations of the
physical body-vessel -- and the ancient adage that is proclaimed in the Gospel
of Thomas is a statement of fact that unless the false or ego-self brings about
an inner union or marriage with their true-self that is not manifest in the
body-vessel, that you can have no real permanence -- dwelling in a state of
profound mental and spiritual poverty, as seen in the words of the
Gospel of Thomas:
"...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty". And if this
is true, then it must be recognized that the false ego-self can't replace the
true-self and go to Glory in the hereafter -- and neither can the false ego-self
reincarnate -- and while the essence of the person you are in this world will
survive physical death, your after-death reality will not be what you imagine
based upon any of the present world's religions and philosophies.
Who Are You? The person you are at present is the product of the
temporal culture and time-frame in which you are presently living -- and as
such, few people have given any thought to the fact that, if you preserve and attempt to save that which is
temporal and false, that you will have
squandered your life away? Which provokes the question: What if what is often portrayed as the
ego-self, is the person you are in this world, while the true self exists at a
deeper level of mind and being and cannot easily manifest in the person whose
thinking, mindset and lifestyle is founded upon the temporal cultures and
lifestyles of this world? And what if when Jesus makes reference to
the blind, deaf and those incapable of understanding with any depth of
comprehension, it is in reference to those who are carnal and anchored to this
world -- which condition of mind is that portrayed as dwelling in what Jesus
said was the "outer darkness" of mind and
being (see Outer Darkness)?
Which means that what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness", portrayed the
outer realms of our own physical mind which is limited to three dimensions -- and
this limiting barrier must be overcome if we are to prevail over the forces of
nature -- i.e.,
"He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he
shall go out no more" (Rev 3:12 NKJ). Which means that
the Commandment to "enter in at the narrow strait gate"
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ), possesses an important
meaning that few people are even prepared to contemplate.
What if beyond the barrier of the inner wall of
consciousness where the true self dwells, all truths were seen and known in the
Light of a naked and totally revealed reality of mind and being? What
this would mean is that all of the enigmas of
knowing one's self, losing the self in this world, and ones search for the
Kingdom within, would suddenly be understood from a totally different
perspective than it is today. Even the Lord's Prayer where Jesus
teaches his followers to beseech the Lord to bring about the manifestation of
the Kingdom (within) -- and why Jesus commanded to seek the Kingdom first as
seen in the words: "But seek ye first the kingdom of
God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"
(Matt. 6:33) -- one would have to conclude that man's present-day dogmatic
poverty is so great, that the modern Church has very little in common with the
original teachings of Jesus and TheWay. If one is supposed to
seek the Kingdom by losing the false-self of one's carnal nature, in order to
permit one's true inner self to manifest, then the whole dogmatic concept of
waiting until you physically die to see if you will inherit the promise of going
to Glory, would have to be radically re-evaluated in light of countless other
original Gospel teachings and concepts that are largely ignored today.
And while on the surface this may sound radical, isn't this exactly what Paul
stated when he commanded the congregation of Christians:
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to
your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV).
But the problem is that modern man does not at all understand this biblical
reality, because he lacks the knowledge of his own Cosmology of Mind and Being.
Therefore, he doesn't know that the
"...earthly nature" which Paul commands to
"Put to death...", is in fact the
false-self that man is in this world. And that the seeker/disciple
must come to Know Thyself, by Manifesting their True-Self, while still alive in
the physical body-vessel. And if this is true, then what you are about to read could very well be the most
important thing you have ever read in your entire life.

Know Thyself: The third saying of the recently discovered
Gospel of Thomas
states: "When you come
to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is
you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
What is the meaning of the words: "...then you
will become known"??? `How can it even be
suggested that God does not know us? Yet, these words were
not only intentionally written in this manner -- but they present an important series of foundational facts
that few people who claim to know God understand the reality of.
And in assessment of the world's religions that exist today: Regardless of the religion you are
affiliated with, the fact that you do not understand the underlying reality that
is portrayed in these words, is an indication that you are spiritually
flat-lined, and can make little to no progress beyond your present point.
To a degree these same words are repeated in Jesus' statement that should be
heeded by every person professing to believe:
"Not everyone who says to me,
'Lord, Lord!' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the person who does
what my Father in heaven wants. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord,
didn't we prophesy in your name? Didn't we force out demons and do many miracles
by the power and authority of your name?' Then I will tell them publicly, 'I've
never known you.
Get away from me, you evil people.' (Mat: 7:21-23).
Thus, even if you profess to be a believer who in the name of Jesus has
performed miracles, cast out demons, and prophesied in the name of Christ, the
Bible warns that unless you fulfill the Will of the Father, that Jesus will
state of you that he has "never known you" --
and for many of the same reasons that it can be said that you are
"not known by God". And
when it is realized that the Christian Church has totally rejected the original
teachings and objectives set forth in the original Gospel accounts -- that
what the original disciples professed as Truth has not only been rejected by the
Church, but has been condemned as heresy -- and when it is realized that the
Church even corrupted the original words spoken to man directly by God to
mankind in the Gospels as heresy
(see The Ten Words) -- changing them, in order to make the Gospels support Roman Pagan doctrines of
belief -- then it can truly be recognized that not only has the Church rejected
the Will of the Father -- but to those who profess to believe, and yet they
believe the doctrines of Pagan Rome, that the Jesus they call upon has said to
"Get away from me, you evil
people ...I've
never known you" Again, from the Epistles of
Paul is this declaration: "But the man who loves God is
known by God" (1 Cor 8:3 NIV) -- which indicates that those who fail
to do the Will of God, cannot love God, and therefore is not even
"known by God". And since few
people can fulfill the words spoken by Jesus -- i.e.,
"When you come to know yourselves..."
-- it also remains true that they are not known in the way that they imagine --
"...then you will become known"


Thyself |
Folly Of Man's Religions |
Always To Wander In Error -
Man's Plight |
The Two Picture/Images Of Self - The Surf/Subject Mindset of
Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature |
The Divine Counterpart Of Man -
His Unmanifest True Self |
The Soul - Thomas Paine's Rights
Of Man - Emerson's Oversoul |
The Esoteric Feminine Mystique |
The Heightening And Expansion Of
Mind |
Intuitive Vs Linear-Rational
Mind |
The Opening And Unlocking Of The Mind
Spiritual Intuitive Development
Biblical Code |
Religion As A System Of
Education |
The Trinity And The Divine
Pattern Of Creation |
Understanding What We See |
Gender Blindness And The Process
Of Birth |
The Merger Of Opposites Into One |
Sexual Immorality - Why Is It Condemned In The Scriptures? |
Invoking The Law Of Grace
Against The Influences Of Sexual Immorality |
The Holographic Pattern Of Sex |
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image |
The Enigma Of Time And The Soul
Of Man |
Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves -
Spiritual Cathedral |
Transcending Time |
The Evolving Soul |
The Source Of Soul-Light |
Scriptures And The Light Of
Spiritually Advanced Souls |
The Dynamics Of The Soul Matrix Of Mind |
The Way Of The Monk |
Reincarnation - A Counterfeit
Doctrine |
The True Self -- The Being Of
Light |
Prayer And Man's Interaction
With The Laws |
The Folly Of Man's Religions: When it
states in the Gospel of Thomas that only a select group of people who fulfill
certain requirements are known by God -- i.e.,
"...then you will become known"
-- the vast majority of believers from the world's religions will with little thought and
contemplation attempt to simply dismiss these words without any real
understanding of their content and meaning. Yet, these
words are spoken from a Universal perspective, and apply to all people of all
religions who have failed to fulfill the Laws in accord with the original
objectives of the very purpose of Creation itself. Thus, the Jews
who maintain that they are the chosen people, are not -- the Christians who
proclaim they are saved and will go to Glory, are not -- those who call
themselves Muslims are not -- the yogis, gurus and monks who promote Krishna
Conscious and God-Awareness, are not -- and the New Age who portray themselves
as the direct expression of the Collective Consciousness, are not.
And, when properly understood within the true Cosmology of Mind and Being, all
these assertions and proclamations can all in fact be categorized within the
context of the words:
"There is a way
that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov
Christianity, which is the
source of these words in the Gospel of Thomas that
"...then you will become known", will immediately
attempt to dismiss what is being portrayed --
attributing them to some Gnostic delusion -- and
this they will do to their own spiritual demise. But since the
mainstream of Christians don't even know or understand even the meaning of the
word Gnosis, then it is the epitome of their folly when they condemn what they
possess absolutely no understanding of. Much of the New Age
believe in the Collective Consciousness -- and they therefore conclude that
they, being a direct expression of God, are in fact God manifest in the
physical. New Thought Churches believe that when they
meditate, they are listening to God -- and this too is the product of their
ignorance with respect to the Cosmology of Mind that is expressed in the above
words of the Gospel of Thomas. Thus, when understood within the
context of the revelation, it is a harsh
and needless reality that these words
are as true today, as when they were originally spoken -- i.e., the
"...people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6
NKJ). If it is indeed true that Jesus warned his disciples and
followers that only "when you come to know
yourselves, then you will become known...", then it is also
true that "...Because narrow is the gate
and difficult is the way which leads to life,
and there are few who find it."
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ). And if we dismiss the source as
being drawn from a writing that is not approved by the Church -- alleged to be
Gnostic (Spiritual Knowledge) -- then to our own dilemma we can see the same exact teaching and ignored reality portrayed in an Epistle
of Paul where he warns: "But now after you have known God,
or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn
again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in
bondage?" (Gal 4:9 NKJ). Thus the
looming question: HOW CAN WE NOT BE KNOWN BY GOD???
To their own demise the congregation of Christians have simply dismissed these
words as if they had no real meaning -- or were not intentionally stated.
Having demonstrated the relevance
between the same exact reality presented in both the Gospel of Thomas, and
Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, it is important to be cognizant of the very
opening statement in Thomas: "These are the secret
sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
And he said, Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not
experience death. Jesus said, Let him who seeks continue seeking until he
finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will
be astonished, and he will rule over the All."
What most people who read these words fail to understand is the fact that, what
is presented in the opening statement of Thomas is not a series of secret teachings
in the words
of man that one must learn and be taught the meaning of in order to enter into the Life that Jesus revealed to
mankind -- but rather, the true meaning of not only the Gospel of Thomas, but of
all Gospels and scriptures, cannot be known, perceived, understood and
comprehended, without Personally Experiencing the Inner
Kingdom (Lk 17:20-21) by walking in TheWay (see
http://GateOfEden.com ).
To find the true meaning of the sayings of Thomas, the seeker must through their
own spiritual experiences, begin to draw near to the Inner Kingdom.
From a biblical Christian perspective, what this means is that only those who
separate themselves from the temporal and cultural thinking, mindset and lifestyle of this world -- do as Jesus
commanded, and pick up their own cross and follow in TheWay -- will become Known
By God by entering through the "narrow way" within, into the
Kingdom. All the other people will remain the lost prodigal sons and
daughters who are portrayed as being spiritually dead (see
Dead Men
Walking), and under the control of what Jesus portrayed as the Citizen of the
Far Country -- which Paul called the god of this world.
In many ways the esoteric context of the words
"...whoever finds the
interpretation of these sayings will not experience death",
can be likened to presenting facts to a developing fetus while they are still in
the womb -- explaining that in an after-birth state, that they must and will
discover the wisdom and possess the knowledge portrayed in the enigma of what is
being presented. It is not that someone must teach the meaning of
the interpretations -- but rather, that one must grasp the reality that is
portrayed through one's experiences on a higher plane. And since in
reality this world is holographically, very much as a mental womb where the mind is nurtured and expanded
in the endeavor to bring about the next stage of birth, the disciple/seeker must
begin to make provision within one's self, to bring about the experiences that
will impart this higher knowledge often portrayed as Divine Manna or Gnosis, by
transforming the physical in the endeavor to create within one's self the
environment of growth and higher manifestation. From the perspective
of the Torah (Old Testament), this is portrayed as the building of the
Final Temple
within one's self -- from a Christian perspective, it is the End Times where the
Kingdom comes within the mind and being of the disciple/seeker -- and from a
Muslim perspective, it is the completion of the Journey by Night to the Distant
Mosque in Spiritual Mecca.
Always To Wander In Error: A long ignored writing is the Epistle of Peter And
James -- and it is ignored largely, because it makes a number of profound
statements that all but the very few people who enter in at the
way", will immediately dismiss -- once again, to their own demise.
Speaking of the more spiritual scriptures that were never given into the hands
of either the Jews or Gentiles (see
Most Sacred Gospels), Peter states to James:
"Hear me, brethren and
fellow-servants. If we should give the books to all indiscriminately, and they
should be corrupted by any daring men, or be perverted by interpretations, as
you have heard that some have already done,
it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in
error. Wherefore it is better that they should be
with us, and that we should communicate them with all the fore-mentioned care
to those who wish to
live piously, and to save
How can this possibly be? How can it be
stated that if these more spiritual scriptures that were never given into the
hands of the converts, were to become lost or corrupted, that
"...it will remain even for
those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error.???"
And the answer to the dilemma which is all but
ignored by not only the modern Church, but the sincere seekers of all the
world's religions, is found in the words of Paul that the people of this world
are not even "...known by God."
And why, without the works and the knowledge that Jesus is
making reference to, that it can be said that
never known you" --
even when you have called upon the name of the Lord with your lips, prophesized
and performed many miracles in
"...the power and authority of
[the] name [of Christ].
And while many will reject and attempt to ignore this profound warning, it all
goes back to Paul's statement that
“…if anyone thinks that he
knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he
ought to know”
(1 Cor 8:2 NKJ). And since most
Christians believe that they need not know anything more than the historical
Jesus, then they prove the words true even in our own time:
"My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge"!!!
Few people understand the mandate to
Know Thyself! In explanation,
lets add the statement in the Gospel of Thomas: "when
you come to know yourselves, then you will become known..." -- and
quoting at http://BeingOfLight.com : When
God, in the words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an
“object of wonder”, but rather an “object of
desire” -- and we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of
this world, make ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit,
according to St. Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of
this manifest Sacred Knowledge makes “us like God; so
that when we have thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold expression,
hold converse with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to the same
extent as He already knows those who are known to Him”. St. Nazianzen
then writes that “the Divine Nature then is boundless
and hard to understand” by those who are yet carnal and think as
natural beings of this world.
Take note of the statement that God "...already knows
those who are known to Him”. Which invokes us to pose the
question in light of the foregoing statement in the Gospel of Thomas and that of Paul: "But now after you have known God,
or rather are known by God,
how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you
desire again to be in bondage?" (Gal 4:9 NKJ). To even begin to
understand why these statements were made -- and more importantly, why they are
true -- it is imperative to possess the
(1) esoteric knowledge of
the Cosmology of one's own self and mind, and why it is written in the Gospel of
Thomas: "...But if you will not know yourselves, you
dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty";
and the reality of the Laws and the two very different Creation accounts in the
Book of Genesis (see The
Two Creation Accounts In Genesis ); and
(3) the higher reality and
journey of the soul (or soul-self) that does not incarnate into this world, and
exists across the spectrum of many levels and dimensions of being which prompted
St. Teresa of Avila to write that "The soul...",
writes St. Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single
diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many
mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila). And this reality
is explored in great depth in the subheading
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image, which continues into the subheadings that follow that
explore the Matrix of mind.
While Creator-God brought forth all souls in the beginning -- and these souls
were themselves sparks of the Divine -- i.e., quoting from
Allegorical Fall Of Man: In the beginning all souls existed as sparks of the
Divine. In what I portray as the realm of souls, each individual soul would be
perceived as a weak flickering light -- like a distant star. Quoting The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
under the heading of Souls, Transmigration of: “The
doctrine of transmigration of souls, which was especially accepted by the
Karaites… is generally attacked by Jewish philosophers, but is defended by Isaac
Abravanel and Manasseh ben Israel. It appears often in Cabala; it is found in
organized form in the Zohar, it is further developed in the teachings of Isaac
Luria (1534-1572), and in Hasidism it becomes a universal belief. According to
these teachings, all human souls have a common origin in the spiritual unity of
the primordial man, sparks of which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam
brought higher and lower souls into confusion; as a result, every soul has to
pass through a series of incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is
determined by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”. Thus, the pre-existent soul of man which is portrayed as
"..sparks of which form the individual souls..." are in fact the
Beings of Light encountered by some in a
Near Death Experience -- and it is this Being
of Light that is each person's true form and self. Moreover, in
our natural state we are a Being of Light
-- and our body-vessel which we inhabit in this world, is merely an allegorical
projection of mind and spirit into the image of the body. That the
journey of the soul over the course of many lifetimes was an integral part of
the teachings of Jesus and TheWay -- and was removed by the Roman Emperors who
ruled over the doctrines of the Church -- is demonstrated conclusively in
The Ten Reasons Why The Church
Rejects The Teaching On The Pre-Existent Soul.
Man is an embryonic image of their higher soul-self that is projected into this
world at conception (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image ) -- and those who come to understand the Cosmology of
Mind and begin to Know Thyself, understand that they dwell within the Matrix of
the Mind of the Soul. And in view of the fact that there is nothing but
Thought -- and while the Soul that does not incarnate into this world is an original Thought Of Creator-God, the people
of this world are in reality a thought generated by their higher soul-self at
conception -- then we need to greatly expand our understanding of self.
And while it is not the best example of this reality, in a similar way that a
mother knows the child that she birthed and brought forth, the mother does not
know the thoughts of their child. And taking this analogy one step
further: Who is your offspring? The child that you brought forth? Or
the thoughts that your child generates as part of his mental development?
Countless mystics and (Mystery) religious traditions have expressed the reality
that this world is pure illusion -- i.e., Plato's Cave (
) -- which parallels what Jesus portrayed as the "outer
darkness" of mind and being (see
http://outerdarkness.nazirene.org#OuterDarkness ) -- and as the proverbial
ego-self which Jesus taught that you must lose (
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and
follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses
his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.”) -- and
this was stated because you are not your true self. In the parable
of The Sower and the
Seed, you are the ground within which the embryonic seed of your soul has
been inserted (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image ). And in view of the fact that what
Paul portrays as the "natural" mind of man
(see Mystery Of
The Gospel) is the earth matter (physical body) within which the seed-essence of your soul
has been implanted, man in his organic state is not real beyond the limits of
this world -- which world is an illusion that is an allusion through which the
soul gains experiential knowledge to overcome the Laws and evolve the Light of
the soul to Wholeness and Completion.
Therefore, because of his inherent limitations,
organic man can't at all comprehend his true higher soul-reality (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel). And while it is true that all that exists, exists
within the Mind of God -- because organic man can't comprehend the paradoxes of
Duality and Opposites -- and thus, he perpetually eats the fruit of the Tree of
Duality which brings (spiritual) death -- he is only capable of understanding
the existence of a Higher Power which he does not at all understand, and calls
God by various names. All that exists between himself and his ideas
of God -- because of the limitations of organic consciousness -- remains a great
void in his understanding. And since most of mankind is ruled over
by his lower animal natures -- and is more or less a beast who walks in the form
of man -- he is simply incapable of merging the paradoxes of duality together in
the higher reality of expanded and evolved consciousness -- his ideas of God
remain carnal and undeveloped, as does his very limited knowledge of self.
The Two Picture/Images Of Self - The Surf/Subject
Mindset Of Failure: There are two images of the reality of man -- one is
rarely spoken of, and not at all understood. The
common perception of man is that he came into being at birth -- that his mind is
empty and he is in need of being taught. The other image of the
reality of man that is rarely ever mentioned or understood, is to some degree
expressed in the words of Jean Piaget who stated: “When
you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it
for himself.” Another interesting quote that is not
at all understood by those who subscribe to the mind of the child being void and
empty philosophy, is that of John Holt in the words: "A
gardener does not grow flowers: he tries to give them what he thinks they need
and they grow by themselves".
In the first image of self that is ascribed to by
our cultural, religious and philosophical icons, the child's mind is empty --
while in the second image that is rarely ever mentioned or understood, each
child is understood to have an innate connection to a Source of Knowledge that
greatly exceeds all the avenues of learning available to the child who has
undergone the process of being taught in the traditional manner. And
thus, when you teach a child through rote memorization and programming in the
manner of our religions and educational systems, you forever alienate the child
from even the ability to tap into that Inner Source, and truly begin to learn.
That the (true) self already exists in a knowing and enlightened state of being
-- and that the primary objective of life is to connect and manifest our true
self -- is the paramount reality in the words of Jesus as set forth in the
Gospel of Thomas:
"...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty".
The Latin meaning of the word Education is to "draw out
from within" -- which of course is predicated upon an Inner Source of
Knowledge and Being -- implying developing the individual's potential by
drawing out what is already there and existing beneath the surface.
But herein lies the problem as seen in the fact that this inner Source
does not exist in the void of our gravely flawed
modern cultural understanding. But what it also means is that
what we put forth as education today, is in fact opposed to True Education --
mainly because the philosophical foundational paradigm of self in in conflict
and in reverse of our true reality. And thus, what we call education
is not only the rote programming of pseudo-education -- but has the effect of
totally alienating the child and person from the true learning experience.
The surf/subject mindset is that framework of
thinking when you perceive yourself as being in subordinate-dominion to a higher
ruling authority. In those nations that were ruled by what can be
portrayed as a royal family, each commoner is born into a lesser place within
the society, and can never arise to be the ultimate leader. Unlike
the United States where young children are told that they can grow up to be the
President, in a nation ruled by a royal family, the common people are always
subjects. Worse yet is the Caste system -- i.e., quoting the
"Caste is an elaborate and complex social system that
combines some or all elements of endogamy, hereditary transmission of
occupation, social class, social identity, hierarchy, exclusion and power.
Haviland defines caste as a closed form of social stratification in which
membership is determined by birth and remains fixed for life; castes are also
endogamous and offsprings are automatically members of their parent's caste."
Judaism is a type of royal family caste system in that the Jews consider
themselves the "chosen people".
Christianity is another type of royal family in that in accord with their Church
dogma, their God has only one son -- and all other people must dwell in
subjection to the Trinitarian Royal Family. And while Christians may
consider themselves the adopted family of God, it remains true that they are not
of the Royal Bloodline of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
People who are of the subject/surf mindset, can't
even imagine themselves as being of the same substance as the Royal Family.
Moreover, in the prevalent Marxist/Socialist mindset where the government is the
authority and womb to tomb caretaker of the common people, the reality that
(1) not
only is each person's true self of a higher order than the pseudo-authorities
who they embrace as leaders and rulers; and
(2) it is often the system itself that
inhibits the individual from developing, and coming into their own.
Contrary to the Marxist/Socialist paradigm of ideology, each person's true self
possesses infinitely greater knowledge than the cultural pseudo-authorities and
rulers of this world -- and that it is the mind-programming of these
pseudo-authorities that actually alienate the child/person from their true
higher nature. But this higher soul-reality remains
inconceivable to their surf/subject thinking and mindset. Yet, as
portrayed by Jesus as the lost prodigal son who is under a cloud of
forgetfulness and ignorance as manifest in the term the "outer darkness" of mind and
being (see Outer Darkness),
only when the individual begins to reject the surf/subject mindset and begins to
embrace the Cosmology of Mind portrayed in the second image of self, can one
begin to tap into that Inner Source -- which disperses the cloud of amnesic
ignorance which is the effect of the "outer darkness"
-- permitting the lost prodigal son to re-connect and tap into the Inner Source
of his being -- and ultimately man's return to their Heavenly Father.
The parables in the Gospels are recognized to be
universal truths pertaining to all people's of the earth. Each of
these parables possess hidden esoteric truths that were presented in enigmatic
form, enabling the speaker to state truths that would be immediately rejected by
the majority of hearers.
In explanation of this
fact with respect to the teachings of Jesus, the Wycliffe Bible Commentary
writes that: “…the initiate was instructed in the
esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders… The mystery of the
kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message of the Gospel (Rom
16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the initiates without
revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were without. This is in
keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is restricted
to those who have become spiritual...”
The problem with this statement is that it is only
partially correct -- and its error and limitations is the direct product of the
authors of the Wycliffe Bible Commentary who built their theology upon the
defective paradigm of thought noted in the above. Since all of
mankind equally dwells in the "outer darkness" of mind and
being (see Outer Darkness),
Jesus taught in parables in order to stir and open the mind of the few who had
the potential to be awakened from their deep amnesic type state of sleep.
While the initiates were said to be taught
In The House,
in not understanding why Jesus did not speak plainly to the people, it was the
initiates who questioned this type of teaching -- i.e., when asked by his
disciples Jesus explained that: "Unto you is given the
mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are
done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they
may hear, and not understand; lest haply they should turn again..."
(Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term, "...lest haply they
should turn again", is stated in reference to the Kingdom that can
only be found within themselves that they must be awakened to. In
the parable of the two sons -- better known as the parable of the prodigal son
-- the son who had become lost in what is portrayed as the Far Country under the
direct control of what is portrayed as the Citizen of that Country, did not need
to be taught by those who were themselves under the dominion of the Citizen of
the Far Country -- but rather, needed to be reawakened out of his amnesic state
of mind which Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and
being (see Outer Darkness),
to his former life with his Heavenly Father. And once
reawakened, he was then able to return to the Heavenly Kingdom on his own
volition. And it was for this reason that the historical man
Jesus can be rightly portrayed as the first of the prodigal sons to make the
return journey -- why in the original Gospel accounts he is portrayed as a true
holy man who became the Anointed at his baptism in the Jordan (see
TheTenWords.com ) -- and
why Jesus said that his disciples were in fact his brothers who were all of the
same Heavenly Father, as seen in the words:
"Go instead to my brothers
and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your
God'" (John 20:17 NIV). That man in his
"natural" organic condition of mind has no
memory of his more distant past -- which includes a great multitude of previous
lifetimes that his soul or soul-self that does not incarnate into the physical
body-vessel, lived previously to being born into his present life.
Like most of the parables -- and the substance
of the Gospels teachings themselves -- the modern Church can't at all understand
the parable of the prodigal son, because they have built their theology on the
philosophical dogma of Roman Emperors and the pagan thinking of those early
Christians who portrayed themselves as Orthodox -- who were in opposition to the
Spiritual Christians who were portrayed as
But what is the meaning of the word "gnosis"?
When properly understood, Gnosis is the Divine Knowledge that can only be
recognized and received by the few who have awakened from their amnesic state of
mind portrayed as the "outer darkness"
-- or, who have themselves
(mentally) escaped the illusions of this world that is portrayed in the analogy
of Plato's Cave, and is
portrayed in the alchemical image at the right known as The Escape.
But, when properly understood, it is not so much that this world is a realm of
illusions, and far more factually a world of allusions -- the difference being
that this world is in and of itself aspects of mind and higher being impressed
into the forms of nature. And that the purpose of the scriptures is
not to teach -- but rather, to awaken the amnesic person who is presently
dwelling in the "outer darkness" of mind and
being (see Outer Darkness)
which can also be portrayed as the allusions of
Cave, is why the Gospel portrays Jesus as speaking to the multitude of
people exclusively in parables -- which presented universal truths to those
capable of being awakened out of their amnesic sleep.
That this world is a realm of allegorical symbols
impressed into the forms of matter, is why it is written:
(5) Jesus said, "Recognize
what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to
you..." (Gospel of
Thomas). And that organic "natural" man dwells in an amnesic state of
mind -- unaware of his true higher soul and spiritual reality -- is why Jesus
stated: "But if
you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that
poverty... Whoever finds himself is
superior to the world". And
while I will revisit each of the above concepts as
I explore the Cosmology of Mind in the below, with respect to this second image
of self and the innate Source Of Being And Knowledge that exists within each
child and person in this world, our modern educational systems and culture is
devoid of any useable knowledge of how to access this innate Source that exists
within each individual.
"Anyone who chooses to do the will of God
will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own"
(John 7:17)
Organic Man - Ruled Over By His Earthly Animal
Nature: In accord with the original Gospel teachings of Jesus and TheWay,
our birth into this life is the first phase of birth -- i.e., the initial stage
of birth that presents us with the opportunity to bring about the
next subsequent stages of birth, and enter into the Promise of a Higher Life.
The second century Christian elder/bishop Valentinus who himself had been
instructed by teachers and elders who had themselves been taught directly by the
disciples, stated that faith-based
Christians who did not strive to travail in TheWay -- and therefore failed to
use the opportunity of their physical birth to bring about the next and subsequent
stages of birth -- could not inherit the Gospel Promise of entering into Life.
Was he wrong? Before the modern Christian can even begin to answer this
question, there is an important reality that was understood by those in the
first and second centuries, that believers today know absolutely nothing about.
The leaders of the Jews were condemned by Jesus, because they
had thrown away what Jesus called the Key of
Knowledge -- and were therefore counterfeit leaders
and teachers who were totally ignorant of the threefold process of birth that each
person must undergo. This fact is presented in the words of Jesus to
Nicodemus: "...Do not marvel that I said to you,
'You must be born again.'
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell
where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the
Spirit. Nicodemus answered and said to Him, How can these things be? Jesus
answered and said to him, Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these
things? Most assuredly, I say to you, We
speak what We know and
testify what We have seen,
and you do not receive Our witness.
If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe
if I tell you heavenly things?" (John 3:1-12 NKJ). These words were
said to Nicodemus, because as a religious leader, Nicodemus was obligated to convey to
the people the absolute need to bring about the next stages of birth within
themselves. The portrayal in Jesus' words of "We" --
i.e., "...We
speak what We know and
testify what We have seen,
and you do not receive Our witness" --
is stated in the plural, because this knowledge is true with respect to anyone
who understands the Laws and the esoteric meaning of the scriptures, and is able
to bring about the next stages of birth. And while our entrance into this
world when we emerged our of our mother's womb presented to us the opportunity
to achieve the subsequent stages of birth and enter into Life, unless we take advantage
of the opportunity that has been presented to us, we will be doomed to failure.
Once it is recognized that according to Jesus and the
Gospel teachings, we are presently in the process of striving to achieve the
next stage of birth -- and that when we emerged out of the womb of our physical
mother, we entered into the womb of mother-earth in order to enter into an
environment where the next stage of birth can be brought about -- and our
presence in this world as male or female, must be understood in accord with the
holographic pattern, as the next level of
Ovum Or Sperm . And while
our first stage of birth was of the physical which formed our body, we are
presently in the process of bringing about the second stage of birth which is
that of mind -- prior to the even less understood third stage of spiritual
birth. But what this also means is that we presently exist at
greatly varying stages of what must be portrayed as that of cosmic-fetal
development -- and we have yet to achieve our potential that will be manifest in
us when the subsequent stages of birth have been achieved. The
Gospel of Thomas makes
reference to the fact that as a
Ovum Or Sperm we presently exist in an undeveloped and divided state
that must be brought into a condition of Oneness -- and then evolve through the
levels of development -- in order to bring about the next stage of birth.
Which means that we must recognize the reality that there are people who walk
the face of the earth in a primary and undeveloped condition of mind.
And in the same way that a divided ovum and sperm are very different than the
united embryo, fetus, infant and adult that their union has the potential to
create, these same differences between people who exist at greatly varying
stages of development towards achieving the next stage of birth must be
recognized and understood.
In the same way that a sperm and ovum released into
the womb of a woman must become ONE and UNITED to form the embryo that evolved
into our present body, this same uniting of male and female opposites is
presented to us in Gospel of
Thomas saying 22 when Jesus is asked about how the Kingdom is entered, and
he replies:
Jesus said to them,
"When you make the two one, and when you make the inside
like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below,
and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not
be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."
The Unwanted Truth That Makes Men Free). And having emerged from the
womb of our mother and entered the womb of mother-earth as a
Ovum Or Sperm , our development of mind and spirit is contingent upon our
fulfillment of this above saying in the Gospel of Thomas. And if the
words attributed to Jesus in the foregoing is true -- and each person must bring
about the conditions within themselves presented in these teachings -- then it
can easily be demonstrated that modern Christians have little in common with the
Original Gospel teachings of TheWay. And what is truly revealing is
the fact that the same basic message of the above that would greatly confuse
modern Christians, was also contained in The Second Epistle of Clement
where Clement writes to the first-century Christian congregations:
“Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of
God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of
God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come,
replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within,
and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.
What this means is that this important teaching which was removed from our
present day Gospels (
http://BibleCorruption.com ), was in response to a person asking Jesus about
the promised coming of the Kingdom. And while a large segment of the
modern Church are looking for the Kingdom to come upon the earth -- regardless
of the fact that when asked, Jesus said the Kingdom would never come upon the
earth outwardly -- but rather, can only come within the seeker/disciples own
mind and being. And the fact that Clement could repeat this teaching
to the congregations he was writing to, and these congregations would understand
the teaching in question, demonstrates the great spiritual divide that exists
between modern dogma and the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay.
In fact, if this teaching was preached from one of the pulpits of the modern
Church, the parishioners would be absolutely clueless as to its meaning and
significance. Further, where many modern Christians have reduced and
redefined the process of second-birth to the formality of words spoken in a
prayer, Jesus taught that those who achieve the next stage of birth are able to
gain entrance into the Kingdom -- which Kingdom comes within them in the
fulfillment of the Gospel Promise. Thus, the clergy and teachers of
modern Christendom have more in common with the spiritually disenfranchised
blind leaders of the Pharisees, than the first and second century Christians who
understood this ultra-important teaching contained in both a suppressed Gospel
and an Epistle.
In analysis, the
above teaching of Jesus to Nicodemus is important to understand where he stated:
"...If I have told you
earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you
heavenly things?".
Which provokes the question: Why does organic
man not only have great difficulty in understanding what is being portrayed by
Jesus as
"earthly things"? And why would
"heavenly things" be virtually impossible
for them to
understand? And when Nicodemus questioned what was being
stated to him, Jesus replied: "You are a respected
Jewish teacher, and yet you don't understand these things?"
In view of the fact that Nicodemus was acknowledged to be a teacher among the
Jews, Jesus could have very well phrased his statement: How can you not first
remove the beam from your own eyes, before attempting to remove the splinters
from the eyes of your brothers? And the fact that Nicodemus and the
leaders of the Jews failed to apply the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge and
gain entrance into the Kingdom (see
The Fatal Error Of The Church
http://KeyOfKnowledge.org#third ),
and learn how a true teacher or guide teaches others how to bring the subsequent
stages of birth about in their lives.
In light of the above, the question must be asked:
What exactly is that level of consciousness that is portrayed in the above as a
primary and undeveloped human condition of mind?
When we use the the term holographic pattern, what this means is that what is
true on one level, is also true on all subsequent levels. And in
understanding the physical as a holographic pattern that exists at all levels of
man's development -- we must pose the questions: Is the comparative
consciousness of a sperm and ovum different than that of an embryo?
Different than that of what can be portrayed as a cosmic-fetus ? A
cosmic-newborn? A cosmic-toddler? A cosmic-adolescence? And a
fully formed adult? Because we fail to understand the second and
subsequent stages of birth, our language has no terms that in any manner define
these subsequent stages of mental and spiritual development which takes place
within the spectrum of achieving the next stage and stages of birth.
While the defining terms embryo, fetus, new-born, adolescence and adult
possesses great meaning with respect to stages of expected physical development,
none of these age-apparent terms exist within the spectrum of the next stage of
birth. Which provokes the question: When Jesus said that his
disciples were his brothers -- and that they "...will
do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these,
because I am going to the Father" (John 14:12) -- what he was making
reference to was not a faith-based believer who was the equivalent of a
spiritual-fetus or infant -- but rather, those who had evolved through the
stages of subsequent birth and had fully entered the Kingdom of Man.
Which raises the question: Are all people part of the Kingdom of Man who have
yet to achieve the necessary maturity and subsequent stage of birth that is
merely the potential of the life he is presently living? And if the
potential is not achieved, then how are those people who failed to achieve the
potential of the life they are presently living defined?
Once again we must pose the question as to what is the
level of consciousness of those who can be portrayed as a cosmic ovum and sperm? A reality that modern Christians are not even prepared to come to
terms with is presented in the statement by one of the earliest of Christian writers named Justin Martyr where
he makes reference to the doctrine of transmutation -- i.e., the embodiment of
a person in the body of a beast which is portrayed as punishment for the misdeeds of a previous
life -- when he (Justin) answers the question of Trypho, the Jew, and writes:
"And what do those suffer who are judged to be unworthy
of this spectacle? said he. They are imprisoned in the bodies of certain wild
beasts, and this is their punishment" (Dialogue of Justin With Trypho,
a Jew). Which provokes the question: Is this
really a teaching of Jesus and the original Ebionite Nazirene Christians? Where could such a thought have originated? If the Gospels had not
been corrupted, Christians would have access to the teaching which has been
preserved in the 88th chapter of The Gospel
Of The Nazirenes where Jesus states: "Love you one
another and all the creatures of God, Yet I say to you, not all are men, who are
in the form of man. Are they men or women in the image of God whose ways of
violence, of oppression and wrong, who choose a lie rather than the truth? No,
truly, till they are born again, and receive the spirit of love and wisdom
within their hearts. Then only are they sons and daughters of Israel, and being
of Israel they are children of God, And for this cause came I into the world,
and for this I have suffered at the hands of sinners."
This reality that is further confirmed in the
Gospel of Philip
that explains this incomprehensible reality -- i.e., "A
householder acquired everything— whether son or slave or cattle or dog or swine,
whether wheat or barley or straw or hay or [bones] or meat (or) acorns. Yet he
(was) wise and knew the food of each [one]. Before the sons he indeed set bread
with [olive-oil and meat; before] the slaves he set castor-oil with grain; and
before the cattle [he set barley] with straw and hay; to the dogs he cast bones;
yet before [the swine] he threw acorns and crusts of bread. So it is with the
Disciple of God— if he is wise, he is perceptive about the Discipleship. The
bodily forms will not deceive him, but rather he will observe the disposition of
the soul of each one in order to speak with him. In the world there are many
animals made in human form— these he is accustomed to recognize. To the swine
indeed he will throw acorns; yet to the cattle he will cast barley with straw
and hay; to the dogs he will cast bones; to the slaves he will give the
elementary; to the Sons he will present the perfect".
What is presented is both the level of consciousness
that rules over the people, and the type of instruction and knowledge in the
form of food that can be provided to them in accord with their Condition of
Mind. When Paul stated that he could only provide the Christians who he had
taught the "elementary" quasi-historical
teachings of "Christ and him crucified",
what he was stating was that they could only comprehend the allegorical symbols
of the Gospel designed for "babes" in
Christ. Which provokes the question: What level of teachings can be conveyed
to Christians who have yet to travail in TheWay and transform their lower animal
nature? In the above verses of the Gospel of Philip, the Householder who is
portrayed as being wise, is cognizant of the ruling-consciousness of others as
seen in the statement: "...The bodily forms will not
deceive him, but rather he will observe the disposition of the soul of each one
in order to speak with him. In the world there are many animals made in human
form— these he is accustomed to recognize". While each person
appears to be in human form, the wise man will not be deceived, and will
understand that in the case of the vast majority of people, their lower animal
nature will so rule over their thinking and life, that they will factually be
beasts who walk in the form of man -- existing at various levels in the Soul's
attempt to be fully born into the Kingdom of Man (see
The Kingdom of Man).
Going even one step further the Church Father Origen explains that:
"By some inclination toward evil, certain spirit souls
come into bodies, first of men; then, due to their association with the
irrational passions after the allotted span of human life, they are changed into
beasts, from which they sink to the level of plants. From this condition they
rise again through the same stages and are restored to their heavenly place"
(Origen, On First Principles, B. W. Butterworth, translator).
What is being said is that while man is of the fourth
kingdom -- i.e. with the mineral, vegetable and animal below him in the first
three kingdoms of Nature -- the Soul's birth in the physical body presents to
that Soul the opportunity to become of the Fourth Kingdom which we associate
with the Kingdom of Man. And what the soul-generated personality
achieves in this life, will determine whether that person is able to achieve the
necessary subsequent stages of birth.
A most important reality is presented in the above
quotation that has perpetually confused the modern Bible reader -- i.e.,
"No, truly, till they are
born again, and receive the spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts. Then
only are they sons and daughters of Israel, and being of Israel they are
children of God..." This
verse explains and supports the statement: "These
twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and
enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel. And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at
hand’" (Matt 10:5-7) -- and again Jesus said: He answered, “I
was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt 15:24).
Why was Jesus sent ONLY to the children of the House of Israel?
Because only those who can be portrayed as Spiritual Israel -- who have themselves been nourished by the fruit of
the Tree of Life and are in the
process of achieving the next stage of birth -- have attained the necessary
level of Completion within themselves -- and are therefore able to receive
the Whole of the Gospel Teachings directly from the Indwelling Logos/Son of God
who was called The True
. When rightly understood, the leaders of the Jews were condemned by
Jesus, because they were the personification of counterfeit Israel who
were portrayed as blind guides -- because having received the Royal Law of the Most
High, they observe it outwardly in ritual and tradition. Only
Spiritual Israel is no longer controlled by their lower animal nature -- and
have either achieved or are in the process of achieving the next stage of birth into the Kingdom of Man.
If, as stated in the above, there are beasts who walk in the form of man -- and
exist at varying levels in the process of achieving the next stage of birth that
would make them of the fourth kingdom of man -- then humanity exists at greatly
varying levels between walking the earth as a beast in the forum of man, and
actually achieving the next stage of birth that would manifest them in the
fullness of the fourth kingdom. Further, only
those who are portrayed as the Spiritual House of Israel, are able to enter through the
"narrow gate" within them, into the Kingdom, and learn in the
presence of the Logos/Son of God.
The argument will be made that there is a series of verses
in the Gospels that allegedly repute the above statement that Jesus could only
come to those who were of the House of Israel -- and they will counter with what
is portrayed as The Great Commission which is at Matthew 28:19-20. But the
problem is that The Great Commission has long been proven to be an interpolation
and corruption added by the later fourth century Church (see
http://BibleCorruption.com#TheGreatCommission ). But even more
important is the fact that between the actual verses which confirm the teaching
that Jesus could only come to those who are portrayed as the House of Israel --
and the fact that The Great Commission has long been proven to be a fraud --
confirms the statement of the Apostle Peter as found in the Homilies of his
disciple Clement (see The
Two Princes).
Speaking of Simon Magus in the Clementine writings,
the Apostle Peter states:
"He is a power of the left hand of
God, and has authority to do harm to those who know not God, so that he has been
able to involve you in diseases; but by these very diseases, which have been
permitted to come upon you by the good providence of God, you, seeking and
finding him who is able to cure, have been compelled to submit to the will of
God on the occasion of the cure of the body, and to think of believing, in order
that in this way you may have your souls as well as your bodies in a healthy
state." And we can
observe Jesus making this exact statement when he said to the person he had
"Behold, thou art made whole:
sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee" (John 5:14 KJV).
Which provokes the question: How does sin cause "..a
worse thing come unto"
a person? What is the causal factor that initiates what is portrayed as a
"worse thing" that is caused by a person's
This reality is explained in the Homilies of
Clement where the Apostle Peter
then explains about the Two Princes or Powers of the Left and Right Hands of
God: "For thus
from the beginning was a law laid by God, the Creator of all things, on each of
the two princes, him of the right hand and him of the left, that neither should
have power over any one whom they might wish to benefit or to hurt, unless first
he had sat down at the same table with them. As, then, when you partook of meat
offered to idols, you became servants to the prince of evil, in like manner, if
you cease from these things, and flee for refuge to God through the good Prince
of His right hand, honoring Him without sacrifices, by doing whatsoever He
wills, know of a truth that not only will your bodies be healed, but your souls
also will become healthy. For He only, destroying with His left hand, can
quicken with His right; He only can both smite and raise the fallen."
And again Peter explains:
"But that this is so, has
been said even by the law in the person of God: ‘I will kill, and, I will make
alive; I will strike, and I will heal. For, in truth, He kills and makes alive.
He kills through the left hand, that is, through the evil one, who has been so
composed as to rejoice in afflicting the impious. And he saves and benefits
through the right band, that is, through the good one, who has been made to
rejoice in the good deeds and salvation of the righteous."
stated in the Bible:
“Do not be deceived: God
cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV).
Which means that each person inherits the fruit of their own actions -- as set
forth where the Natural Laws of Creation are explored as a
Living Bio-Feedback Organism
http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org#LivingBioFeedback . Which means that
those who seek to live under the domain of the GOOD, are able to be nourished
and assisted by the Good Prince on the Right Hand of God. While
those who do evil, and are of the principle power of this world, dwell under the
domain of the Left Hand -- which is why Jesus warned the man who he made whole
to "...sin
no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee".
Which means that -- in the manner of a bio-feedback organism -- it is the
Natural Laws of Creation that monitors and responds to our actions.
Why? When our bodies were being formed in our mothers womb, we
developed in accord with a genetic pattern that was functioning in accord with
the Natural Laws. And, when we emerged out of our mothers womb, we
entered this world which can be holographically understood as the womb of
mother-earth -- and in the same way that the Natural Laws brought us to the
point of physical birth, the Natural Laws of mother-earth are the means by which
our minds develop to enable us to enter the kingdom of man. That
Jesus taught the necessity of still subsequent stages of birth, conveys to us
that upon entering the womb of mother-earth, the Forces and Laws of Creation
will work upon us to bring this subsequent stage and stages of birth about.
And it is these Laws of Creation that intimately monitor our progress of which
Jesus warned the person to
"...sin no more, lest a worse thing come
unto thee".
What the Gospels are confirming is that both the Prince of the Right Hand and the Holy Spirit can only
come to
those who can be portrayed as being of the House of Israel -- i.e., those who keep the
Commandments and travail in TheWay -- and of whom it can be stated:
"No, truly, till they are born
again, and receive the spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts. Then only
are they sons and daughters of Israel, and being of Israel they are children of
God..." Then
again, didn't Jesus warn:
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter
the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many
will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I
will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice
lawlessness!'" (Matt 7:21-23 NKJ).
Why didn't Jesus know them? Because the Prince of the Right Hand
cannot intervene in the life of those who dwell under the domain of the Prince
of the Left Hand.
Those who
call upon the Name of God with their lips, and fail to keep the Commandments,
are ruled over by the Prince of the Left Hand. And even those who
prophesied in the name of the Prince of the Right Hand. And those
who cast out demons. And performed many works and wonders in the
Name of the Lord. The Prince of the Right Hand proclaims:
"And then I will declare
to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'"
And sadly, in the same way the
Jews permitted themselves to become spiritually disenfranchised, the same
prediction was made about the Christians -- i.e.
Paul warned: “let
no man beguile you in any wise: for (it will not be,) except the falling away
come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that
opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is
worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as
God” (2 Thes 2:3-4 ASV).
What the Apostle is herein very
clearly predicting is that there would come a time when the god of the Christian
Church will be a false god. Historically speaking, it has
been almost universally recognized that the period in time that the Apostle
could have been referring to was in the fourth century when the church made a
covenant with the Roman Emperor Constantine. With regard to
this falling away, the Adam Clark Commentary writes of this passage of Paul's
Epistle: “[Except there come a falling away
first] We have the original word apostasia in our word apostasy; and by this
term we understand a dereliction of the essential principles of religious truth,
either a total abandonment of Christianity itself, or such a corruption of its
doctrines as renders the whole system completely inefficient to salvation. But
what this apostasy means is a question which has not yet, and perhaps never will
be, answered to general satisfaction” (from the Adam Clarke
Commentary). Or,
as stated by John Wesley, Paul was portraying "...that
fatal period when the Emperor Constantine called himself a Christian; From this
time onward - the Christians had no more of the Spirit of Christ than the
heathens...." (Wesley's Works, vol 7, Sermon 89, pp. 26-27).
If the question is posed: What is the determining
factor with respect to the people and their leaders who dwell under the domain
of the Right Hand of God? Those who dwell on the Right seek Truth
over dogma and man-made doctrines. They live their lives in accord
with that Truth. Jesus taught that only those who dwell under the
domain of the Right Hand are able to make progress toward achieving the next and
subsequent stages of birth.
Holographically, we evolve through a series of births
by first emerging out of the womb of our physical mother, whereby we then enter
the womb of mother-earth in order to continue our development. What this means is that unless the person achieves the
next level of soul-birth (see
Ovum And Sperm), that they remain ruled over by their lower animal nature
which is embodied in the consciousness of the body-vessel.
Therefore, while they physically appear to be human, they are in fact the
consciousness of a beast
that walks in the form of man or woman. And this reality is
expressed in the meaning of the Greek text of Paul's First Epistle to the
Corinthians (2:14) where Paul states that the "natural"
organic man cannot comprehend the higher reality of the Soul and the Mysteries
of the Kingdom -- i.e., where the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary writes
with respect to the meaning of the word in the original Greek language:
man—literally, 'a man of animal soul'." Further,
the Treasury Of Scriptural Knowledge for the ignored and profound statement at 1
Cor 2:14 which reads (quoting Paul): "But the
natural man receives not the
things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he
know them, because they are spiritually discerned." The
Commentary then provides the interpretative-meaning of Paul's words with respect to the
reality of what is portrayed by Paul as the natural man:. [Psuchikos,] the
animal man, one who lives in a natural state, and under the influence of his
animal passions; for [psuche] means the inferior and sensual part of man, in
opposition to the [nous] understanding, or [pneuma,] the spirit. And
this is not only true -- but is is a fact of life that all mystics and
enlightened souls must deal with when interacting with organic man.
Which is exactly why Paul profoundly stated to the very
people who he had personally taught the Gospel message:
"And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to
carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for
until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able;
for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3 NKJ). Stating to the
body of confirmed and baptized believers who he portrayed as having received all truth
and knowledge pertaining to the elementary "traditions" of Christ:
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the
Spirit of God, for they are foolishness
to him; nor can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).
Mankind is
of the Fourth Kingdom -- i.e., mineral, vegetable, animal and mankind-- and his
lower nature and body consciousness is comprised and immersed in the three lower
kingdoms beneath mankind who is of the fourth kingdom. That organic man
in what Paul portrays as a "natural"
condition of mind is ruled over by man's lower natures, is why in his
Epistles Paul commanded to "Put to death,
therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV) -- further warning that
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV). Yet, because important
teachings were removed from the Gospels, and modern man does not at all
understand the reality of his lower animal nature, he fails to understand that
he can very well be portrayed as being of an animal consciousness who is walking
the earth in the outward form of man -- i.e., the fourth kingdom of man, being
ruled over by the lower three that comprise his lower nature manifest in the
consciousness of his physical body. Therefore, what Paul warned with respect
to comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom
is that “But the natural man [who is still of an
animal-soul] does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are
foolishness to him;
nor can he know them, because they are spiritually
received” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ). Therefore,
the baptized and confirmed believers who Paul had personally taught were
incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the true spiritual
meaning of the Gospel, because they were yet too immature to comprehend man's
higher spiritual reality -- i.e., "And I, brethren,
could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in
Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not
able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still
carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3 NKJ). And this fact of reality remains true
unto this very day. Without doing as Paul commanded with respect to the
transformation of the lower animal-consciousness of the body, it will remain
impossible to perceive and comprehend the true spiritual meaning of the
Gospels. And it will make no difference if you study the scriptures in a
university or seminary -- in the same way that Paul himself could not convey to
those he personally taught the spiritual meaning of the Gospels, neither can any
man teach this meaning without the seeker/student undergoing the process of
transforming the "natural animal-soul"
consciousness of the physical.
Many religions teach that man can, and is, thrown into
an animal body -- and like all such doctrines, while there is a degree of truth
to these statements, because of the distortion of human consciousness, organic
man does not understand what is being presented. Quoting from
Reincarnation In
Islam and the writings of the Sufi Mystic Hazrat:
"I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as plant and rose to animal, I
died as animal and I was Man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?"
This belief is present in Hinduism, as well as Jewish Mysticism -- i.e., quoting
Kabbalah Center: "There are four levels in which a
soul can reside: human, animal, vegetable, or mineral. If you have selfish
desire in this life, in the next life you will have to deal with being captured
in a stone (mineral), vegetable, or animal. It’s not a punishment. It’s because
you didn’t know what to do with the desire to receive as a human. So, you are
given a form (like, mineral, vegetable, or animal), in which your desire to
receive is lower than a human."
Continuing from a Jewish perspective quoting
The Kosher
Torah: "Alas, in our many sins, just as souls can
evolve upward in Kedusha (holiness) so can they descend into tumah
(uncleanness). When this occurs, HaShem can punish a human soul by incarnating
it into a non-human form. Indeed, a human soul can incarnate into anything that
HaShem has created. HaShem has placed fallen human souls into animals of all
kinds, into plants and even into rocks, water, sand and dirt. Each of these
places is to act as a prison for the soul, each in accordance to the sins it
performed. The fallen soul is destined by Divine edict to stay trapped in its
non-human form with all its memories of being human for a specified amount of
time. It is said that this form of punishment is most hard to bear and the most
painful punishment of all."
Perhaps the reality of an animal consciousness that
rules over the body can best be comprehended by understanding the teachings of
the Essenes on the subject. In his Antiquity of the Jews, the
Jewish historian Josephus, who had lived among the Essenes, was a contemporary
of the man Jesus, and became an Ebionite, stated that the Essenes: “…resigned
up their souls with great alacrity, as expecting to receive them again. For
their doctrine is this, that bodies are corruptible, and that the matter they
are made of is not permanent; but that the souls are immortal, and continue for
ever; and that they came out of the most subtle air, and are united to their
bodies as to prisons, into which they are drawn by a certain natural enticement;
but that when they are set free from the bonds of flesh, they then, as released
from a long bondage, rejoice and mount upward...”. The
fact that the soul is attracted to the body in which it will inhabit, is because
the nature of the body previously existed, and was an integral part of the soul
spanning the Seven Kingdoms of Creation. The statement that the soul
becomes "...united to their bodies as to prisons",
is made on the basis that the condition and consciousness of the body is in
accord with the condition the soul left the body in its previous life.
Thus, the above can be understood within the context of Paul's statement that
"If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual
body" (1 Cor 15:44) -- with the
"natural body" being comprised of the lower
three kingdoms that is ruled over by our lower (animal) nature. And
herein lies the problem that modern man is not at all prepared to both
comprehend and even deal with -- i.e., we are returned or reunited with our lower animal nature from life to life
to life to life -- until the lower nature is transformed, so it can provide a
proper foundational environment for our higher soul and spiritual natures to
Thus, it is not that the soul is forced to incarnate as a beast -- but rather,
the soul is returned back to the consciousness of it's lower nature -- which
lower nature will greatly impact the consciousness of the person throughout the
life they will live. Will that life be as a prison? Or will
the body be the environment of a Living Temple? This will be
determined by the level of refinement we have accomplished from life to life.
When Paul commanded the Christians who he had himself
taught the Gospel
to "Put to death,
therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV) -- he wrote these words because the Christians he taught HAD A
LOWER EARTHLY NATURE that would not only control their thinking and ability to
live in accord with the Gospel teachings, but would inhibit their ability to
even learn and advance beyond the
"animal-soul" level of consciousness
which would make it impossible to receive the promise of the Gospel teachings.
And with respect to the promise of salvation as set forth in the Gospel, Paul
further warned that
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV). Why? Because
so long as the person remains in a state where they are controlled by their
lower animal nature -- incapable of advancing beyond what Paul portrayed as
"natural" organic man -- then these people
regardless of the fact that they may call themselves Christians, will be
incapable of transforming the lower (animal) nature, bringing about the next
stage of birth , and entering into Life in accord with the Promise of the

of the Indigenous and Ancient religions and teachings were more in tune with
man's physical body, and they understood that man has a lower animal nature that
his soul re-inherits from life to life. Every type of mythology is
ripe with images of half-man and half-animal. Many Indigenous
peoples from around the world learned and developed the ability to directly
communicate with their lower animal nature, and release it from the body to go
on missions. At
Legends Of America
it is stated that: "Native beliefs further explain that a totem animal is one
that is with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world. Though
people may identify with different animal guides throughout their lifetimes, it
is this one totem animal that acts as the main guardian spirit. With this
one animal a connection is shared, either through interest in the animal,
characteristics, dreams, or other interaction." The Soul
has an animal nature -- and one of the primary objectives of life is to refine
our animal nature, in order to create the necessary environment within us that
will permit our higher Soul and Spiritual Natures to manifest in the body.
From life to life each soul-personality picks up where they left off, and
continues with the process of refining the lower nature.
The Soul of a person who has worked to refine their
lower animal nature over the course of many lives, will very quickly be able to evolve their thinking and
understanding to comprehend higher realities that will remain virtually
impossible for most people to comprehend. Which is why different
people are born with greatly varying capacities to both learn and embrace higher
understanding with respect to man's Soul and Spiritual Natures. But
herein lies one of the major problems -- i.e., the ability of a person to bring
about the necessary expansion and deepening of mind and manifest higher
consciousness, will be totally dependent upon that Soul's achievements over the
course of the lives that Soul has lived. In hte words of the Church Father
“Every soul... comes
into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its
previous life” (Origen, De Principiis
see The Biblical Foundation Mindset
And since each of us is the person we are at the
present, because of the accomplishments of our Soul in those lives preceding the
present, equality in advancement and mental expansion is impossible.
And thus, the great Truth of Origen's words with respect to the Conditions that
each of us is born into this world: “For
God the Creator makes a certain vessel unto honor, and other vessels to
dishonor; but that vessel which has cleansed itself from all impurity He makes a
vessel unto honor, while that which has stained itself with the filth of vice He
makes a vessel unto dishonor. The conclusion from which, accordingly, is this,
that the cause of each one's actions is a
pre-existing one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God
either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel has
furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being
formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor.
And if the assertion appear correct, as it certainly is,
and in harmony with all piety, that it is due to previous causes that every
vessel be prepared by God either to honor or to dishonor, it does not appear
absurd that, in discussing remoter causes in the same order, and in the same
method, we should come to the same conclusion respecting the nature of souls,
and (believe) that this was the reason why Jacob was beloved before he was born
into this world, and Esau hated, while he still was contained in the womb of his
mother” (see
The Early Church On
http://ChristianReincarnation.org#predestination ).
The ability of a person's mind to overcome the barrier
imposed upon us by human limitations -- evolving the mind beyond the
"animal-soul" level of Consciousness -- is
solely dependent upon the refinement and domestication of our lower animal
nature. And herein lies the problem: While Indigenous cultures that
are more in harmony with the Laws and Forces of the Earth are far more
knowledgeable with respect to man's lower animal nature, our modern plastic
politically correct culture is absolutely clueless as to this human reality that
is man's greatest controlling and restraining factor. And while the elders
of Original Christianity understood these ultra-important controlling factors
and limitations, our present crop of religious leaders have no idea as to why
modern believers can't live in accord with the Gospel Teachings and Principles.
Those who comprehend what can be called the Cosmology of Mind and Being
understand that man has a Higher Soul-Self that is virtually an All-Knowing
Being of Light -- and from a physical perspective, man's ability to learn,
evolve and to possess higher knowledge, is totally dependent upon the refinement
of his lower animal nature and the Wholeness of his Being. And while
this refinement was one of the primary teachings of the Original Gospel-based
Christianity, it remains virtually absent in our modern Churches that claim to
represent the teachings of Jesus. To the degree that when the
religious requirements of first and second century Christianity is pointed out
in the teachings set forth in the New Covenant Sacraments (see
http://Sacraments.Nazirene.org ),
the modern faith-based Christian rejects these Original Requirements as being
"impossible" to keep and fulfill.
And because of the prevailing ignorance of Self, Soul and Spirit, they are
correct -- i.e., beasts who walk in the form of man are incapable of keeping the
Original Gospel Requirements -- and are incapable of comprehending the spiritual
meaning of the Gospel and the Higher Reality of the Soul.
Thus, the truth with respect to the human condition is
preserved in the above words:
"Love you one another and all the creatures of God,
Yet I say to you, not all are men, who are in the form of man. Are they men or
women in the image of God whose ways of violence, of oppression and wrong, who
choose a lie rather than the truth? No, truly, till they are born again, and
receive the spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts. Then only are they
sons and daughters of Israel, and being of Israel they are children of God..."
-- and the words: "Therefore, I teach you only those laws which you can
understand, that you may become men, and follow the seven laws of the Son of
Man..." -- which means that until the next stage of birth is achieved, the
people's of the earth are striving and in the process of bringing about the
stage of birth that will enable them to achieve the fourth kingdom of man.
And until that next stage is achieved, they will remain beasts who walk in the
form of man. While it is true that a lion, a tiger or a bear cannot
become a man, it is also true that the consciousness of a lion or a tiger or a
bear can evolve and bring about the next stage of birth while walking in the
body of man. But in order for this transformation of the lower
nature to be brought about, it is necessary for the person to be reared and
developed in an environment that enables the next stage of birth to be brought
The Problem:
Because of our profound ignorance of Self, our children are being born into a
spiritually disenfranchised culture that enflames the animal-passions of man's
lower nature, and alienates him from his Higher Soul Nature that he knows
virtually nothing about. And if ever we wanted an example of the
lost prodigal son squandering away his inheritance of things of no substance and
meaning, there could be no finer example of man's folly than our modern plastic
culture and spiritually disenfranchised society than the manner in which we are
rearing our children today. Insuring their spiritual demise and
failure. If ever a teaching was valid in the words:
"...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty"
-- our modern plastic culture is the embodiment of intellectual poverty and
abject spiritual ignorance. In virtually every aspect of our modern
cultural lives we ignore the essential Gospel teachings of the Sermon on the
Mount (see
The Esoteric Sermon On The Mount) -- and in our carnal mindset and lifestyle
that promotes our lower animal passions and appetites, we totally alienate both
ourselves and our children from our True-Self. Leaving ourselves
mentally barren in a state of intellectual poverty and spiritually impotent.
The Vicious Circle Of
Self-Ignorance: Jesus
therefore said to those of the Jews who had now believed in Him,
"As for you, if
you hold fast to my teaching, then you are truly my disciples; and you shall
know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free" (John
8:31-32). Why was this said? What is the meaning of the
teachings? It doesn't say that if you believe in the man Jesus you
will know the Truth. It says that if you
"hold fast" to the teachings, "...you will
know the Truth that sets men free". The term
"hold fast" is defined as
"To bear down, grit it out, stay the course"
-- meaning, to live in strict accord with the teachings. Why?
The Gospel teachings represent the minimum level of thinking and lifestyle
necessary to begin to evolve the lower animal nature -- to merge together the
outer male/female columns of the Tree of Duality within each persons own mind
(see http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org
) -- and create within the body and mind of the seeker the necessary environment
for the Heavenly Kingdom to merge with the Earthly, initiating the next stage of
Birth, instituting what has been traditionally portrayed as Armageddon or the
End Times within the body and mind of the seeker/disciple of TheWay who is
faithful to the Gospel teachings.
Organic man has a "natural"
limitation that inhibits his development beyond a certain level that Paul
correctly portrayed as an "animal-soul"
level of Consciousness. In order to move beyond that very limited
level of both mental and human development, certain Laws and Building Blocks
must be observed and embraced. In our present culture the
secularized public school system destroys the child's opportunity to fulfill the
Gospel Promise of entering into Life. So does the broken marriages
and the lack of moral standards that is actively promoted by our modern media --
and is even present in our churches and institutions. There is an
important reason why the scriptures set forth sexual and moral standards (see
Sexual Immorality - Why Is
It Condemned In The Scriptures?).
Our modern culture does not in any manner
understand the important differences between men and women (see
Academia And The Feminist Cultural War On
http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#AcademiaWarOnWomen ). And our
religious institutions have become so corrupted, that they are totally clueless
as to how the life-giving fruit of the Tree of Life is to be eaten (see
http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org ).
The problem of not being able to comprehend the whole reality of life, is typical of human three-dimensional
thinking (see
Why Truth Can't Exist In This World). The above doctrinal statements
drawn from the Jewish mysticism and the teachings of Kabbalah, are
based upon fragments of truth that is not fully understood by man in his organic
condition of mind. To the degree that while it is not true in the
manner that this reality is being envisioned by people who are lacking an
elevated comprehension, it is true from a higher reality
that the vast majority of mankind would not be able to comprehend what is being
presented. Yet, because this and many other fragments of truth are
ultra-important for modern man to comprehend if he is to step up upon a plateau
of greater understanding of Self and the Life he is presently living, I will
explore this subject in great depth in the below, after I have covered the
necessary preliminary Cosmology of Mind and Being required to understand man's
true reality.
In the above where in
the Epistle of Peter and James it declares that if the esoteric knowledge that
could only be imparted to spiritually mature Christians should become lost, that
"...it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in
error", one of the
primary reasons is seen in the fact that if a man is ignorant of the reality of
his animal nature, that he will be ruled by the beast of the lower kingdoms that
make up his body and organic consciousness. There are Seven Kingdoms
of Nature -- and man is of the Fourth Kingdom. Beneath him lies the
three earthly kingdoms, and above him is the three heavenly kingdoms.
In the parable
of the Sower and the
Seed, the condition of the ground is representative of the consciousness and
condition of the body with respect to the objective of sacrificing the lower
animal kingdoms in order to bring about the
Final Temple
within the body and mind of the seeker. Therefore, it is not that the soul
incarnates as a beast -- but rather, that the soul-seed essence remains ruled
over by the consciousness of the beast as realized as the reality of the
body-vessel which is comprised of the consciousness and elements of the lower
three earthly kingdoms. And it is ignorance of this fact that caused the early
Christian (Gnostic) Valentinus to confirm what Jesus stated with respect to what
is portrayed as only the very few who succeed -- i.e.,
"...narrow the road that leads to life, and only
a few find it" (Matt 7:13-14 NIV) -- Valentinus
stating that the vast majority of people have no real continuance beyond the
grave, that most seekers will fail, and only a few will overcome and succeed.
That Jesus is portrayed as the Savor, is because he fulfilled the Law within
himself, and became the pattern for all others to embrace and follow in TheWay.
If, therefore, you don't follow the pattern, then you can't be counted as a
What the biblical authors portray as
"natural" man (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel) -- which level of being the early Christian Valentinus portrayed as
Hylics -- which reality of being I often use the term organic man to portray --
is very much the product of nature -- and it is this lesser level of humanity
that is portrayed above in the Gospel of the Nazirenes as beast-men who walk in
the form of man. And what is not understood by modern man is the fact that
if mankind is the fourth-kingdom, then he possesses within himself and his being
the lower three kingdoms which are earthly -- i.e., mineral, vegetable and
animal -- in the words of the Sufi Mystic
"I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as plant and rose to animal, I
died as animal and I was Man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?"
And without development towards achieving the next stage of birth, that person walks the earth as a beast in the form of man.
The problem is that these lesser kingdoms remain as an integral part of the
conscious and foundation upon which that of mankind is manifest in the earth.
If we understand the relationship of beast-man to man
-- which can be portrayed from a biblical perspective as the relationship of the
Jew to the non-Jew as presented in the Talmud: "G-d
created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would have to be served by
beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to
serve the Jew day and night" (Talmud, Midrasch Talpiothe).
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef teaches (see
Non-Jews Are Donkeys):
Yosef further elucidated his ideas about
the servitude of gentiles to Jews, asking “why are gentiles needed? They will
work, they will plow, they will reap; and we will sit like an effendi and eat.”
“That is why gentiles were created.” The concept of gentiles being
infra-human beings or quasi-animals is well-established in Orthodox Judaism.
For example, rabbis affiliated with the Chabad movement, a supremacist but
influential Jewish sect, teach openly that at the spiritual level, non-Jews have
the status of animals. Abraham Kook, the religious mentor of the settler
movement, was quoted as saying that the difference between a Jew and a gentile
was greater and deeper than the difference between humans and animals.
“The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews — all of them in all
different levels — is greater and deeper than the difference between a human
soul and the souls of cattle.”
Where the Gospel of the Nazirenes above states
"Love you one another
and all the creatures of God, Yet I say to you, not all are men, who are in the
form of man...", a similar
proclamation is made in the
Essene Gospel of
Peace where it states:
"Therefore, I teach you only those laws which you can
understand, that you may become men,
and follow the seven laws of the Son of Man. Then will the unknown angels of the
Heavenly Father also reveal their laws to you, that God's holy spirit may
descend upon you, and lead you to his law."
Once again we see that in the progression of the seeker, he must first became
man -- i.e., no longer ruled over by his lower animal nature.
And we also see that Nature-Man is incapable of understanding the Higher Laws
and Reality of God, until which time he refines his lower nature to the degree
where he can live in accord with what is portrayed as the Laws of the Son of
Man, and in the process become Man -- i.e., not ruled over by his lower animal
nature. We also see that only after living by the Laws of the Son of
Man, wherein he becomes man, can
"...the unknown angels of the Heavenly Father also reveal
their laws to you, that God's holy spirit may descend upon you, and lead you to
his law."
What is being expressed is the great variance between
man in the beast-form when he is (1) being ruled over by his lower animal nature;
the faith-based man who has begun to embrace the Laws of the Son of Man who Paul
portrays as "babes in Christ" who has
received the elementary Gospel teachings; (3) the disciple who has embraced these
teachings in word, thought, desire and deed, and has begun to be taught by the
Angles who has imparted to him the knowledge of the Heavenly Laws; (4) and lastly,
the mature disciple who the Heavenly Father has
upon [and has] lead you to his law." From the
allegorical perspective of the scriptures, the people of the Nations are those
who are beasts who walk in the form of man who are ruled over by their lower
animal nature -- whereas those who are portrayed as the
Jew or Jews, are representative of that level where beast-man has received the Royal Law
of God, but is still of a lesser level of consciousness where he expresses the
Law outwardly in ritual and tradition. In order to mature and evolve
into Spiritual Israel, the Key
of Knowledge must be applied, and the full twelve-dimensional potential of
Mind must become manifest in the life of the seeker. And symbolically,
this is why Jews who expressed the Law outwardly were seen as Christ-killers by
the early Spiritual (Gnostic) Christians who portrayed Jews as worshiping a
Demiurge (external) god of this world. Which is why Jesus portrayed
the leaders of the Jews as the offspring of the Devil who were incapable of
comprehending man's higher soul and spiritual reality -- i.e.,
"Why do you not understand My speech?
Because you are not able to listen to My word. You are of your father the devil,
and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the
father of it" (John 8:43-44 NKJ - see
The Devil - God Of The Jews).
And from a biblical
perspective, the Jew can be seen as a symbol representing a necessary rung on
the ladder -- i.e., while one's consciousness is still carnal and organic, one
is at a level where they have begun to receive the Royal Law, and that person is in the
process of bringing about the necessary alchemical transformation into the next
level of soul-birth -- which can only be achieved when the consciousness of the
Jew becomes transformed into that of Spiritual Israel.
In the scriptural quotations presented in the
foregoing, the people are presented on two (2) levels -- i.e., those who are
still of an animal-soul level, and those who have begun to enter the Kingdom of
man. And in the Gospel of Luke, these two levels are again presented in
the words: “That servant who knows his master's will
and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with
many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment
will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will
be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will
be asked” (Luke 12:47-48 NIV). With respect to these two major
levels -- keeping in mind that each of the two major levels contain sublevels
within them -- as demonstrated in the above, even those who Paul taught all the
knowledge of what he portrayed as the (historical)
"traditions" of Christ -- with Paul making reference to committed
Christians who had learned directly from the Apostle, was baptized and in the
words of Paul had received all the initial gifts of the spirit -- Paul portrayed
these confirmed believers as still of a "natural"
or animal-soul level of consciousness, mind and being. And when I use the
term too carnal to comprehend man's higher reality of the Soul and the Kingdom,
I am in fact merely quoting Paul's own words he uses to portray these same
baptized and committed Christians who having only received the literal
historical teachings, lacked the spiritual maturity to comprehend the True,
Spiritual meaning of the Gospel teachings -- teaching which Paul warned that the
body of committed, baptized Christians were reject as utter
"foolishness", if he were to reveal or
attempt to teach them -- i.e., “But the natural man
receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”
(1 Cor 2:14 KJV).
Jesus himself once again presented this same line of
division between the multitude of people who were only capable of hearing
allegorical parables who he portrayed as those who were cast into the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
, and the few who had evolved out of the animal-soul level of being, and began
to enter into the Kingdom of Man -- and were therefore had begun to be able to
receive and comprehend the knowledge of man's higher soul and spiritual natures
and realities. And the prohibition against portraying one's self as a
teacher, rabbi or master, was based upon the fact that as shepherds of TheWay,
the genuine disciples of Jesus were too guide sincere seekers in the same way as
presented in the Essene Gospel of Peace that:
"Therefore, I teach you only those laws which you can understand, that you may
become men..." And those who do begin to enter the Kingdom of
Man, are then able to be taught directly from the ONE TEACHER who was portrayed
as the True Prophet (see
http://outerdarkness.nazirene.org/#TrueProphet .
Thus, Jesus taught that those who seek to enter into
Life, must "Enter by the narrow
gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and
there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the
way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matt 7:13-14
NKJ) -- and it is imperative to understand that the word translated
"destruction", in no manner represents what
is actually being presented by the interpreters of the Greek biblical texts.
Quoting the footnote on this word in the Schofield Reference Bible which reads:
“There is no thought in these various words of
annihilation but of something that is ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to
fulfill its original purpose”. That the higher soul-self
generates embryonic images at the conception of the body -- and these
soul-images then begin the process of evolving through the levels and stages of
birth that Jesus portrayed in the words: "...Most
assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of
God" -- means that those soul-images that, after emerging out of the
physical womb of their mother, and into the environment of this world, have
begun the next phase necessary in order to bring about the next stage of
birth. That you are a thought-image which has been generated by your higher
soul-self -- i.e., you exist as a projected embryonic seed-image which has been
impressed into the physical body at conception -- is the reason why Paul and
the earliest of biblical texts warn that carnal man is not even
"known by God" (see
Therefore, you exist as a Creation of God only by proxy -- and by virtue of the fact that you
are a thought projected by your soul -- and it was your soul that was Created by
God in the beginning. And thus, the reality of the words to Know Thyself --
and a house that is divided, cannot stand.
That for countless reasons these soul-images which
enter this world in the bodies of man and woman mostly fail to bring about the
objective of achieving the next stage of birth that Jesus said was absolutely
necessary to achieve permanence in Life, is very much true that they have become
as portrayed in the Schofield Reference Bible as being
"...ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”.
As soul-images that failed to evolve through the next stage of birth, they are
for the most part temporal -- being temporal, they can never reincarnate as many in the New Age
believe -- and neither can they go to Glory as the Church promotes. The fact
that some people claim to see their past lives, have been deceived when they
mistakenly believe that they lived those lives, and the memory has been
suppressed. What they are in effect seeing, is the images which their higher
soul-self has previously generated -- failed images which is the Gospel of
Thomas saying 84 are portrayed in the words that
"...when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither
die nor become manifest, how much you will have to bear!" And
these failed images which walked (what Jesus portrayed as) the broad-way of self
destruction -- i.e., "...ruined and thus unsuitable or
unable to fulfill its original purpose” -- neither reincarnate, nor
go to Glory in the Christian sense of the understanding -- and yet, they remain
within the higher reality of the soul in that dimension of mind which man, in
his very limited understanding, calls time (see
The Enigma Of
Time And The Soul Of Man).
When Jesus taught that you must achieve the next stage
of birth to enter into the Life in the Kingdom, this next stage of birth must be
accomplished while you are still in the physical body. That you, as the
projected soul-image, has been inhibited from growing and developing, because of
the conditions of the earth in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
is very much presented in the words: "...Yet I say to
you, not all are men, who are in the form of man. Are they men or women in the
image of God whose ways of violence, of oppression and wrong, who choose a lie
rather than the truth? No, truly, till they are born again, and receive the
spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts." Thus, the
soul-images that are ruled over by the appetites and passions of the lower
nature of the body, are temporal with respect to the higher reality of the soul,
and can neither reincarnate or go to Glory -- i.e.,
“For if ye live
after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds
of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV).
The whole system of animal sacrifice in the Old
Testament is allegory -- and it is the lower animal nature within each person
that must be sacrificed. And this is why the early Church Father Epiphanius
wrote concerning the Ebionites that they do not engage in the outward ritual
observances of the Law of Moses -- i.e., they
"...do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its
entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me,
and will blespheme most
of the legislation"
(Panarion 30.18.7-9). Yes, it is the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) that
reveals to the enlightened soul the inner meaning of the written word of the
scriptures that organic man remains blind to (see
An Inconvenient Truth).
Epiphanius then quotes the Gospel of the Ebionites/Hebrews where Jesus states:
"I have come to destroy the sacrifices"
(Panaron 30.16.5) -- i.e., outward sacrifice vs the necessary sacrifice
of man's own lower earthly (animal) nature. And when
states that we must sacrifice our inner animals i.e.,
"We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing
animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our
desires, our beastly compulsions" -- is this any different
than the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel
of the Nazirenes: "For they, making a god of their
belly, sacrificed to their God the innocent creatures of the earth, in place of
the carnal nature within themselves. And eating of their flesh and drinking of
their blood to their own destruction, corrupted their bodies and shortened their
days, even as the Gentiles who did not know the truth, or who knowing it, have
changed it into a lie." And this is why Paul warned that the person
must "Put to death, therefore, whatever
belongs to your earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV). With the requirement that
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV). And this is why those who desire to
return to the Inner Kingdom, understand the absolute need to observe the
original diet intended for man in the words: "And God
said, See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of
all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for
food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to
everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every
green herb for food; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made,
and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day"
(Gen 1:29-31 NKJ).
Quoting from
The Final Temple:
The word Messiah which in Greek is the
Christ, and in English is the Anointed, indicates one whose mind has been
Enlightened -- i.e., Anointed and Chosen by God to guide Israel. But what is
Israel? It is not the person of the flesh -- but rather, of the Spirit. And
the confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees in the New Covenant Gospels,
was a reenactment of the proverbial struggle between the spirit and the flesh --
i.e., Able and Cain -- Light and darkness -- the Essene portrayal of the Sons of
Light and the sons of darkness -- and these are the struggles that exist within
each of us -- and it is this struggle that each of us must overcome. And that
the Pharisees were of the flesh -- and were blind to the higher reality of soul
and spirit -- is the reason the Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God
would come upon the earth as they believed their prophets had predicted? (Luke
17:20-21) And because the vast number of Jews went in the way of Cain -- and
they are and continue to be of the flesh -- they are not even aware that there
is an inner, spiritual meaning to the Torah that few people are able to see and
understand. Why? Because they are oblivious to the above words with respect
to the Final Temple. Therefore, without the necessary conscious understanding,
they have not purified and sanctified their own body-Temple. Thus, the long
ignored Jewish Mystic warns: "Thus the tales related in
the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that
outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in
the next world..." (see No
Jew Has Seen The Torah). Which is explained in the Zohar:
“The narratives of the doctrine are its cloak. The
simple look only on the garment, that is upon the narrative of the doctrine;
more they know not. The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but
what the cloak covers”.
As confirmed in the above article from
AskMoses.com, Jesus correctly stated that the Kingdom of God can never come upon
the earth in the manner that carnal men predict and look for it to come, because
it is within us (see Gate Of Eden) -- all of
us -- equally. And since the Torah is a series of allegorical symbols and
forms that portray inner realities of body, mind/soul and spirit (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
to those who possess the eyes to see beneath what is presented as the
"...outer garb as the Torah itself" -- which is
often allegorically portrayed as the Torah that could not be received because
the children of Israel worshiped the golden calf when Moses returned from the
Mount -- which means that within the symbolism of the allegorical forms of the
Torah, is the esoteric knowledge necessary to receive the
Sacred Manna that one must
possess in order to fulfill the Messianic prophesies -- breaking down the inner
barriers of mind and being -- and dwelling within the Holy of Holies in the
Presence of the Most High. When the article in AskMoses.com states:
the destruction of the Second Temple, G-d changed His mode of interaction with
the universe." This is an acknowledgement that the historical man
Jesus was the chosen holy vessel and Anointed One (Messiah/Christ) who
inaugurated the Holy Temple defined above. That does not mean that Jesus was
God incarnate in the manner that the pagan Gentiles who worshiped everything
under the sun proclaimed. Neither does it mean that Jesus was the only Messiah
-- because each of us who seeks to make their body-vessel a Living Temple, is
made a Messiah. And this reality of the meaning of the words Messiah and
Christ is demonstrated in the position of the Ebionite Nazirene Disciples of
Jesus who were correct in their assertion that Jesus
"was justified by fulfilling the Law. He was the Messiah/Christ of God, since
not one of the rest of mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else
fulfilled the commandments of the Law, he would have been the Messiah/Christ."
Hence, when the Disciples and followers of TheWay
"...thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Messiah/Christs,
for they assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."
(Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34 - quotations at
http://Ebionite.com ). So as a Messiah, the
teachings of Jesus with respect to the necessary mindset and lifestyle that is
required to fulfill the Law within ourselves, meant that he was sent as a
Prophet of the Most High to guide the true seekers into the Inner Kingdom. And
isn't this exactly what is presented in the above words of AskMoses:
"...G-d destroyed the physical Temple and made it a
spiritual place. He took that window and placed it
within us. Instead of traveling to Jerusalem, G-d
wanted us to find Him in our inner Jerusalem. Now, our bodies are our
Temples, our souls are our windows, our minds are our Kohanim and our animal
instincts are our sacrifices. We cannot offer physical sacrifices three times a
day, but we can pray three times a day. We cannot attend Temple services three
times a day, but we can tap into our souls three times a day.
We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing
animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our
desires, our beastly compulsions. We cannot find G-d in Jerusalem; we must find
Him in us. This was G-d’s Master Plan.
By exchanging a sweeping, dramatic outdoor concert of public spirituality for an
internal, personal, private experience, G-d was bringing
Himself even closer to humanity, laying the groundwork for the Third and final
Temple—an age that will synthesize G-d’s presence inside our hearts and minds
and in the world around us in a totally new reality: the Era of
What Jesus taught was the mindset and
the necessary Consecrated Life Style to become a Living Temple -- and as the
High Priest of our own Living Temple, what is portrayed in the allegory of the
Torah and Old Testament as entering within the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem
Temple, is synonymous with striving to enter at the
"narrow gate" and permit the Kingdom to come within --
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and
broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and
there are few who find it." (Matt 7:13-14 NKJ). And this is why in
the Clementine Homilies the Apostle Peter states that if properly understood,
there is no difference between the Torah and the New Covenant scriptures --
because the underlying spiritual objective is one and the same. The problem is
that neither the Jews or the Christians understand either set of scriptures with
any true spiritual depth -- because their body-temple has been ravaged by the
thinking, culture and ways of this world, as portrayed in the plundering of the
temple by the carnal forces of this world.
Notice the very important words in the
above article from AskMoses.com:
cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing animals, but we can sacrifice
our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly
compulsions." And this is why the Ebionite Disciples of
Yeshua rejected all animal sacrifice -- i.e., quoting Epiphanius: The Ebionites
"do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its
entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me,
and will blespheme most of the legislation"
(Panarion 30.18.7-9). Epiphanius then quotes the Gospel of the
Ebionites/Hebrews where Yeshua states: "I have come to
destroy the sacrifices" (ibid.
30.16.5). And when AskMoses.com states that we must sacrifice our inner
animals, is this any different than the teachings of Yeshua in the
Gospel of the Nazirenes:
"For they, making a god of their belly, sacrificed to
their God the innocent creatures of the earth, in place of the carnal nature
within themselves. And eating of their flesh and drinking of their blood to
their own destruction, corrupted their bodies and shortened their days, even as
the Gentiles who did not know the truth, or who knowing it, have changed it into
a lie."
Only those who make their body-vessel a
Living Temple -- and in the words of AskMoses.com, they must
"...sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts,
our desires, our beastly compulsions" -- and is this any
different than the words of Paul when he commanded the Gentiles to
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to
your earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV)? Or the requirement that
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV): Which means that we must transform the
beastly predator of carnal man's lower nature, into an unblemished perfect lamb
that is a fit sacrifice on the altar of our Inner Living Temple. And this
state of required purity and consecration is exactly what is stated by
Isaiah where it is written: "And a highway
will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not
journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not
go about on it"
(Isa 35:8 NIV).
has freewill -- and as the prodigal sons who have each emerged out of the
Kingdom to travail in this world which Jesus portrayed as the Far Country --
each of the lost sons and daughters of the Kingdom must return of their own
volition and desire. That each has the innate power to return, is in fact the
very purpose and objective of the scriptures -- i.e., to be used as the
Key of Knowledge when each
individual desires to return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination (
http://GateOfEden.com ). That the leaders
among the Jews had alienated themselves from the Inner Kingdom -- and they
attempted to observe the scriptures in outward ritual and tradition -- is the
very reason why Jesus condemned them as heretics who hid the
Key of Knowledge from the
people, and in their carnal interpretations they
"...prevent others from
entering". Because the
carnal Jews were under the control of what Jesus portrayed in the parable of the
prodigal son as the "Citizen ...of the Far Country",
they remained blind to the Inner Kingdom and the true meaning of the scriptures
-- i.e., "...but unto them
that are without, all things
are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing
they may hear, and not understand". And the fact that those who
were the leaders of the people were blind to the Kingdom, and unable to
spiritually hear and understand, made it impossible to even begin to compose
scriptures where the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom
were more plainly presented to the reader. As Paul warned, if the people who
were under the control of the "Citizen ...of the Far
Country", were to even be told about the Mysteries of the Kingdom,
they would immediately reject these teachings as utter
"foolishness" (see Mystery
Of The Gospel). And that this inability to present the esoteric truths of
the Gospel remains today, is the reason why the modern congregation of Christian
believers remain in subjugation to the "Citizen ...of
the Far Country".
Not to
understand the meaning of the term "In The House",
and to have thrown away the
Key of Knowledge, is to remain totally ignorant of the spiritual meaning of
the Gospels and the teachings of TheWay. In fact, the reality of the term
being In The House was and is so important, that the
Gospel of the Nazirenes (chapter
19:10) states:
"There is a house made without hands, seek that you may
dwell therein." If the believer is truly faithful to the Living
Word -- lives in accordance with the Commandments of the Royal Law of the Most
High -- seeks to acquire Genuine Knowledge directly from the Son of God -- and
sincerely walks in The Way -- then they will pass through the
"narrow way" and the
"straight gate" into the Kingdom will open to them.
When the
disciples who dwelled In The House, asked Jesus why he taught the multitude of
people in the enigma of parables -- wherein, each person's interpretation and
understanding was in accord with their own mindset and thinking -- Jesus replied
to his disciples: "Unto you is given the mystery of the
kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables:
that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not
understand; lest haply they should turn again, and it should be forgiven them"
(Mark 4:11-12 ASV) -- and the term, "...lest haply they
should turn again", is stated in reference to the Kingdom that can
only be found within, and the presence of the
One Teacher
Animal Sacrifice And The Living Temple:
When the original Ebionite Nazirene disciples and followers of Jesus expressed
the need to fulfill the Law, it was not the literal allegorical text of the
Torah which is observed in outward ritual and tradition in the manner of the
Jews that was being made reference to -- but rather, the Universal Law of Mind
and Spirit that is allegorically presented and functioning within each and every
one of us. Therefore, when the Ebionite Nazirene were portrayed as being Torah
Observant, the Law was therefore observed in the exact manner that Jesus said
was necessary -- i.e., "The Spirit gives life; the
flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the
Spirit and life" (John 6:63).
The early Church writer Epiphanius wrote that
the Ebionites "do
not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its entirety; certain sayings they reject...
stating Christ has revealed this to me, and will blaspheme most of the
legislation" (Panarion 30.18.7-9). For
them to be accused of "blaspheming most of the
legislation", means that they did not at all observe the Torah
outwardly in accordance with the letter of the written word in the manner of the
Jews -- but rather, they understood the allegorical symbolism that was
applicable to unlocking the inner door to the Kingdom.
In recognition of the existence of man's
lower animal nature that not only rules over man's consciousness, but in the
words of Paul presented above limits his comprehension and development, it is
important to understand man's motivation to perform animal sacrifice as a part
of his religion. Which provokes the question: Did God in the Old Testament
require animal sacrifice? Lets begin my answer to this question by quoting the
words of Moses Maimonedes, one of the most respected of Jewish theologians,
historian, and Talmudist, where he writes about the nature of scripture:
“Every time that you find in our books a tale the
reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and
common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a
deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper
the wisdom of the spirit”.
When understood from the perspective of the original authors of the scriptures,
what is presented in the scriptures is a blueprint of the seekers own mind --
the levels and forces of consciousness -- and the Laws that control every aspect
of the person's life. And while the scriptures may appear as historical
accounts, this is merely the facade that enables the authors to present the
inner spiritual meaning which portrays the mental development and spiritual
events in the life of the seeker in search of Higher Truth. Which raises the
question: Why would the scriptures contain (allegorical) fabricated
"...stories which is repugnant to both reason and
common sense" -- which I might also add was why Paul portrayed these
stories as the "letter that killeth" [and] "Jewish
fables" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus 1:14). Why? The answer goes to the
core of our own holographic reality -- and the fact that whatever we perceive in
the outer world, is merely a reflection of the inner reality of our own mind and
being. And that primitive man the world over is often observed performing
animal sacrifice, is because he is externalizing his own animal nature which he
perceives in the outer world. Innately he senses that his own animal nature
must be transformed -- and so, he engages in the (outward) ritual of animal
sacrifice -- doing outwardly, what he must accomplish within himself. Quoting
from http://TheConsecratedLife.com :
And when AskMoses.com states that we must sacrifice our inner animals, is this
any different than the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of the Nazirenes:
"For they, making a god of their belly, sacrificed to
their God the innocent creatures of the earth, in place of the carnal nature
within themselves. And eating of their flesh and drinking of their blood to
their own destruction, corrupted their bodies and shortened their days, even as
the Gentiles who did not know the truth, or who knowing it, have changed it into
a lie."
Only those who make their body-vessel a Living Temple -- and in the words of
AskMoses.com, they must "...sacrifice our inner
animals—our hormones, our lusts, our desires, our beastly compulsions"
-- and is this any different than the words of Paul when he commanded the
Gentiles to "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs
to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV)? Or the requirement that
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if
ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV): Which means that we must transform the beastly predator of
carnal man's lower nature, into an unblemished perfect lamb that is a fit
sacrifice on the altar of our Inner Living Temple. And this state of required
purity and consecration is exactly what is stated by Isaiah where it is written:
"And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way
of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk
in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it" (Isa 35:8 NIV).
It is important to recognize that under the Law of Moses, the Jews were ONLY
permitted to perform animal sacrifice in ONE place -- i.e., the Jerusalem
Temple. And when it is understood that the temple in Jerusalem was an
allegorical portrayal of the Living Temple that the seeker/disciple must
transform in their own body-vessel (see
The Living Temple),
then it is their understanding that it is their own lower animal nature that
must be raised up as an unspotted lamb, and sacrificed on the altar of their own
transformed body-temple. Which is why the literal text of the Old Testament is
portrayed as the "letter that killeth" when
the Jews fail to understand the spiritual meaning of the allegorical text, and
apply what Jesus call the Key of Knowledge (
http://KeyOfKnowledge.org ) -- turning the scriptures within their own
consciousness, mind and being. Yet, the message and meaning is of the utmost
As explained above, man is of the fourth kingdom -- with the lower three
kingdoms of mineral, vegetable and animal as part of his earthly consciousness.
That man's lower animal nature in many instances rules and controls his
consciousness and being (see
Over By His Lower Animal Nature), which is the cause of much of the violence
and brutality in the world. And because we fail to comprehend the Cosmology of
Mind and Being ( http://SoulSelf.org ), and
remain ignorant of the fact that in many people what we have is the beast
walking in the forum of man, there are countless elements within our modern
culture that actually causes and supports the beast in man to prevail in our
society. Further, Paul emphatically warns that Christians and Jews who remain
at the level of what he portrays as of a "natural"
organic human consciousness, are incapable of comprehending either the higher
reality of the Soul, or the true spiritual meaning of the scriptures, because as
Paul asserts the faith-based believers of a "natural"
mind are of an "animal-soul" level of
consciousness and understanding (see
Difference Does It Make) -- and therefore remain totally carnal and
earth-bound in their thinking because they are ruled over by their lower animal
The heathen and pagan mind of the
mainstream of Gentiles always had great difficulty in understanding the
difference between the man Jesus, the Indwelling Logos/Son of God which is
representative of the Mind of God (see
The Logos), and
the One Teacher which Jesus commanded all who would call themselves his
disciples and followers, were to seek out and learn from (see
The True Prophet).
And it was the living of the necessary Consecrated Life that Jesus ordained, and
the seeking of the Kingdom within, that enabled the historical Jesus to become
the Messiah, and At-One with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God. And this is
especially demonstrated in the words of Edward Gibbon with respect to the
original position of the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus that he was in
“...supernatural union of a man and God...
In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate son of Joseph
and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race, selected as the
worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the true and supreme
Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the first of the aeons,
the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form of a dove, to inhabit his
mind, and direct his actions during the allotted period of his ministry”
(Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, V.4, P.366).
The historical and spiritual
factualness of these words can be proven when one understands the original words
that were spoken to the man Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan River -- when the
Voice of God stated: "Thou art my Son, this day have I
begotten thee" -- which means that the historical man Jesus was a man
who became the Messiah/Christ when he overcame the Laws and became Anointed by
God. That the later Church of Rome which existed as a puppet under the pagan
sun worshipping Emperor Constantine, censored and changed the very words of God
spoken to mankind, is the primary reason why the Christian world remains
shackled to the abyss of spiritual ignorance to this very day. In the article
The Ten Words, it will
be demonstrated that all the pre-Nicene Christian authors who quoted the baptism
sequence in their copies of the Gospels, confirmed that prior to the fourth
century editing of the scriptures by Pagan Rome, that the Gospels confirmed that
Jesus was a holy man who became the Lord's Anointed (Messiah/Christ) by
fulfilling and overcoming the Laws. Moreover, in addition to the six (6)
pre-Nicene Christian authors who are cited in
The Ten Words, this fact
is further confirmed in the more ancient surviving biblical texts that modern
translators continue to ignore to the spiritual pearl of the Christian world
today. That the modern Church continues to reject the very words of God
spoken to mankind, in favor of the censored and corrupted words of the fourth
century Emperor of Pagan Rome, is the reason why the modern Church which has
caused itself to be spiritually flat-lined, only possesses what Paul portrayed
as the "elementary" doctrines that the
Church Father Origen defined as being “...preached in
the Churches …for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are
led on to live better lives by their belief” (see Origen, Contra
If the original Gospels and the witness
of the original disciples and followers of Jesus is true -- and the objective of
the original teachings is to bring about a condition of mental and spiritual
maturity -- thereby enabling each follower of TheWay to become the Anointed
(Messiah/Christ -- then it can be stated that the modern Church dogma has
virtually little in common with the original teachings of TheWay. The
difference being whether Jesus was a holy man who became At-One with the
Indwelling Logos (aka Son of God/True Prophet), or whether the Church of
Constantine was correct in their assertion that Jesus was God-Incarnate? The
Adam Clark Commentary with regard to the passage at Hebrews 1:5 where Paul
quotes the original Gospel statement that the Father said of Jesus:
"Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee"
Where the Adam Clark Commentary states: “This most
important use of this saying has passed unnoticed by almost every Christian
writer which I have seen; and yet it lies here at the foundation of all the
apostle's proofs. If Jesus was not thus the Son of God, the whole Christian
system is vain and baseless:..." If the original Gospels are
correct -- which teaching was confirmed by the original (Ebionite/Nazirene)
disciples and followers of Jesus -- that he was a Holy Man who became At-One
with the Indwelling Logos/Son of God who was portrayed as
The True Prophet,
then the whole focus of the modern Church dogma is indeed
"...vain and baseless".
What Jesus Do You See? What is clear is
that the disciples who were portrayed as being In The House, were taught
entirely different than the common people who were portrayed as being
"outside". Why were they taught
differently? Because having abandoned the thinking and lifestyle of
this world, they had begun to enter the Kingdom of Man which not only permitted
a spiritually elevated level of comprehension, but also provided them entrance
into the Inner Kingdom. In the Gospel of John the question was posed
to Jesus as to why he would not show himself to the people who were portrayed as
being "outside" -- i.e., the people whose
mind and thinking is controlled by the power/god of this world:
"Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, But, Lord, why
do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?" (John
14:22 NIV). While this rather profound statement was part of a much larger
message prior to being edited and removed by the later Gentile Church (see
BibleCorruption.com ),
even the statement should provoke the question: How could this be said? Didn't
everyone see Jesus? And what this means is exactly what is presented in the
Gospel of Philip in the statement that people can only perceive the Jesus that
is in accord with their own Condition. The reality that has been preserved in
the Gospel of Philip reads: "Jesus took them all by
stealth, for he did not appear as he was, but in the manner in which they would
be able to see him. He appeared to them all. He appeared to the great as great.
He appeared to the small as small. He appeared to the angels as an angel, and to
men as a man. Because of this, his word hid itself from everyone. Some indeed
saw him, thinking that they were seeing themselves, but when he appeared to his
disciples in glory on the mount, he was not small. He became great, but he made
the disciples great, that they might be able to see him in his greatness."
Judas (not Iscariot) was stating is that the Jesus which the disciples saw and
heard, was an entirely different Jesus than what the multitudes who are
portrayed as being "without", saw and
heard. And we can observe this same reality in the Fundamentalists who promote
their dogma that the scriptures are historical accounts -- when in fact they are
spiritual accounts that utilize a quasi-historical cloak to reveal
"by stealth", the Laws, Forces and the
Cosmology of Mind and Being that the sincere seeker needs to possess the
knowledge of to bring about and initiate their own spiritual regeneration and
birth. In the same way that the Gospel states that
"...he made the disciples great, that they might be able to see him in his
this great Truth one step further, those of a "natural"
(animal-soul) organic mind are incapable of perceiving and comprehending the
higher reality of the soul and what the biblical authors portray as the
Mysteries of the Kingdom, because of their own (carnal) Condition -- i.e., as
stated in the Gospel of Thomas: (5) Jesus said,
"Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become
plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."
The version that was in the Library that was inadvertently destroyed states:
Greek POxy 5) Jesus said: "Recognize what is before
your face and that which is hidden from the you will be revealed to you. For
there is nothing hidden which shall not be made manifest, nor buried which shall
not be raised." The Gospels were written to serve the needs of a
great multitude of people at greatly varying levels of Condition of mind.
Spiritually immature readers and believers see nothing more than an historical
narrative which Paul portrays as the "testimony"
of Christ. And as a believer becomes a seeker, and a seeker becomes a true
disciple, they begin to see what those who do not have the eyes to see are blind
answering this question posed by Judas as to why the Christ that they saw could
not be revealed or seen by the people of this world, the focus was on the
necessity of obeying Jesus' Commands as presented in the Gospel:
"Jesus replied, If anyone loves me, he will obey my
teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home
with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you
hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me" (John
14:23-24 NIV). And perhaps even more important is the statement:
"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot
bear them now" (John 16:12 KJV).
If Jesus was making reference to himself as God Incarnate, or the necessity to
say their Jesus-prayer to acquire salvation in the manner of modern Church
dogma, then why would he convey to them that they were not yet mature enough to
bear the higher knowledge of the Gospel? In his Epistle to the Trallaus the
first century elder Ignatius speaks of the Mysteries of the Gospel and the
Kingdom, and writes:
“Might I not write to you things more full of mystery? But I fear to do so,
lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes. Pardon me in this respect,
lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled
by them”. The only way that Ignatius
could have written these words, was if he, himself, understood what was beyond
the comprehension of the organic mind of the believers of the simple faith.
And while he states that he had himself progressed to the point where he
understood what was incomprehensible to the organic mind of man, he also
confesses that though he is aware of the minor mysteries, he is not yet
“by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or
Peter”. If Ignatius or the other early Church Fathers who knew
the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God were with us today, what profound mystery
could they speak regarding the true teachings of Jesus that believers today
would be “strangled by
them”? To the degree that Paul proclaimed to the Christians at
Corinth: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to
spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to babes in Christ” (1 Cor
3:1 NAS). Thus, these believers could only be taught the most basic exoteric
doctrine of a quasi-historical allegorical account of Jesus Christ and him
crucified (1 Cor 2:2), because they were not yet spiritual men -- but rather,
they were men of flesh and still very much “babes in
Christ”. Paul then explains that: “I gave
you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it.
Indeed, even now you are not yet able” (1 Cor 3:2 NAS).
A man of
true biblical insight and intellect would want to know why mankind in his
organic condition, would reject what Paul calls the higher reality of the soul
and the Mysteries of God as absolute utter
"foolishness"??? To the degree that when Paul states that he was
up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man
to utter" (2 Cor 12:4-5 NKJ) -- an intelligent seeker of Truth would
immediately question as to why "...it is not lawful for
a man to utter" what a Disciple who enters the Kingdom experiences?
When Paul warns the baptized and committed Christians at Corinth who he,
himself, originally instructed, that they were yet to carnal in their
understanding to comprehend the spiritual meaning of the Gospel -- which is
often referred to as the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God -- he conveyed to them
the reality that they would judge and even condemn this higher reality of the
Spirit as absolute "foolishness" -- i.e.,
“But the natural man does not receive the things of the
Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because
they are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ). Thus, it is
imperative to ask the question: What is the "natural
man"? The condition of mankind that Paul is making reference to,
would just as well be portrayed as "organic"
-- or, of the physical body. The "natural man"
, is the "organic" human being.
Jesus stated was of such a profound importance to comprehend if the
seeker/disciple was to begin to understand the true meaning of the scriptures as
set forth in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
that Jesus then warned: "And he saith unto them, Know
ye not this parable? and how shall ye know all the parables?" (Mark
4:13 ASV). And what this means is that if you fail to understand the meaning
of the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, and put its teachings into practice in your daily lives,
that it will be impossible for you to understand any part of the spiritual
meaning of the Gospel teachings. And if you fail to understand the meaning of
the term "In The House", and the difference
in the reality of those who Jesus portrayed in the words:
"...but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that
seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not
understand" -- that you will dwell in what Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) --
walking upon what Jesus portrayed as the "broad-way of
self-destruction" (Matt 7:13-14).
To become
what is conveyed in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed
as the "good ground", it is absolutely
necessary to live in strict accord with the Gospel Teachings. Which
transformation of self into the "good ground"
creates within self the necessary environment for the the Logos to In-Dwell --
i.e., "Jesus replied, If anyone loves me, he will obey
my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home
with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you
hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me" (John
14:23-24 NIV). But this becomes impossible for those who believe in accord
with the dogma and traditions of men, and live a lifestyle in accord with the
ways of this world. Which is the basis of the question presented to Jesus:
"Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, But, Lord, why
do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?" (John
14:22 NIV). Again, of which it is stated that the Logos/Son of God will come
and In-Dwell within those who have left behind the mindset and ways of this
world, and seek to live the necessary Consecrated Life in TheWay -- i.e.,
"Jesus replied, If anyone loves me, he will obey my
teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home
with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you
hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me" (John
14:23-24 NIV). Which then enables the seeker/disciple to enter the House with
the Lord in the Inner Kingdom -- i.e., "There is a
house made without hands, seek that you may dwell therein" (Gospel
of the Nazirenes chapter
what Paul and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher
realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of
the undeveloped faith-based believer (see
Mysteries Of The
Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers
brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the
"natural" mind of man -- and the limitations
of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true
meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to
all but his inner core of disciples (see
In The House -
Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore
powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and
concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature
author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher
realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the
people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will
be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature
understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay. To
totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's
choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway
leaders among the carnal Jews who interpreted the scriptures in outward ritual
and tradition, had thrown away the
Key of Knowledge -- and as
such, had alienated themselves from the Inner Kingdom, and were as Jesus
portrayed them as "blind guides" who were
leading the people in the wrong direction. When Jesus portrayed them as being
"without" -- i.e.,
"...but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables"
-- this was a similar condition expressed in the spiritual reality that they
existed either in what Jesus portrayed as
The Prison, or in the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness). And
because the leaders of the Jews expressed the scriptures in outward ritual and
tradition, and failed to use them as the
Key of Knowledge, was the
reason why they were blind guides who could "...not
perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand" -- and this
remains true of the congregation of Christian who continue to embrace the way of
the carnal Jews today.
Gospel accounts state that Jesus only spoke to the multitude of hearers in the
enigma of parables, it is imperative that we recognize that Jesus did not, and
could not, speak and teach plainly to those who are portrayed as being
"without" the House -- i.e.,
"And with many such parables He spoke the word to them
as they were able to hear it.
But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He
explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34 NKJV). The
word translated "explained", in the phrase
"And when they were alone, He explained all things to
His disciples", literally translated from the Greek into English
means to "unloose or untie" -- i.e., what
has been "bound or sealed up" -- and
"what is obscure and hard to understand"
(from Thayer's Greek Lexicon). And the word translated secret or mystery,
makes reference to an esoteric knowledge that can only be revealed spiritually
to one who is "in the House", because it is
beyond the organic comprehension of those who are portrayed as being
"without", or
"outside" the House. The term "open and
unloose" the mind, is was also used in the Gospel as the path to
entering the Inner Kingdom (see
Open & Unloose
The Mind).
With respect to the reality of those who are portrayed in the Gospels as being
"without", in contradistinction to those who
are said to be In The House, the quotation
of the early Church Father Origen represents an excellent portrayal of the
reality of mind and being that is presented in these words of Jesus -- wherein,
Origen writes in reply to the allegations of Celsus that the Church is a secret
system (see The Secret
Doctrine): “I have not yet spoken of the
observances of all that is written in the gospel, each one of which contains
much doctrine difficult to be understood, not merely by the multitude, but even
by certain of the more intelligent, including a very profound explanation of the
parables, which Jesus delivered to 'those without' while reserving the
exhibition of their full meaning for those who have passed beyond the stage of
exoteric teachings, and who came to him privately in the house. And when he
comes to understand it, he will admire the reason why some are said to be
without, and others in the house”.
So we must ask: By what means did the
disciples receive this esoteric knowledge that was beyond the comprehension of
organic man who was portrayed as being "without"
-- i.e., Gnosis. But what is Gnosis -- and how does a person receive
this Sacred Knowledge of the Kingdom directly from God? In a state of
spiritual denial, the modern Church attempts to ignore the implications of what
these words convey. In fact, few Christians even understand what a parable
is. Moreover, they can't even begin to come to terms with the reality of why
one man perceives and comprehends a deeper meaning of a parable, while the
multitude of hearers remain oblivious to what has been portrayed as a secret
meaning that only a very few can receive. And while some would like to promote
the idea that it is an illustration where a conceptual reality is simplified,
just the opposite is factually true. Moreover, not only is the words portrayed
a body of secret knowledge presented throughout the Gospels, but reference is
openly made to the word mystery as used in Romans -- i.e.,
"according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the
world began" -- and in explanation of the above words of Jesus with
respect to the use of parables as a means to teach the people, the Wycliffe
Bible Commentary writes that: “…the initiate was
instructed in the esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders… The
mystery of the kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message of
the Gospel (Rom 16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the initiates
without revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were without. This is
in keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is
restricted to those who have become spiritual...”
If, as openly stated above, it is true that the
disciples received instruction that was totally different than what was revealed
to the multitude of people who Jesus portrayed as being
then a true seeker must conclude that every article of faith promoted by the
Church today, would have to be totally re-evaluated. Thus the question: What
was Jesus stating with respect to why he spoke in parables? To ignore this
question, is to reject the whole foundational objective and revelation of the
Bible. Jesus was stating that only those who become separate and freed from
the limited thinking and carnal ways of this world -- a condition of mind that
Paul portrays as "animal-soul" level
consciousness that is incapable of elevated thought or reason -- and became true
disciples of Messiah/Christ, are able to perceive and understand the secrets of
the Kingdom of God -- and in the Greek language, this sacred Knowledge is called
Gnosis. And in view of the fact that the modern Church basically
portrays Gnosis as heresy -- even rejecting Paul's use of the word in his plea
to Open the Eyes of the Heart. In the original biblical Greek the
knowledge of man that was taught by other men, was portrayed differently than
the Divine Manna of the Kingdom that could ONLY be imparted to man directly from
the Logos -- i.e., this Heavenly Spiritual Knowledge was called Gnosis. The
early Christian Valentinius quoted Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians when he made
reference to Gnosis Kardias -- or, the
enlightened eyes of the heart. "I pray also that the
eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to
which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints"
(Eph 1:18). And that Paul wanted very much to speak about the Mystery of the
Gospel to the Ephesians, but could not, is the reason he portrayed himself as an
ambassador in bonds: "And for me, that utterance may be
given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the
gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly,
as I ought to speak" (see Eph 6:19-20).
The Divine Counterpart: In the terminology of the modern self-help psychology
of the New Age, the ego-self equates to the earth-consciousness of the body,
which G.I.Gurdjief portrays as the false-personalities of the person. While
the New Age self-help pop psychology is unclear, Gurdjief portrays the soul-seed
embryonic image as the essence-self that, like the seed in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
must be matured and evolved. And thus, it is of the utmost importance to
recognize Jesus' warning with respect to organic man's inability to understand
anything of any real value, unless this soul-image essence-self is matured and
evolved, as per the statement that nearly every student of the Gospels attempts
to ignore -- i.e., “Know ye not this parable? and how
then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV) -- or, in the
wording of a the modern language New Living Translation:
“But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the
others I am going to tell?” What this confirms is that, unless
you bring about the conscious development of the embryonic image that was
impressed in the body at conception -- and cease to be ruled over by the
earth-consciousness of the body-vessel -- expanding your essence-self as seen in
the words: “…multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a
hundred times” what was initially received (Mark 4:8 NIV) -- then you
are functioning from a ego-false personality perspective, and you will remain
(spiritually) dead (see
The Dead
Know Nothing).
A parallel modern witness is that of
K. Dick as stated with respect to The Ten Principles Of The Gnostic Revelation
where he portrays the realty of the person you are in this world with your
higher soul-self where he wrote:
"Each of us has a
divine counterpart unfallen who can reach a hand down to us to awaken us. This
other personality is the authentic waking self; the one we have now is asleep
and minor. We are in fact asleep, and in the hands of a dangerous magician
disguised as a good god, the deranged creator deity. The bleakness, the evil and
pain in this world, the fact that it is a deterministic prison controlled by the
demented creator causes us willingly to split with the reality principle early
in life, and so to speak willingly fall asleep in delusion."
As explained in the hyperlink to the
Creation Accounts, this realm of illusions is totally controlled by the Laws
(Laws of Nature and Nature's God) which are designed and imbued with the task of
evolving all of Creation from the Alpha of ignorance, to the Omega of
Enlightened Light and Knowing.
If man's thoughts that he generates, desires that he envisions, and actions
which he manifests, is deserving of intervention with respect to alleviating his
struggles and trials of life, then the Laws which I portray as a Living
Bio-Feedback system, will automatically intervene in the person's life -- as in
accord with the Divine Design of Creation. In the same way that the Father does
not rush into the Far Country when the prodigal son squanders away his
inheritance, and brings great sufferings upon himself by virtue of his own actions, neither
does Creator-God suspend the Laws and intervene in the life of man. Why would
Creator-God intervene in the thoughts generated by the soul into a realm of
illusions, in order to suspend the Laws that were put into place to bring about
the greatest good and growth? That organic man who has squandered away his
inheritance, and has permitted himself to be ruled over by his base animal
natures, fails to pass the tests of the Laws that returns to each person the
fruit of their own thoughts, desires and actions, is not reason to suspend the
very Divine Design of Creation when a thought-generated ego-self inherits the
trials and fruit of his own actions. All that man has to do is begin the journey
in TheWay as a sincere seeker of Truth, in order to find and experience the
solution to all his sufferings and trials.
Among the scriptures contained in the Nag Hammadi
Library was the Testimony of
Truth, wherein Jesus advises a disciple to become
"a disciple of his own higher mind" -- stating that one’s own higher
mind is "the father of Truth."
In like manner the Gnostic sage Silvanus encourages his disciples to:
“Knock on yourself as upon a door and walk upon
yourself as on a straight road. For, if you walk on the road, it is impossible
for you to go astray. Open the door for yourself so that you may know what is.”
The ancient sages taught that every human being has a mortal lower self which
they portrayed as the eidolon, and an immortal Higher Self (Soul) which they
called the DAEMON. The eidolon is the embodied self -- the part of
the self that is connected to the physical body/person -- and can be portrayed
as the ego personality. The Daemon, on the other hand, is the true Self -- which
is ultimately each person's spiritual connection to God. The Mysteries is
the Knowledge of Self -- i.e., the Cosmology of Mind and Being -- and the
esoteric teachings of self were designed to help seekers realize that one’s
eidolon is a false self, and that one’s true identity is the immortal Daemon or
soul-self. Therefore, from the eidolon's very limited point of
view, the Daemon appears to be an independent Guardian Angel.
Disciples and seekers who still identify with the eidolon, therefore, do not
experience the Daemon as their own true Self -- but instead perceive the Daemon
to be as a spirit guide, whose job it is to lead them to their spiritual
destination. Hence, because of their own self-ignorance, they see
the Daemon as a separate entity that entices them to advance and awake to their
true essence. Plato teaches: "We should
think of the most authoritative part of the Soul as a Guardian given by God
which lifts us to our heavenly home."
Valentinus taught that a person receives Gnosis
from and through their Guardian Angel, or Daemon -- but that this angelic being
is actually the seeker's own Higher Self or Soul. In ancient Egypt
the Daemon had been portrayed as a Heavenly Twin of the eidolon. This
image is also found throughout the Nag Hammadi Library of early Christian
(Gnostic) scriptures. The Gnostic sage Mani was the prophet and the founder of
Manichaeism, was portrayed as having been conscious of having a protecting angel
from the age of four. At the age of 12, he was said to have realized
that this protecting angel was in fact his Heavenly Twin, whom he called the
"most beautiful and largest mirror image of my own
person." In the Nag Hammadi version of The Acts of John,
John observes that Jesus sometimes held conversations with a Heavenly Twin who
descended to join him: He says: “When all of us, his
disciples, were sleeping in one house at Gennesaret, I alone, having wrapped
myself up, watched from under my garment what he did; and first I heard him say,
'John, go thou to sleep,' and thereupon I pretended to be asleep; and I saw
another like unto him come down, whom I also heard saying to my Lord, 'Jesus, do
the ones that you have chosen still not believe in you?' And my Lord said, ' You
say well, for they are men'."
The Soul - Thomas Paine's
Rights Of Man And Emerson's Oversoul:
While Emerson is known as the father of Transcendentalism, he is also known as a
Deist -- but by definition,
it has been noted that Plato can be defined as a
Deist. But of
ultra interest is the statement in the book on Emerson where it is written:
"Emerson gives his argument a special twist at this
point since his first sentence also alludes to Paine's Rights of Man. Arguing
for the rights of men over the rights of institutions and government, he
recalls Paine's claims for the sacred rights of the individual. Like Emerson,
Paine's 'motive and subject" -- as he describes it in a letter of 1806 to John Inskeep, the mayor of Philadelphia -- had always been 'to rescue man from the
tyranny and false systems and false principles of government, and enable him to
be free.'" (see
Nature's Archives - p. 114).
While it is noted that this exposé portrays Emerson's thesis on the
Oversoul as perhaps his most important work, it is also noted that very little
useable information is provided to the reader. And because of the
great importance of this higher reality, this present work is intended to fill
in the great void with respect to the higher reality of the soul of man that few
religions or philosophies today have any real understanding of.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, like many of the early American Gnostics, was a
Deist. Quoting the Wikipedia:
Oversoulť is an essay by
Ralph Waldo Emerson, first published in 1841. The broad subject of the
essay, considered one of Emerson's best, is the human soul. Several
general themes are treated: (1) the existence and nature of the human soul;
(2) the relationship between the soul and the personal ego; (3) the
relationship of one human soul to another; and (4) the relationship of the
human soul to God. Influence of Eastern religions, including
Vedantism, is plainly evident, but the essay also develops ideas long
present in the Western tradition, e.g., in the works of
Plotinus, and
Emmanuel Swedenborg.
The essay attempts no systematic doctrine, but rather serves as a work of
art, something like poetry. Its virtue is in personal insights of the
author and the lofty manner of their presentation. Emerson wishes to
exhort and direct the reader to an awakening of similar thoughts or
sentiments. With respect to the four themes listed above, the essay
presents the following views: (1) the human soul is immortal, and immensely
vast and beautiful; (2) our conscious ego is slight and limited in
comparison to the soul, despite the fact that we habitually mistake our ego
for our true self; (3) at some level, the souls of all people are connected,
though the precise manner and degree of this connection is not spelled out;
and (4) the essay does not seem to explicitly contradict the traditional
Western idea that the soul is created by and has an existence that is similar to God,
or rather God exists within us. This idea was later adopted by many
Take notice of the above statement: "...at
some level, the souls of all people are connected, though the precise manner
and degree of this connection is not spelled out" --
and when the Cosmology of Mind is understood, it is seen that what Emerson
was missing was an understanding of the Matrix of the Soul (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image )
-- and holographically, this same Matrix of the Soul also exists on a higher
level within the Matrix of the Logos (see
Logos ). Other
quotes by Emerson on the soul of man is seen in the words:
soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and
it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitations, for the soul is
And again:
is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only
retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men
feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals… and there they stand
looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the
Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image ),
man is portrayed as a projected image of the soul -- and in the same way that all the previous images of the soul-self that lived in all the
lifetimes that the soul has lived are all dwelling within the Matrix of the
Soul, all the souls who are portrayed as the Soul-Self and the True Being
that each of us is, all dwell within the Matrix of the Logos (Mind of God). Holographically, in the same way that the soul is the sum total of all
the lifetimes that it has lived, the Logos (Mind of God) is the sum total of
all the experiences of all the souls that came into existence since the
beginning of Creation -- and thus, all of Creation is evolving and moving
from the Alpha of ignorance to the Omega of Enlightened Light.
When Paul warned the Christians who he had himself
taught that they were yet too carnal and undeveloped to comprehend the true
meaning of the Gospel and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom
(see Mystery
Of The Gospel), one of the most important concepts that the organic mind
of man has great difficulty with is what is best portrayed as the
Segmentation of the Mind. Even though Jesus himself taught that
the Kingdom of God will never come upon the earth in the manner that carnal
men look for it (Luke 17:20-21), the vast majority of Christians continue to
ignore these words of Jesus, and look for the Kingdom to come outwardly in
the manner of the Jews who Jesus condemned as blind guides for throwing away
the Key of Knowledge.
And thus, in the same way that they were too carnal to comprehend the
segmentation of mind and the higher reality that Jesus was a man who became
the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) at his baptism in the Jordan (see
The Ten Words), the
Church corrupted the very words of God spoken to mankind -- because they
were too carnal to comprehend the original teachings respecting the man
Jesus was in
“...supernatural union of a man and
God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal, the legitimate
son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the human race,
selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship of the
true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ, the
first of the aeons, the Son of God himself, descended on Jesus in the form
of a dove, to inhabit his mind, and direct his actions during the allotted
period of his ministry” (Gibbon; The Decline & Fall of the Roman
Empire, V.4, P.366).
Or that Jesus was the example and pattern for all of mankind because in the
original teachings of the Gospel Jesus was portrayed as being
"...justified by
fulfilling the Law. He was the Christ of God, since not one of the rest of
mankind had observed the Law completely. Had any one else fulfilled the
commandments of the Law, he would have been the Christ."
Hence "when
[believers] thus fulfill the law, they are able to become Christs, for they
assert that our Lord Himself was a man in like sense with all humanity."
(Hippolytus, Refut. Omn. Haer. vii. 34).
That the majority of Christians were too carnal in their thinking, mindset
and lifestyle to understand this essential original teaching of the Gospel,
is because they could not conceive of the reality that the mind of man is
segmented (see
The Enigma Of The Segmented Mind) into levels of higher and lower fragmented consciousness that
alienates man not only from the inner Kingdom, but the higher reality of his
own soul -- and ultimately God.
In many
respects, the same problem exists as to why the Christian world which is
limited by a body of believers whose human organic limitations of mind can't
come to terms with the levels of segmented mind that make up their own
Cosmology of Mind -- which organic limitations inhibit them from
understanding the reality of the Logos/True Prophet/Son of God -- and all
those other religions that cannot understand the Oversoul presented by
Emerson and other
Deists and
American Gnostics. This same inability to understand the segmentation
of mind causes many to align themselves with the Eastern doctrine of
reincarnation where it is dogmatically portrayed that the soul, upon
entering the body-vessel, forgets all the previous lifetimes it has lived.
But to even make such a suggestion, is to ignore the above positions of (1)
G.I. Gurdjieff that the person you are in this world is a series of false
personalities; (2) the false-self portrayed by Philip K. Dick; (3) or what
Emerson portrays as the ego-self. As presented in the Gospel of
Thomas saying 84 with respect to the relationship of what is portrayed as
your Likeness, and the images which came into existence before you -- i.e.,
your true self or soul-self is portrayed in the words:
Jesus said,
"When you see your likeness, you rejoice."
Contrary to Eastern dogma and the concept of reincarnation, the soul or
soul-self does not enter into this world -- but rather, what enters into the
body-vessel at conception is an embryonic image of the higher soul-self --
"...But when you see your images which came into
being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much you
will have to bear!"
And these images which failed to become manifest do not reincarnate --
neither do they go to Glory as the Christians believe -- but rather, as
images that failed to attain the next level of birth, they remain within the Matrix of the Soul (see
Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral).
In each instance it is
demonstrated that the person you are in this world is not the true being
that you are -- but rather, a projected image of your soul which is your
true self that does not incarnate into this world. Which
a more enlightened understanding of the Cosmology of Mind would convey to us
the correct understanding of the warning of Jesus with respect to the
"Enter by the narrow gate; for
wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there
are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the
way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matt
7:13-14 NKJ) -- the word translated "destruction",
in no manner represents what is actually being presented. Quoting the
footnote on this word in the Schofield Reference Bible which reads:
“There is no thought in these various words of
annihilation but of something that is ruined and thus unsuitable or unable
to fulfill its original purpose”. And in the same way that a
woman does not perish if one of her eggs fails to evolve into a fetus,
neither does the soul perish when one of its images which is projected into
this world, fails to evolve through the three stages of birth. And in the
same way that the woman's egg that fails to become an embryo is
"...thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its
original purpose”, so too is the embryonic image of the soul that
is projected into this world "...unsuitable or
unable to fulfill its original purpose.” And this purpose, is
to bring about the necessary threefold birth that enables the soul to enter
into what Jesus portrayed as Life.
To further demonstrate the higher
reality of birth that was portrayed to Nicomedus in the Gospel of John (see
Cosmic Ovum And Sperm), Jesus stated: "...Most
assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom
of God" -- and this fact is a true reality of life.
Yet, because
the Church has been spiritually disenfranchised by Pagan Rome when they
adopted the religious doctrines of the heathen Emperor Constantine in the
fourth century, the modern dogmatic Church is totally incapable of
understanding the reality of mind and spirituality that Jesus is portraying,
and they have adopted the carnal doctrine that this required second birth is
accomplished by repeating a prayer to the Jesus-god of Rome.
In reality, nothing
could be further from the truth. Jesus then states to Nicomedus in the
Gospel of John: "...Most assuredly, I say to you,
unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of
God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of
the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born
again" -- i.e., that birth which is of the flesh, is of this
world -- while that birth which is born out of the Living Water of Immersion
in the cleansing of the teachings of TheWay, and the Feminine Holy Spirit in
the form of a
Birth that is not of the physical, but of the Spirit -- only such a
person who becomes a disciple of TheWay --
the commandments of the Law [within himself], he would have been the Christ"
-- is able to achieve the objective of the Gospel and bring about the next
phase of birth that Jesus taught was absolutely necessary to be called his
disciple. And only those who achieve this next level of birth is
able to gain entrance into the Kingdom and Life. Moreover,
that not only the historical man Jesus, but also his inner core of
disciples, had achieved these other levels of birth, is seen in the words:
assuredly, I say to you, We
speak what We know
and testify what We
have seen, and you do not receive Our
witness. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will
you believe if I tell you heavenly things?" (John 3:1-12
NKJ). Take notice of the plurality of Jesus' words and witness:
speak what We
know and testify what We
have seen, and you do not receive Our
witness." Who, therefore, is the
that Jesus is making reference to? That the Christian world is
incapable of understanding what is being stated, is because the Church
became spiritually disenfranchised by adopting the doctrines and lifestyle
of Pagan Rome. And thus, the next stage of the
Birth remains an enigma to the whole foundation of their thinking.
An integral part of the
original Ebionite Nazirene teachings that few people understand, was echoed
by Paul who taught the necessity of transforming man's lower earthly nature
Overcome ). Paul commands all those who called themselves Christians:
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs
to your earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV - see
Overcome ). Thus, in
effect, what Paul is stating is that you must cease to be just a
Cosmic Ovum And Sperm -- cut off the loss of vital life-force which is portrayed as the
squandering away of the prodigal son's inheritance -- and strive to become a
spiritual-embryo with the opportunity to achieve the next stage of
It is impossible to get to God even in
meditation which is promoted by Transcendentalism, the New Age and the
Eastern religions, as well as modern quasi-Deism, for many of the
reasons explored in
The Way Of The Monk. The
reality that the person you are in this world is an image of your true self
(soul-self) -- often portrayed as the ego-self or false-personality -- then
it remains that it is impossible to connect directly to God, while bypassing
the true self or soul-self that dwells in a higher realm between you and the
Logos of God. Thus, the Gospel states:
good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his
very self?" (Luke 9:25).
And how does the soul-image or Emerson's ego-self become lost?
By failing to become their true self -- i.e., their higher soul-self or
oversoul -- as presented in the words: "But
if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are
that poverty... Whoever finds himself
is superior to the world".
Why does both the Gospel of Thomas and Luke 9:25 make note of this world as
a loss of self? Because the being you are in this world has
little in common with your true self that you do not know -- i.e., your
higher soul-self or Emerson's oversoul. And as presented in The Way Of The Monk,
while in meditation you can gaze at the Light of the soul through the sixth
spiritual center in the head (chakra-gazing), without fulfilling the Laws
within yourself and manifesting Wholeness in the physical, gazing at the
Light of the soul that you mistake for God, is as far as you can go along
that path. And what is often portrayed as Christ-Consciousness
which is brought about by meditation on what can be portrayed as chakra-gazing and head-sex
will release endorphin's into one's body-mind which will distort the person's understanding of a higher
reality that they are only capable of perceiving light from -- while
largely because of a lack of Wholeness, they fail to understand the
source and reality of that Light. But for our discussion here, it is
imperative to understand that the mind of man is segmented -- and
paradoxically, each segment is functioning independently on one level,
while on a deeper level intimately connected to the whole. To some
degree this is presented in
The Holographic Pattern Of The Twelve Within The One, which is
further detailed in
The Enigma Of The Twelve - The Laws - And The Tree Of Life.
Once again, while from a paradoxical
perspective the statement in Acts -- i.e.,
"For in him we
live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have
said, We are his offspring"ť (Acts 17:28 NIV) could
be construed as Pantheistic -- the
problem is not that the Pantheists are wrong on this point -- but
rather, there is a whole lot more to the equation. What it amounts to
is the fact that fragments of truth that are devoid of the larger
reality, do not represent Truth. That the above verse in Acts affirms
this fragment of truth promoted by the Pantheists, is confirmed in the Jamieson,
Fausset, and Brown Commentary for this verse where it is written:
"This is the first half of the fifth line, word for word, of an
astronomical poem of Aratus, a Greek countryman of the apostle and
his predecessor by about three centuries. It is found also (nearly as
here) in a religious hymn of Cleanthes of Troas, a contemporary of Aratus. But, as our speaker hints, the same sentiment is to be found in
other Greek poets. They meant it, doubtless, in a pantheistic sense"ť.
The problem is that as with all the religions of mankind, while the
Pantheists are correct from one paradoxical perspective, it is also true
that there is so great a reality that is missing from Pantheism to
render it in grave error as understood by most people who portray
themselves as Pantheists. And among the many realities that are absent
in Pantheism is presented in the above words expressed in The Ten
Gnostic Principles in the words:
of us has a divine counterpart unfallen who can reach a hand down to us
to awaken us. This other personality is the authentic waking self...".
If this is true, and we are the false or ego-self who is totally unaware of
our true self that lies beyond and on the other side of a barrier within
our own segmented mind -- and on Emerson's writing on the Oversoul it is concluded
in comment:
(1) the human soul is immortal,
and immensely vast and beautiful; (2) our conscious ego is slight and
limited in comparison to the soul, despite the fact that we habitually
mistake our ego for our true self; (3) at some level, the souls of all
people are connected, though the precise manner and degree of this
connection is not spelled out; and (4) the essay does not seem to
explicitly contradict the traditional Western idea that the soul is
created by and has an that is similar to God, or rather God exists
within us. This idea was later adopted by many religions. While the Christians and what is portrayed in the above as God within
which "...idea
was later adopted by many religions" may once again be
paradoxically true, the fact that there is an inconceivable reality of
soul and spirit between us and God that is not at all understood -- of
which the Christians ignore the statements of Paul which is explored in Man
As An Embryonic Soul-Image , which conveys the reality that God does not even know man -- it is
important to understand that such a statement of reality on the surface
would be rejected as being impossible by the vast majority of religions
of the world. And yet, if the statement is true, then all the
religions of the world which have adopted manmade carnal dogma to
explain what is inconceivable from an organic human perspective, means
that all of these religions all promote little more than fragments of
truth, and are all equally in error with respect to the more important
Truths that is beyond the perception of organic man. Which is why the
Gnostics portrayed the religions of man as worshiping a Demiurge that
created the world of illusions within which organic man dwells -- i.e.,
Plato's Cave. Further,
in addition to the statement by Paul and the confirmation in the Gospel
of Thomas, the same reality is portrayed in the words of St. Nazianzen
which can be found at http://BeingOfLight.com where it is written: When
God, in the words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an
"object of wonder"ť,
but rather an "object
of desire"ť
-- and
we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this world, make
ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit, according to
St. Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this
manifest Sacred Knowledge makes
"...us like God; so that when
we have thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold expression,
hold converse with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to
the same extent as He already knows those who are known to Him".
St. Nazianzen then writes that
"...the Divine Nature then is
boundless and hard to understand"ť
by those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of this world. Thus,
again we see this same reality that is not understood in the words: "...knows
those who are known to Him"ť.
If we are indeed a false or ego-self that began as an embryonic image projected
into the body by our true self -- i.e., our higher soul-self that is
not manifest in the physical body -- then God can only know that which
is true, and not that which is false and of this world. And
that the false cannot exist in the Kingdom, is the reason why Jesus is
portrayed as totally rejecting the counterfeit believer who does not
pick up his own cross and fulfill the Law within himself:
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom
of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will
say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And
then I will declare to them, 'I never knew
you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"
7:21-23 NKJ).
What we see unfolding here is the Grand
Enigma and Paradox of Confusion that is the essence of the long ignored
words of Paul (see
Mystery Of The Gospel) that man's own higher soul and
spiritual reality remains totally inconceivable to the organic mind of man
-- that this higher soul-reality remains virtually unknown to the multitude
of religious and philosophical leaders in the world who mistake the false
ego-self with the true soul-self that is not manifest in the body-vessel --
and is representative of the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY knowledge which caused Valentinus to state that even among the sincere seekers, only a few will
ultimately succeed. While the eternal souls or soul-selves are the Creation
of God -- we are an embryonic image of our soul that has been projected into
this world (see Man
As An Embryonic Soul-Image) -- and that principle which we call God
which exits at the Core Essence of Creation, cannot bypass the levels of
Creation and Consciousness and directly intervene in the lives of man who
only exist within God by PROXY of being an embryonic image that exists
within the reality of the soul-self.
What is presented just following the
foregoing hyperlink beginning with
The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man --
which opens the door to what is further presented in
Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral
-- portrays the Mind of the soul as existing within a Matrix, of which
the vast majority of mankind remain an unknowing part of. And it is
from this higher reality that I write that from our perspective, there is
no such thing as reincarnation -- and yet, our higher soul-self which
Philip Dick and Emerson portray as the True Self, evolves to Completion
over the course of many lifetimes. But that what we call Time, is in
fact a dimension of mind and consciousness that few of mankind
possess the capacity to even begin to comprehend, is a reality within
the Matrix of Mind that is necessary to even begin to understand our own
higher soul and spiritual reality -- all of which as attested to by the
Deists, is functioning under the Laws. And that there was a body of
esoteric knowledge within Deism that could not be conveyed to those
whose minds remained functioning on the lower levels of organic
consciousness, is demonstrated in Franklin's rejection of Paine's The
Age of Reason. Not that Paine was wrong -- but because of the
consequences of revealing even some of this esoteric knowledge Franklin
wrote: . [T]hink how great a portion of mankind consists of weak and
ignorant men and women and of inexperienced, inconsiderate youth of both
sexes who have need of the motives of religion to restrain them from
vice, to support their virtue . . . . I would advise you, therefore, not
to attempt unchaining the tiger, but to burn this piece before it is
seen by any other person . . . . If men are so wicked with religion,
what would they be without it? I intend this letter itself as proof of
my friendship" Which I liken to
the statement by Origen that the doctrine of the physical resurrection
in the Churches for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common
crowd who are led on to live better lives by their belief" (Origen
Contra Celsum).

The True Reality of Woman has been so censored and rejected by modern religious
and intellectual cultural authorities, that it can be factually stated that
mankind has been deprived and even robbed of his true potential and inheritance.
While traditionally, woman has been viewed only in her reproductive and sexual role, her true esoteric
potential and reality which has often been suppressed either by
male-dominated religious systems, and/or philosophical ignorance, has had the
effect of rendering most of
mankind's intellectual and cultural concepts flat-lined and virtually worthless and mentally
If a person looks up the term Sibyl in the Wikipedia, you get:
"The sibyls were women that the ancient Greeks believed
were oracles. The earliest sibyls, according to legend,[1] prophesied at holy
sites. Their prophecies were influenced by divine inspiration from a deity;
originally at Delphi and Pessinos, the deities were chthonic deities. In later
antiquity, various writers attested to the existence of sibyls in Greece, Italy,
the Levant, and Asia Minor." In the more enlightened
spiritually oriented cultures of the past it was well recognized that women
possessed powers of mind and spirit that men totally lacked. They
not only did not stay home, but they were revered as goddesses who were
all-seeing and knowing. Under the heading of Pythagoreanism (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagoreanism ) we find:
"Women were given equal opportunity to study as
Pythagoreans, and learned practical domestic skills in addition to philosophy.
Women were held to be different from men, sometimes in positive ways. The
priestess, philosopher and mathematician Themistoclea is regarded as Pythagoras'
teacher; Theano, Damo and Melissa as female disciples. ...Female philosophers
include: Pythais (mother of Pythagoras), Theano (wife of Pythagoras), Cheilonis,
Tyrsenis, Myia (Daughter of Theano and Pythagoras), Damo, Timycha, Bitale,
Aspasia, Alexis, Perictione (believed to be Plato's mother), Arete, Melissa,
Phintys, Ptolemais, Arignote."
Wise men of the past were enlightened as to the divine role and reality of the
feminine mind -- of which her physical body is only the vessel that accommodates
the mental and spiritual facilities that cannot be manifest in the physical body
of man. We still dwell in a spiritual dark ages that mankind has yet to
emerge from. And because the Christian, the Islamic and the vast majority of
Jews remain spiritually ignorant and mentally undeveloped (see
Mental Development ), everything that
conflicts with their very limited understanding is often labeled heresy and
satanic. And one of the problems is that academia actively supports and promotes
the philosophy that other than their child bearing roles, there is no difference
between men and women (see Academia's War On Women @
http://treeoflife.nazirene.org/#AcademiaWarOnWomen . Which means that
in many very important ways, modern academia is even more ignorant than the
religions of ignorance that have cast mankind into a spiritual dark ages.
Left wing icon Larry Summers was thrown out as the president of Harvard for
merely expressing the idea that women are intellectually different than men --
which has institutionalized and taken the shackles of ignorance to new heights
http://ebionite.com/harvard.htm ). In the below I will
demonstrate that there is an important Alchemical formula or equation that must
be embraced and utilized in order to achieve greater awareness, expand the
potential of mind, and achieve a true state of Knowing. What is paramount
to the equation is to not only understand the dynamics of the genders and their
opposite powers of mind and being, but to develop these powers of mind to their
absolute zenith. The problem is that our academic institutions are so dominantly
male-linear oriented -- with women who the authors of Brain Sex correctly
portrays as wannabe surrogate men -- an (educational?) environment with the
natural feminine-intuitive so suppressed on the altar of Feminist political
correctness -- that there exists an absolute void with respect to even a common
language in order to communicate with these people who consider themselves
enlightened intellectuals. Are these people truly Knowing? From a
higher perspective of reality, these men are dumber than a goose, because they
dwell in a feminine void. What is a feminine void? As the ancients well
knew, all of Creation dwells within the Dynamic Balance of Male/Female -- with
the Third-Force being the balance of Mind that exists between these
all-consuming polarities. Since all realities are relevant, an imbalance in the
mental caused by the suppression of the feminine powers of mind, can in many
ways be compared to an Intellectual Self-Imposed Down Syndrome which is a
genetic imbalance in the physical. In Spirit when I was being prepared for
the life I had begun as a seeker, I was told that one of the most important
concepts that I would have to convey is that "equal
does not mean the same". While it is true as presented in
the above that the Feminine Intuitive must be developed -- sometimes independent
of male input or linear limitations -- it is also true that there is a higher
reality above the developed male or female that can only be reached and achieved
through the interaction of the evolved male and female powers of mind and being.
And this is why in many of the more spiritually advanced communities, women were
only taught by other women -- and they were never taught in the very linear
manner of men. Quoting from
http://nazirene.org/secret_doctrine.htm#SecretSystem :
Secret System? When Celsus attacked the
Church for being a “secret system”, teaching some a
different doctrine than others, Origen replied:
“Moreover, since he frequently calls the Christian doctrine a secret system, we
must confute him on this point also, since almost the entire world is better
acquainted with what Christians preach than with the favorite opinions of
philosophers. For who is ignorant of the statement that Jesus was born of a
virgin, and that He was crucified, and that His Resurrection is an article of
faith among many, and that a general judgment is announced to come, in which the
wicked are to be punished according to their desserts, and the righteous to be
duly rewarded?”
Fundamentally, what Origen enumerated was elementary Christian doctrine 101 --
i.e., what the Apostle Paul refers to as the “milk” -- or that basic doctrine
which still exists to this very day (see Mystery Of The Gospel). Origen
acknowledged these doctrines -- refuted Celsus by stating that these beliefs are
openly expounded as articles of Christian faith, and then Origen explained:
“And yet the mystery of the Resurrection, not being
understood, is made a subject of ridicule among the unbelievers. In these
circumstances, to speak of the Christian doctrine as a secret system is
altogether absurd. But that there should be certain doctrines, not made known to
the multitude, which are after the exoteric ones having been taught, is not a
peculiarity of Christianity alone, but also of philosophic systems, in which
certain truths are exoteric and others are esoteric. Some of the heroes of
Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit; while others were taught in secret
those doctrines which were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and
insufficiently prepared ears. Moreover, all the mysteries that are celebrated
everywhere throughout Greece and the barbarous countries, although held in
secret, have no discredit thrown upon them, so that it is in vain he endeavors
to calumniate the secret doctrines of Christianity, seeing that he does not
correctly understand its nature”.
It is not that certain teachings and realities were kept secret -- but rather,
that it is impossible for mankind who exists at an
"animal-soul" level of mind to comprehend higher spiritual reality
http://AnInconvenientTruth.org/#WhatDifference ). While the Feminine Powers
of Mind were known by the more advanced among the ancients, I know for sure that
such authorities as Pythagoras understood that the supreme development of mind
and spirit required the direct interaction of an evolved man and woman. And the
fact that a great void exists between what is published and known by those who
were only able to hear the ipse dixit of such ancient authorities -- the term
ipse dixit defined as Ipse dixit (Latin for "he himself said it") is a term used
to identify and describe a sort of arbitrary dogmatic statement, which the
speaker expects the listener to accept as valid -- because of the limits on what
could be stated openly, what we call the Cosmology of Mind and Being and the
Higher Reality of the Soul was not, and could not, be openly stated to a peoples
incapable of understanding anything above that of an animal-soul level of
consciousness. And it is in understanding this grate void that has motivated me
to write on the Soul-Self in the manner that I have. And Origen was correct in
his assertion that this body of esoteric self-knowledge had to be reserved only
for those who were prepared to hear it. And since this Knowledge of the
Cosmology of Mind and Being is lacking in our modern culture -- and only vaguely
revealed in what was openly written in the ancient world when mankind understood
the reality of the term Know Thyself -- some of the greatest philosophers of the
past have been guided and drawn to my writings of the Soul and the teachings on
the Tree of Life.
To Know Thyself, one must know and
understand that mankind is divided across positive and negative polarities of
mind and being -- and either gender apart from the other, remains hopelessly
incomplete. In the foregoing (see Soul), Emerson writes about the relationship
of man to his un-manifest soul or soul-self -- i.e.,
(1) the human soul is immortal, and immensely vast and beautiful; (2) our
conscious ego is slight and limited in comparison to the soul, despite the fact
that we habitually mistake our ego for our true self.
Thus, the questions that must be answered:
(1) How can man mistake the ego-self for the true soul-self? (2)
How can the vast majority of the worlds religions mistake the un-manifest soul
for God? Why? Because man in his organic state of mind
has no understanding of what can be portrayed as the Cosmology of Mind -- and
lacks the necessary knowledge associated with the adage:
Know Thyself.
If it is true -- and the unknown and un-manifest soul-self is immortal and
possesses permanence, then how can the ego-self that man confuses for the true-self, also possess
permanence? Or, does it? And why? And how can we
perceive and become our true soul-self that is immortal? One
of the primary reasons why the ego-self of man that is manifest in this world
remains totally ignorant of the higher reality of his own soul and true self, is
because he fails to recognize that the soul-consciousness of higher reality is
divided in this world across the spectrum of male and female -- and without the
merging of opposites, it remains impossible to make any real progress beyond
that of the ego-self of organic man in his divided state. In the
below subheadings, this important and crucial union of opposites will be explored.
An important teaching that was removed from the Gospels is preserved in the
Second Epistle of Clement where it is explained when and how the Kingdom will
come (within the individual person) in the censored and suppressed words:
“Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of
God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of
God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come,
replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within,
and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.
For the Kingdom to come within the seeker, they must possess Wholeness -- and
Wholeness is dependent upon not only the union of what is portrayed as
male/female -- but the development of mind and being within the Divine Pattern.
This same message of the reunification and development of self is also seen in
the words: "The Lord did everything in a mystery. . .
He said, 'I came to make the things below like the things above, and the
things outside like those inside. I came to unite them.'" (see
Gospel Of Philip).
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind:
If I pose the question:
Do you know the purpose and objectives of the original teachings of Jesus and
TheWay? Only Christians who have been deemed heretics and outcasts
by the traditional Church, might begin to answer this question with some degree
of understanding!!! Why? Largely because of government
intervention into the affairs of the Church which for purely political gain,
imposed manmade dogmatic restrictions on the Church -- hunted down and murdered
those who dissented with the government position -- edited the scriptures to
support their dogma -- and destroyed all scriptures which more closely reflected
the original teachings. The result is that while the original
teachings associated with the historical man Jesus known as TheWay was the
finest of all of man's religious efforts, these once sublime teachings have been
castrated and rendered spiritually impotent.
An important insight into the very essence, purpose and higher
spiritual objectives of the original teachings of TheWay is contained in an
article in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of
Christian Mysticism, where it reads: “Although the
essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the transcendent, mysticism in
the history of Christianity should not be understood merely in terms of special
ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious process lived out within the
context of the Christian community. From this perspective mysticism played a
vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit
that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”. What
is expressed in these words is of the utmost importance. Why? Because the
original teachings of Jesus was not the blind faith and belief in a prophet or
god-man -- but rather, the means to transform all Christian disciples of TheWay
into prophets and mystics as demonstrated in the words:
"...From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church.
Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”. But, we
must then pose the question: Just what is a
"...religion of the spirit"? Like an astronaut who
travels beyond the limits of the earth's atmosphere into outer space, a
spiritual religion prepares the seeker/disciple to transcend the barrier of this
physical world, and enter into what the biblical authors portrayed as the
Kingdom of God which Jesus taught was within us. But to accomplish this
spiritual transcendence, you had to first prepare the physical body to make it
an environment that would permit "...the heightening
and enlargement of human consciousness” to be brought about -- and
this requires a great amount of effort and preparation.
In the parable of the
Sower And The Seed, this necessary environment was portrayed as the
"good ground" that enabled the expansion of
100 times what was originally manifest within the disciple/seeker.
But since the majority of people are simply unwilling to make the commitment to
actually live in accord with these teachings, they embrace charlatan clergy who
promote (pagan) dispensations and exemptions that assure the people that they
can acquire the promise of the religious teachings, without actually having to
live in accord with the religious teachings. And in the same way
that charlatans peddle get-rich schemes which rob the people of their wealth and
prosperity -- what Jesus portrayed as wolves in sheep's attire peddled short-cut schemes -- and it was
these counterfeit shepherds who seduced the naive into handing over their money
and support so they could live lucratively off the collection plate.
The spiritual Christians who
followed in TheWay and prepared themselves to transcend the natural physical
limitations of the body, possessed the Divine Knowledge of the Kingdom which
they had succeeded in entering. And the Spiritual Christians were opposed by
those who portrayed themselves as Orthodox -- who more often than not, were
charlatans who for the sake of mammon and the political power of this world,
ardently opposed the Spiritual Christians because they represented a direct
threat to their base of money and political power.
Mind Vs Linear-Rational: The question can be rightfully asked: If the
above is true, then why can't mystics and enlightened spiritual men speak
plainly to the people, instead of using the enigma of allegorical scriptures? The answer can
only be understood as the seeker/disciple begins to fulfill the ancient adage to
Know Thyself -- and when the Cosmology of Mind is rightly understood, the truth
and the reality of self that the disciple seeks, already exists within them --
i.e., "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure
hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and
sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like
a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value,
went and sold all that he had and bought it" (Matt 13:44-46).
The theme of giving up all that you presently have in order to acquire the
treasure or pearl of great value that can only be found within you, is the
giving up of the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of the cultures, philosophies
and religions of this world. But just as important is the teaching:
"Another parable spoke he unto them; The kingdom of
heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of
meal, till the whole was leavened" (Matt 13:33). In this
parable the Intuitive Mind is portrayed in the feminine -- the hidden denotes
within one's own mind and being -- and the "...three
measures of meal" portrays the threefold reality of mind that must be
leavened (expanded) beyond the physical. But what is the threefold
reality of mind? Holographically, it is the
Pattern with which all or Creation is imbued. But just as
important is the reality that this holographic pattern exists across the
spectrum of all levels of being -- i.e., the threefold pattern across the
physical -- across the physical mind in the division of intuitive (feminine) and
linear (masculine) -- across the physical-spiritual as manifest across the vital
life-force emitted by woman which is opposite to that of man. But
all these divisions across the gender divide are in the physical -- and
holographically, the
Pattern is manifest in the physical and spiritual natures as portrayed in
the parable of the prodigal son -- wherein the elder son is not manifest in the
physical world that is portrayed as the Far Country, and remains with the Father
in the Kingdom. But when it is recognized that all duality is in
reality threefold when the third-force balance is understood -- and when the
third-force balance of the
Pattern is recognized as the reality of the pre-existent soul (or soul-self)
that is a Being Of Light,
only then can be even begin to understand the deeper spiritual meaning and
objectives of the Gospel teachings.
When the above reference to the
Pattern is understood as manifest throughout all of Creation, then greater
comprehension is realized in the foregoing quotation that was removed from the
Gospels by the later Church, and is preserved in the Second Epistle of Clement
where it is written:
“Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of
God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of
God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come,
replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within,
and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”. The
third-force balance between the Intuitive and Linear Spheres of Mind must both
bring the two together as "one flesh", and
raise the third-force balance up to the level of the higher soul-self where
there is "...neither male nor female’”
But to accomplish this "...that which is without"
[the physical mind as portrayed in the prodigal son] and
"...that which is within" [the spiritual nature as portrayed as the
elder son in the parable], must become manifest in the third-force reality of
the higher soul-self -- i.e.,
"...When two shall be one" -- and this
third-force balance is our true self, which is a
Being Of Light.
Mystics have long warned mankind that the reality of this world of appearances
is not at all what is seems to be through the perception of man's physical eyes
and senses -- i.e., that there is a great deal more that man's senses and
perception cannot detect or even imagine. And this same enigma of the limits
of man's physical senses was noted by Albert Einstein who concluded with respect
to man's dilemma when he stated: "The intuitive
mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have
created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
In view of the fact that our
culture neither understands the intuitive spheres of mind -- neither do they
understand the Source of knowledge that the intuitive spheres of mind has the
potential to tap into -- resulting in that condition whereby mankind has for all intent and purposes shackled
himself to a condition of profound self-imposed ignorance with respect to a
higher reality that he does not at all understand. And what the Mystic has
long warned mankind, is that because of the shackles imposed upon mankind by his
traditional religious, philosophical, cultural and educational institutions
which "...have created a society that honors the
[rational] servant and has forgotten [and suppressed the development of] the
[intuitive] gift" -- thus, blinding mankind to the underlying cause
of all that man sees and experiences in this world, man remains perpetually lost
and blind in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer
darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) -- or
what the philosopher portrayed in the analogy of the illusions of Plato's Cave
(see Cave) .
That the whole of our culture is
based exclusively upon the very limited vision of the linear-rational mind which
strives to overpower and inhibit the development of the intuitive gift, is why
the Apostle Paul warned
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow
and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic
principles of this world..." (Col 2:8 NIV).
Thus, where the biblical authors portray what they call the
"testimony" of Christ as the entry-level
language of allegorical symbols that are intended to act as a catalyst in the
beginning development of the entry-level believing Christian, the objective is
to bring about the necessary maturity and transformation in the development of
the latent intuitive spheres of mind, that enables the seeker/disciple of TheWay
to fulfill the higher spiritual objectives of the Gospel -- as presented in the
above words of the Britannica:
“Although the essence of mysticism is the sense of contact with the
transcendent, mysticism in the history of Christianity should not be understood
merely in terms of special ecstatic experiences but as part of a religious
process lived out within the context of the Christian community. From this
perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early
Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”. That
this spiritual objective and body of esoteric teachings became lost when the
Church came under the dominion of Pagan Rome -- which was the primary reason why
our Constitutional Framers inhibited the government from interfering in the
practice of religion -- means that the spiritual objective of the practice of
religion is in the development of the seeker/disciple to utilize those higher
intuitive areas of the mind that is able to connect with the inner transcendent
-- i.e.,
"...contact with the transcendent [that was] part of a
religious process lived out within the context of the Christian community. From
this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early
Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the
heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”. Which
means that the true objective of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay is
"...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”
through the development of the intuitive centers of the mind which Einstein
correctly portrays as "...a sacred gift".
very fact that it was the objective of the original teachings associated with
the historical man Jesus known as TheWay, to bring this condition of
enlightenment about in the life of the individual Christian believer, means that
there exists the inherent potential to manifest this enlightened reality of mind
within the individual believer who becomes a disciple of TheWay. Which
means that the question then becomes not if -- but rather, how to bring this
"...heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”
about in the life of the believer as he progresses down the path of TheWay?
Certainly not through the further development of the mind through what is
portrayed as the linear
rational servant. In the picture at the right -- "the
frontispiece to her translation of Newton, Émilie du Châtelet appears as
Voltaire's muse, reflecting Newton's heavenly insights down to Voltaire"
(see Voltair) -- what is
personified in the term muse, is always representative of a feminine source of
wisdom -- and is very much an allegorical personification of the intuitive
aspects of one's own mind that provides insight and access to
higher source of knowledge and wisdom within one's self. In the image of the
three muses at the left, in Greek writings these would be representative of the
personification of the intuitive aspects of mind which must be developed in
order to begin to tap into and access man's inner Source of Mind and Being.
And in this respect such biblical figures as Mary Magdalene is not the
personification of an historical person -- but rather, the purification,
development and raising up of the (feminine) intuitive aspects of the disciples
own mind. In the Gospels associated with Mary Magdalene it is written:
“She speaks to the other disciples about Jesus and what
she’s seen, and Peter says, ‘I don’t believe the Lord said these things. These
are certainly strange ideas.’ And she says, ‘Well, do you think I made them up?
Do you think I’m lying about the Lord?’ ” In this allegorical
representation, the linear-rational aspect of mind is represented in Peter's
inability to comprehend what the feminine-intuitive as represented in the
allegorical personification of Mary Magdalene reveals. And since these
intuitive visions, impressions and wisdom does not support the linear reasoning
of the masculine vision of this world and Creation, in most people they are
In the introduction to the book
Secrets of Mary Magdalene, Prof. Elain Pageles writes and quotes the Gospel
of Philip: Simultaneously, the Gospel of Philip
celebrates Mary Magdalene as manifesting the divine spirit, which this gospel
calls the “virgin who came down” from heaven. When Christians spoke of Jesus
“born from a virgin,” this author agrees—but refuses to take it literally. So
some people, he says, take this literally to mean that Jesus’ mother became
pregnant apart from any man, apart from sexual intercourse. But this, he says,
is the “faith of fools”
who fail to comprehend spiritual matters (although, as we note, it can be seen
in the birth narratives offered in the New Testament gospels of Matthew and
Luke). Instead, continues the Gospel of Philip, Jesus was born physically, just
as all humans, as the son of biological parents. The difference, says the author
of this gospel, that he was also “born again” in baptism--born spiritually to
become the son of the Father above, and of the heavenly Mother, the Holy Spirit.
That one of the primary objectives of this life is to bring about and achieve
the next stage of birth -- a non-physical birth which is allegorically portrayed
as a Virgin
Birth -- should be of primary importance to all people.
In the same way that Peter as
representing the (male) linear-rational spheres of mind states of the intuitive
visions and wisdom of Mary Magdalene: "...These are
certainly strange ideas", it is a fact that it is the lopsided
development of what Einstein portrayed as the linear-rational servant that
inhibits the development of the intuitive-gift -- i.e., as seen in Einstein's
statement that “The only thing that interferes with my
learning is my education.” Without the balanced development of
the intuitive, the linear-rational which only senses outwardly, arrives as a
point where it becomes what can be portrayed as flat-lined -- which in turn
inhibits the further development of the linear rational servant from itself
maturing beyond organic limitations. And herein lies the great obstacle to
human development that linear-intellectuals don't at all understand -- i.e., the
reality that the linear programming of the mind which is the agenda of our
educational systems -- including the reading of books and traditional study --
only serves to inhibit the development of the intuitive spheres of mind -- and
it is the lack of balance between the inward looking intuitive and the outward
looking linear-rational that inhibits the development of the mind beyond a
certain very shallow organic physical level of maturity.
Further, what we are presented with are
a number of paradoxes that have confronted man since he first stepped foot on
the earth. Thus, these proverbial questions must be confronted: Is
the mind of a child empty? Or, does a great source of knowledge
already exist within the mind of the child that must be tapped into?
Do you instruct a child through rote programming in the manner of our
educational systems today? Or do you guide the child into an
environment of self-discovery?
The problem is seen in the fact
that the linear-rational servant can only look outwardly -- and not only remains
totally ignorant of an inner reality that it is blind to -- but it demands that
all of mankind ignore and even reject the higher causal reality that can only be
sensed and understood through the development of the intuitive centers of
mind. Like the tip of the proverbial iceberg, what is observed protruding out
of the water is very small in relation to the immense body of ice that is beyond
man's normal scope of vision lying beneath the water line. And because our
culture and linear learning environment actually inhibits the development of the
intuitive, it remains atrophied and latently embryonic and immature. This is seen in the
fact that when the leaders of the Jews (Pharisees) asked Jesus when the Kingdom
of God would come upon the earth in the manner that they believed it would, he
told them that it would never come upon the earth so as to be seen with their
eyes (that look outwardly), because the Kingdom already exists within them (see
http://GateOfEden.com ) -- and it is
accessed through the development of the intuitive spheres of mind that are
positioned to look inwardly -- which then must be balanced with the outward
looking rational linear.
In the parable of the prodigal
son who is subject to the limited perception and understanding of what Jesus
portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind
and being (see Outer
Darkness), man dwells in a world of illusions (see
Plato's Cave) that are an
allusion of mind impressed into the allegorical images of nature. In her book,
The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle, author Karen
L. King writes: "…the Gospel of Mary communicates a
vision that the world is passing away, not toward a new creation or a new world
order, but toward the dissolution of an illusory chaos of suffering, death, and
illegitimate domination. The Saviour has come so that each soul might discover
its own true spiritual nature, its ‘root’ in the Good, and return to the place
of eternal rest beyond the constraints of time, matter, and false morality."
The error of Karen King is typical, in that in her failure to properly
apply the Key of Knowledge, she perceives Mary Magdalene as a flesh and blood
woman, not understanding that Mary is representative of the intuitive spheres of
mind that must be evolved and raised up, in order to tap into and connect with
man's inner Source of Being -- and ultimately the
True Prophet.
The Opening And Unlocking Of The Mind: A
recently published book by William A. Donius entitled
Thought Revolution: How to Unlock Your Inner Genius, not only provides a
degree of confirmation for what is presented in the above subheading entitled
Intuitive Mind vs Linear-Rational -- and I
point out this book especially because of an important critical review that
appears on the Amazon.com web site. The book description reads:
Revolution invites readers to unlock their whole brain to change the way they
see themselves and find the truth in whatever challenges them. Encompassing
twelve years of research, the book takes readers on an unexpected journey that
will set them free-and it all begins with moving the pen from one hand to the
other. The technique is called "intuitive" or "nondominant" hand writing and is
the basis for this revolutionary approach to making lasting life changes.
(Paragraph 2) Tapping the non dominant subconcious right brain through
nondominant hand writing, or drawing, can act as a direct pipeline to one's
inner truth, open up creative problem-solving abilities, and help people think
outside the box. Others have reported improvements in relationships, reduction
in stress, better physical health, discovery of hidden talents, deeper spiritual
awareness, healing from trauma, breakthroughs in career, accessing inner wisdom,
and connection with a higher power. (Paragraph 3) Inside Thought Revolution
William A. Donius offers the science behind nondominant hand writing and teaches
readers ow to incorporate nondominant hand writing in their own lives.
Thought-provoking, easy-to-do exercises and prompts help readers connect mnore
fully with the needs of their subconcious right brains and unlock their hidden
In the article entitled
The Cross And The Seat Belt, I
explore the reality that while from a purely linear perspective it makes perfect
sense to wear a seat belt. I then demonstrate that what appears on the surface to be
purely rational thinking, in fact inhibits the development of the intuitive
which is of a primary importance in the development of the mind of the spiritual
seeker. In a subheading of
The Cross And The Seat Belt
article entitled
Directed Impressions, I explore the reality that you not only have the
innate ability to sense impending events, but by developing the intuitive
spheres of mind and then learning how to project one's thoughts to others, that
in many instances you can actually avert what the linear-minded people portray
as accidents. But I quoted the above book review specifically
because of a customer review by Gary J. Belis on the Amazon.com web site which
states: I have
just finished reading this book online, and I must say the title does not
capture its essence. It should be called
"Lies Your Left Brain Tells You." I have tried
writing answers to key questions with my nondominant hand as the book
recommends, and it is truly amazing just what my underutilized right brain wants
to tell me. The book is an easy read, written in an engaging manner. That title
led me to believe it was going to be a boring textbook. It isn't. Probably a lie
told by my left brain. And another related review by B.
"Cat" Morrow further examines a reality that few understand:
I must admit when I
first began reading this I couldn't understand how we could be so adept at
telling ourselves lies, AND believing them. However as I kept reading and worked
through the exercises provided I realized this is indeed true. It will
take courage to face self-examination, and accept you may be believing things
that aren't true, but for those that find the courage to do the work, and follow
this line of thinking, there are some amazing revelations in store!
And again in the Product Description on the
Amazon UK web site, the crux of the problem is again presented:
The Thought
Evolution, applies the science to help us learn to think differently. The book
cites Donius' experience over the past twelve years and with hundreds of
interview subjects in demonstrating how to enable the creative, intuitive right
hemisphere to weigh in on our thought processes to help us better understand the
obstacles we face and even the lies we may be telling ourselves. Learning to tap
into the right brain is similar to learning a new language. But, it is far
simpler! Find out what awaits in the subconscious.
Again we observe the reality
portraying what the linear-rational mind perceives and understands as a lie --
at least from a right brain perspective. In the above noted
opposition to first the New York, and then North Carolina seat belt laws as
presented in the case of The
Cross And The Seat Belt, when I attempted to present the case that the
linear perspective of accidents presented such an incomplete picture of man's
true reality, what I presented was immediately dismissed -- and that what I was
stating was some sort of cultish mumbo jumbo that made absolutely no sense.
Why? Because the reality that I was presenting was totally
inconceivable to the linear-rational minds of the lawyers and court officers.
And while I eventually prevailed in my opposition to the law, my victory was
founded upon Constitutional mandates that the court did not want to oppose.
And sadly, in many respects, this has been the plight of women who by virtue of
the feminine powers of mind, are far more intuitive than their male counterparts
-- as presented throughout the article
The Divine
Marriage. Quoting this web site:
One of the
greatest lessons the people of our modern culture must learn is that equal does
not mean the same. Perhaps this is best expressed in the introduction of
the long ignored book
Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote:
"Men are different from women. They are equal only in
their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they
are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a
biological and scientific lie".
The key to the dilemma that confronts us today
is further seen in the words of the authors with respect to their opposition to
the ideas we teach our children in our modern-day politically correct culture:
"What you will read in this book about the
differences between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both
reactions are wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has
set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should
rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their
very essence". The book then goes on to
embrace the very real statement that "Women
should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies
in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity.
A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they
professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke."
More recently another (female) researcher named
Dr Luan Brizendine has authored a book named The Female Mind. Dr. Brizendine,
whose book is based on her own clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000
scientific studies, added:
"There is no unisex brain. Girls arrive already wired
as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by
the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values
and their very reality. I know it is not politically correct to say this but
I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us. I
believe women actually perceive the world differently from men. If women attend
to those differences they can make better decisions about how to manage their
lives." These
more informed decisions are basically impossible for most women in today's
culture because of the biological lie that is being promoted due to political
correctness. The problem is that because we dwell in a world that is
generally defined by a male linear perspective, the true nature and depth of the
feminine mind is largely an unexplored realm of vast substance and
opportunity. In fact, once this far reaching reality is truly realized, one
must begin to acknowledge that even men are severely anchored and inhibited by
their own and societies ignorance with respect to the higher purpose and
untapped potential of the female mind. In this respect, woman is the missing
element in (male) man's search for God and the meaning of life -- and vise
Different Are Men And Women?
In support of the above there is a growing body of
evidence as to just how different men and women are.
Male and female brains wired differently, scans reveal
Maps of neural circuitry
show women's brains are designed for social skills and
memory, men's for perception and co-ordination

Neural map of a typical man's brain.
Photograph: National Academy of Sciences/PA
Scientists have
drawn on nearly 1,000 brain scans to confirm what many
had surely concluded long ago: that stark differences
exist in the wiring of male and female brains.
Maps of neural circuitry showed that on average women's
brains were highly connected across the left and right
hemispheres, in contrast to men's brains, where the
connections were typically stronger between the front
and back regions.
Ragini Verma, a researcher at the
University of Pennsylvania, said the greatest surprise
was how much the findings supported old stereotypes,
with men's brains apparently wired more for perception
and co-ordinated actions, and women's for social skills
and memory, making them better equipped for
"If you look at functional studies, the
left of the brain is more for logical thinking, the
right of the brain is for more intuitive thinking. So if
there's a task that involves doing both of those things,
it would seem that women are hardwired to do those
better," Verma said. "Women are better at intuitive
thinking. Women are better at remembering things. When
you talk, women are more emotionally involved – they
will listen more."
She added: "I was surprised that it
matched a lot of the stereotypes that we think we have
in our heads. If I wanted to go to a chef or a
hairstylist, they are mainly men.”
Neural map of a typical woman's brain.
Photograph: National Academy of Sciences/PA
The findings come from one of the largest studies to
look at how brains are wired in healthy males and
females. The maps give scientists a more complete
picture of what counts as normal for each sex at various
ages. Armed with the maps, they hope to learn more about
whether abnormalities in brain connectivity affect brain
disorders such as schizophrenia and depression.
Verma's team
used a technique called diffusion tensor imaging to map
neural connections in the brains of 428 males and 521
females aged eight to 22. The neural connections are
much like a road system over which the brain's traffic
The scans showed greater connectivity
between the left and right sides of the brain in women,
while the connections in men were mostly confined to
individual hemispheres. The only region where men had
more connections between the left and right sides of the
brain was in the cerebellum, which plays a vital role in
motor control. "If you want to learn how to ski, it's
the cerebellum that has to be strong," Verma said.
Details of the study are published in the journal Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences.
Male and female brains showed few
differences in connectivity up to the age of 13, but
became more differentiated in 14- to 17-year-olds.
"It's quite striking how complementary
the brains of women and men really are," Ruben Gur, a
co-author on the study, said in a statement. "Detailed
connectome maps of the brain will not only help us
better understand the differences between how men and
women think, but it will also give us more insight into
the roots of neurological disorders, which are often

the below subheadings entitled Gender Blindness And
The Process Of Birth, and the following subheading entitled
The Holographic Pattern Of Sex, I portray
man and woman's separateness in the true light of the reality of a Cosmic Ovum
And Sperm. And the true folly of our Feminist based
politically correct culture when seen from the perspective of Gloria Steinem's
portrayal of "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a
bicycle" -- along with even the suggestion at Harvard that perhaps
men and women are inherently different (see
Harvard - The Quagmire Of Ignorance)
-- where leftist icon Lawrence Summers was ousted as president because he
suggested that men and woman might be drawn to different gender-specific
intellectual pursuits. In an article entitled
Maneaters -
Women who make the world worse (and the men who do what they say) got the best
of Larry Summers by
Charlotte Allen of the Independent Women's Forum,
quotes an essay by a molecular biologist and Royal Society fellow Peter A.
Lawrence is quoted:
“If you say, for
example, that women are on average more understanding of others, this can be
interpreted as misogyny in disguise. If you state that boys on average are much
more likely than girls to become computer nerds, people may react as if you plan
to ban all women from the trading rooms of merchant banks. The Cambridge
University psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen published research on the ‘male brain’
in a specialist journal in 1997, but did not dare to talk about his ideas in
public for several years....One reason for this absurd taboo is that we cannot
think objectively because our minds are full of wayward beliefs and delusions —
‘ghosts’....And one of these ghosts is the dogma that all groups of people, such
as men and women, are on average the same, and any genetic distinctions must not
be countenanced. “Classifying individuals in general terms, he concludes that
among men, about 60% have a male brain, 20% have a balanced brain, and 20% have
a female brain. Women show the inverse figures, with some 60% having a female
brain. Many facts...have their roots in biology and genetics. Here are some
examples. First, it is hardly necessary to point out that distinguishing between
the contributions of nature and nurture to animal or human behaviour has proved
difficult. However, newborn infants (less than 24 hours old) have been shown a
real human face and a mobile of the same size and similar colour. On average,
boys looked longer at the mobile and girls looked longer at the face....Second,
such differences at birth must have developed earlier. One factor is the level
of testosterone in the developing brain around three months of gestation, which
is higher in males (due to the hormone being produced by the foetus itself).
Many studies show that testosterone affects development and behaviour, not only
in humans, but also in other mammals. Testosterone sponsors development of the
male phenotype, and can influence behaviour even of animals of the same sex. For
example, giving older men testosterone specifically improves their ability with
those spatial tests on which males normally score higher than females.”
Woman, who is by nature far more intuitive, being the opposite polarity of the
linear-male mind, is in fact imbued with this greater intuitive insight in order
to enable her to supply and fill in the countless voids that exist in male-logic
and linear-vision -- that from the perspective of man's higher soul-reality, is
a virtual lie that in many respects is the basis of the analogy of the world of
Illusions that hold mankind in the dungeon of
Plato's Cave.
And when properly understood, the blindness of the linear-rational mind to the
true reality of the (allegorical) forms and symbols of this world, is in fact the basis of
Jesus' portrayal of the "outer darkness" of
mind and being (see Outer
Darkness). But the problem is that in the same way that in
the reviews of the above noted book the
Thought Revolution: How to Unlock Your Inner Genius, what the
linear-left brain perceives is often a lie, the male-dominated linear
perspective of mind does not understand the feminine-intuitive perspective, and
simply ignores the important insight of most women -- rejecting their insights
as feminine foolishness
and housewife folly. Worse yet is the fact that our modern systems
of education work to program young girls and suppress their natural feminine
intuition, thereby making them what is portrayed in the above as
"surrogate men"! Thus, in
the process, these modern systems of institutionalized education flat-line the
thinking of the students at a very low level of perception and understanding,
and inhibit the people from making any real progress beyond a low-level carnal
perception limited to man's organic physical nature.
If all that was necessary was for
people to employ the exercises presented in the foregoing book the
Thought Revolution: How to Unlock Your Inner Genius in order to begin to
perceive truth -- or, for men to begin to listen to the intuitive insight of
women in order to unlock the mysteries of life -- then the solution to the
dilemma of the illusions of
Plato's Cave would be rather simple. But the crux of the problem
is far greater than this. That the male vision is opposite the
female -- and that like the sperm and ovum, they are in reality half of each
other -- means that while the intuitive perception of reality is opposite that
of the linear, it still remains carnal, physically organic, and limited in its
paradoxical opposite understanding. In the following sections I will
explore the fact that in the same way that a child needs nurturing -- and must
be nourished by the proper food -- the same is true with respect to the mind of
mankind that is seeking to bring about the next stage of birth.
Both the linear and the intuitive supply necessary pieces to the puzzle of the
greater picture of life that is necessary to being to perceive man's greater
soul-reality which embodies our true nature and form -- a nature and form that
organic man can't even begin to envision in his very limited physical
consciousness. But since the vast majority of our young
children have been ruined even before they have reached an age where true
development can be brought about, the whole of our politically correct culture
is little more than an adolescent death-trap.
Spiritual (Intuitive) Development: One of
the primary objectives of the Original Scriptures was the development of the
Intuitive spheres of mind that brought about Enlightenment through the eventual
Anointing (Messiah/Christ) of the Mind -- which enabled the seeker/disciple to
transcend the natural barriers of the physical, and be taught directly by God.
But to even begin to accomplish this spiritual transformation of the body and
physical consciousness, those spheres of mind associated with the Intuitive had
to be developed, and then integrated with the rational-linear at a higher level
of man's consciousness and being than his normal organic consciousness would
naturally permit. Thus, in their original condition before being corrupted by
the Church (see http://BibleCorruption.com
), the scriptures were intended to begin the process of
"...the heightening and
enlargement of human consciousness” (see
Expansion Of
Mind) that would enable the seeker/disciple to become enlightened and be
taught by God -- i.e., "It is written in the prophets,
'And they shall all be taught by God.'
Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me"
(John 6:45 NKJ). And it was for this reason that the historical man Jesus
commanded his disciples not to be called teacher or rabbi -- i.e.,
"But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have One
Teacher, and you are all brethren" (Matt 23:8 RSV) -- and this was
commanded, because ultimately, there is Only One True Teacher, and that is the
True Prophet -- often referred to as the Logos, the Son of God, and the Teacher
of Righteousness. And that those lost prodigal sons who look to other men as
their teacher, rabbi or leaders, will be greatly deceived and misguided, is why
the disciple Peter in the Clementine Homilies declared:
O beloved Clement, if you would know the
things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He
alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it
from Him or from His disciples”. (see
The Search For
The True Prophet/Logos/Son Of God Within One's Own Mind And Being).
If we pose the question as to how
blind to man's higher soul and spiritual reality the linear-rational mind is?
Both the blindness, mental impairment and dysfunction is so severe, that the
person who is limited to normal linear reasoning, is portrayed as being dead in
the scriptures (see
The Dead
Know Nothing). Thus, the lopsided development of the linear-rational
which today is brought about in our cultural educational systems by
pseudo-intellectuals who only utilize and develop the linear-outward spheres of
mind -- and by the very nature and purpose of instruction, totally suppress the
intuitive spheres of mind -- inhibit the whole development of mind to the degree
that the students become intellectually flat-lined and totally incapable of
grasping higher understanding of both self, and the life the person is living.
That in their original condition prior to being corrupted by the Church (see
http://BibleCorruption.com ), the
scriptures which are allegorical (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
contained important teachings and catalysts that developed the intuitive spheres
of mind -- catalysts which began the process of connecting the seeker/disciple
with both the higher reality of their soul and what the original disciples
called The
True Prophet who was and is the One Teacher that Jesus said to seek out --
it was this enlightening of the mind of the seeker/disciple that was the very
purpose of the teachings of Jesus which were originally called TheWay. And
thus, the development of the intuitive by virtue of the important teaching that
were removed by the Church, and the catalysts of the allegorical scriptures,
brought about the fulfillment of the original objectives portrayed in
the Encyclopedia
Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism, where
it reads: “Although the essence of mysticism is the
sense of contact with the transcendent, mysticism in the history of Christianity
should not be understood merely in terms of special ecstatic experiences but as
part of a religious process lived out within the context of the Christian
community. From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early
church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in
the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”.
How blind to the true meaning of
the scriptures and the realities of life is the linear-rational mind which is
associated with the pseudo-intellectualism that is promoted by our culture and
taught in our schools today? In the subheading of
Flawed Human (Linear) Reasoning in the article An Inconvenient Truth it
reads that: And that human reasoning, the quasi-religious dogma of man's
religions and his philosophical schools of thought, are always in error by
virtue of their lack of balanced development between the linear and intuitive
spheres of mind -- which lack of balance invokes a blindness to the higher
reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God -- which reality
Paul presented in the words: "See to it that no one
takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on
human tradition and the basic principles of this world..." (Col 2:8
NIV). And the degree that the seeker of Truth is to abandon and reject the
dogmatic and philosophical (linear) reasoning of this world, is further
presented in the words of the Apostle Peter who is quoted in the writings of his
disciple Clement: "...therefore
great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read
according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in
the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has
preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to
seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without".
The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind).
If neither the true meaning of
the allegorical scriptures, or the realities of life itself, can be understood
using "...the understanding of our
own mind" when man is dependent upon the linear-rational spheres of
mind, only then can man begin to understand why the Apostle Paul warned that the
believer should not depend upon human logic and reasoning
"...which depends on human
tradition and the basic principles of this world..." -- which to
their own detriment the Church has ignored this warning. What the Apostle
Paul portrays as "...the basic
principles of this world..." is the linear-reasoning which physicist
Niels Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our
experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple
mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which
the customary interpretation of observation was based.” These
“…mechanical conceptions” make reference to
Darwin and the Theory of Evolution which is born out of the blindness of human
linear reasoning and logic. A blindness portrayed by William A. Tiller in the
words: “The present scientific establishment has grown
somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of
reality that has outlived its usefulness. It has begun to limit mankind’s growth
and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and
mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of
self-extermination” (see
Science Proves
Religion). So the question becomes will mankind's rejection of the reality
portrayed by the modern physicist -- as well as his abandonment with the
original purpose of the Gospel teachings -- cause him to go the way of the
dinosaur and bring him to the precipice where his reliance upon linear-reasoning
has placed him "...in real danger of
Biblical Code: It is important to understand the reality presented in the
Gospels when Jesus spoke to the multitudes in parables -- a system of allegories
designed to conceal the inner meaning from the multitude of hearers, while
permitting only a select group of hearers to understand the esoteric truths that
were being revealed (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel). And when his disciples asked Jesus why he spoke in enigmatic
parables, and did not speak plainly to the people? Jesus said of his
“The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you.
But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be
ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding”
(Mark 4:11-12 NIV). The word "...outside"
, denotes those who Jesus portrayed as dwelling in the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness). And
the word translated secret, is the same word translated mystery at
the foregoing link (
Mystery Of The
Gospel), and makes reference to an esoteric knowledge that is beyond man's
organic "natural" comprehension, is a
reality that few modern believers or the critics of religion have been able to
come to terms with (see An
Inconvenient Truth).
Yet, in a state of
spiritual denial, the modern Church attempts to ignore the implications of what
these words convey. In explanation of the above teachings of Jesus, the
Wycliffe Bible Commentary writes that: “…the initiate
was instructed in the esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders…
The mystery of the kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message
of the Gospel (Rom 16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the
initiates without revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were
without. This is in keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual
understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...”
Why and how is
"...spiritual understanding ...restricted to those who have become
spiritual”??? Because higher spiritual perception and
understanding is dependent upon Wholeness of Mind. The physical consciousness
of the body only supports the development of mind that pertains to the
physical. The linear spheres of mind in their natural organic state, can only
assess outward phenomena -- phenomena that the linear spheres of mind can only
perceive a very limited and partial perception of. But even more importantly,
when Jesus is portrayed as only speaking in parables to the multitude of hears
-- which means that among those who are portrayed as the multitudes, those who
possessed the innate ability to understand the deeper spiritual meaning of the
parable, were those who also possessed the innate potential to be awakened by
the parable -- while the majority of the hears remained bound by human organic
reasoning that made it impossible for them to understand the true meaning of the
parabolic teachings. And while the reader should be moved to immediately
question why the few, possessed an ability to perceive and understand, what the
vast majority of the multitude of hearers did not, and could not -- few students of the
scriptures even possess the insight to question what makes these few different
from the rest of the multitude of hearers? In fact, the modern Christian who
is anchored by the fourth century manmade dogma of the pagan Church of Rome, is
simply incapable of answering this ultra-important question. Where it can be
said that the 4th century Church of Constantine put to death the
Spirit of the Church (see above
The Corruption Of
The Church), it's Spiritual Castration which totally alienated the
congregation of believers from comprehending even what was left of a corrupted
and spiritually sanitized New Testament (see
Bible Corruption), was
implemented in the 6th century. As an example of how the Christian
world was literally forced to adhere to the dogma of the secular priests and
emperors, when the doctrine of the pre-existent soul was outlawed by the Emperor
Justinian, the Britannica confirms that the emperor then forced his will upon
the Church when he
"...banished the
pope to Egypt
, and afterwards to an island, until he accepted the Council, which he
ultimately did" (see
Teachings On Pre-Existent Soul
). After relenting to the will of the emperor, and finely accepting the
decree of the emperor after seven months of imprisonment, it is reported that
the pope met with an untimely death before he could even return to the
Vatican. And while it is true that most of the modern-day doctrines of the
Church was forced upon the Christian world in this same violent manner -- and
the vast majority of modern-day believers are all victims of what has come to be
known as the Stockholm Syndrome -- the removal of this important original
teaching has had such far ranging implications, that it has become impossible
for modern believers and critics alike to even begin to get a valid sense of the
original Gospel meaning and objectives. The modern Church is faith-based --
founded upon blind-faith -- because the reader lacks the necessary tools to even
get a sense of the very purpose of the original teachings of TheWay. And this
secular imposed intervention where the Christian world was literally forced to
succumb to the decrees of the emperors, has had the far ranging effect of
spiritually castrating the Church.
Without an understanding of the
journey of the preexistent soul and the manner in which the universal symbols in
both the scriptures and the parables can act as catalysts which awaken the
hearer or reader, it is impossible for the reader/hearer to comprehend even how
this system of allegory and parabolic instruction works. And in not
understanding how the system of instruction works, it is not at all understood
how the symbolism employed within the parables and scriptures were designed to
act as catalysts which initiated impressions and intuitive knowledge from within
the mind of the person -- originating from the other side of the barrier between
the person in this physical world, and their higher soul-self that dwells in a
non-physical spiritual world (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image). Those who have in their more distant past
developed their mind and being through
"...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” (see
The Heightening And
Expansion Of Mind) -- are in the present able to receive and comprehend the
spiritual meaning of the symbols of both the parables and scriptures. Which
means that everything is dependent upon the necessary development of mind -- and
especially those intuitive spheres which enable the person to connect with their
soul and inner source of being that exists beyond the barrier of the physical.
This development through
"...the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” is
necessary to fulfill the Gospel teaching to seek out only The One Teacher which the disciple
Peter portrayed as The True Prophet (see
Taught In
Parables - The Key Of Knowledge). And that the whole of this world which
is blind to the cause and the Laws that bring about and orchestrates all events
in this world -- a condition of blind ignorance that Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) -- is
what necessitates the opening the inner door to learn the true meaning of the
events of this world, as well as the true meaning of the catalyst symbols used
in the scriptures -- i.e., the warning of Peter:
"...therefore great care is to be
taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the
understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine
Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for
himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and
extraneous sense, which you have brought from without" (see
Flawed Human Linear Reasoning). What this means is that no one -- i.e.,
either believer or unbeliever -- will understand the true spiritual meaning of
the scriptures -- a meaning that is beyond organic human comprehension -- unless
the individual person has been enlightened by what the disciples portrayed as
the One Teacher and True Prophet, as to the true meaning. Why? Because
"...spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become
spiritual...” -- and the very purpose of both the scriptures,
and the Laws that control all events in this world, is to bring this higher
understanding about in the life of the worthy seeker/disciple.
The Apostle Peter warned the
seeker/disciple not to rely upon human perception and comprehension in their
quest to understand the meaning of the scriptures -- and it is this same
rejection of human linear reasoning and the quest to learn from the
True Prophet the meaning of
the scriptures, that develops the intuitive spheres of mind and prepares the
seeker/believer to understand the Forces and Laws that bring about and
orchestrate all events of this world. In the same way that we have the ability
to learn and acquire the ability to read -- and we do so by learning to
interpret the symbols of letters and words -- all of life is written in a
language that we must learn to interpret the symbols of -- and I often portray
this as the language of the soul that the
Key of Knowledge must be
applied to. Because the Atheist and/or the linear-rational minded person who
sees only the outer physical aspects of this material world, remains blind to
both the causal factors of what is experienced -- as well as the Laws and Forces
which present all events to each person -- and remains ignorant of the choices
presented to him/her within the labyrinth of one's scripted life -- the Atheist,
the linear-rational, as well as the person who remains undeveloped, believes
these encounters are the result of accident, luck, the unknown, human nature,
animal compulsion and/or natural occurrences and selection. This is of course
a lie promoted by blind pseudo-authorities who have been alienated from their
own higher soul-nature -- and as such, they lead the people in the wrong
direction. Those few who develop the intuitive spheres of mind are able to not
only escape what Jesus portrayed as
The Prison and the blind
ignorance of the Outer
Darkness -- a condition whereby the person sees only what is portrayed as
the illusions of Plato's Cave --
but also perceive the causal factors of each encounter -- and the Laws which
present to us our choices within the labyrinth. Part of us -- i.e., our higher
soul-self that is not manifest in this world -- not only knows the meaning of
the symbols of life -- but also the causal factors initiated by the Laws which
are presented to us in the manner of a labyrinth that scripts every aspect of
our life.
The purpose of this world is the
evolution and advancement of the soul of man -- and one of the primary
objectives that is necessary to bring this evolution about in the reality of the
individual, is to develop the intuitive spheres of mind that permits one to
perceive and comprehend what lies beyond the curtain of the
"outer darkness",
and begin to develop the ability to understand the whole encounter of life that
the individual experiences. The scriptures are written in a series of
allegorical symbols (see
An Inconvenient Truth) that act as a catalyst which has the potential to
bridge the inner divide between the person we are in this world, and our higher
soul-reality -- and as the person begins to advance beyond the physical organic
mind, they begin to perceive that all of material nature is itself imbued with
symbols of mind and consciousness impressed into the forums of nature that we
interact with (see
The Allusion Of
The Forms Of Matter). And when it is understood that the Source of all
that we see in the material world is in the (un-seen Etheric) Field that modern
physicist have now proven surrounds all physical forms in this world (see
The Folly Of Darwinism
-- and Science
Proves Religion) -- then as the seeker begins to unlock the allegorical
language of the scriptures which act as catalysts within his own mind and being,
the same esoteric reality of nature itself begins to unfold to the mind of the
disciple of TheWay -- i.e., (5) Jesus said, "Recognize
what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to
you..." (Gospel of Thomas).
As A System Of Education: When Jesus promised that his disciples will
know the Truth that will set them free (John 8:32), he was not portraying the
plight of blind faith and belief in manmade dogma that has bound and enslaved
the modern Church today -- but rather, that his followers will become immersed
in a system of spiritual development known as TheWay, that will evolve and
Anoint (Messiah/Christ) their mind in order to reveal all the Mysteries of
Creation to their elevated and enlightened understanding. The fact of the
matter is that while those who are portrayed as teachers, in reality even
know that they have no real answers as to the meaning and
mysteries of life. So in reality it can be said that those who teach are
merely dispensing cultural and philosophic speculation to others, regardless of
the fact that those who teach possess no real knowledge.
If we even begin to ask the
question: How important is the development of the latent intuitive spheres of
mind associated with Mysticism? What is today known as faith-based religion
is portrayed in the Bible as the elementary teachings designed specifically for
entry-level congregations of believers. What the Apostle Paul portrayed as
the "testimony" of Christ, was set forth to
the people he converted as a starting point. And when it is understood that the
objectives of the original teachings of TheWay were in fact parallel to that of
our modern educational systems -- i.e.,
"...the heightening and
enlargement of human consciousness” -- with the objective being to
learn directly from the Source of all Knowledge that Creation was brought into
existence to bring about in the eternal reality of the soul of mankind -- then
it can also be understood that if the objective of our educational system is to
obtain a university and graduate degree, then the beginning of the educational
process starts with pre-school or kindergarten -- i.e., an entry-level
environment which is necessary to prepare the student to embrace the process of
higher learning. In the same way that you can't enroll an immature student in
a college or university, so too must entry-level Christians be exposed one step
and level at a time in a religious-based process that brings about their own
spiritual maturity and attainment. And this design and objective of the
teachings of Jesus and TheWay is explored in the chapter of the article The
Three Lies entitled
The Mystery Of The
Gospel . And it is further demonstrated that the pre-Nicene Church
(before 325 CE) very much resembled a spiritual healing center that was totally
focused on the objective of the development of the seeker/disciple, one level at
a time, of the congregation of believers (see
The Secret Doctrine ).
To the degree that the Church was accused of being a
Secret System that taught the spiritually mature a totally different
doctrine than the congregation of believers. And in reply to the allegations
against the Church by the pagan philosopher Celsus, it was noted that the
elementary doctrines which survive today as the foundation of faith-based
Christianity, was said to be “...preached in the
Churches… for the simpleminded and for the ears of the common crowd who are led
on to live better lives by their belief” (Origen Contra Celsum).
So what happened? In the article
The Secret Doctrine, the
pre-Nicene Church is presented in its finest moments as a three-tier healing
system which served the needs of the people at every level of the process. But
what happened? In time the proverbial saying that the inmates took over the
institution came to pass -- and the charlatan political leaders of the lower
echelon put to death the genuine spiritual healers who were the original core
and spiritual essence of the Church. Resulting in the reality that the
entry-level beliefs became the only surviving teachings, when the original
Nazirenes and Spiritual (Gnostic)
Christians were hunted down and murdered because they refused to accept the
doctrines of the Emperor of Pagan Rome who ruled over the Church beginning in
the fourth century.
Based upon the dogmatic folly of
pseudo-authorities such as Martin Luther who promote the thinking that you have
completed the process even before you have begun -- i.e., the dogma that once
you say your Jesus-prayer, that you have fulfilled all Gospel requirements --
these easily proven fraudulent doctrines (see
The Lie & The Ten
Minute Test) are easily demonstrated to be spiritually counterfeit. Again,
under examination, we can easily perceive a parallel relationship between the
original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, and our modern-day cultural educational
systems. When a child is first introduced into the system as an entry-level
student, what is presented to the child is a vision of the final result where
the graduate student is able to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, computer
programmer or some other professional. The child is told that if they ardently
embrace the objectives of the educational system -- prepare their minds through
proper study and application -- that they can arise and fulfill all cultural
expectations and find great success in their lives. From the vision presented
to the entry-level student, the promise of success is never presented from the
perspective of the dropout -- or those who flunk out and fail to take advantage
of the learning environment that the educational system provides to the
student. It is not at all suggested that you can hangout in school without
study and application, and collect your university degree by merely putting in
your time and going through the motions of going to school. And what is not at
all understood today, is the fact that the promise of the scriptures is
parallel to that of the promise presented to the child who enters our
educational system -- in that, the promise of the scriptures portrays the
reality of those who sincerely engage and complete the process of the original
objectives of "...the heightening and enlargement of
human consciousness”, will attain the promised results -- and this
promise cannot be achieved by those who become spiritual dropouts. But as the
original teachings became institutionalized under secular control, charlatan
priests and clergy (see The Example Of Paul Of Samosata at
http://nazirene.org/unfaithful2.htm#clergy ) peddled dogmatic shortcuts that
they said eliminated the need to strive and fulfill the original spiritual
objectives of "...the heightening
and enlargement of human consciousness” -- with a greater number of
dogmatic dispensations being invented in order to circumvent the process of
higher development -- to the degree where the focus of the Church became
instant salvation for the purpose of acquiring mammon and the political power of
the secular priests and clergy. And when the remaining spiritual core
objected, they were condemned as heretics, hunted down and murdered.
The Trinity And The Divine Pattern Of Creation:
If you believe that God is as a Being/Person in human form and appearance, then
there is no point in your reading any further. The problem is based
upon the reality that your True-Self is not in the form that looks back to you
in the image you perceive in a mirror -- and it will remain impossible for you
to even begin to understand God, the Trinity, or what can be portrayed as the
Divine Pattern of Creation, so long as you remain ignorant of your own True-Self
as a direct expression of the Divine, and a Being of Light. Thus, as
stated in the Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said, "...When you come to know yourselves,
then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons
of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty
and it is you who are that poverty." The
implications are that so long as you fail to Know Thyself, you are not even
Known by God -- that your True-Self is a Son/Child of God -- and that if you
fail to Know your True-Self, that you dwell in poverty, and
"...it is you who are [the embodiment of] poverty".
Which embodiment of abject poverty is an accurate portrayal of 99.9% of the
people in the world today. Why? Because this realm is the Far
Country portrayed in the
Parable of the Prodigal Son -- it is the "outer
darkness" of mind and being (
) in TheCall to the Wedding Banquette (
http://TheCall.Nazirene.org ) -- it is the realm of shadow-illusions in the
analogy of Plato's Cave --
and so long as you remain shackled by the limitations imposed upon you in the
foregoing portrayals of your present reality, it will remain virtually
impossible for you to escape your present condition of abject intellectual and
spiritual poverty. Which means that all your ideas about self, the
life you are presently living, or God, are all elementary speculations at best.
And to you Jesus said: "How can you say to your
brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in
your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then
you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye'"
(Matt 7:4-5) -- and until you are prepared to remove the beam from your own eyes
by coming to your senses as the prodigal son -- escaping the
"outer darkness" by coming to TheCall -- or
learning how to escape this realm of shadow-illusions of Plato's Cave -- then
you will remain bound and shackled by your self-imposed intellectual and
spiritual poverty that imprisons you in a Diaspora of Abject Ignorance.
When the allegorical account in Genesis states that you/mankind was created in
the image of God, what is portrayed is your True Reality in a Condition of
Wholeness -- in contradistinction to the very limited fragment of self that you
are at present. Jesus clearly taught the the Kingdom is within
you -- and that you must seek it therein (see The Fatal Error Of The Church
http://KeyOfKnowledge.org#third )
-- yet, so long as you remain limited by your physical condition of
consciousness, you will remain ignorant of the Inner Kingdom that Jesus taught
to seek, and you will continue to dwell in a state of spiritual
disenfranchisement. A condition of mind and being portrayed as the
walking dead -- i.e.,
"For this my son was dead..." (Luke 15:24).
And when the disciple
asked about burying his father, Jesus stated: “Another
disciple said to him, Lord, first let me go and bury my father. But Jesus told
him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead” (Matt 8:21-22
NIV). Therefore when the scriptures portrays the dead -- i.e.,
"...but the dead know nothing"
(Eccl 9:5 NIV) -- it is portraying those prodigal son and daughters who have yet
to remove the beam from their own eyes, thereby remaining bound by the human
limitations imposed upon them in this, the realm of the Far Country.
And until they begin to overcome the limitations imposed upon them by their
"natural" physical nature -- connecting the
person they are in this world with their True Self that is not manifest in the
body-vessel -- they will remain a prisoner of the Citizen of the Far Country.
And as the prodigal sons/daughters, in the same way that it is impossible for
those who remain bound by the limitations of this world to fulfill the adage to
Know Thyself, it will remain impossible for them to Know God.
From a foundational background perspective, there is a great deal of historical
information in the in-depth article The Three Lies beginning at the subheading
on the Logos --
which leads into what is arguably the most important suppressed and
misunderstood teaching on
The True
Prophet, and the following subheading entitled
The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind. While the subject matter is
again resumed in the subheading
Holographic Pattern, let me point out that there is a reason why there is a
great deal of discussion in that section on
Spirituality which lays the foundation to comprehending the Laws that
control all of Creation between the two groupings of headings. And in the
subheading following -- i.e.,
The Trinity And
The Divine Pattern Of Creation -- there is further exploration.
What exactly is Dualism? The problem is that few people understand the reality
of what is called Dualism -- often portrayed in a negative sense as Persian
Dualism, Gnostic Dualism, etc. -- resulting in the fact that not even those who
often think of themselves as Gnostic, understand the reality of what they are
portraying. There are certain words that possess a Divine Meaning that is
beyond the ability of man to redefine or define from a carnal perspective.
And in the word Gnosis (see
The Reality
Of Gnosis) is one of those words. Quoting from the foregoing
link: Gnosis is the Greek word meaning Spiritual Knowledge -- and True Gnosis is
defined as Knowledge received directly from God. Gnosis cannot be found in a
book -- it cannot be taught by another man or teacher of this world -- and it is
representative of a higher spiritual reality that simply cannot be redefined by
man. Gnosis is the Greek word which indicates that revelationary experiential
Knowledge received from God -- and cannot be imparted by any other Source.
Which means that when quasi-religious and politically-religious motivated people
condemn Gnosis/Spiritual Knowledge as heresy, they are in every way condemning
and rejecting the Divine Manna imparted to the most religious and spiritual of
mankind, as heresy. Those who ignorantly condemn Gnosis, condemn the
Knowledge of God. And the fact that, because of the politics of religion and
the fact that governments the world over have traditionally used religion as a
means to maintain rule and authority over the people, we can begin to understand
the very reason why genuine Mystics who have dedicated their lives to seeking
Spiritual Knowledge -- defined as Gnosis -- have concealed the means to acquire
this Spiritual Knowledge within the written text of the scriptures -- cloaked in
allegory, so it would not be revealed to carnal/organic man.
From a higher spiritual perspective, there is really no such thing as Dualism in
the manner that the proponents and opponents think -- because Dualism only takes
into account the Positive and Negative Powers that are paradoxical opposites
which permeate all of Creation. And if we ask: Why is there no such thing as
Dualism? Because even the concept of dualism would omit the most important
element of the equation which is what we call the Third-Force Balance. But
going one step further, the paradoxical opposites that constitute Dualism on
this Plane, exist in Oneness on a Higher Plane -- and their division in this
world always initiates the environment where the third-force reality of Mind is
the balance. Moreover, the conflict of the paradoxical opposites can only
be resolved when the third-force (of mind) is raised up to the higher plane
where what is Dual in this world exists in Oneness.
If the
bottom horizontal base of the triangle represents the duality in the earthly
plane, then this duality can only be harmonized and overcome in the development
of the upper point where the two exist as One on a higher plane. If the
horizontal base represents the perception and understanding from the limited
reality of the earth-plane, then the elevated point which is able to not only
perceive reality from a higher plane -- but also without the duality of the
lower earth-plane -- posses an enlightened vision and understanding that is not
organic to the duality of the earth. One of the primary obstacles that
confronts seekers, is seen in the fact that to achieve this higher vision where
the duality of the earth is overcome, the third-force balance must be raised
up. Therefore, from a purely cultural perspective, what would be commonly
understood as the traditional consensus balance of opposites (male/female) on
the horizontal line of the earth plane, would only produce a third-force balance
on the same horizontal earth plane. And thus, the majority of religious paths
attempt to ignore the duality in the earth -- or rectify this duality -- by
seeking the spiritual as portrayed in the upper most point, without
understanding the nature of that elevated point of mind and being.
In the same way that the soul is
asexual -- and is a Being of Light that is pure intellect and consciousness --
our true self that exists on a soul-level is not polarized to male of female or
any other duality -- and yet, the enlightened vision of reality is the product
of the absolute balance of duality. In Jewish Mysticism, Eve did not come into
being when formed from the rib of Adam -- but rather, Eve always existed before
being separated. In the first Creation Account, man was created from the
beginning male and female in the image of God -- i.e.,
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male
and female created he them" (Gen 1:27 KJV) -- which indicates that
what is allegorically portrayed as Eve always existed within the reality of the
One. And that to even exist in this world, what exists must be in accord with
the Divine Pattern -- and in the same way that man and woman exists in duality,
so too does even every thought that is generated by man and woman. And only
when these thoughts are balanced and made whole across the spectrum of male and
female, can the third-force balance that exists from an enlightened higher
soul-perspective exist.
the same way that the polarities of male and female are representative of the
pattern of duality in the earth, the very thoughts and mental impressions -- in
addition to the (spiritual) vital energies or life-force -- what exists within
the reality of man and woman in a state of division, must be overcome and
raised up to a soul-level of being, in order to eat the fruit of the Tree of
Life which is portrayed in the diagram at the right. The Tree of Duality (aka
The Forbidden Tree of Knowledge of Good And Evil), is representative of the two
outer columns which are male/female in relation to each other. And
the only way to overcome this duality, is to properly engage it -- evolve it --
and restore the male and female to a condition of Oneness and Wholeness. Thus,
the Kingdom can only be restored as presented in the Second Epistle of Clement
where Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom in the words:
“Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of
God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of
God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come,
replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within,
and the male with the female, neither male nor female’” In the
same way that there was no Tree of Duality in the first Creation account of
Genesis -- and this duality that brings death is the result of the Laws -- only
when the Laws are overcome, can the Kingdom be restored within the prodigal sons
and daughters.
While there have always been
entry-level pseudo-Gnostics who have preached an earthly-evil and heavenly-good
doctrine based upon fragmentary understandings, the Gnostics who truly know the
truth and reality of mankind, stated the necessity of evolving the earthly or
ego-personalities which are often portrayed as false-personalities, in order to
develop the essence-self or soul-impression in
Gospel of Thomas
saying 84. And thus, the earthly, or ego-self, must become the
"good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, in order for the
essence-self or soul-image to develop and evolve to it's full potential as
portrayed in the words: “…multiplying thirty, sixty, or
even a hundred times” (Mark 4:8 NIV) the soul-image or essence-self
which was implanted in the body at conception. If the ego or false
personalities are the expression of the earthly centers, then the refining of
the "good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, is representative of
the development of the lower centers -- and ultimately the earthly becoming the
bride of the heavenly opposite -- coming together in the Center.
It is
important to recognize that while you can't get to the upper point on the
heavenly plane that is beyond your reach as organic man -- if you understand and
are willing to apply the
Laws of Creation and Spiritual Alchemy, you can make the lower point reflect the
upper, which enables their joining. Therefore, the lower point as portrayed
in the Star of David at the left, must be purified and evolved to the degree
that it merges with it's heavenly opposite.
Once properly understood, the
threefold reality which the pseudo-Gnostic, the monk or yogi attempts to tap
into by the suppression of the lower nature, and the meditating on the Light
emanating through the sixth center above and between the eyes, can be used to
demonstrate the failings of the path of both the monk and yogi who rely upon
meditation to achieve their ecstatic states of illumination and what they
portray as Christ Consciousness via the Light that enters the body and mind
through that center. Thus we must ask: Why not the topmost seventh center?
And it is in the understanding of this crucial question, that the secret to the
key of all of Creation is revealed. The top three centers in the head are the
heavenly centers -- and the sixth center is the balance of the fifth and seventh
spiritual centers (aka chakras). The amount of Light that has the potential
to illumine the mind, is the result (or fruit) of the balance of the fifth and
seventh spiritual centers -- which balance is manifest in the sixth center.
And herein lies the problem -- i.e., part of us is manifest in the lower
vibrations associated with the earth and earth-consciousness -- and the higher
reality of the soul or soul-self, cannot even be approached, without the
Wholeness of the seven spiritual centers -- which cannot be balanced without the
evolved balance of mind as portrayed in the diagram of the twelve spheres of the
Tree of Life with the Star of David overlain.
In a summary, if the triangle
above represents the dilemma from the perception of man on the earth-plane with
the horizontal duality that must be satisfied by the third-force point of the
heavenly plane -- and the vast number of religions attempt to overcome the
dilemma by negating and getting above the mind by seeking that higher point to
the exclusion of the lower -- then the True (Gnostic) Spiritual Seeker who
understands the Cosmology of Mind, embraces an opposite path. As presented in
the parable of the Sower and the Seed, the
teachings of TheWay strives to develop and evolve the lower point by making the
reflective earth ego-self the "good ground".
And this is the objective of allegory of the Torah and the manifestation of the
lower animal appetites that must be evolved and perfected, in the AskMoses.com
portrayal of the
Final Temple. And it is the evolved development and perfection of these
lower centers, that embodies TheCall to the parable of the Wedding Feast,
wherein each who comes to TheCall, must have on the appropriate
"wedding garment" -- which signifies the
evolved perfection of the lower earthly spiritual centers. And this is why
the Gospel of Thomas is consumed with the development of self as seen in the
wisdom: "But if
you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that
poverty... Whoever finds himself is
superior to the world". The self that the seeker must find, is the
indwelling soul-self that is the focus of the True Self in the Gospel of Thomas
saying 84 (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image), and this can only be achieved through the
Wholeness of an evolved mind that brings about the next stage of birth.
Again, we see the relationship between the lower earthly point that is the
solution to the upper heavenly duality, in conjunction with the upper heavenly
point that is the solution to the earthly duality, and when evolved Wholeness is
achieved, how the perfected fruit of the Tree of Life is portrayed in the symbol
of the Star of David.
In the same way that the sixth
spiritual center (chakra) is the balance between the fifth and seventh heavenly
spiritual centers in the head -- and the second spiritual center (chakra) is the
balance of the lowest first and the third spiritual (sex) centers -- thus, we
have an upper heavenly triad, a lower earthly triad, and it is the fourth
spiritual center in the middle which is often allegorically portrayed as the Son
of Man in the scriptures, which is the balance of what is portrayed as heaven
and earth. The totality of mind is the balance between the seven spiritual
centers and the physical body -- and the mind is manifest in the twelve spheres
of the Tree of Life. And this is the primary reason why the paths of the monk
and yogi teach the need to get above the mind -- not being able to engage the
mind and evolve it to Wholeness, because of the negation of the lower
centers. The twelve tribes of Israel have absolutely nothing to do with an
historical people -- but rather, represent an allegorical portrayal of the mind
as patterned in the Tree of Life -- as is the higher presentation of the twelve
disciples an allegorical portrayal of the perfected mind in the Gospels.
And this is why Paul
warned the Galatians who were attempting to embrace Jewish ritualistic ways,
stated to them: “Tell me, ye that desire to be
under the law, do ye not hear the law?” And
then Paul goes on to explain to those who want to attempt to read the written
word literally, in an historical context as Christians do today:
“For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by
a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born
after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an
allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).
Not only are the lower three
earthly centers the paired opposites of the upper three heavenly centers -- but
the spiritual centers and associated spheres of mind are paired across the
spectrum of gender as manifest in male and female. But this is not apparent
unless you come to understand the holographic reality of man and woman as the
cosmic sperm and ovum that must achieve the next stage of birth. Moreover,
while in our divided reality as man or woman we exist as an ego-self, or
embryonic soul-image, our true being is manifest in the higher reality of our
soul, or soul-self that is the Being of Light encountered in the Near Death
Experience (NDE). In the same way that a sperm or ovum is not representative
of the whole person, we are not representative of the wholeness of our soul or
higher soul-self. And because the womb of our physical mother's is simply not
the environment necessary to develop the mind and bring about the next stage of
birth, our soul-image is connected in a fetus that is born into this world --
divided across the spectrum of cosmic ovum and sperm in the womb of Mother-Earth
-- which world presents to us the necessary environment to bring about the
expansion of mind and consciousness in the quest to initiate the next stage of
soul-birth. And man and woman who possess the potential to initiate and
fulfill the Laws which bring about this next stage of birth, must develop those
areas of mind that are beyond the level of organic consciousness.
If we draw a vertical line
through the middle of the triangle from to top bottom, we can begin to grasp the
solution with respect to the Laws that must be overcome. The two horizontal
points on the base of the triangle, are imbedded in the outer columns of the
Tree of Duality -- and for this duality to be overcome, the angles must be equal
and reversed with respect to the Laws that will bring about the evolution of the
center point. Where normal male/female physical and emotional interaction
will remain earth-bound with the third-force balance remaining of the horizontal
plane, when a Husband and Wife work on evolving the mind and thinking of each
other, as both male and female in harmonic balance -- while evolving that
third-force which is the sum of that union of "one
flesh" -- while seeking the higher truth of mind that is manifest in
their soul, and the higher reality of the Kingdom that is manifest in their
spiritual nature -- then the duality is overcome in the Third-Force balance, and
the Alchemical Transformation is brought about through the application of the
Laws and Forces of Creation which manifest Completion within the Divine
The objective is to elevate
one's mind and being to the higher soul-plane of reality. One of the problems
is seen in the fact that there is no duality of male of female on the soul-plane
-- and yet, our higher soul-plane is the result of all duality of male and
female raised up in perfect balance and wholeness. Our higher soul-self is
neither male nor female -- and this higher reality cannot be reached when our
thoughts and mindset are imbued with the duality of male or female -- i.e., the
fruit of the Tree of Duality. Yet, within the environment of a Divine
Marriage where male and female have been merged into
"one flesh" (Matt 19:6), this duality of mind and being can be
overcome -- and the original pattern of Adam/Eve manifest within the reality of
Husband and Wife.
In order to accomplish this
transformation, the Husband and Wife must seek to make themselves a Holy and
Consecrated Final Temple -- where the lower appetites of the animal
consciousness of the body are raised up to their highest expression as portrayed
in the AskMoses.com presentation (see
Temple). And
it was this reference to the Law that Jesus stated not one jot or tittle would
be negated, till all is Completed. But an all-important reality of Law must be
recognized and observed, if this spiritual alchemical transformation is to be
brought about. In its final manifestation as a triangle, each of the
male/female horizontal opposites, are themselves equal points in a triangle that
they are themselves part of, and they are the center of. Which means that the
male and female opposites must not only reflect each other in the reverse of
their polarities, but that the Laws that form the linear connection on the earth
plane, as well as the linear connection which arises into the heavenly plane,
must all be equal and harmonically balanced. And while this may sound complex
to many, this is exactly what happens in the physical process of birth which
every succeeding level is patterned after. In the same that the genetics of an
embryo must have a perfectly balanced chromosomal balance across the DNA of
mother and father, in order for the third-force of the offspring to begin to
evolve into an fetus and be born as an infant, so too must the balance of male
and female opposite impressions of mind manifest this same harmonic balance
between Husband and Wife in a Divine Marriage.
In the subheading on the
Logos, we find
the Greek term Logos properly defined as the Mind of God. And since the Mind
cannot exist outside of the Environment of Positive/Negative Forces which
empowers and manifests the Mind as the Third-Force Balance -- then what we are
left with at it's core could best be portrayed as the Science Of Mind.
Understanding the Science of Mind as it relates to One's Self in the equation of
Know Thyself, is called the Cosmology of Mind -- i.e.,
"But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are
that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world"
(Gospel Of Thomas). Which means that from an Enlightened perspective, even the
most advanced of our universities today, dwell in abject poverty. In not
understanding the Cosmology of Mind, they remain totally immature in their
thinking and mindset.
Thus we must first pose the
question: What is mind? And just as important: What is the potential of mind?
And then we should add the proverbial questions that are gateways to acquiring
the self-knowledge that will begin to crack open the door out of the abyss of
intellectual and spiritual poverty: What are the limitations of mind? Can these
limitations be overcome? Why is the Mind of God portrayed as All-Knowing? While
the organic consciousness of man dwells in dark confusion that is often
portrayed as ignorance? Can man's condition be changed and improved? And perhaps
most importantly, what must man do to improve his condition? What will he be
when man improves his condition? And does it matter? The problem is that the
answers to these questions cannot at all be found in our esteemed educational
institutions -- and can only be revealed to us by what the first followers of
Jesus called,
The True Prophet.
Sadly, these are all questions
that the majority of people could give a hoot about. Why? Because organic
man who is ruled over by the lower three earthly-kingdoms, is only concerned
with satisfying his carnal appetites and needs of the body -- and having become
adjusted to his condition, he simply is not motivated to do the necessary labor
and dedication to advance himself beyond what is supported by the physical
body-vessel. And this is especially true when said advancement requires a
great expenditure of time and effort without carnal or worldly reward.
Man, in his organic condition, demands instant gratification -- i.e., tell me,
so I can know the truth. The reality that the Truth he seeks is beyond his
"natural" organic comprehension (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel) -- and to understand, he must surrender to the transformative
process of embracing the Cross in every aspect of his life -- this time and
dedication is simply something that he is unwilling to do. Further, you
have the proverbial problem that a little bit of knowledge is often more
dangerous than no knowledge at all. And since man in his organic condition
of mind is incapable of understanding his own higher soul and spiritual reality
(see Mystery Of
The Gospel), all of organic man's perceptions and understanding of God (and
the Trinity) is immersed in grave dogmatic error. In fact, dogma can be defined
as the assumptions of the carnal mind that is incapable of comprehending both
self and God with any real depth of understanding -- and that these assumptions
are then encased in hard and fast creeds that inhibit advancement beyond the
carnal, is the plight of the Christian today. And (in the fourth century) since
the segment of the Church which portrayed themselves as Orthodox and entered
into a covenant with the Emperor Constantine who was in every way a barbarian,
the whole foundation of the Church's dogmatic understanding remains gravely
flawed. When you add to this the fact that one of man's primary organic needs is
that of survival, what man portrays as religion has always been hijacked by
counterfeit shepherds (priests/clergy) who hand out dispensations to guarantee
survival after physical death. But since death in the scriptures portrays the
plight of organic man in this world (see
The Dead
Know Nothing) -- and the essence of all people survive physical death --
then the whole construct of the religion that is preached from the altars, has
virtually nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay.
While the true purpose and objectives of religion is to provide answers and
solutions to the above questions that the majority of people could care less
about pursuing, the fact that counterfeit shepherds always adopt true spiritual
holy men such as Jesus, and use them to peddle their dispensations and carnal
dogma -- and they do this for their own empowerment and political position
within the culture -- then the few who embrace genuine religion and the
teachings of holy men for their intended purpose of achieving Enlightenment and
the Kingdom, are very quickly turned upon by the counterfeit shepherds as
No truer statement has ever been
made which portrays the plight of the vast majority of mankind than this:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
...Therefore, my people have gone into captivity, because they have no
knowledge" (Hosea 4:6; Isa 5:13). Why? This question is answered in
the words: "Those who lead you cause you to err, and
destroy the way of your paths" (Isa 3:12 NKJ). And if the
proclamation in the Gospel of Thomas is true -- i.e.,
"...if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are
that poverty" -- then the very Essence of Religion IS the Science of
Mind. In the subheading entitled The Heightening And
Expansion Of Mind -- which is the process that opens the door enabling the
seeker/disciple to be able to answer the above proverbial questions that the
vast majority of people could care less about. And in the same way
that the Mind of God (or Logos) is the Third-Force Balance of the
Positive/Negative Forces which are often portrayed as Father/Mother God, all of
Creation is holographically imbued with this same Divine Pattern. Thus, we not
only observe Duality in all things -- i.e., day/night, light/dark, male/female,
left/right, heaven/earth, spirit/flesh, etc./etc. -- the very condition and
reality of mind is always found in the third-force balance of the two. And when
rightly understood, even the parable of the prodigal son presents the duality of
the two sons -- with the third-force of mind which is never spoken of, is
representative of the missing link that inhibits most people from understanding
the esoteric knowledge of mind that is being presented within the construct of
the parable. But if this third-force is representative of the soul of man --
with the elder son remaining in the Kingdom of the Father -- then this
third-force which is representative of the soul of man, neither incarnates into
this world, nor can it dwell in the Kingdom, without the lost prodigal son
completing its journey in TheWay -- and by its own volition, returns to the
Edenic Kingdom of Origination.
Both the Trinity and the Duality
of the Divine Pattern can be presented in other ways that can help us to better
understand. While electricity is comprised of positive and negative
polarity opposites, where they come together in the electrical appliance can be
thought of as the third-force balance. Not to utilize the duality of an electric
current, can then be portrayed as
The Way Of The Monk
-- which path attempts to suppress the development of the mind -- in their words
they meditate on the Light coming through the sixth center in an attempt to
"get above the mind". And in the
example of the electrical circuit where the two polarities are brought together
at the point of the third-force appliance, it must be recognized that the vast
majority of people have absolutely no understanding of electrical circuits, and
all they know is to throw a switch, and use the appliances that operates off the
duality of the current flow. Which means that while the
duality exists, few people understand the application of the threefold reality
of the circuit.
When rightly understood,
computers are the dumbest things that totally lack intelligence. All computer
languages are based upon positive/negative charges, or "1"s and "0"s -- but it
is the combination of these "1"s and "0"s -- and the speed with which they can
be deciphered -- that gives the computer the appearance of intelligence.
But in the example of the computer, it is the sum and application of the duality
of the "1"s and "0"s that manifests the third-force which man utilizes in his
virtually countless computer applications. And while the vast majority of
people know how to move a mouse, or engage a key, few have any understanding
whatsoever of Computer Science or the integration across the matrix of the
computer bus and circuits that cause the images to dance across the screens.
Yet, if you were going to create an application -- or modify your computer to
expand its present limitations -- you would have to comprehend Computer Science
and the reality of the "1"s and "0"s that make the computer function.
Those few who seek to answer and
prevail over the above proverbial questions -- and see to bring about the
necessary Heightening And Expansion Of Mind that
enables them to comprehend at a higher and more enlightened level than the rest
of mankind -- recognize the necessity of comprehending the higher reality of
mind -- or, what can be portrayed as the Science of Mind. And in the same
way that the computer programmer must understand the compilation and
interactions of the "1"s and "0"s in the workings of a computer circuit and
language, so too must the seeker/disciple who is striving to reach his true and
ultimate potential, seek to understand the Science of Mind -- and the
interaction of the duality and the third-force of mind which they are striving
to raise up and expand beyond organic limitations. And in this respect, it
must be recognized that if it were even possible to eliminate the duality of all
the "1"s, or the "0"s in the computer language, the computer would be dead and
worthless, because it could no longer function. Therefore, not only must
the computer programmer understand and utilize the compilations of these
essential "1"s and "0"s, but he must orchestrate them in such away, that
together they fulfill the objectives of the program that is being worked on.
In the same way, not only must the seeker/disciple understand the interaction of
the negative/positive (male/female) forces that manifest in the third-force of
mind -- but he must utilize them in such a manner so as to orchestrate and bring
about his higher spiritual objectives. And it is for this reason
that the Sacred Knowledge of the Forces and Laws of Mind was concealed and
preserved within the allegorical body of the scriptures (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
-- and in Jesus' own words, a seeker/disciple needed to properly apply the
Key of Knowledge in order
to ascertain and utilize this Sacred Knowledge within their own Mind and Being
in search of Self and the Inner Kingdom.
In the example of the linear and
intuitive spheres of mind that I present in The
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind, when it is realized that man's superior
intellect is born out of a complexity of mind that is manifest in the twelve
often paradoxical (duality) spheres of the Tree of Life (see
Enigma Of The Twelve) -- and that the interaction of these spheres is
controlled by Laws that must be perfected and prevailed over -- then it can be
understood that the interactions of the "1"s and "0"s in a computer or
electrical circut can be seen as child's play in comparison. And yet,
because all of Creation is holographically imbued with this same pattern of Laws
and Triune interactive realities, the seemingly complex can be rather simple
when what you see is truly understood from the perspective of your own higher
When you buy a computer, it does
not come with a book explaining the computer languages and detailed workings of
the computer -- which virtually no one who buys a computer could even begin to
comprehend. The original Personal Computer (PC) worked on what was
known as the DOS operating system. But this was found to be too
complicated for the average person to use -- so interfaces such as Windows was
developed in order to create a point and click environment. In very
much the same way, the textual body of the scriptures do not even attempt to
present the great body of esoteric knowledge that only the sincere and dedicated
seeker/disciple must know to prevail and bring about the higher objectives of
Creation within the individual. In the same way that the users guide of a
computer only conveys the simple interactions that make the computer function
and animate the images that are danced across the screen, the written text of
the Gospels convey to the believer the proper mindset and lifestyle necessary to
begin to be worthy of being a disciple of TheWay. It can be said
therefore, that the literal text of the Gospels is representative of an very
preliminary point and click environment that is intended to prepare the
faith-based believer to begin to progress beyond a very elementary path that is
intended to bring about a highly evolved condition and environment of maturity,
wholeness and balance within the mind and body of the seeker/disciple. In
a recent legal case which I portray as the Cross and the Seat Belt, I begin my
explanation of the true cause of accidents by exploring what can be called
The Conditions Of
One's Birth - Life - And Death. The fact that there is no such thing as an
accident -- and every event in this world has a pre-existing cause -- from a
seat belt perspective is synonymous with stating that the solution to water
pollution, is not to drink water.
The primary objective of the
written text of the Gospels -- i.e.,. the human users manual -- is to change
one's condition so that the believer is then prepared to begin to embrace the
higher reality of the soul and spirit. Yet, the counterfeit shepherds who preach
from the pulpits of the Churches peddled the dogma that they have a
dispensation, and it is not necessary to embrace the mindset and lifestyle
presented in the Gospels -- even when the cultural lifestyle they are presently
living is openly condemned in the scriptures (see
TheLie). As
stated in the article An
Inconvenient Truth, all scriptures are allegorical -- with important
esoteric knowledge that is of no use to the believer, concealed and preserved
within the allegorical text of the scriptures.
In many respects the New
Testament was written to free the people from enslavement to the ancient Mystery
Religion known as Judaism -- and ultimately, all the Mystery Religions of the
old world. When the Gospels were originally written, there existed many
important and essential truths written literally in the body of the text. But
because the carnal Christians who called themselves Orthodox, did not possess
the depth of mind to even begin to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and
spirit, and the Kingdom of God which is within -- they either removed or edited
out these important teachings that are essential to walk in TheWay (see
The Corruption Of
The Church). In the manner of carnal people, their primary concern was the
satisfaction of their body appetites -- and the concept and necessary dedication
of becoming a student/disciple of the Science of Mind -- i.e., picking up one's
own cross and travailing in TheWay -- was something that they condemned as
heresy. Their counterfeit shepherds who made a living out of dressing in robes
and dispensing ritual and dogmatic dispensations intended to provide the masses
of people salvation from physical death, used their armies to hunt down the
heretics who maintained that their dogma was a fraud, and their ritual
dispensations were worthless. And with the removal of the objective which Jesus
commanded with respect to learning only from the One Teacher and True Prophet
that Jesus taught to seek out within them (see
True Prophet)
-- the throwing away of the
Key of Knowledge -- and the removal of the teachings on the pre-existant
soul (see The
Spiritual Castration Of The Church) -- the Church itself has been
transformed into a whitened sepulcher that has been dogmatically rendered a tomb
of death. Yet, in their folly, they assume that they can understand the higher
reality, Laws and Forces that animate and manifest Creation.
The Universal Voice of the Mystic
has always stated to mankind: If you want to see and understand the esoteric
realities that I have seen and experienced, then you must do as I have myself
done -- and there are no shortcuts of dispensations. Those who do not pick of
their own cross and travail in TheWay, are not worthy to be taught by the One
Teacher that Jesus said to seek out (see
True Prophet)
-- and thus, they dwell in the abyss of intellectual and spiritual poverty:
"...if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty". And herein likes the
crux of the problem -- i.e., to understand the Science of Mind and the
Trinitarian Foundation of the Divine Pattern of Creation, one must begin to
change their condition and create within themselves the necessary spiritual
environment which in the allegory of the scriptures is portrayed as the
Final Temple.
And in this respect, the necessary knowledge which the Church suppressed and
destroyed when it entered a covenant with Rome, is presented in
The Three Lies and its
associated links. But to bring about the necessary transformation of self into
the Final Temple
that enables the seeker/disciple to enter within the Holy of Holies with
themselves and enter the Inner Kingdom, they must live their received level of
knowledge in word, thought, desire and deed. Thus, like the prodigal son, they
must begin their journey in TheWay back to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination (
http://GateOfEden.com ). And the further
along they progress, the greater their understanding will become.
Understanding What We See: The Gospel of
Thomas declares to the reader: "Recognize what is in
your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.
For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."
What does this mean? It is not until we begin to be conscious of the
reality that everything we think we see, perceive and understand is a mere
fragment of reality, that we can even begin to overcome the limits that this
physical world places upon us. Jesus portrayed man as having
abandoned the Kingdom in order to journey into the Far Country in the parable of
the (two sons) prodigal son. He portrayed this world as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) --
which "outer darkness" is synonymous and
parallel to the plight of mankind in what is known as
Plato's Cave. That man in
his organic "natural" state of mind is severely limited and fragmented in what
he thinks he sees, perceives and understands, is what Jesus portrays as the
condition of blindness that immerses all of mankind in the
"outer darkness" of mind and being. And it was because
of this inherent blindness that Jesus explained:
“For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their
ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears, understand with their hearts...” (Matt 13:15-17
NIV) -- and thus, what Jesus revealed is that mankind in his organic
"natural" state of mind, was inherently
blind, deaf and unable to understand man's own higher soul and spiritual
reality. And that it is further impossible for even baptized and committed
believers to understand the true meaning of the Bible -- and all of life -- and
this long ignored biblical fact is clearly demonstrated and explored at the
subheading entitled The Mystery Of The
Gospel. And when Paul explained to the Congregation of
Christians who he had himself taught that: "And I,
brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to
babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you
were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are
still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3 NKJ). -- it was because they had only
begun their journey in TheWay, and were yet too immature and carnal to not only
perceive their own higher soul and spiritual reality -- but to understand the
inner meaning of the Gospel and scriptures.
The gaining of what the Gospel
portrays as the "eyes to see" and the
"ears to hear" that is necessary in order to
escape the limitations of the "outer darkness",
is very much found in the words: "Recognize what is in
your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you.
In the subheading on
Holographic Pattern Of Creation, I portray this world as a mental-womb that
has the potential to supply and nourish the seeker with the necessary thoughts
and mental-impressions to bring about the next stage of birth that Jesus said
was necessary to enter into Life (see
Laws And The Birth Process). What is therefore
imperative to understand is the fact that the scriptures are written in
allegory, because all that we see when we look out into the world are in fact
thoughts and realities of mind impressed into the forms of Nature which immerse
man in a Mental-Womb that is necessary for his development and next stage of
birth. Science has already proven that what man sees with his
physical senses is a mental-projection of what exists in the Field which
surrounds physical matter (see
Science - Religion
- And The Etheric Field/Mind). And in his physical organic
condition, man remains inherently blind to the source in the (Etheric) Field.
Science has further come to understand that we dwell in a holographic universe
that is a projected thought -- and our physical brains interpret a certain
spectrum of frequencies as being concrete -- but in reality, what we perceive as
concrete is merely that spectrum of frequency (of thought) within the
holographic reality of this world. In an
of the book Active Consciousness -
Awakening The Power Within, by Amy L. Lansky, it is stated that: "If
a holographic image has many different holograms embedded within it, shining a
laser of a specific frequency upon it will cause only those holograms made with
lasers of the same frequency to stand out. That's because things with the same
vibration naturally resonate and reinforce one another -- just as two violin
strings at the same pitch resonate with one another. This property of resonance
has [also] been used to explain how each of us might interact with mysterious
fields like the psi or Akashic fields... People pick up only that with which
they personally 'resonate.' Each individual's resonant frequency, determined by
their life experience, physical body, and energy body, limits what they can
What you
have here is the human dilemma -- i.e.,
"...That's because things with the same vibration
naturally resonate and reinforce one another" -- which is why
your body-senses which are comprised of earth-matter, and resonates at an
earth-frequency, is generally incapable of perceiving beyond this very limited
spectrum -- even though, all of reality lies before each person with nothing
concealed. Moreover, because there is nothing but thought-images impressed
into the forms of Nature -- and you are presently dwelling in what can best be
portrayed as a mental-womb -- what you are actually seeing is thoughts which
have been molded and impressed into allegorical forms. And when properly
understood, this is the analogy of the Outer Darkness and Plato's Cave.
But the greater problem is that the vision of each person is further constrained
by their very limited mindset -- and they can't even begin to
"open and unloose" the mind as the Gospel
proclaims. And in never developing the mind to perceive and think beyond
the narrowest of limitations within an already limited spectrum of the
holographic field. Now add to this the fact that each of the twelve
spheres of mind imposes a sectarian perception on what is seen -- and of course
these are again filtered by the holographic reality of the twelve within the
twelve -- and this is why organic man is not only blind to reality outside of
the frequency spectrum of the earth -- but also, sees and thinks within a very
narrow spectrum of even the limited frequencies of the earth. Further, we
see in what is portrayed as the Tower of Babel Syndrome that
"...People pick
up only that with which they personally 'resonate.' Each individual's resonant
frequency, determined by their life experience, physical body, and energy body,
limits what they can perceive" -- and this is why each group
is only capable of hearing and understanding the rhetoric of their own group --
why men don't understand women, and vice versa -- why man is divided across
countless sectarian and philosophical schools of thought, all of which remain
incomplete and dead-ended.
Gender-Blindness And The Process Of Birth:
In view of the foregoing where the extreme limitations of man's vision,
perception and understanding of what he thinks he sees is explored, it is
important to also come to understand what can be called man's inherent
Gender-Blindness. When it is understood that this world is very much a
mental-womb where the next stage of birth must be brought about -- and that
having emerged into this world, man and woman can very much be portrayed as a
cosmic ovum and sperm (see
Cosmic Ovum And Sperm) -- and that man and woman is in reality an embryonic
image of their true self that already exists in the embodiment of their eternal
Soul-Self (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image) -- then it will become necessary for the
seeker/disciple to re-evaluate the whole of our modern-day cultural mindset and
lifestyle. Once again quoting from the
of the book Active Consciousness -
Awakening The Power Within, by Amy L. Lansky, it is stated that:
"Biologist Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic
resonance also depends upon similarity in vibration. Members of the same
species, being 'on the same wavelength,' are able to tap into information that
pertains uniquely to them. And while members of an entire species might be able
to tune into a fairly broad spectrum of frequencies (think of Carl Jung's notion
of the collective unconscious that humans supposedly tap into [5]), smaller,
more tightly connected groups -- such as members of the same family or loving
couples -- resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they have access to
their own "private frequency.' In fact, Sheldrake goes even further and suggests
that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates. Instead of being
stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in the morphic field.
Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios tuning to their own
private stations."
morph, is to transform. In
Brain Mind/Connection it has already been demonstrated that the mind and/or
personality of the person is in the Etheric Field that surrounds and immerses
the body-vessel. In the same way that the atmosphere surrounds the
earth and provides life-giving oxygen to organic life, the mind encompasses the
body and is cycled in and out in positive and negative charges with each breath.
That the mind is in the Etheric Field is further explored and proven in
The Folly Of
The NDE Critic. (quoting) What does the Bible state? With
respect to man's ability to release himself from the body-vessel, Paul writes
that: "I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago--
whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God
knows-- such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man--
whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows -- how he was
caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful
for a man to utter" (2 Cor 12:2-4 NKJ). What Paul is describing is
an inner journey beyond the limitations of the physical body -- to what he
portrays as the third level of heaven -- beyond the inner gate of the body and
what Paul portrays as Paradise -- where he "...heard
inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter."
That other disciples of TheWay brought about this same transformation of body
and mind that enabled them to enter the Inner Kingdom (
http://GateOfEden.com ), represents an
important aspect of the original spiritual objectives of the teachings of Jesus
and TheWay. Jesus taught that there is One Teacher -- and you must learn only
from this One Teacher (see
The True
Prophet) -- and the substance of Jesus' teachings of TheWay, was to enable
the disciple to enter the "narrow gate"
within themselves, and learn the Sacred Secrets of Creation directly from the
One Teacher.
When people pick up the Bible or read a scriptural quotation, they automatically
perceive and attempt to define what is presented based upon their previously
held conceptions of the dogmatic religious world. And herein lies one of the
primary problems that plague mankind -- i.e., the scriptures have virtually
nothing to do either dogmatic belief, and/or belief in an historical person or
man-god -- but rather, when properly understood from the perception of the
original authors (see An
Inconvenient Truth), the scriptures are an allegorical text-book of the person's own mind
and body-environment with respect to the growth and development of mind.
In the above heading on The Trinity - Dualism -
And The Divine Pattern Of Creation, I demonstrate that the Dualism that is
the very foundation of the Trinity and Pattern of Creation, is not only
presented throughout all of the scriptures, but is the primary teaching
throughout. Once properly understood, it can be stated that the
scriptures are in reality a Marriage Manual that teaches the seeker/disciple how
to bring together, merge, and unite in Marriage the Duality and Opposite Forces within their own mind
and being. And that Man and Woman is the Highest Expression of the
Duality of the Divine Pattern, means that it is the Organic Environment of
Marriage taken to a Higher Level -- that is not only the very objective of the
scriptures, but the means by which each individual man and woman can learn and
experience the Highest Truths that are portrayed in the Gospels as the Sacred
Secrets of the Kingdom.
With respect to the proper use of the scriptures which Jesus portrayed as the
Key of Knowledge that is
necessary to turn within one's own mind and being in search of the One Teacher
and True Prophet, the Church Father Origen wrote in De Principiis:
“But all the narrative portion, relating either to the
marriages, or to the begetting of the children, or to battles of different
kinds, or to any other histories whatever, what else can they be supposed to be,
save the forms and figures of hidden and sacred things? As men, however, make
little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that they possess
knowledge before they really learn, the consequence is that they never begin to
have knowledge”.
What this means is that what is
portrayed as marriages of seemingly historical people, is not at all pertaining to an
historical account of the past -- but rather, the merging and morphing of
positive/negative male/female spheres and realities of mind in the process of Heightening And Expansion Of Mind
that enables the seeker/disciple to comprehend at a higher and more enlightened
level than the rest of mankind. That holographically, men and women
embody these polarities of mind that are imbued with the Divine Pattern of
Creation, is merely the manifestation of the Laws that are intended to assist
mankind in his development and process of maturation that brings about wholeness
and completion. What appears in the scriptures to be the names of
historical people, are merely a portrayal of segments, forces and laws which
control and manifest man's thinking, awareness and level of knowledge.
As the opposites are merged, and the third-force balance of mind is expanded
beyond the limits of the organic physical consciousness of the body, the
seeker/disciple begins to access both the higher reality of the soul and the
Logos or Mind of God which is at the core and essence of our Being.
And it is to this inner Source of Knowledge that the Gnostics portrayed as
Gnosis, which Origen makes note of when he writes that "...As
men, however, make little effort to exercise their intellect, or imagine that
they possess knowledge before they really learn" -- and this
knowledge which is already possessed even before organic man begins to learn, is
the inner Source of his being as manifest in the higher reality of his own soul,
as well as the Divine Mind of God as manifest in the Indwelling Logos/Son of
God/True Prophet. And in the same way that the forbidden fruit
of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a portrayal of the Duality of male
and female that is divided and functioning in a separated condition, the process
of merging the opposites is portrayed in the allegorical scriptures in
"...the narrative portion, relating either to the
marriages, or to the begetting of the children". And
without the proper application of the
Key of Knowledge, the
person will remain in death from the eating of the forbidden fruit of the Tree
of Duality.
The Merger Of Opposites Into One: When
rightly understood, procreation is a by-product of sex -- and not the purpose of
sex as philosophically and dogmatically portrayed by many of the world's
religions. The word
by-product is defined as
"...a secondary product derived from a manufacturing
process or chemical reaction. It is not the primary product or service being
produced." The primary purpose of sex it to bring about
the interaction and merger of opposites in order to achieve Oneness and
Wholeness -- a condition that is necessary to initiate the higher development
of the mind and being beyond organic physical limitations which have the potential to initiate the
process of the Heightening And Expansion Of Mind.
Writing on the nature of a hologram, in
The Holographic Universe - Does Objective Reality Exist?, Michael Talbot
explains that "The three-dimensionality of such images
is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose
is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to
contain the entire image of the rose. Indeed, even if the halves are
divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller
but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part
of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole."
In order to begin to understand the limitations of what we see and the true
unseen reality, Bohm created an analogy using an aquarium (see
Aquarium). Using Bohm's analogy of the aquarium, Michael Talbot
further explains: "According to Bohm, the apparent
faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really telling us
that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex
dimension beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we
view objects such as subatomic particles as separate from one another because we
are seeing only a portion of their reality. Such particles are not
separate 'parts', but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is
ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previously mentioned rose. And
since everything in physical reality is comprised of these 'eidolons', the
universe is itself a projection, a hologram. In addition to its
phantomlike nature, such a universe would possess other rather startling
features. If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it
means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are
infinitely interconnected."
The foregoing both conveys and explains a number of ultra-important realties
that is not generally understood. First, that what we observe with
our physical senses is only a fraction of the whole -- i.e.,
"...that there is a deeper level of reality we are not
privy to". And this very partial perception is
one of the reasons why the Gospel of Thomas states: (5)
Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you
will become plain to you..." Which is also
presented by the Apostle Paul in the words: "While
we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen:
for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen
are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV). The fact that we
innately possess the ability to perceive the whole -- of which only a fragment
can be seen with man's physical eyes -- means that we have the potential to
develop the ability to perceive reality beyond physical organic limitations.
In the above subheading entitled
The Divine Counterpart I portray a higher mind and being that is our True
Self -- i.e., our higher soul-self -- and the fact that our true self which
exists in a higher realm of being, is not manifest in the physical body-vessel. And I
portray the individual man or woman in this world as a
projection of the soul into the body as
An Embryonic
Soul-Image. Which means that because of the limitations of the
organic physical body, the True Self or the Soul-Self cannot manifest.
Moreover, as stated in
The Second Fatal
Mistake in the Prologue of the Key of Knowledge, the reason why it is
impossible for man in his "natural" organic
condition to comprehend the higher reality of the soul and the
Mystery Of The
Gospel, is because of his fragmentary and embryonic condition of mind and
being that Paul portrays as the limitations of
"natural" man.
In order to conquer and overcome man's inherent physical limitations, it is important to understand that the higher soul-self of man
is asexual -- asexual because the male/female polarities are in balance.
And when properly understood, all of Creation exists within the Divine Pattern
of male/female opposites, and the third-force of mind as the offspring (see
The Divine Pattern).
In the same way that the Logos/Son of God is the third-force balance of what is
portrayed as Mother/Father God (see
The Logos), our
own higher soul-self which has no gender, is the balance between the duality of
the (feminine/reflective) physical and spiritual (male/active) natures. As
stated in
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading of Souls,
Transmigration of: “The doctrine of transmigration
of souls, which was especially accepted by the Karaites… is generally attacked
by Jewish philosophers, but is defended by Isaac Abravanel and Manasseh ben
Israel. It appears often in Cabala; it is found in organized form in the Zohar,
it is further developed in the teachings of Isaac Luria (1534-1572), and in
Hasidism it becomes a universal belief. According to these teachings, all
human souls have a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man,
sparks of which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam brought higher and
lower souls into confusion; as a result, every soul has to pass through a series
of incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body
and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”.
The important truth
for our conversation here is that
"...The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by
the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”. Therefore,
to manifest the soul or true self in the body, the person must overcome the
great gender divide within themselves -- and this can only be accomplished
within the higher reality of the
This is possible because the soul itself is not itself implanted in the body --
neither does the soul have a body in the manner that their generated embryonic soul-image
does in this world -- and since the soul-self is a Being of pure Enlightened
Light and Life-force, with the proper foundation it can manifest in the Etheric
field of the enlightened mind of man. But what is important with
respect to our present discussion, is the fact that it means that a man or woman
is neither whole, nor are they a complete individual, because their very gender
divides them into, at the very least, a third of the whole. The body and the
gender assigned human consciousness is in fact a barrier to manifesting the true
self -- i.e., again quoting The Female Mind by Dr. Brizendine (see above
The Opening And Unlocking Of The Mind) where she writes:
"There is no unisex brain. Girls arrive already wired as
girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the
time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and
their very reality."
If the higher soul-self is
neither male nor female -- and is the cumulative sum of all experiences spanning
countless lifetimes since the dawn of time -- then it is impossible for man or
woman in their organic earth-consciousness condition to Know Thyself.
Further, as an embryonic-image of the true self -- i.e., a fragmentary aspect of
the consciousness of the un-manifest whole that is imbued with the temporal and
myopic thinking of the conditions and culture it is born into -- and by virtue
of its inherent limitations as a fragmentary aspect of the whole that is the
product of this temporal culture, does not possess the mental depth to even
envision its own higher soul-realty -- which is why Gurdjieff portrays organic
man as a "false-personality", others portray
organic man as the false ego-self, and why Jesus taught that you must lose the
self you are in this world, in order to gain the true self in the Real World
The Divine Counterpart).
When I wrote in the above that
"...when rightly understood, procreation is a
by-product of sex" -- and that the "primary
purpose of sex it to bring about the interaction and merger of opposites in
order to achieve Oneness and Wholeness" -- this is because the
environment of man and woman in a Consecrated Divine Marriage has the ability to
evolve both the man and woman who comprise the Union -- creating within the
Union of Dynamic Evolved Opposites, the necessary Foundation in the physical to
manifest the higher soul-selves in the body-vessel. Jesus
taught that a house divided cannot stand -- and only when there is a merger of
the person we are in this world with our own higher eternal soul-self, can the
Logos of Mind of God be tapped into -- which fulfills the teaching:
"It is written in the prophets, 'And they shall all be
taught by God.'
Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me"
(John 6:45 NKJ) -- i.e., the Indwelling Logos/Son of God. Which is
why Peter is quoted in the Clementine Homilies as stating:
O beloved Clement, if you would know the
things pertaining to God, you have to learn them from Him alone, because He
alone knows the truth. For if any one else knows anything, he has received it
from Him or from His disciples” (see
The Search For
The True Prophet).
What Jesus taught with respect to
an inner Kingdom and a Source of All Truth which the ancients called the Logos
or Mind of God (see
Logos), is not at all a religious belief -- but rather, a fact of life that
has been proven to be true by countless seekers the world over. That those
who either choose to live their lives in often total abandonment of any higher moral or
spiritual values and standards , and those who reject knowledge and fail to
understand the higher reality of man and woman as the highest expression of the
Pattern of Duality, can't duplicate this same inner journey into the
Inner Kingdom -- and the fact that these same individuals are perceived to dwell
in what Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness"
of mind and being -- or what Plato portrayed as the
Cave of Illusions -- is
merely the fruit of their own thinking as their carnal chickens come home to
roost! When the cultural authorities said the world was flat -- and Columbus
ignored their self-imposed beliefs, and then traveled to the New World, it was not a
religious belief that the New World existed -- just like it is not a religious
belief that each of us has an inner gateway to the Kingdom within. This is a
fact of life that has been confirmed by countless witnesses who have themselves
made the inner journey. That those who, as the prodigal son who squandered
away his inheritance -- i.e., his vital life-force and bio-energies -- which
portray people who defile their body and choose to live as heathen beasts --
"...destroys and pollutes, as far as in them lies, the
Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with their vices”
(see Logos) --
and because of this defilement and pollution, they dwell in what Jesus portrayed
as the "outer darkness" of mind and being
(see The Outer Darkness
) that causes them to be blind to man's own higher reality of soul and the
Kingdom -- does not at all mean that all of mankind must remain spiritually
blind, and alienated from the higher knowledge of the soul and the Kingdom of
God. From a purely Constitutional perspective, the knowledge of this inner
Kingdom and the higher reality of the soul can and should be portrayed as a
birth-right -- and this sacred knowledge is therefore very much an UnAlienable
Right that can't be censored by counterfeit teachers who knowingly suppress and
censor the facts in order to promote a godless and immoral culture. Again, to
clarify -- while the existence of the inner Kingdom is a fact, religion is the
mindset and lifestyle that the person must live and put into practice, in order
to break down the barrier of separation of what is allegorically portrayed as
heaven and earth within themselves.
The primary cultural flaw is the
conclusion of each person that they are the true person they think they are --
and that they are themselves Whole. When in truth they are in fact the
next holographic level of (cosmic) sperm and ovum (see
Cosmic Ovum And Sperm). From the perspective of man's higher reality,
on a holographic level of physical reproduction, a child is merely the
third-force pattern of the duality of the mother and father being played out in
an allegorical analogy. If man understood the Laws, he would begin to
grasp that in this Living Allegory, his third-force offspring in the form of his
child is presented to
him, so he can better understand himself and his being in this world. And
in this respect, the duality of man is very much as one half of the two sides of
a heart -- one half of the two hemispheres of the brain -- one half of the
equation of the two lungs -- etc., etc.. And in relation to his higher
soul-self which is his true-self, his inherent sperm-thinking in the case of the
male, or ovum-thinking in the case of a female, must be seen as a fatal flaw
that inhibits his progress. But since most organic men and women
don't even much understand each other -- i.e., bound by their gender, they see a different spectrum of
frequency within the cosmic hologram -- they speak different languages -- and
they lack the necessary manifestation of Wholeness -- they
are generally incapable of perceiving and understanding their own higher
soul-realty. And whatever they do sense out of the Astral, is warped
because of their own lack of wholeness.
In a holographic reality, each
level is not only in accord with the pattern of the whole -- i.e., as above, so
below -- as in the Macrocosm, so in the microcosm -- the reality of the lower
levels of a holographic reality is always a pattern for the higher.
What this means is that in the same way that the purpose of sex on a
physical-level is to bring forth the third-force offspring of the sexual union
of man and woman, this sexual union that manifests a new body on the physical,
is also the primary forces that develops the mind in the interaction and union
of paradoxical opposites within the Duality of the Divine Pattern of Creation.
On a mental and spiritual level,
physical sex is the means to connect the two half's, and begin the process of
exchange of impressions -- enabling not only mental interaction, but the
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind that enables
them to comprehend at a higher and more enlightened level than the rest of
mankind. By Law, the greater the bonding between husband and wife --
in conjunction with mental exploration and expansion -- the greater the growth
of the third-force that is the (mental) substance of the union -- a third-force
reality which exists in the Etheric that both have equal access to. And as
explained in the diagrams of the Triangle, the Star of David, and the Tree of
Life in The Trinity And The Divine Pattern Of
Creation, it is the male/female interaction within the Natural Laws of
Creation, that evolves the Third-force (of mind) up to a soul-self level of
manifestation. Physical sex, therefore, is the physical means of
connecting the two halves and initiating and maintaining the process where the
exchange of thoughts and impressions is raised up and again exchanged at a
higher level of mind, where they are then channeled into evolving the
third-force that is by Design, the means to move beyond the limitations of the
frequency spectrum of this world.
Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In The Bible:
To understand why sexual fidelity is required in the scriptures, one has to
first understand to whom and for whom the scriptures are written? Of
primary importance is to understand that in most instances, sin is knowledge not
lived. Thus the statement: “That servant
who knows his master's will and does not get ready or does not do what his
master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and
does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone
who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been
entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:47-48 NIV).
What this means is that each person's life is evaluated in accord with their
personal level of advancement and knowledge i.e., "...From
everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who
has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked”.
For the vast majority of mankind, sex is not a sin, so long as it is
not coerced or in any manner forced. In the Blog article entitled
Should Christians Embrace Genuine Spiritual Marriage?
Civil Union vs Marriage (copied into the below), the case is made that sex
is a natural expression, and all people have the civil right to choose their
sexual partners and orientation. But a True Marriage is a Spiritual
Sacrament -- as is the sexual union within such a Marriage (see
The Sacrament Of
Marriage). And as a Spiritual Sacrament, the requirements of a
True Marriage is Spiritually Ordained from On High, and cannot be defined or
redefined by man. Those who fail to achieve and maintain the
Requirements, cannot be participants in the Spiritual Sacrament.
Sexual immorality is condemned in the scriptures, because it is an inhibiting
factor in the development of the Union which is the foundation for the third-force higher spheres of mind that provide
us access to our True-Self, as well as the Higher Source of Knowledge. In order to evolve
the mind to where we can begin to tap into the Higher Source of Knowledge that
in most people lies beyond the holographic barrier within each person, the
thought-impressions between the opposite polarities (male/female) must be exchanged, raised up, and again exchanged at a
higher level. This is necessary in order to evolve the third-force
of the male/female opposites beyond the limitations of
earth-frequencies. When the Gospel of Thomas states that you must
"...make the male and the female one and the same, so
that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then
will you enter the kingdom" (see
Gospel of Thomas saying
#22), it becomes very difficult to even impossible to bring about the
required merger, when the woman is connected to men other than her husband.
And Paul correctly presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at
Corinth: "Do
you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in
body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'".
This statement of Paul's is confirmed in a recent
study where it was found that: "Women retain and carry
living DNA from every man with whom they have sexual intercourse, according to a
new study by the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Center" (see
Study). Further explaining: "This has very
important ramifications for women. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from
becomes a living part of you for life. The women autopsied in this study were
elderly. Some had been carrying the living male DNA inside them for well over 50
years. Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims
and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and
burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your
nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your
blood stream and collects in your brain and spine. Like something out of a
scifi movie, it becomes a part of you and you can’t get rid of it. We are
only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual
When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she
was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18),
we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls
are able to see into Ćtheric (Field) dimensions that man in his natural organic
condition cannot. What Jesus was observing when he made this statement,
was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman
had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her. Her mind was
being ruled over and her life molded by the thoughts and impressions of five
different men with whom she had become attached through sexual intercourse. Moreover, when
Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her
husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was
that because of the polluted environment that she had permitted her body to
become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband.
Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you
have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions
which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into
confusion and meaningless carnal thinking. Thus, mentally and spiritually
grounding the people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the soul,
the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions, in
most instances even these few become warped in their perception and thinking. In
the same way that a genetic imbalance in a developing embryo creates mental
impairment and conditions such as Down Syndrome, the same is true on the next
higher holographic level with the bombardment of low-level thoughts from people
who one has been previously connected to. In the same way that the two sides of
the ear must move and resonate together, so too must husband and wife.
For the first time modern science has
proven the wisdom of the mystic -- i.e., that a woman remains connected to every
man she has ever had sex with -- which is noted in the recent American Journal
Of Medicine article entitled:
microchimerism in women without sons: Quantitative assessment and correlation
with pregnancy history. Directly quoting the article it states:
"Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women
without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male
microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an
older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse."
Researchers have found that any man a woman has unprotected sex with, will also
permanently store their DNA with hers. The findings have demonstrated
that DNA belonging to men (detected by the presence of Y chromosomes) in women.
They could find these by taking blood samples from various body parts and brain
tissue. Male DNA can exist inside cells in women's bodies for decades.
This effect was given the name microchimerism. The most studied cause of
microchimerism is that originating from the male fetus into their pregnant
mothers. However, women who have never been pregnant also had male DNA in their
cells, and it has been concluded that this was also through sexual intercourse.
Semen contains lymphocytes and other cells of the male which can pass into the
bloodstream and continue to persist inside the organs of women. This
deposit of male DNA in the woman's brain is the means by which the woman and the
man maintain a connection in the physical -- enabling the thought impressions to
connect on an etheric level. Writing on the foregoing sexual reality
that modern science is only now coming to discover, Alanna Ketter wrote the
Collective Evolution author Alanna Ketter:
This Study Will Make You Think Twice About Who You Are Getting Into
Bed With
find this extremely fascinating because a spiritual friend and
mentor once told me that every time you sleep with somebody you are
taking on a part of them within you. I thought of this as a powerful
metaphor, that we were keeping a part of them energetically.
Needless to say, it made me reflect on certain things from my past
and this whole analogy really made a lot of sense. But, to learn
that there is actual scientific proof to back this up and that it is
a physical thing, that it is more than just energy, is pretty
astounding. The idea that as women we are capable of taking on
actual physical DNA from the men that we sleep with was an extremely
eye opening piece of information to stumble across.
science puts a whole new meaning on sexual intercourse as a whole.
It is a very sacred and spiritual act and, in my opinion, should be
regarded as such. A lot of people are misusing sex and have
forgotten what it is meant for and how important and consecrated it
really is. I think I speak for a lot of women out there in saying
that I know what this is like and have had experiences in the past
with giving away sex somewhat freely because of insecurity, or to
please or impress a man without actually even realizing how
irresponsible this was. Because at the time, it was just sex, and
when you are completely disconnected from yourself, it doesn’t seem
like it’s a big deal. Now being older and more connected to my
spiritual self I realize that sex is not something that is meant to
be thrown around and given out so freely, it is a sacred act that
creates a bond between two people that love and care about each
other. It is so important for us (humanity) to realize this. There
is a lot of power and amazing potential within this act and it has
the ability to connect us with our true selves.
Many of us
are holding onto a lot of sexual baggage from our past, and it is
not my intent to make anyone regret past experiences. Rather, to let
go and embrace what the past has taught us and move forward with
this knowledge and consider it wisely. With this information I’m
sure you will think twice about who you are ending up in bed with... |
The above picture was used in one of the
publications of the foregoing article by Alanna Ketter. And while
the picture attempts to portray a defiled physical woman as a sexual partner, it
very well presents what can be portrayed as spiritual defilement and death by
virtue of the woman being flat-lined and earth-bound by virtue of her connection
to many sexual partners.
In the magazine The Scientist the article entitled
Swapping DNA In The Womb it is stated that: "The
findings are the first demonstration of microchimerism—in which cells that
originated in one individual integrate into the tissues of another—in the human
brain, and could have implications for disease." Concluding
that: “Knowing cells are in the brain brings home the
idea that we’re a little more diverse than we thought we were,” said Nelson. “So
conceptually, it may be more appropriate to think of ourselves as an ecosystem
rather than a single genetic template.” The article then
goes on an explains that: "Researchers have suspected
that the human brain may harbor microchimeric cells, which are present in other
human organs, and previous studies in mice have shown that such foreign cells
can break through the blood-brain barrier. But the study, led by Lee Nelson of
the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, revealed that
microchimeric cells could not only migrate to the brain, but do so frequently:
more than 60 percent of autopsied brains contained DNA from another individual.
...To quantify microchimerism in the brain, Nelson and colleagues selectively
looked for a gene found on the Y chromosome in brain sections from 59 female
cadavers. ...In total, the researchers found that 37 women harbored such foreign
genes in their brains. They also found evidence of cells in the brain,
suggesting that microchimeric cells can and do cross the blood-brain barrier."
That the DNA of a husband begins to
deposit and even merge with that of his wife, is of the utmost importance in the
process of bonding that enables the two to become "one
flesh". But when a woman can be portrayed
"...as an ecosystem rather than a single genetic template.”,
such a body-environment where a woman is connected to a number of previous
sexual partners, is detrimental to the two becoming
"one flesh". Thus, inhibiting the alchemical
transformational process presented in the words of Jesus in the Gospel of
Jesus said to them,
"...when you make the
male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female female ...then will you enter the
kingdom." And
to the woman who had been caught in adultery, Jesus said:
"Go and sin no more” (John 8:1-11). Why?
Because a woman who is connected to many male sexual partners -- making herself
"...an ecosystem"
where the DNA of past sexual partners has joined with her own -- will have great
difficulty joining with a husband, and therefore cannot fulfill the biological
role of the two becoming "one flesh".
From the perspective of the mystic
Samael Aun Weor (see
Gnostic Teachings - What Is Adultery?): "Since a
woman’s body is a passive and receptive element, it is clear that her body
collects and stores more of the results of the sexual acts than all of those men
who commit adultery with her; those results are atomic substances from the men
with whom she has had sexual intercourse. Therefore, when someone has sexual
intercourse with a person who has been with another partner or other partners,
both then absorb the atomic essences of the other partners and poison themselves
with them. This is a very grave problem for those brothers and sisters who are
dissolving the “I” because then, not only do they have to fight against their
own errors and defects, but more over, they have to fight against the errors and
defects of those other partners with whom they had sexual intercourse."
And this is why the scriptures state: "And the man that
committeth adultery with [another] man's wife, [even he] that committeth
adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall
surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:10). And why it is
written: "Three evil deeds [that create suffering]
depending upon the body are: killing, stealing, and committing adultery."
(Buddha, from The Practice of Dhyâna).
"Adultery can be committed with the eyes" - (Jewish, Leviticus Rabba
23) "Commit no adultery. This law is broken
by even looking at the wife of another with a lustful mind" - Buddha.
"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time,
Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a
woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart"
- Jesus, in Matthew 5. An
interesting position is presented in confirmation of the above in the
publication Hinduism Today in the article on
A Mystical View Of Adultery where it states:
The adulteress has a karma to bear that
affects many generations of her relatives and friends, for she is
psychically connected to every man with whom she has had
intercourse. A mystic could see a fog-like psychic tube connecting
their astral bodies that will not disintegrate for many years. The
adulteress may have many of these tubes, especially if she is a
woman for hire. A man is connected in the same way to all women he
has been with. It is through these psychic tubes, which are like the
umbilical cord connecting a baby to its mother, that the energies
flow, and the karmas as well--good, bad and mixed.
A husband and wife who were both virgins at marriage have only a
singular psychic tube through which energies pass between them. If
their relationship is pure and they are intellectually and
emotionally compatible, they automatically control their karmas of
dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Their children are lovingly raised,
because they are never entangled in family feuding. There is no
fight involved, because no intruder has established a new psychic
umbilical cord with either spouse, which would cause disruption
between them and impending havoc to the children.
Once an astral, psychic tube is established between two people
through sexual encounters, it becomes a telepathic channel,
conveying thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is an important
connection for married couples, tying them intimately together.
Those who are married and have fidelity know that it is possible to
feel the spouse's moods and emotions and even read his or her
thoughts, all of which are conveyed through this psychic laser beam
or subtle astral pranic channel. For those who have had sexual
encounters with several of the opposite sex, the psychic connections
become confusing. It would be like watching four, five or more TV
programs at the same time, all day long and especially during the
night. Small wonder they experience stress of which the cause eludes
even the best psychiatrists. |

In another recent study: Study:
Women Carry DNA From Every Man They’ve Ever Been With Women retain and carry
living DNA from every man with whom they have sexual intercourse, according to a
new study by the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
Center. Quoting the below finding: "Sperm is
alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until
it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your
flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner
ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and
collects in your brain and spine. Like something out of a scifi movie, it
becomes a part of you and you can’t get rid of it. We are only now
beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse."
The study, which discovered the startling
information by accident, was originally trying to determine if women who
have been pregnant with a son might be more predisposed to certain
neurological diseases that occur more frequently in males. But as the
scientists picked apart the female brain, the study began to veer wildly off
course. As it turns out, the female brain is even more mysterious than we
previously thought.
The study found that female brains often harbor “male microchimerism“, or in
other words, the presence of male DNA that originated from another
individual, and are genetically distinct from the cells that make up the
rest of the woman.
According to the study: “63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male
microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple
brain regions.”
So 63% of women carry male DNA cells that live in their brains. Obviously
the researchers wanted to know where the male DNA came from.
Anyone care to guess? From the women’s fathers? No. Your father’s DNA
combines with your mother’s to create your unique DNA. So where else could
it come from?
Through the study the researchers assumed that the most likely answer was
that all male DNA found living in the female brain came from a male
pregnancy. That was the safe, politically correct assumption. But these
researchers were living in denial.
Because when they autopsied the brains of women who had never even been
pregnant, let alone with a male child, they STILL found male DNA cells
prevalent in the female brain.
At this point the scientists didn’t know what the hell was going on.
Confused, they did their best to hide the evidence until they could
understand and explain it. They buried it in numerous sub studies and
articles, but if you sift through them all you will find the damning
statement, the one line that gives the game away and explains exactly where
these male DNA cells come from.
What are they so afraid of?
“CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons.
Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism
include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older
brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Male
microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in
women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories.
Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male
microchimerism in women.“
So according to the scientists, the possible sources of the male DNA cells
living in the women’s brains are:
an abortion the woman didn’t know about
a male twin that vanished
an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation
sexual intercourse
Considering the fact that 63% of women have male DNA cells residing in the
recesses of their brain, which of the above possibilities do you think is
the most likely origin of the male DNA?
The first three options apply to a very small percentage of women. They
couldn’t possibly account for the 63% figure. The fourth option? It’s rather
more common.
The answer is 4. Sex.
This has very important ramifications for women. Every male you absorb
spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you for life. The women autopsied
in this study were elderly. Some had been carrying the living male DNA
inside them for well over 50 years.
Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is
injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall,
and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it
swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes.
Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and
spine. Like something out of a scifi movie, it becomes a part of you
and you can’t get rid of it. We are only now beginning to understand
the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse.
Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain
microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and
correlation with pregnancy history

In addition to the above, modern science has
recognized what can be called the "bonding hormone"
in the form of the secretion of oxytocin when a woman hugs with a man.
"It's like a hormone of attachment, you might say,"
said Carol Rinkleib Ellison, a clinical psychologist in private practice in
Loomis, California and former assistant clinical psychiatry professor at the
University of California, San Francisco. "It creates
feelings of calm and closeness" (see
Effects Of Oxytocin). Thus, the
Britannica states that
"Oxytocin and its receptors also play a role in
pro-social behaviours, including in social motivation, social recognition,
trust, and pair-bonding" -- and hugging and close interaction, is an
integral part of the pair-bonding sexual process. In the article at
Your Hormones,
it states that "More recently, oxytocin has been
suggested to be an important player in social behaviour. In the brain,
oxytocin acts as a chemical messenger and has been shown to be important in
human behaviours including sexual arousal, recognition, trust, anxiety and
mother-infant bonding. As a result, oxytocin has been called the ‘love hormone’
or ‘cuddle chemical’." The foregoing provokes the
question: What is it that you want out of life? Quoting from the
The Real Meaning Of Help Meet:
In Hebrew the two words that "help meet" are
derived from are the words "ezer"
and the word 'k’enegdo".
Ezer which is commonly translated
as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning. In her book
Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell
“According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word translated
thee into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a combination of two
roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be
strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. At
first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in time, said
Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of both
Diana Webb in her book
Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining,
"The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these
instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify
because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving.
Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most
frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "
From a biological-spiritual perspective, woman as
personified in the allegorical account of Eve, is man's (Adam) most
immediate savior. She not only Completes him, but she has the
unique ability to draw him up from the excesses of his positively-charged lower
nature -- returning back to him the necessary impressions as a mental food on a
higher plane, that brings about higher expansion and deepening of mind.
Which is why in the Spiritual Communities of the past, all contact with a young
female was always chaperoned. To the wise and spiritually
enlightened men of the past, what a young woman brings to the marriage is of an
immeasurable importance. Again quoting Beverly Campbell:
"Thus, it seems that through imprecise translation, our
understanding of the powerful words used originally to describe Eve’s role have
been diminished. As a result, our understanding or Mother Eve has also been
diminished. Suppose we had all, male and female alike, been taught to understand
Genesis 2:18 as something like the following, 'It is not good that man should be
alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power
and is equal with him'.” When a woman permits herself to
become attached to a number of men, this "saving power"
is greatly diminished, and she can no longer fulfill her intended role.
Thus, the woman that has permitted herself to become spiritually polluted
through many connections with men other than her husband, can no longer garner
her feminine power that enables her to Complete and Raise Up her husband -- and
in the process, Completing herself Spiritually. A woman who is
attached to other men, cannot fulfill the dynamic spiritual role of the feminine
within the construct of the Laws of Creation. And while this may
appear extreme by modern cultural standards where casual and hookup sex has
become a part of the recreational sex environment, the reality of life is seen
in the fact that choices have consequences. There is a reason why the
Bible condemns fornication and adultery -- and not to understand that reason, is
to become entrapped in a condition of spiritual ignorance. If what Paul
and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher realities
and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the
undeveloped faith-based believer (see
Mysteries Of The
Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers
brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the
"natural" mind of man -- and the limitations
of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true
meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to
all but his inner core of disciples (see
In The House -
Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore
powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and
concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature
author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher
realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the
people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will
be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature
understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay. To
totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's
choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded.
In the same way that the embryo which formed each
persons physical body was made up of the ovum and sperm that became ONE in their
mother's womb, when rightly understood this world is merely the next higher
level of womb -- i.e., a mental womb. And much of this is explained at
The Esoteric Feminine Mystique. That you enter this world as a
Ovum or Sperm, means that at best you are only one third of the whole -- and
the purpose of sex is to connect up the two halves on this plane (man and woman)
so the higher reality of the Third-Force that is formed by the joining of the
two can be brought about on a higher-plane. And with the interaction of the
opposites (male/female spheres of mind), this has the potential to form and
manifest what can be portrayed as a morphic field where the two are not only
made "one flesh", but that the higher areas of mind and being can form and
evolve the relationship (see
Gender Blindness And The Process Of Birth). When the man and woman
live in a Divine Union, then there is an exchange, interaction and raising up of
the minds as the higher mental spheres develop and connect the person you are in
this world with your higher soul-self. But in order for this to happen,
the man and woman must interact on all levels of their being -- as equal and
united halves. If the woman is connected to a man other than her husband,
then this interaction of the spheres of mind is not possible -- and the vital
life-force is lost into nature. In the case of a man, these other women
are as dependents that drain him of his vital life-force -- rather than reflect
and raise him up as with a true wife. And thus, because this
necessary interaction of opposites cannot take place, the remain
flat-lined. I expanded upon this process to some degree on the Know Thyself
article under the heading
The Divine
Pattern Of Mind And Being.
What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex - Cutting
AKA Cords - A Letter To Crystal: Some time after writing the above on
Sexual Immorality, a FaceBook entry came across my inbox entitled What You
Didn't Know About Casual Sex. As stated in the below, my wife has
helped other women to cut the Aka Cords that connect sexual partners -- and one
of the statements that I took particular notice of in the Blog article that
Crystal wrote was her profound wisdom in the advice that few women today have
any understanding of: "Never Have Sex With Someone You
Don't Want To Become". Below is my letter to Crystal the
author of
What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex, and I have copied her article into
the below.
Letter To Crystal
We seem to have written somewhat
parallel articles attesting to the same fact that our modern
culture wants to ignore. My article is entitled Why Is Sexual
Immorality Condemned In The Bible (see http://brotherofyeshua.blogspot.com/2015/11/why-is-sexual-immorality-condemned-in.html )
which is drawn from a subheading on the Soul-Self website at Sexual
Immorality http://SoulSelf.org#SexualImmorality .
Your article entitled What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex, is
at https://mywakingpath.wordpress.com/2015/03/25/what-you-didnt-know-about-casual-sex/
I particularly liked your closing
statement: "Never
Have Sex With Someone You Don't Want To Become".
While I agree with much of what you write -- and my wife has
herself taught other women how to sever the aka chords which
connect sexual partners -- I am also aware that while the
cutting of these chords can lessen the effects and influence of
sexual partners, the connection can never be totally erased.
And since I am writing from the perspective of achieving the
next stage of birth where you actually manifest your Higher or
Soul-Self in the body -- which is very difficult to achieve --
and this is the objective of the scriptures (see http://AnInconvenientTruth.org )
-- I would have to take the position that an informed seeker
would not want to even engage in the behavior of casual sex.
You are also correct that in spirit (quoting you) In
the spirit or astral world, sex is seen as very sacred, not only
because of the laws which religions have placed on it. It is
sacred because it involves the soul and spirit which are divine
in nature.
The original disciples of TheWay who
were led by the man known today as Jesus, understood the
intricacies of sex and the male/female relationship in the
process of completing the four stages of birth necessary to
achieve Soul-Wholeness and Completion. And as an informed
writer, you may be greatly interested in the relationship of
male and female as set forth in my Gospel of Thomas subheading
entitled The Unwanted Truth That Makes Men Free @ http://gospelofthomas.nazirene.org#TheUnwantedTruth .
Which demonstrates that traditional religion is virtually
worthless for its intended original objective. And it is the
sacredness of the relationship of male/female that is why I
portray our emergence from the womb of our mother, into the womb
of mother-earth as a Cosmic Ovum and Sperm (seehttp://TheThreeLies.com#CosmicOvumAndSperm ).
And I detail how a man and woman can invoke the Natural Laws and
manifest their unique feminine and masculine strengths to create
the foundation within themselves to manifest the necessary
environment to bring the subsequent stages of birth about (see The
Esoteric Feminine Mystique http://SoulSelf.org#EsotericFeminineMystique ).
I applaud your efforts at making this
spiritual reality of the Facts of Life available to the sincere

Our modern world
is very open to casual sex. Also known as free sex or liberated
sex, it is the intimate physical union of two bodies without
emotional attachments. Any form of sexual coupling that is
entered into, no matter how long or short which is without
commitment, responsibility and most of all, love fall under
Casual sex comes in the following guises:
night stand (with someone you know or a stranger)
Friends with benefits
Sexual orgies
Sexual experimentation and exploration
Sex with masturbation
Sex Services
Actual Sex
Random Hand Jobs and Oral Sex

engage in this form of sexual release primarily because they
don’t want any “complication” which usually comes with having
sex in a closed relationship. They see this as an easier way to
enjoy sex without the litany of responsibilities and emotional,
even financial baggage that come with being committed. Males
who are masters at this can even get away with unwanted
media, through movies, TV shows, soap operas, comedy shows,
advertisements and music depict sex as fun, free and accessible
(because you can do it with anyone), romantic, healing and all
the good things you were programmed to believe. The internet,
even books and printed articles portray casual sex as easy,
natural, stress-free, liberating and fun. Our society has been
fed the information that this is a primal urge which man cannot
control and so, he has to release it. In turn, he becomes
healthier, happier, focused and productive.
who freely engage in it usually believe that they are not
hurting anyone with what they are doing because it is not
forced or done without the other’s liking. Well, they are so
wrong. The word “hurt” is an understatement to all the negative
effects of such acts.
sex has never been as good and safe as we were made to believe.
The person’s spirit is greatly harmed. When there is something
sick or broken in one’s spirit, it will affect the physical
body, including his social and psychological state.
Let me
show you how this happens by first explaining what sex is in
We have
been taught that sex is just the act of physical intercourse
with another. It may be done with an opposite or same gender
partner. It is first preceded by physical attraction, then
arousal and ends with the act of coitus itself. Well, sex is so
much deeper than that.
Unseen Depths
of the Sexual Act
one has sex with another, not only do their bodies join. Their
souls or astral bodies unite as well. There is an
absolute merging of the body, mind and spirit. There
can never be a harmless random “casual” union because it
involves a person’s whole being. In the spirit or astral world,
sex is seen as very sacred, not only because of the laws which
religions have placed on it. It is sacred because it involves
the soul and spirit which are divine in nature.
Even if
you had sex just for 30 seconds, it still involved the union of
each other’s auric fields. And it has long term effects
that will transcend one’s generation and lifetime.
During the sexual union, both bodies emit a certain degree of
light. When this is emitted, souls in the spirit
world, waiting to incarnate on earth eagerly watch. When there
is much love and pure devotion between the couple, they emit
very bright beams of light. These forms of coupling attract
incarnating souls that are of higher awareness and spiritual
development. Children born out of this union are kind-hearted,
balanced and more loving. On the other hand, partners who do
intercourse without love, emit a grayish light. These attract
incarnating souls that are less experienced and have very low
spiritual wisdom. If pregnancy happens, children born will
become very insecure, problematic and rebellious.
that the aura of each person engaged in the sexual act
is open to each other. Contained in one’s aura are the
person’s personality, habits, attitudes, talents and
capabilities, spiritual debts and karma, blessings and curses,
illnesses and diseases (including sickness that will still
manifest later in life) and all sorts of emotional baggage.
When there is complete union of the auras, all that one has in
his auric field melds with all that there is in hers.
a husband and wife relationship, it is a common occurrence that
the woman easily senses if her husband is lying or has been
unfaithful or is still in an extra-marital affair. How do wives
get this psychic ability?
As a
married couple, their auras are always united and her soul
easily “sees” and “feels” into his aura. Her conscious mind is
not aware but her spirit mind is, and so she senses this
infidelity. Also, have you ever noticed that the longer a
couple stays married (and sexually intimate), the more they seem
to “look alike” even if they each have very different facial
features? It is the blending of the couple’s auras that makes
people perceive such a resemblance.
important factor that we should take note of is that the
presence of love is powerful and significant in the
safety of both souls during the sexual act itself. If
the act is caused by love, this light energy serves as a force
field against negative energies hovering around the couple’s
space. Their auras are exclusively open only to each other and
are penetrable only by the same level of light energies.
there is no love, and lust is the primal cause of the act, both
persons are open for dark energies to enter both their fields.
Negative entities of this kind hook themselves deep into the
aura of the chosen partner and will feed from the host
indefinitely. Lustful entities are highly attracted to this
kind of lustful union. The person chosen to be the prey of
these types of “demons” will be more and more lustful and will
crave for more similar unions. That is why people who have
tried casual sex once tend to have succeeding free sex events.
Also, they become afraid and unwilling to enter a committed
relationship. Or if they ever enter into a committed
relationship, they will still be unfaithful or promiscuous after
a while.
occurrence during intercourse is soul fragmentation.
This happens whether it be a union with or without love. As
soon as both bodies and soul separate, part of the soul body of
one partner is taken by the other and viceversa. This leaves
both souls fragmented or both their souls are not whole anymore.
Part has been taken by the other, leaving a feeling of
incompleteness or insufficiency to the other. If a major part
has been taken away, this results to severe depression,
emotional incapacity, psychological issues and withdrawal.
In deep
loving relationships, soul fragmentation happens in chunks.
Couples who love each other tend to give almost all of
themselves and at the same time, want to take almost the whole
being of the other. This emotion is put into spiritual action
during the sexual union. They fragment each other’s soul and the
exchange is done with full permission. When a partner leaves,
he/she takes with him/her that which was originally part of the
other. That is why it takes years for one to truly and
completely move on or get over the other partner if they get
separated or one dies. This gives credibility to the lines, “I
feel so broken and empty now that she’s gone”, and, “He
took my heart with him when he left”.
In a
non-loving casual sex scenario, fragmentation happens but in
very different ways. The fragmentation occurs because one is
only attracted to that part of the person. The soul that is
needy of that particular attribute takes it away from the
other’s soul. This leaves the other feeling something is
missing and yet clueless about it. The person fragmented or
unwhole will feel emptiness, a sense of unfulfillment and
unfaithfulness. He/she will constantly have multiple partners,
because of the subconscious need to search for the soul’s
missing parts.
It is
also interesting to note that during the sexual union,
both partners tend to feed on each other’s energy and
the ingestion is very powerful. It is usually the weaker one
that feeds on the stronger. Here is an example. Have you ever
noticed a steady couple with the man being years older from his
mate and yet it seems like the woman looks almost as matured as
him? What caused this could be explained this way: The man,
being older, has a weaker life force as compared to his woman.
Every time they have sex, he tends to suck much of the woman’s
youth energy. This makes him physically stronger and potent and
leaves the woman, partially depleted of her youthful energy and
appearance. She, out of her love for him, was unaware yet shared
part of her youth to him. And because the imparting of such
energy was done in love, she will look older but she will not be
feeding also happens in cases where there is no love involved.
It is a form of energy vampirism because the energy sucked from
the sex partner was not given willingly by the other soul. For
example, an old rich man pays for the sexual service of a young
female. This old man will feed off her youth during the opening
of their auras without her conscious permission. She has been
vampired and preyed upon, by the old man, of energy she
unwilling lost and this will result to her looking haggard and
feeling weak. If this young lady goes on having paid sex with
older men, she will, soon enough look old and will have all
kinds of recurrent infections and diseases.
The case
just mentioned is not far from rape or forced sex scenarios.
Victims of this kind of sexual union become depressed and
sickly. How did this come to be? Let me explain in a simple
scientific way.
anyone or a female, for example, is forced into sex, her body
undergoes severe stress. This stress triggers an alarm from her
hypothalamus (a tiny region at the base of the brain). This
electrical and chemical alarm signals her adrenal glands to
secrete two stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. These
hormones suppress the digestive, reproductive and immune systems
to allow a focus of energy for a fight or flight reaction. If
the stress stays for too long, her body will begin to weaken
because the three bodily systems are not processing normally.
Much acid will be produced from the digestive system and
released into the blood stream. This makes the body acidic and
such an environment is host to all illnesses and diseases. The
immune system is continually placed on a halt, thereby making
the body open and weak against sickness. The reproductive
system which is still suppressed, will exhibit symptoms of
hormonal imbalances in the female and sex related problems.
The Aftermath
of Casual Sex
Sex is not shallow at all and the trail of devastation it brings
to the persons involved is horrendous.
Since the
astral bodies (spirit bodies) and auras of both partners unite
during liberated sex, many traits, habits and vices that one has
will be shared by the other. Aside from those, all unpleasant
energies and karma, including present and future illnesses will
be passed to the other. Even unfavorable spirits attached to one
will be received by the other. Curses will also be shared.
sex is never motivated by love. A negative feeling, like lust
or fear is what fuels it. Since this act is empowered by a
negative source, only the dark and bad in one’s aura is
transferred to the other. Have you ever heard of a poor
prostitute who became instantly rich after having sex with a
rich man (Unless the rich man falls in love with the prostitute
and takes her as his permanent mate)? No. It is usually the
rich man who will have financial difficulties after such acts.
The “richness” of the man was not shared to the prostitute
because there were the negative energies of lust for
the flesh (rich man) and fear to have no money
(prostitute) in the act. This allowed the energy of financial
difficulty from the prostitute to transfer to the rich man. (Please
note that I have nothing against prostitutes. I have deep
respect for them as humans and for braving such difficulties and
risks just to earn a living for their loved ones.)
In a
loving sexual relationship, even the good talents, gifts,
abilities and blessings can be passed to each other. Love will
allow the movement of positive baggage from one aura to another.
After intercourse, the person will begin experiencing whatever
sense of reality the other one has. Events and
incidences commonly attracted by the other will now be
magnetized by this person. Even the other’s emotional state and
vices will manifest in this person’s life.
sadness, emptiness, confusion or guilt are the early symptoms
one will experience after casual sex. One’s way of thinking
will begin to change and get distorted. One will begin liking
different things or activities. Habits will shift, including
hobbies. Mood changes will be frequent, including feeling easily
drained and sick. Even changing tastes and lifestyles will
manifest in a short time. Eventually, the deep effects of a
fragmented soul will surface causing depression and
hopelessness. In the end, one’s authentic self will be will be
drowned and lost.
I recall
a singer friend of mine several years ago. I knew her as
someone who didn’t drink alcoholic beverage. She once had this
infatuation with one of her admirers. He was a middle aged
business man who frequented the lounge she was working at. He
always looked haggard and he would always drink several bottles
of beer before leaving. He watched her perform almost every
night. She finally went to bed with him around three times for
a span of two weeks. I noticed subtle changes in her in their
early casual sex activities. She was harsher in her words and
she began looking tired all the time. What really called my
attention was her suddenly fancy in beer drinking.
A close
relative of mine is another example of the sharing of bad
luck in casual sex. He was a very successful business
man. He had a fine wife and a beautiful family. All was well
in his life until he entered into a new type of business which
required him to buy-out his clients through wine and women.
This strategy was essential to win certain contracts. He was
earning millions with just a single deal. Because he always had
to up stay late away from his family, his wife started demanding
that he just quit that kind of business. He got fed up with her
bickering and began sleeping with the high class prostitutes he
used to win his clients with. He eventually found one of them
whom he chose to have regular sexual relations with. He was
promiscuous for years. He spiraled into alcoholism. I used to
admire him for his refined, dignified and classy personality but
he changed. He turned into a vulgar and cheaply dressed
gambler. In as fast as 3 years, his businesses were shutting
down one by one. His children were going astray and his wife
was always sick and depressed (She too was affected by the
negative karma passed on to her by her husband). He himself
began having health problems. They sold their properties one
after the other just to be able to pay their bills. In the end,
he died very poor because of incurable diseases and he was not
even able to afford any form of hospitalization.
relative of mine shared the karmic load of the prostitutes he
had casual sex with. These women were poor and they had no
choice but to sell their bodies to survive. He absorbed these
negativities in his aura. He too experienced their poverty.
His aura was open as well to other negative entities that fed on
him until his death. Promiscuity, alcoholism, gambling and the
extreme changes in his personality were obvious effects.
would like to add that the detrimental effects of casual sex go
beyond a person’s generation. The dark energies which
the person inherited from his casual sex partner will stay with
him and flourish even to his children and grand children.
These opportunistic beings are transferred when one’s child is
born. They will stay and camp close to the child until the time
comes that they succeed in gaining entrance to its aura through
vices such as free sex, drugs, alcoholism, smoking, gaming
addiction, pornography or other forms of destructive activities.
Once they gain entrance, the vicious cycle of desolating the
soul begins. If not healed, these negative entities will live
within their bloodline for generations.
When I
was analyzing this relative’s story, I discovered that his
father was also a womanizer. My relative was an only son. He
lost his promiscuous father early in life and he alone worked
his way to financial success, until the dark entities his father
unknowingly passed to him, found a way to gain entrance into his
aura. These dark beings set him up by using money. Then they
prepared more traps until he fell into free sex. This let them
gain entrance into his astral body and his life.
I just
learned recently this relative’s son got separated from his wife
because she caught him sleeping around. He also was doing drugs
already. This is a sign that the so called “demons” that
ruined his grandfather and father had gained access into his
life, as well.
explains why we often notice that patterns are repeated through
generations. For example, a drunkard usually had an alcoholic
parent. A philandering wife had an unfaithful parent. A drug
addict had drug addicts for parents. A heavy chain smoker had a
parent just like him, and so on.
It is
essential to know that when you engage in casual sex, you not
only receive whatever karma and negative baggage your partner
has. You also inherit all other loads this partner
received from her/his other casual sex partners. Just
imagine all the ugly and heavy burdens of so many people you
don’t even know, transferring and taking permanent residence in
your aura and taking control of your life! You essentially
become someone you don’t know or you don’t ever want to be.
Liberated sex creates soul ties which transcend time and space.
When one dies, if he was not healed of the ruin he did
to his astral body, all that he received from others through
casual sex will follow and affect him in future incarnations.
The unlearned lessons or karma of others, now his as well, will
be added to the hurdles he will have to master and overcome in
succeeding lifetimes.
Healing the Self
For you
to be totally healed from the destruction brought about by
casual sex, you have to undergo spiritual cord cutting, entity
attachment removal and soul retrieval. These are usually done
for you by expert healers and shamans. But what if you live in
a place where you can’t find any of these types of people? And
what if you don’t have the money to avail of their services?
Will you be doomed and should you start feeling hopeless?
I was
born a healer. I knew how to perform spiritual techniques long
before I knew how to read. As the years passed, I was informed
of my mission: TO TEACH AND REMIND HUMANITY (of who they
I am
including, in this article, my personal and tested method on how
you can cut the cords you have between the people you had casual
sex with and how to detach from spirits that have deeply
attached themselves on you, by yourself. You have the power to
do this. Believe that you could and it will happen.
I will
write separately on Soul Fragmentation and Soul Retrieval.
These are different topics and how to do this is different.
Also, soul retrieval takes a while. The soul parts you lost
through casual sex, after soul retrieval, may return in as fast
as 5 minutes and as long as you can imagine.
purposely prioritized the spiritual cord cutting and spirit
attachment methods to immediately put a stop to the pain in your
life. These should also be done to avoid further harm you may
cause to any partner you currently have.
Retrieval must be done as an immediate follow up because you
have to be whole again. Soul Fragmentation means one’s soul has
parts missing. This results to restlessness, constantly looking
for “happiness” in things and people, hopelessness, a feeling of
loss and severe depression and discontentment. People with
fragmented souls don’t find fulfillment in any relationship.
They eventually develop addictions and vices to satisfy a need
or yearning they cannot identify.
As I
said, you have the free gift to heal yourself. But if you
doubt, it would be best to seek the professional help of a
shaman or experienced healer.
people who live in the Philippines, please think several times
before seeking help from albularyos, manggagamots and peddlers
in Quiapo. You may be doing more harm to yourself if you are
not careful. Make sure you get help from true Light Healers.)
If you
have engaged in casual sex and wish to end the destructive
cycle, begin by admitting to yourself that you made a mistake.
You need to determine the cause of an illness in order for you
to administer the proper cure.
Once you
sincerely realize the wrong you have done to your body,
recognize the damage you have also inflicted in the life of the
one you had casual sex with.
“A humble
and penitent heart is one that heaven listens to.” This is what
my Higher Self told me when I was still so little, and I never
forget it. Be humble enough to admit and confess your mistake
through prayer.
on your Godhead, your Higher Self and all your protective
guardians to assist you in this releasing. Ask them to
surround you, protect you and empower you to accomplish this
task. Ask them to shut your space away from all lower forms
of entities and energies.
on your other selves from other lifetimes who also engaged
in the same activity and unite with them in one body. See
yourself merging with each one of them until you all become
on your guardian healers to surround you.

Visualize cords stemming from your body and connecting to
the body of the one/s you had casual sex with. This will
include people in this lifetime and all other incarnations
you had. These cords are what still link your aura and
astral body to others. Ask your healing guardians to help
you see all these cords.
Ask your Godhead or Higher Self to give you the most
powerful cutting device you will be using to sever all these
cords from your body. Say thank you and proceed by cutting
each cord one by one until all cords have been cut.
yourself free from the entanglements from these people and
ask your healing guardians to assist you in sealing off the
parts from which you cut the cords. Seal these “wounds”
with forgiveness and love. If you don’t seal each part
properly, these chords will grow back and re-attach to the
same person again, so don’t be in a hurry in sealing.
After you have sealed your side, send your sincerest
apologies to the ones you had casual sex with. Send
forgiveness as well, for the damage they have caused you.
Then say “I love you,” (and mean it). Ask your healing
guardians to help you seal their end of their severed cord
with love. This should be done so that they won’t attach
themselves to other people.
Now that you have been freed, ask your protective guardians to
find all hiding and deeply latched negative energies and
entities in your aura and astral body/soul. Ask them to gently
escort these entities away from your energy field and away from
your space. Your guardians will know where to send them. Bid
these entities goodbye and send them forgiveness, love and an
honest from the heart, thank you. Wait! You must be wondering
why you should be nice to these “demons” and worse, send them a
sincere “thank you”. You must realize that these entities have
played a crucial role in helping you learn more about life and
pain. Their inflictions helped you gain strength in ways we will
only realize in some other time. They, no matter how dark,
deserve our gratitude. Never gloat at them or say anything
damaging or hurting to them. Instead, have mercy on them and
send them healing so that they may find the way back to the
light. Learn to treat others the way you want to be treated
when you have done something wrong. Remember that we learn from
making mistakes and experiencing pain. So be nice.
Next, ask your healers to begin healing the deep wounds
these entities caused you. Ask them to energize you so that
you look all brand new and shiny.
the help of your protectors, seal your aura, your astral
body and physical body so that such entities will never be
able to enter again. Use a protective shield of your liking
and program it with whatever you wish it to do. Say
thank you and I love you to your shield.
These words will strengthen it further.
Lastly, look at all your guardians and thank them all so
much for the assistance, healing and love they sent you. Do
the same with your Godhead and your Higher Self. End your
session by telling them and yourself that you will now be
very cautious and protective of your physical and spiritual
bodies. Then, mean it.
cord cutting and healing sessions are a very exhausting and
laborious task. Do it when you are not tired and when you are
in a good mood. Don’t be in a hurry when you are in the process.
This work is only for cutting the connections with other people
and healing some of the damages. Again, a different healing
session is needed for Soul Retrieval.
questions or assistance, you can email me :
crystaltouch333@gmail.com )
closing, remember that your body, no matter how imperfect, is
sacred. It is where your divine soul resides. Treat your body
with love and respect. After all, it is the only one that you
can really call yours in this life. If you want to be loved the
right way, start by loving yourself, your body, the
right way. When you do this, you will attract the same
energy. You will find the kind of love you have always wanted.
Only give
yourself (in sex) to someone you are willing to share your whole
life with. Reserve your body for someone you will love enough,
to make you willing to accept all that this person can bring
into your life: good or bad. It is only love that can heal the
hurts, pains and burdens another has.

Never have sex with someone you don’t want to become.
*All images courtesy of Google
seems more seekers are beginning to understand the dynamic Aka
Cord connection as explored in my article at Sexual
Immorality http://SoulSelf.org#SexualImmorality --
which Aka Cords inhibit peoples ability to enter into a Marriage
-- thereby inhibiting the process explored in Gospel of Thomas
saying 22 which reads: "Jesus
said to them, When
you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the
outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the
below, and when you make the male and the female one and the
same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;
...then will you enter the kingdom."
the foregoing link as to Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In
The Bible: When
the Gospel of Thomas states that you must "...make
the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not
be male nor the female female; ...then
will you enter the kingdom" (see Gospel
of Thomas saying #22), it becomes very difficult to even
impossible to bring about the required merger, when the woman is
connected to men other than her husband. And Paul correctly
presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at
Corinth: "Do
you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one
with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one
flesh'". When
Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go
and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18),
we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other
spiritually advanced souls are able to see into Ćtheric (Field)
dimensions that man in his natural organic condition cannot.
What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the
stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the
woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into
her. Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was
with at present could not be her husband in the genuine
spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that
because of the polluted environment that she has permitted her
body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband. Since
on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex
with, there is only the exchange of low-level
thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level
-- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless
carnal thinking. Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the
people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the
soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body
environmental conditions, in most instances even these few
become warped in their perception and thinking.
recent conformation of what I wrote can be found at Sexual
Intimacy and Its Connection with Aural Energy at https://fractalenlightenment.com/34858/spirituality/sexual-intimacy-and-its-connection-with-aural-energy .
The article states: "But
there is nothing such as casual or meaningless sex. When we get
intimate with anybody we tend to receive their positivity or
negativity and unknowingly incorporate it in our everyday lives.
Even if we do not meet the other person ever again, or if we do
have a continuous physical intimacy with our partner, each time
we get into the act, we receive a part of their energy into our
aura and leave a part of ours into theirs. So each time we have
sex, we create an energy cord with our partner. Their thoughts,
feelings, desires, etc., are left as impressions in our aura,
which unless cleansed, stays with us. If the same is done under
the influence of alcohol, we lower our natural protective field,
which further exposes us to negative & discordant energies. If
we have sex with a positive person, we are bound to receive
her/his positivity and vice-a-versa with a negative person.
Jeffery Armstrong in his article, The Ancient Art and Science of
Sexual Healing says, '..what could be accomplished by bringing
the male and the female body together. The answer to this
question is physical, biological, vital, mental, emotional, and
spiritual. And since our bodies share characteristics with the
animal realm, it is obviously possible for us to be pulled in
both an upward and downward direction through our endowment of
In our
Ebionite Nazirene Community in North Carolina ( http://NorthCarolina.Ebionite.com ),
we have begun putting together a Spiritual Healing Center. Many
seekers have asked me what I did to clear out my body -- and
while I attribute much of my own healing to the steam shower to
ice water spinal immersion that I used to do almost daily, my wife Flo and I also did all that
is suggested in the article under the heading of Cleanse Your
Aura where it reads: Our
energy system requires constant cleansing in order for it to be
balanced and to keep us functioning properly. It is essential
that we cleanse our aura of all the negativity and debris from
time to time. Here are some simple and easy methods to remove
unwanted energies left in your aura body through physical
Sunlight is man’s main food, but since we are unable to directly
consume it, we absorb it by way of fruits, vegetable, etc.
Therefore, it is best to step out into the sunlight every day
for minimum 15 minutes. A conscious thought, ‘I am cleansing my
aura of my sexual past’ can be extremely helpful in the
cleansing process.
Water is a
natural cleanser, which cleans the body both physically,
emotionally and energetically. Therefore, a bath with sea salt
or Epsom salt can remove stuck negativity in the body.
Forgiveness is a powerful tool to release trapped energy in our
body. In the case of a hurtful relationship, by forgiving the
other person as well as yourself for the act of sex can lead to
acceptance and discharge of energy.
Nature is
yet another way to connect to Mother Earth and replenish your
energy. Walking
barefoot or Earthing is a great way to feel energised,
because Earth’s surface contains limitless, natural, healing
Meditation, when practiced in any form is enlightening and
emancipating. It strengthens the aura body and gives the
practitioner a sense of knowledge about their energy field.
Practicing White light meditation (imagining white light going
in and black light out of the body) will also discharge the
debris from your aura field.
cleansing techniques with experts who have the knowledge of
various methodologies for aura cleansing and combing is
undoubtedly a great way to remove energy blocks, debris,
negativity, etc.
above mentioned techniques are only some measures to reduce the
impact of casual sex. But if we want to get physically involved
with someone, it is better to weigh the situation first. Sex is
not good or bad, it is ecstatic and to truly experience the
possibility of connecting higher states of awareness with peak
sexual experiences, we have to first understand its
article also quotes statement by Jeffery
Armstrong in his article, The Ancient Art and Science of Sexual
Healing where he states, “..what
could be accomplished by bringing the male and the female body
together. The answer to this question is physical, biological,
vital, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And since our bodies
share characteristics with the animal realm, it is obviously
possible for us to be pulled in both an upward and downward
direction through our endowment of energies.”
few seekers understand man's lower animal nature (see Organic
Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature http://SoulSelf.org#AnimalNature )
-- or the impact that an untransformed lower animal nature has
upon the evolution of Soul-Light (see The
Evolving Soul http://SoulSelf.org/#TheEvolvingSoul )
-- and the reality of Mr. Armstrong's statement regarding the
fact that modern recreational sex can move our consciousness in
a "...downward
direction through our endowment of energies.” And
the woman at the well could not receive the Living Waters,
because her five husbands was anchoring her into her lower
animal nature.
My wife
and I used to purchase 50 lb bags of Dead Sea Salt and bathe in
it. There is of course nothing like a flotation tank with salt
water. I used to ride my motorcycle along the beach in the
early morning through the salt air -- but riding through early
morning mountain dew also has a cleansing effect. In our
Ebionite Nazirene Community we have begun to pursue Quantum
Touch, Re-birthing which utilizes the cleansing of connected
breath, and Age Regression to explore the causal factors in
one's previous lives our Soul has lived. We are also pursuing
what is called Polarity Healing. And while it is impossible to
totally sever the Aka Chord links, they can be greatly made less
by using the above Natural Healing Expressions that have the
capacity to free each seeker from the impact of their own past.
Can You Even Be Married? While this
may sound like a question of ignorance, in view of the above two articles,
modern man and woman should seriously rethink the reality of the question
Spouse is always aware of the unfaithfulness of the
other partner. In the case of women, their more developed Intuitive
abilities makes her aware of her partners unfaithfulness.
Further, the Soul or Higher-Self of both partners can observe and receive the
thoughts of the other person. There is no action that a perspective
person makes -- there is no thought that the perspective person entertains --
that is not fully known by the higher Soul-Self of the other person in a
Invoking Grace In Response To Sexual Immorality:
The vast majority of people reading this article have been seduced by our
hedonist culture and spiritually disenfranchised academia, and have all engaged
in sex with many partners. Our modern culture promotes what can be
portrayed as recreational sex. Which provokes the question: Is there a way to restore ourselves to a
pure and undefiled state? The answer is no.
While the Hawaiian Huna portrayed these connections with others as Aka chords --
which to some degree parallels the Hindu concept of chakra chords -- while there are ways that the connections between women and their past
sexual partners can be weakened, with the possible exception of physical death, they can never be entirely eliminated.
The problem is seen in the fact that modern science is only now beginning to
understand the connections that exist between people. When I was a
speaker at The Conference For Consciousness And Human Evolution (see
LINK), I for the first
time became aware of the work of Amit Goswami (see
Amit, who is a Theoretical physicist at the University of Oregon, had conducted
an experiment whereby he demonstrated the basic connection that exists between
people. Amit selected two pairs of subjects. The first pair met and
created a bond between them (aka cord). They were then separated; each was
placed in a separate Faraday cage (a copper sealed space) and moved 20 meters
from each other. They could not see each other and did not know the purpose of
the experiment. When one of the subjects was stimulated by a rapidly flashing
light, the other subject showed corresponding electrical activity in the visual
cortex. The second set of subjects did not meet or bond and the rapid light
stimulation of one subject’s brain did not influence the other subject’s brain
waves. Thus, while Amit established the very simple connective link
that takes place between people -- a link which the Hawaiian Huna learned to
heal by cutting this aka link -- the connections made through sexual interaction
are not only permanent, but often transcend lifetimes.
Many Hasidic Rabbis do not shake hands -- and do not
touch anyone but their wives -- so as not to establish a connection with the
other person which will impact their consciousness. This difficult
subject is somewhat explained at
Chabad.org On Shaking Hands where it is stated:
"What is the rationale for the Jewish prohibition on men and women touching, let
alone shaking hands? The prohibition of touching (in Hebrew negiah) goes
back to the Book of Leviticus (18:6 and 18:19) and was developed further in the
Talmud. A person who observes this prohibition is often called a shomer negiаh.
It applied not only to close contact such as hugging and kissing, but also to
shaking hands or patting on the back. The practice is generally followed by
traditionally observant Jews, both men and women, including Hassidic Jews, and
those who are referred to as Haredim."
While attempting to cut the connections in the Ćtheric does some good, it does not alleviate the problem entirely. But
with spiritual knowledge and the living of a Consecrated Life, the man and woman
can move on and make greater progress together. Over the course of time
the connections do weaken, and the Law of Grace can be invoked which will
further lessen the influences of those with whom we have had intimate
connections in the past. How is the Law of Grace Invoked?
Only through a change in mind and lifestyle -- along with assisting others in
not making the same mistake. When you convey to others the
consequences of casual sex with a multitude of partners -- making them aware of
the pitfalls -- then you invoke the Law of Grace by saving others from the
pitfalls of your own past.
A true Gnostic does not
attempt to dissolve the "I" as stated by Samael Aun Weor above -- but rather, a
seeker/disciple is able to use the ego-self as a catalyst to spawn greater
growth and development. The exchange of vital life-force has the potential
to supply the Impressions that act as the final food in the Law of Octaves in
the dynamic mental exchange between husband and wife. When it is realized
that the forbidden fruit of the (outer columns of the Tree of Life) is the
male/female Impressions in the Tree of Duality that have not been brought
together in the Center Column of the Tree of Life, then you can begin to
understand the dynamics of the higher mind and the teaching in the Gospel of
Thomas: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one,
and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,
and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and
the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female ...then
will you enter the kingdom" (see
Gospel of Thomas saying
The Holographic Pattern Of Sex:
beginning to understand the above patterns of a hologram, what man perceives as
sex and procreation, is merely a sub-pattern in the physical that is true at
each higher level within the holographic Divine Pattern. In the same
way that an ovum and sperm must become united and evolved in order to bring
about the manifestation of human life, when man and woman are understood as a
cosmic sperm and ovum on the next level of the hologram (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image) -- and it is recognized that male and female is
representative of half of the whole from a higher soul-perspective -- then the
dynamics of the male/female relationship must be seen and understood as two
halves coming together in order to create a soul-level embryo within themselves.
In the same way that the two halves of the heart cannot be seen as separate from
each other -- and in like manner, the two lungs, the two testis and ovaries, and
the two halves/hemispheres of the brain -- it is not until man and woman are
understood as two halves of the one, that the biblical reality of the Divine
Marriage can be understood. As stated in the above in
The Trinity And The Divine Pattern Of Creation,
a most important teaching which was removed from the Gospels is preserved in the
Second Epistle of Clement where Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom in
the words: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the
kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the
appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom
would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which
is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.
How can "...the male with the female [be] neither
male nor female’”? The answer: When the two become
"one flesh" within a Spiritual Divine
Marriage -- which holographically merges the husband/wife into a spiritual
embryo in the pattern of the physical embryo that becomes a fetus.
As stated in the above quotation: "Biologist Rupert
Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance also depends upon similarity in
vibration... loving couples -- resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they
have access to their own "private frequency.' In fact, Sheldrake goes even
further and suggests that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates.
Instead of being stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in
the morphic field. Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios
tuning to their own private stations."
In the above subheading on
The Divine Counterpart and
The Soul, I reference the works of both Philip K.
Dick, G.I.Gurdjieff and Emerson who all portray the physical personality as a
false-self or ego-self that is oblivious to the true being of the higher
soul-self. In the writings of what Gurdjieff called The Fourth Way,
an organic system is presented whereby man emits what I portray as vital
life-force, which I relate in the above to the inheritance that the prodigal son
squanders away on "riotous" living -- i.e.,
(quoting) That those who, as the
prodigal son who squandered away his inheritance -- i.e., his vital life-force
and bio-energies -- which portray people who defile their body and choose to
live as heathen beasts -- thereby
"...destroys and pollutes, as far as in them lies, the
Deity dwelling in them - that is, the Logos -- by association with their vices”
(see Logos) --
and because of this defilement and pollution, they dwell in what Jesus portrayed
as the "outer darkness" of mind and being
(see The Outer Darkness
) that causes them to be blind to man's own higher reality of soul and the
Kingdom. In the
Divine Marriage I demonstrate where, in the vast majority of instances, the
Creative Force is passed from the male to the female -- and then, because of
lack of development and/or connections in the Etheric that defiles the union and
makes Marriage in the Spiritual impossible, the vital life-force is lost into
Nature. Yet, when the Creative Force and the vital life-force
of the male and female is channeled within the Marriage -- and raised up in the
development of a soul-seeker husband and wife -- the vital life-force is
channeled within the union into the Morphic Field -- harnessing the very Laws
and Forces of Creation as brought forth by Creator-God -- which inhibits
and even stops the vital life-force from being lost into Nature -- bringing
about the Spiritual Evolution of the Divine Marriage through The
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind -- creating
within the husband and wife a Morphic Field that has the power to transform and
initiate the next stage of birth.
Not only can the dynamic
spiritual-embryo of husband and wife generate the necessary impressions which
are used to bring about the Heightening And Expansion
Of Mind that enables them to comprehend at a higher and more enlightened
level than the rest of mankind -- but they have access to a very personalized
morphic field. In the findings of Sheldrake: "Morphic field
is a term introduced by Sheldrake. He proposes that there is a field within and
around a
morphic unit which organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of
activity. According to this concept, the morphic field
underlies the formation and behaviour of
holons and morphic units,
and can be set up by the repetition of similar acts or thoughts. The hypothesis
is that a particular form belonging to a certain group, which has already
established its (collective) morphic field, will tune into that morphic field.
The particular form will read the collective information through the process of
morphic resonance, using it to guide its own development. This development of
the particular form will then provide, again through morphic resonance, a
feedback to the morphic field of that group, thus strengthening it with its own
experience, resulting in new information being added (i.e. stored in the
database). (see
In the case of a Spiritual Divine
Marriage, the Morphic Field becomes the expanded spheres of mind of the husband
and wife, which harmonious resonance provides them access to, to the exclusion
of all other people. But, when the dynamics of male and female is
rightfully understood, what is presented in Sheldrake's morphic field is only
the beginning of the process. Because of the Oneness and
Wholeness of the Marriage which brings together the divided spheres of the Tree
of Duality (see The Trinity And The Divine
Pattern Of Creation) -- which Wholeness and Unity provides access to what is
portrayed as the fruit of the Tree of Life -- this fulfillment of the Laws and
Forces opens a gateway for both husband and wife to manifest and access their
higher soul-selves (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image) that is the true being that they are.
The scriptures condemn adultery
and sex outside of the marriage union, because as stated in the above in
Gender Blindness,
the people (and especially the woman) remains connected on an etheric level to
each person they have had sex with. Since it is the dynamics of
sexual interaction and the exchange of bodily fluids that unites the two halves
into one unit, then the impressions from each previous sexual partner uses these
etheric connections. That these
connections in the
Fields of the people involved in the sexual unions often result in the
bombardment of negative thoughts, is a reality that was known and understood by
the Mystic authors of the Torah and Gospels. Further, the disruptions caused
by these connections in the
Field of the individual, are often the cause of physical disease and maladies,
because these negative
connections not only interfere with the flow of vital life-force, but drain the
person of necessary energy needed to bring about the expansion of the mind,
through connections to others. In the case of the Woman at the Well who
could not receive the Living Waters due to the fact that she did not have a
husband (see
Woman At The Well), her connection to five other men was easily seen and
detected by Jesus, because the connections were observed in her
Field/Mind. Moreover, because she was anchored to five men -- and could not
therefore even have a husband -- her lifestyle and mindset inhibited her from
receiving the Living Waters of the Spirit (see
Lilith, The Demonic Reality Of The Modern
Feminist Movement ). And it was for this very reason with respect to
connections in the
Etheric Field/Mind that anchored people to this world, that Jesus condemned
even looking on another person who was not your spouse with lust -- i.e.,
"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You
shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to
lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart"
(Matt 5:27-28 NKJ - see
Pattern). Did Jesus pronounce in the Gospels that it's OK to embrace the
culture of this world -- to pursue the life of a whore, or in the case of men,
to be a whoremonger? No, in fact he stated to the woman at the well that she
could not receive the Living Waters, because of her (Etheric)
connections to five other men who inhibited her from even having a husband.
Sexual purity between husband and
wife, on the other hand, can bestow upon the couple all the blessings and
advantages of the Laws, without any negative detriments whatsoever. In the
same way that a sperm and ovum are paired opposites that have been Created for
the express purpose of bringing about birth and life, so too does man and woman
remain within this Divine Pattern (see
Ovum And Sperm). The Laws of Creator-God have insured that, within the
environment of the
Divine Marriage
is all the elements of mind and being on a physical, mental/soul and spiritual
level, to bring about ultimate spiritual blessings and success.
If it is true that our very
physical bodies represent the alchemical Philosopher's Stone upon which the
transformation from base to precious substance must be brought about, then the
long ignored statement of Paul must be revisited through more enlightened eyes
of understanding -- i.e., "Do you not know that your
bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make
them members of a harlot? Certainly not! Or do you not know that he who is
joined to a harlot is one body with her? For 'the two,' He says, 'shall become
one flesh.' But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee
sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who
commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that
your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from
God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore
glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's" (1 Cor
6:15-20 NKJ).
What does it mean that any other
sin is outside your body, while sexual immorality is a sin against your own body
-- which body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit? And what is the Temple of the
Holy Spirit? Why, it is the Final Temple that is allegorically portrayed in
the scriptures (see
Temple). And it's transformation is the application of the Laws within the
construct of a Consecrated Divine Marriage, that brings about the subsequent
stages of birth that Jesus stated was necessary to enter in the inner
In the same way that the first
stage of birth is brought about through the interaction of male and female in
the creation of a fetus -- and Jesus taught that you must be born again to
achieve the next stage of birth and entrance into the Kingdom -- the article
The Divine
Marriage demonstrates how Spiritual Husband and Wife can invoke the Laws and
Forces of Creation within themselves, in order to bring about the necessary
Spiritual Transformation that initiates the next stage of soul-birth. Yet, the
very environment of Marriage has been destroyed -- with great harm inflicted
upon the young impressionable minds of children, with the resulting defilment
associated with our sexualized cultural lifestyle (see
Lilith, The Demonic Reality Of The Modern
Feminist Movement ) -- which has deprived the people of even the opportunity
of receiving their inheritance as the offspring of God. Moreover, our culture
has robbed the people of understanding both the reason and potential of their
gender differences.
Once again the words of Dr Luan
Brizendine in her book entitled, The Female Mind are of primary importance to
understand where she writes that: "There is no unisex
brain. Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as
boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are
what drive their impulses, values and their very reality. I know it is not
politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics
and what science is telling us. I believe women actually perceive the world
differently from men. If women attend to those differences they can make better
decisions about how to manage their lives." As a husband or wife,
it is absolutely necessary not only to recognize this difference which is the
result of being opposite polarities within the One, but it is necessary to
foster those differences and innate abilities which cause man and woman to see
and perceive the world differently -- and often, opposite from one another.
As explained in the article
The Divine
Marriage , not only must a man or woman not expect their spouse to see and
perceive the world as they do -- but they must permit the thoughts, the
perceptions, and the impressions of their spouse, to expand their consciousness
-- while maintaining a connection with their native gender reality. As stated
in the book Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote:
"Men are different from women. They are equal only in
their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they
are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a
biological and scientific lie". With the warning that:
"What you will read in this book about the differences
between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both reactions are
wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught
their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed
at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence".
And in appraising the vast difference in the feminine intuitive mind from it's
male opposite, the authors conclude that "Women should
contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the
pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can
solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one
apparently intuitive stroke."
A woman who has been
indoctrinated by our culture and system of education to think as a surrogate man
-- a condition which forces her to reject not only her own innate intuitive
cognitive powers of mind and being that most men not only don't possess, but
reject because they don't understand these feminine abilities -- will be forced
to greatly struggle to undo the harm that was inflicted upon her by our
culture. In the same way that many indigenous cultures inflict harm through
genital mutilation of the female at puberty, our own western culture inflicts
harm through the mental mutilation of robbing a woman of her inherent gifts that
not only separates -- but can be seen as saving her male counterpart from his
genetic fate and limitations which invoke his death through the failure to
achieve the next stage of birth. In the same way that an egg needs a sperm,
and a sperm needs an egg, in order to fulfill its destiny, there is a higher
soul and spiritual reality that can only be achieved when a man and woman enters
into a true Divine Marriage. And the building blocks which bring about this
second stage of birth, is not only the invocation of the Laws -- but the
nourishment of thoughts and impressions which bring about the spiritual
objective presented in the above Spiritual objective of
"...the heightening and enlargement of human
While men and women have
interacted sexually, emotionally and culturally since the dawn of time itself,
their gain is usually at a snails pace at best. It is not until both the man
and woman become cognizant of the mental void that immersed each of them in
opposite prisons -- becoming conscious of their own shortfalls and genetically
inherited strengths -- that they can begin to solve the perplexing riddle of the
gender differences. And becoming cognizant of ones voids as a man or woman,
is merely the beginning of the path to overcome the shackles of those voids that
inhibit man's progress.
Spiritual Alchemy represents the
transformation of self that fulfills the requirement that makes the two
"one flesh" -- and by brining this
transformation about, enables the seeker/disciple to restore Wholeness within
themselves. In the many allegorical accounts presented in the Gospels, Jesus
healed by brining about Wholeness -- but few believers understand what this
means. In the allegorical account of Genesis, Adam was in Wholeness only when
Eve was united to him -- and they are often portrayed as such in Jewish
Mysticism. In the same way that the second day of Creation is the only day
not portrayed as being good, all division and separation brings death from the
perspective of the higher reality of being. Adam and Eve were warned not to
eat the fruit of the Tree of Duality (aka Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) --
and yet, few biblical students are able to take this allegorical reality, and
extend the pattern into every aspect of life.
On a level of mind, the
individual thoughts of a man or woman, represent the fruit of the Tree of
Duality. And in the same way that an ovum or sperm can be seen individually,
it must also be understood that from an individual perspective, the destiny of
an individual ovum or sperm is death. And in taking the pattern to the next
level of Creation and birth, this is also true of man and woman. On a mental
level, the thoughts, perceptions and impressions of a man and woman, represent
the fruit of the Tree of Duality. And in the same way that in the allegory of
the Genesis Account, man was banished from the Garden so they could not put
forth their hand and eat also of the Tree of Life and inherit Eternal Life, the
duality of man and woman can only be overcome when they join and become
"one flesh", in a
Divine Marriage
. And you must take the fruit of duality which is the gender based mindset,
thoughts and impressions, and bring about a third-force balance that bears the
fruit of the Tree of Life.
In revisiting some of the
foundational concepts that reveals to us the higher spiritual reality, the
statement in the
Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism,
"...From this perspective mysticism played a vital part
in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that
expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness”
(see Heightening And Expansion Of Mind),
with that of Einstein's that "The intuitive mind
is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a
society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." (see
Intuitive vs Rational-linear) -- it is the
interaction of higher elevated thoughts and impressions (see
Impressions As
Food), and the resonance of the husband and wife within a Divine Marriage
builds what Rupert Sheldrake portrays as a Morphic Field (see
Gender Blindness And Birth) that only the husband
and wife have access to -- which evolves the Union through the interaction of
the Intuitive-Feminine and the Linear-Male.

Breaking Out Of The Time Continuum Box: It
is virtually impossible to walk the path of True Enlightenment, without breaking the
Time-Continuum Box in which man's organic three-dimensional consciousness
remains a prisoner of. Our reality is this: While organic man
is locked into his present time-frame, his True-Self is not. And in view
of the fact that Time is a dimension of mind and consciousness, the mind of our
True-Self spans and encompasses all the personalities that the Soul has lived
(soul-personalities) since the Alpha or Dawn of Time, right up to the Present,
and is projected into what we would call the Future into the Omega of Creation.
While man in his organic condition of
mind observes or experiences an event in his life, what he fails to see is the
pre-existing condition that initiated that event, and the downstream result of
his actions. In fact, modern man for the most part remains totally
ignorant of the pre-existing causal factors which initiate all events in his
life that he experiences. And in like manner, modern man remains
ignorant of the reality that by virtue of his words, thoughts, actions
and deeds, he is orchestrating his future. But even more important
is the fact that because of the paradoxical reality that both the linear and
non-linear realities of Time are both True -- and the Duality of Time can only
be resolved within the higher reality of the Soul -- and ultimately within the
Mind (Logos) of Creator-God -- until the seeker is prepared to embrace the fact
that both paradoxical realities of Time are equally true, and open their minds
to the higher Third-Force Balance that merges both sides of the paradox into
ONE, then no spiritual progress can be made beyond a certain point.
While I considered making this subject
a stand-alone web article, without understanding the higher reality of the Soul
and the Pattern or Cosmology of Mind and Being that is presented in the
foregoing article, it would be impossible to break out of the organic limitations of
physical consciousness. In the Bible these three-dimensional limitations are portrayed
as the "outer darkness" of mind and being
(see Outer Darkness) --
which has it parallel in the analogy of Plato's Cave (see
Plato). When
the disciples ask Jesus why he spoke only in parables to the people, it was
because of their organic three-dimensional limitations imposed upon them by the
physical body and consciousness -- i.e.,
"And with many such parables He spoke the word to them
as they were able to hear it.
But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He
explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34) -- having
explained to his disciples with respect to those who were portrayed as being
"without": "Unto
you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without,
all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and
hearing they may hear, and not understand..." (Mark 4:11-12 ASV).
These profound statements should provoke the reader to ask: It, as it is stated,
Jesus could only speak to the multitudes of hearers in parables, then what
enabled the very few to comprehend the true spiritual meaning of what Jesus was
stating, while the vast majority only understood the outer facade of the
allegorical story? And unless you come to the reality of this
statement and question first, it will be in vain that you read the Gospels.
In the Gospel accounts,
there were the very few who were portrayed as being
In The House
who could receive the higher spiritual knowledge, which the vast majority of
people could not. Why couldn't the vast majority of hearers -- as
well as those who today attempt to read the Gospel accounts -- not be able to
comprehend the Higher Spiritual Meaning of what was and is being conveyed?
Because they dwelt in the "outer darkness" of mind and being
Outer Darkness). The word translated "explained",
in the phrase "And when they were alone, He explained
all things to His disciples", literally translated from the Greek
into English means to "unloose or untie" --
i.e., what has been "bound or sealed up" --
and "what is obscure and hard to understand"
(from Thayer's Greek Lexicon). And the word translated secret or mystery,
makes reference to an esoteric knowledge that can only be revealed spiritually
to one who is "in the House", because it is
beyond the organic comprehension of those who are portrayed as being
"without", or
"outside" the House. The term "open and
unloose" the mind, was also used in the Gospel as the path to
entering the Inner Kingdom (see
Open & Unloose
The Mind). With respect to the reality of those who are portrayed in
the Gospels as being "without", in
contradistinction to those who are said to be In The
House, the quotation of the early Church Father Origen represents an
excellent portrayal of the reality of mind and being that is presented in these
words of Jesus -- wherein, Origen writes in reply to the allegations of Celsus
that the Church is a secret system (see
The Secret Doctrine):
“I have not yet spoken of the observances of all that
is written in the gospel, each one of which contains much doctrine difficult to
be understood, not merely by the multitude, but even by certain of the more
intelligent, including a very profound explanation of the parables, which Jesus
delivered to 'those without' while reserving the exhibition of their full
meaning for those who have passed beyond the stage of exoteric teachings, and
who came to him privately in the house. And when he comes to understand it, he
will admire the reason why some are said to be without, and others in the house”.
The "outer darkness"
portrays the people of this world who in the parable of the prodigal son, is
representative of the people who dwell in this, the Far Country. And
the journey that every person as the prodigal son must make to return Home,
through the "narrow gate" ("Enter by the narrow gate;
for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there
are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way
which leads to life, and there are few who find it" [Matt 7:13-14]),
and it is an inward journey which is accomplished through the expansion and
deepening of mind, consciousness and being. But before any real
progress can be made with respect to this Inner Journey, the seeker must have a
working knowledge of the Pattern and Cosmology of Mind and Being -- the
ignorance of which was the basis of the foregoing assertion by the Apostle Peter
in the Epistle of Peter To James where it is stated that if the exoteric
knowledge (spiritual meaning of the parables and the scriptures) was to become
lost and thrown away, that
"...it will remain even for
those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error"
(see Always To Wander In Error). And
this is true not only of the modern Christian world, but also all the other
world's religions. With the problem even made worse, by our
present-day educational systems which totally alienate the people from the
knowledge of their own Inner Self and Reality.
What is the
Outer Darkness?
Which can be portrayed as the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son?
Both of which is portrayed in the analogy of Plato as the
Cave of Illusions?
It is a condition of mind and consciousness that only perceives and functions
within a very limited three-dimensional reality -- wherein, our True or
Soul-Self dwells in a twelve-dimensional reality that is beyond man's organic
comprehension (see Mystery Of The
Gospel). And the primary objective of the Original Gospel
Teachings, was to provide to organic man who is portrayed as the lost prodigal
son, the necessary instructions and knowledge to return Home to the Kingdom of
God. But to accomplish this, the mind of man which is presently in
an embryonic condition, but become planted in what is portrayed in the parable
of the Sower and the
Seed, as teh "good ground".
Thus, the conditions must be present, along with the proper nourishment, that
will enable the embryonic three-dimensional mind of man to expand and deepen, in
the manner of a fine seed which has been planted in the finest earth, in
conditions that stimulate and bring forth the maximum of growth and development.
And as presented throughout the foregoing article, an important element in the
equation of bringing forth growth and development is Self-Knowledge -- as
presented in the words of the Gospel of Thomas:
"...But if you will not know
yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty"
-- and it is at this point in this article on Self and the Cosmology of Mind and
Being, that we must begin to explore the Inner Rooms of the seekers own Mind --
i.e., "The soul...",
writes St. Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single
diamond… in which there are
many rooms, just as in
Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image: The very
opening statement in the
Gospel Of Thomas declares: "These are the secret
sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
And he said, Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not
experience death. Jesus said, Let him who seeks continue seeking until he
finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will
be astonished, and he will rule over the All." What most people
who read these words fail to understand is the fact that, what is presented in
the opening statement of Thomas is not a series of secret teachings in the words
of man that one must learn and be taught the meaning of in order to enter into
the Life that Jesus revealed to mankind -- but rather, the true meaning of not
only the Gospel of Thomas, but of all Gospels and scriptures, cannot be known,
perceived, understood and comprehended, without Personally
Experiencing the Inner Kingdom (Lk 17:20-21) by walking in TheWay (see
http://GateOfEden.com ). To find the true
meaning of the sayings of Thomas, the seeker must through their own spiritual
experiences, begin to draw near to the Inner Kingdom. This can also be
portrayed as picking up one's own cross and travailing in TheWay in the
footsteps of our elder brother Jesus who was the first of the prodigal sons to
return Home to the Edenic Kingdom. Therefore, the Knowledge of the
Many Rooms within the House of the Soul, begins with the knowledge of the person
you are in this world in relation to your True or Soul-Self.
In the
above I have made a number of references to
Gospel of Thomas
saying 84, where I demonstrate that the religious world's understanding of
reincarnation is fatally flawed (see
X-Files ). Which
means that the vast majority of religious people simply possess no real
understanding of the inner spiritual concepts of their own scriptures and
beliefs. If the ego-self (aka temporal-self, lower-self, carnal or
organic self) represents the consciousness of the body -- and the
body physically dies -- then this ego-self can't enter the higher spiritual
realms. Why? Because the true and real self already
exists, and the temporal self cannot simply replace that which is real,
timeless and eternal. And at the above link I use an
X-Files scenario in
order to demonstrate that the person whose consciousness is of the earth, has no
real permanence beyond the grave, because it never developed while in the earth,
and was ruled over by the carnal nature of man's lower animal nature of the
physical body. With respect to the
counterfeit New Age doctrine of reincarnation, such a person that is controlled
by the false or ego-self, cannot be said to reincarnate. The soul-image or
essence-self which in
Gospel of Thomas
saying 84 the true-self generated at conception, never really developed
because it was ruled over by the ego-self or false personalities of the organic
body, begins to develop after it is freed from the limitations of the body upon
physical death. And as stated in the below, the body-consciousness which is
centered in the lower three earthly kingdoms -- being freed from the body-form
of the fourth kingdom when the soul-image was implanted at conception -- this
body-consciousness which is often called the ego-self, is returned to the forms
of the earth that are representative of it's level of evolution.
this means is that the whole concept of either reincarnation, or the Christian
idea of going to Glory in a Heavenly Kingdom, are both based upon partial truths -- but from man's
true higher soul-perspective, must be understood as basically counterfeit.
That is not to say that the essence-self that was generated by the soul-self and
projected into the body at conception will cease to exist -- but rather, only
when freed from what could constitute a type of imprisonment in the body-vessel,
can it begin its development. At Genesis 2:7, the Wycliffe
Commentary writes: “Man's body was fashioned from the
dust of the ground, while his spirit came from the very ‘breath’ of God. He is
literally a creature of two worlds; both earth and heaven can claim him”.
More importantly, though, is for us to clarify our understanding of when the
soul came into existence. Thus, the Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary
notes the belief of both the Jews and early Church:
“The... views of Origen and other Fathers, and the... Talmudists, that all
souls had been created ‘in the beginning,’ and were lodged by God in a certain
place, whence each one was taken out to inhabit the respective bodies of
individuals”. In this respect, it can easily be demonstrated the
first followers of Jesus firmly believed that the soul pre-existed the body, and
that our present physical forms are mere vessels that we inhabit during our
sojourn in this life. And further: If we pose the question as to what was the
thinking and mindset of the Jews in the time of Jesus? In his book, The
Antiquity of the Jews, the Jewish historian Josephus, who had lived among the
Essenes and was a contemporary of the man Jesus, stated that the Essenes: “…resigned
up their souls with great alacrity, as expecting to receive them again. For
their doctrine is this, that bodies are corruptible, and that the matter they
are made of is not permanent; but that the souls are immortal, and continue for
ever; and that they came out of the most subtle air, and are united to their
bodies as to prisons, into which they are drawn by a certain natural enticement;
but that when they are set free from the bonds of flesh, they then, as released
from a long bondage, rejoice and mount upward...”. If this is
true, then what draws the soul into what can be portrayed as a time of captivity
or imprisonment in the body? And if this is true, the question must
be posed: Why don't we
remember our existence prior to being born into this life?
taught that we must be born a second time -- and when the spiritual meaning of
the Gospels are rightly understood by properly applying them as the
Key of Knowledge, what is presented in the allegorical
portrayal of the crucifixion is in fact the process of birth which we all must
bring about in our lives. Moreover, these subsequent stages of birth
must be initiated while we still dwell in the physical body. As stated in the Gospel of Philip
"Those who say that first they shall die and (then)
they shall arise are confused. If they do not first receive the resurrection
(while) they live, they will not receive anything (when) they die"
(see http://DivineManna.org ). The only
time that the Kingdom can Come as portrayed in the Gospels, is when a person is
still alive in the physical body and is able to bring about the next stage of
birth -- and the soul can bring about Wholeness and Balance of the twelve
spheres of mind -- thereby, eating the fruit of the
Tree of Life -- and
accomplishing what Jesus said with respect to the next stage of birth and
entering the Kingdom. Wholeness, must be achieved while in the body-vessel
which is of the fourth kingdom -- and has the potential to balance and make the
three (3) heavenly spiritual centers, and the three (3) earthly spiritual
centers, One. Without the body-vessel, this cannot be accomplished in an
after-death state. And the suppression of the ego-self or earth-consciousness
in the monastic mindset, does not develop that lower point by making it the
"good ground" that brings forth
Completeness (see The Way Of The Monk).
what is revealed in the
Gospel of Thomas
saying 84 may sound strange to the modern Christian, it represents an
important foundational teaching that was removed from the Gospels by the later
Pagan Church of Rome (see
http://BibleCorruption.com ). What is our true nature and form? Our
soul/higher self is the Being of Light that many people encounter in the
published accounts of what is known as the Near Death Experience (see
Being Of Light). And one of the secrets
that is unknown today, is the fact that you need not physically die, in order to
come into the presence of the Being of Light within you -- i.e., your true
soul-self. In fact, one of the primary objectives of the
Gospel is to enable the believer to draw near and actually become At-One with
their higher Soul-Self who is a Being of Light -- and thereby prevail over the
forces of this world -- manifesting the Heavenly Kingdom within one's self --
and walking the earth as a one's true self, a Being of Light. But herein lies the problem: Men and Women look at their reflected
image in a mirror, and they think they are seeing the true being that they
are. And thus, because of man's own ignorance of his true self and form, this
higher reality could not be revealed to men of a carnal mindset who it remains
impossible to grasp the higher realities of the soul and the Kingdom of God.
Yet, if each person is to overcome the ignorance of this world with respect to
our true nature and form, then it is important to begin to recognize the reality
of self that is being portrayed in the Gospel of Thomas saying 84, and is
conveyed in the words: (84) Jesus said, "When you see
your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being
before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much you will have to
bear!" What is being stated? Saying 84
presents what
is portrayed as YOUR LIKENESS, and
YOUR IMAGES. It does not say: When you see God --
and this is because you dwell within the reality of your own soul-self -- and it
is your soul-self that is in the above portrayed as
"your likeness" that dwells within God. When rightly understood,
we only dwell within God by proxy. And this is why Paul states to the
Corinthians: "But if anyone loves God, this one is
known by Him" (NKJ) -- which states that those who do not love God,
are not even known by Him. And to the Galatians he writes: "But
now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you
turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in
bondage?" (Gal 4:9 NKJ) -- few comprehend the reality of the words "...or
rather are known by God".
From a Gospel perspective, that those who can only
receive the one talent in the parable of the talents (see
Parable Of The Talents),
cannot hear the Living Words spoken of at John 5:24 that permits them to
"...cross over from death to life” --
because they are the walking dead that Jesus spoke of who cannot hear or see
beyond the physical (see
The Dead
Know Nothing). Why? Because they are carnal and their
consciousness is grounded in the earth, and have only advanced through the
first stage of physical birth, they fail to Know Themselves, and they dwell in
the poverty of darkness which is inherent in the womb of Mother-Earth. With
respect to this organic condition of dark ignorance that is expressed by the
early Church writer Ephraim, who is called the "great
light of the Syrian Church of the fourth century", when he warned
believers: "Thou canst not hear His words, while thou
dost not know thyself". And with respect to our inner soul-self,
this great truth is again sounded by the second century Bishop Melito who
explained: "Wherefore I counsel thee to know thyself,
and to know God. For understand how that there is within thee that which is
called the soul — by it the eye seeth, by it the ear heareth... But why this
world was made, and why it passes away, and why the body exists, and why it
falls to decay, and why it continues, thou canst not know until thou hast raised
thy head from this sleep in which thou art sunk..." (Melito, Bishop
of Sardis, Bishop of Ittica, and Bishop of Ittica [AD 160-177]).
Who are we? What are we? Until you can first
answer these questions, you will remain totally ignorant of both God and your
own higher soul-reality. We cannot even be known by God, so long as we remain
a divided expression of our higher soul-self. Only, when we overcome our
divided natures, and bring about the next stage of birth where we manifest our
soul and true-self in the body, can we even begin to Know God, and be Known by
God. The Gospel of Thomas states: "Jesus said, When
you see your likeness, you rejoice" -- and it is this likeness that
is our own source of Being -- our soul-self, who is the Being of Light in the
Near Death Experience. And the Gospel of Thomas asks the question:
"...But when you see your images which came into being
before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much you will have to
bear!" These images which came into being before you, are the
past lives that your soul-self has previously lived, that have all failed to
bring about the next stage of soul-birth that Jesus taught was necessary to
enter the Kingdom -- and thus, these past life images remain only as the
experiences of failed lives that never became manifest.
The reality of man’s plight in this world is
that he is an embryonic image of his pre-existent soul that has entered into
this realm in order to perfect those laws and elements that he must overcome.
In the same way that a fetus is an embryonic copy of its parents, our mind is an
embryonic image of our soul. In the same way a fetus must grow and mature in
accordance with the pattern of its parents, our mind must grow and mature in the
pattern of our soul. When our mind grows in the culture of this world, and
becomes alienated from our soul, then our life becomes synonymous with the
miscarriage of a fetus whose defect fails to develop it in accordance with its
physical genetic pattern.
The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man:
Returning to the statements and facts presented in the subheading
The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter, when the reality is understood that
we are ultimately dwelling within the Mind of God -- i.e.,
“‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some
of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28 NIV)
-- and this biblical statement of fact is connected with the statement of
James Jeans that:
“...the universe begins to look more like a great thought
than like a great machine”.
Or the words of Arthur Eddington:
“The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”
-- then we can begin to contemplate the higher reality of the soul within
the foundational construct of what is biblically portrayed as the Alpha and the
Omega of Creation. To understand the relationship of the
in Gospel of Thomas Saying 84 (see above), to the higher reality of the soul as
the Being of Light, it is imperative to comprehend that, not only Time does not
exist (see Time May
Not Exist) as portrayed within the limitations of unenlightened human
perception, but it is impossible to understand the higher reality of the soul
without comprehending that Time is a dimension of mind that can be moved in by
those who overcome the limits of organic consciousness. In the
article entitled
A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously, the
statement is made "Well,
this suggests that time as we know it is incorrect, in other words, it is not
linear as we have always thought"
and the fact that our physical consciousness is locked into a
Linear-Mode -- which is virtually blind to the paradoxical Intuitive-Cyclic
perception of Time -- indicates that we are being deceived by our own limited
perceptive-understanding. The article also makes the point to state that
since Time is a dimension of Soul-Mind -- that Time-Travel would be possible
where it is stated that, "Once
you try to wrap your head around this theory, you’ll begin to realize that it
could also change the way we think of time travel."
While it also points out that because all periods of Time is taking place
simultaneously, that you can't change the past. But what is not understood
is the fact that you can not only communicate with the previous personalities or
"images" that your Soul has lived as, but in
certain cases these former personalities can jump Time, and manifest in the
In the case of a
husband and wife who have in their previous lives together, attained and
manifested a Coverture-Marriage together (see The Foundation Of A
http://BrotherOfJesus.org#FoundationOfCovertureMarriage ) -- and have
achieved the next stage of Soul-Birth together in a former life -- this enables
them to Jump-Time -- where a former personality can manifest in the present,
while the present personality is brought back up into the Higher Soul-Self. My
wife and I have lived many lives where we became One in a Coverture-Marriage,
and were able to achieve the next subsequent stage of birth together within that
Marriage. And since our past accomplishments are restored back to us in
the present -- i.e., in the words of the pre-Nicene Church Father Origen:
“Every Soul... comes into this world strengthened by
the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen,
De Principiis) -- because we had achieved the next subsequent stage of birth in
conjunction with the manifestation of a Coverture-Marriage, all the highly
advanced spiritual abilities we achieved in our previous lives together, was
restored to us in the present. Which included my wife's ability to
directly access her previous personalities where we were together -- thereby
enabling her former personalities to Jump-Time and re-manifest in the present.
Thus, she was able to manifest her previous personalities where we were
together, when my wife was an Essene in the first century, an Ebionite in the
fourth century, as well as a number of other personalities where together we
were manifest in a Spiritual Coventure-Marriage. In the teaching f Gospel of
Thomas saying 84 where all the former personalities or images the Soul lived as
remain manifest in the Soul Mind-Matrix (see
Evolving Soul), as the seeker begins to draw nearer to their Higher
Soul-Self, that person is then able to communicate with the Soul's previous
personalities/images -- as stated by St. Teresa of Avila in the reality that
"The soul...", writes St. Teresa, is as
“a castle made of a single diamond… in which there are
many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior
Castle by St. Teresa of Avila). Each soul-generated personality must return to
its Source in the Soul Mind-Matrix, where it dwells as an expression and
experience of that Soul. With respect to Time and the Alpha (beginning) of
Creation and the Omega (end), the
Gospel of Thomas states: (18) The disciples said to
Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then,
the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will
the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know
the end and will not experience death."
In the foregoing I demonstrate the fraudulent nature
of man's common belief in reincarnation by using the Gospel of Thomas Saying 84
as a point of reference. This is not to say that the Soul which is
Eternal does not spiritually evolve over the course of many lifetimes -- because
it does -- but it is a Soul-Image that incarnates into this world. Consider the reality presented in the words that,
"...But when you see your
images which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become
manifest, how much you will have to bear!"
-- which indicates that these past life images that never did become manifest
through the process of soul-birth, continue to exist in their un-manifest form
within the higher reality of the soul. Therefore, we must pose the question
as to how the past continues to exist in the present? If, when you
come into the presence of your soul, you can perceive the previous soul-images
that came into being before you, then these soul-images continue to exist within
the higher reality of the soul. But what this also indicates is that
all the previous soul-images that lived in vast and greatly differing
conditions, continue to exit in their original form. Thus the enigmatic
reality of Time as portrayed in the words: “The meaning
of time has become terribly problematic in contemporary physics,”
says Simon Saunders, a philosopher of physics at the University of Oxford.
“The situation is so uncomfortable that by far the best
thing to do is declare oneself an agnostic” (see
Time May Not Exist).
Going one step further is the profound statement that:
“One finds that time just disappears from the Wheeler-DeWitt equation,”
says Carlo Rovelli, a physicist at the University of the Mediterranean in
Marseille, France. “It is an issue that many theorists
have puzzled about. It may be that the best way to think about quantum reality
is to give up the notion of time—that the fundamental description of the
universe must be timeless.” Quoting an equally important statement
in the above article: The possibility that time may not
exist is known among physicists as the “problem of
time.” It may be the biggest, but it is far from
the only temporal conundrum. Vying for second place is this strange fact: The
laws of physics don’t explain why time always points to the future. All the
laws—whether Newton’s, Einstein’s, or the quirky quantum rules—would work
equally well if time ran backward. As far as we can tell, though, time is a
one-way process; it never reverses, even though no laws restrict it.
With respect to the higher reality of the soul within
which all the (past life) images that incarnate into this world simultaneously
dwell, it is important to recognize the concept set forth in the Discovery
article on Time in the words: As Rovelli explains it,
in quantum mechanics all particles of matter and energy can also be described as
waves. And waves have an unusual property: An infinite number of them can exist
in the same location. If time and space are one day shown to consist of quanta,
the quanta could all exist piled together in a single dimensionless point.
“Space and time in some sense melt in this
picture,” says Rovelli.
“There is no space anymore. There are just quanta kind of
living on top of one another without being immersed in a space.”
While it is true that the soul of man evolves over the
course of many lifetimes, it is also paradoxically true that the flawed concept
that the soul reincarnates after passing through the proverbial cloud of
forgetfulness as proposed by the Eastern religions and the New Age, simply has
no factual basis in reality. And that the belief in reincarnation in the
pattern that the New Age promotes, must be seen as entry-level dogmatic milk
that is promoted among those who cannot comprehend the true higher reality of
the soul. We can observe
this enigma of Eastern teachings in the article entitled
The Awakening Of
Primal Knowledge by Dr. Ashok K. Gangadean in Parabola, The Magazine of Myth
& Tradition, Spring 1997, where Dr. Gangadean writes:
"Socrates introduces the remarkable thesis that primal knowledge is inscribed in
the soul but is lost, repressed, or forgotten when the soul suffers the trauma
of embodied existence. This is a perennial theme in the global evolution of
thought: that humans live between two contrasting worlds or dimensions, the
eternal and the temporal. The natural world of the soul is the eternal world –
the dimension of Being, wherein the psyche realizes its immortal life. The world
of the body is existence in space and time, the place of fleeting, ever–changing
experience. immortal life is the higher life of primal knowing; mortal life is
the physical, biological life of the embodied psyche. In crossing between
dimensions, the soul's innate knowledge is forgotten. For Socrates, the primary
task of human existence is to remember. To remember is to awaken our higher
rational powers, and to retrieve the knowledge hidden within."
The human mind has great difficulty in comprehending
man's paradoxical nature. Why? Because in this
three-dimensional realm, the organic mind of man insists on
seeing himself as singular -- whereas, his mind and being is divided across the
spectrum of the threefold self, encompassing seven kingdoms -- and while on one
level each segment of mind appears to be singular and independent, each of the
segments remain intimately connected. So, in light of this self-knowledge
possessed only by the Truly Enlightened Gnostic of whom it can be said they Know
Thyself, we must pose the question: Is the above really
what Socrates stated? It is important to take notice of the words:
"...In crossing between dimensions, the soul's innate
knowledge is forgotten." The question is: Who says that the soul
which is immortal and has existed since the dawn of time, is that part of self
that enters the body? Thus, we must pose the question: Does the soul enter the
body? Or does an aspect of the soul -- i.e., an embryonic image of the soul --
enter the body? Further, how can the soul forget? If we discard the thinking
of the fruit of the Tree of Duality which brings (spiritual) death -- and we
begin to understand that what man perceives as Time, is merely a dimension of
mind -- then those who truly fulfill the axiom to Know Themselves, must
understand the words "...that humans live between two
contrasting worlds or dimensions, the eternal and the temporal" --
from an entirely different perspective. It is not one or the other -- but
rather, part of self continues in the "...world or
dimensions [that is] the eternal" -- while the other part of us is
born into a body that manifests an embryonic image of self into the
"...world or dimensions [that is] ...the temporal".
While we can utilize the scriptures to demonstrate
what is being stated, a True Gnostic or Spiritually Enlightened seeker is not at
all dependent upon scriptures to prove the Truth -- which Enlightened
Realization is the result of his own Spiritual Experiences. To overcome, and
enter the higher reality of the soul, is the objective of the scriptures -- and
once this objective is fulfilled, the entering within one's self provides this
first hand experiential knowledge that enlightens the True Seeker to the higher
reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom. That such a soul is
able to see important esoteric meaning that others do not -- and are in fact
blind to -- provides the Spiritually Transformed Gnostic with an understanding
of scripture that the organic mind of man is blind to. The
Gospel of Thomas thus
begins with the words: "Whoever finds the
interpretation of these sayings will not experience death." -- with
the understanding that the only way to find the interpretation, is when they are
experienced within the reality of one's own life. The interpretation cannot
be taught to men of an organic mind and consciousness, because of the
limitations of the untransformed physical body and the three-dimensions of this
Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual
Cathedral: With respect to the foregoing, each person's mind and being is
as a symphony being played across the spectrum of many octaves (see
The Law Of Octaves) -- and what
we call organic human consciousness, is merely one of those octaves. Using
this analogy which is more real than most people could begin to imagine, while
the symphony of mind and being is the product of a great multitude of octaves,
physical man in his natural condition, is blind and deaf to everything that is
outside of the organic frequencies of the body-vessel. Moreover, if the
embryonic image of the soul which was generated into the body at conception by
the higher soul-self of each person can be portrayed as being representative of
a different instrument -- and each instrument only represents an aspect of self
-- and the higher soul-self who is the Being
Of Light, being holographlly Created in the image and likeness of God,
contains within itself the whole spectrum of instruments which can only
incarnate one at a time -- then the wholeness of the soul is representative of
all the instruments, and all the octaves, being simultaneously played in
absolute harmony.
Gospel of Thomas states: "But
if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that
poverty... Whoever finds himself is
superior to the world" -- and to Know Thyself, is to bring about that
condition of Wholeness where the Great Symphony of the Soul can be played in the
Spiritual Cathedral of the transformed
Final Temple.
In becoming Whole, you become "...superior to the
world", because the organic people of this world can only play their
very limited parts on the stage of life by virtue of the Laws that orchestrated
the part they are playing. In contradistinction, the higher soul of man which
is the embodiment of all the instruments playing their integral part, with all
the octaves being played in harmony -- and it is this higher reality of the
soul-self that is the very force that holds up and supports the limited
expression of the human organic octave -- and the great symphony of the soul
continues regardless of man's very limited awareness. What this means is that
the Symphony of the soul is presently playing, but because man has through his
own previous actions, caused himself to be cast into what Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness"
of mind and being -- or, what Plato portrayed as the
Cave of Illusions -- organic man
remains totally unaware of the Symphony of the Soul that is being played within
the greater depths of his mind and being.
To further develop the analogy: During the playing of
the Soul-Symphony, one player is excused to work on their piece in one of the
practice rooms of this world. At no time can it be said that the one player
represents the entire membership of the symphony. The Soul-Symphony does not
cease playing while the one member works on their part in what would appear to
be a state of seclusion, and neither can the Soul-Symphony enter into the
practice room while the one member is working on their individual part. Yet,
the whole objective of the member retiring to the practice room, is to perfect
their piece, and better support the Symphony of the Soul being played by the
For a man or woman to think of themselves as the whole
of their being, would be synonymous with a flute proclaiming that it is an
orchestra that is playing a great symphony. And while many people's ego might
imagine such a thing, they simply have no sense of true higher mind and
being. What psychologists often portray as the unconscious or subconscious,
is the Great Symphony of the Soul that is playing, while the person in this
world is confined in a practice room working on their individual part. So,
when psychologists make reference to the subconscious, they do this by virtue of
their ignorance of the Cosmology of Mind and Being. In the words of the Gospel
of Thomas, they dwell in poverty -- and "...Whoever
finds himself [and the Soul-Symphony that is being played within one's self
beyond the barriers of organic consciousness] is superior to the world".
A really important reality for the organic mind to
grasp would be seen in the fact that, while it is true that the single player
who is the flute player cannot be the entire orchestra -- and the orchestra of
his soul is not even manifest in this world in that frame of mind that we call
time -- it is also true that because Time is a dimension of mind, the image and
sound that each person sees reflected in the other players in the orchestra of
this world, is in fact a perception of that part of self with respect to the
players that make up the higher reality of the soul. The Mind, or Mansion of
the Soul, is like a Matrix where each aspect of self interacts and is
interweaved in a complex pattern that is simply beyond organic man's ability to
even envision. And these interconnections within the Matrix, are maintained by
the Laws which control the interactions. And while Jesus would not have been
able to explain the Matrix of the Soul/Mind to the multitude of people whose
thinking was in no manner prepared to understand, he did convey to them how to
cause the Laws to begin to work to bring about favorable results for each
person. And this is the reason why Jesus who understood the Laws, taught the
people: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you,
do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets" (Matt 7:12 NKJ).
What you see and perceive in the reflected image of others, is in fact an
embodiment of the aspect of one's own soul that is an integral part of one's own
orchestra. And this is why Jesus used the phrase,
"...for this is the Law and the Prophets" . Which is why Jesus
warned to: "Judge not, that you be not judged. For
with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use,
it will be measured back to you" (Matt 7:1-2 NKJ).
Judgment is very different than discernment -- and
discernment is again very different than empathetic discernment. If, while you
are in the practice room, you are able to help another person who plays a
different instrument than you do, heal and advance their own piece or part of
the musical score, then you are in fact working on the Laws that maintains the
inner Matrix of your own Soul/Mind, which in every manner improves your own
condition. Further, by assisting others, in addition to invoking the Law of
Grace, because of your rendering assistance to another soul/person, you are in
fact healing and working on self by proxy. And thus, instead of judgment, you
employ empathetic discernment to help another to overcome their weaknesses --
and in your actions towards your brother or sister, you not only invoke this
same healing upon yourself, but you work on perfecting the Laws within yourself
-- i.e., as you do unto others, the same will be done unto you.
To bring about the necessary expansion of mind, you
will not only have to bring about healing to all aspects of self that can only
be perceived in the reflection of others, but you will have to play your own
part in such a way, that you will open the inner door for the other aspects of
self who are the orchestra members of the soul, to come together in harmony and
balance -- which will further open the inner doors for all the octaves outside
the frequency of the earth, to manifest in the higher reality of the Cathedral
of the Soul. And it is the objective of bringing about the great symphony that
must be played in the Cathedral of the Soul -- and the Laws which return to each
of us the fruit of our own judgments of the reflected images we perceive in our
brothers and sisters.
When the scribes and Pharisees wanted to stone the
woman who had been caught in adultery -- i.e., and Jesus said:
"...He who is without sin among you, let him throw a
stone at her first" (John 8:3-11 NKJ)
-- what Jesus in fact said was ultra important to understand. The word
rendered sin in this instance, appears no where else in the Gospels -- and it
should be interpreted "...He who is without sin [in any
lifetime] among you, let him throw a stone at her first." If the
Law stated that an adulterous woman should be stoned, then why didn't Jesus
throw the first stone? As is demonstrated in
The Biblical
Foundational Mindset, the scribes and Pharisees understood that the Laws
which bring about the
Conditions of Birth for each person, determines the life that they are
living in the present, by virtue of the deeds and accomplishments of their
previous lives which their soul has lived -- lives with continue within the
higher reality of the soul, by virtue of the fact that what man perceives as
time, is merely a dimension of mind (see
The Enigma Of
Time). And the scribes and Pharisees understood that it was impossible to
be without sin over the course of the countless lifetimes that each person's
soul has lived. Therefore, with respect to the stoning required by the Law,
this is an allegorical portrayal of fulfilling the requirements set forth by
Paul when he commanded to "Put to death, therefore,
whatever belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV). To the
degree that Paul warned: “For if ye live after the
flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the
body, ye shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV). Thus, it was one's own earthly
nature that needed to be healed, and Jesus' words to the woman is most important
where he stated: "...Neither do I condemn you; go and
sin no more" (John 8:3-11 NKJ). Jesus neither attempted to ignore
the sin of the woman by making some excuse for her sin -- neither did he in any
manner encourage her to continue sinning -- and neither did he tell the woman
that if she believes in him (Jesus), that her sins would be forgiven. Thus,
contrary to modern Church doctrine Jesus in no manner attempted to convey to the
woman that so long as she believes, that she will not be held accountable for
her sin. What he said is that she should "...go and
sin no more." In the same way, Jesus said to the man who he had
healed by making him whole: "Behold, thou art made
whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto
thee" (John 5:14 KJV). Which means that if he continues to sin, the
Laws will bring even graver conditions upon him.
That Jesus healed the sinners and condemned the
counterfeit religious and political leaders, was because the sinners were the
victims of their leaders who had led them astray. Moreover, to help and heal
the sinner, is to help and heal that part of self which the other person
reflects back to you. To even suggest that Jesus approved of sin, is an
abomination -- i.e., in the words of Paul: "But if,
while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is
therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. For if I build again the
things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor" (Gal 2:17-18
KJV). Those who knowingly sin after coming to the knowledge of the Truth, are
no longer worthy of forgiveness with respect to the Laws -- i.e., in the words
of Paul: "For it is impossible to
restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened, who have
tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have
tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, if
they then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own
account and hold him up to contempt... For if we sin deliberately after
receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for
sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume
the adversaries." (Heb 6:4-6;10:26-27 RSV).
The Truth and the teachings of TheWay is not about
compassionate complacency for those who choose to live in a state of perpetual
sin -- but rather, the healing and making Whole that overcomes one's lower
animal nature -- expanding the mind through growth and development by becoming
the "good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, with the objective of
becoming transformed into the
Final Temple.
This is in part accomplished by working on one's self through the interactions
with the reflected images of self that one sees in one's brothers and sisters,
with the objective of bringing about the Wholeness necessary to complete one's
work on self in this world, and while still in the body-vessel open the inner
"narrow strait gate" and play the Great
Symphony in the Cathedral of the Soul.
Thus, the Gospel of Thomas states:
"His disciples said to him, When will the kingdom come?
Jesus said, It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of
saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the Father is
spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it". It is only
man's own limitations that make him blind, and inhibit him from seeing the
reality of all things. This inherent blindness is presented in the words:
"...And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which
says: 'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you will see
and not perceive; For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are
hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed" (Matt 13:10-17 NKJ).
That man is deaf and blind to what lies outside of the frequencies of the
earth-octave, is the result of his own organic limitations that he fails to move
beyond and overcome.
of labeling the spheres of the pattern of the Tree of Life with the aspects of
mind that each sphere represents, lets replace the names with types of
instruments needed to play the great symphony of the soul. We have a woodwind
section, a string section, the brass section, the percussion section -- as well
as a few heavenly sections for the pipe organ, the celestial harps, as well as
sections for angelic voices, and sections that support a whole assortment of
unique instruments that enable our Soul-Symphony to play all the intricate
sounds of Creation. Within each of the sections there are an assortment of
instruments which not only make up the section -- but also are necessary to
support the Whole. The string section not only has a violin, but groupings of
violins which support movements within the violin section. Along with violas,
cellos, base fiddles, guitars, banjos, steel guitars, dobros, and every other
variety of stringed instrument -- and each one of these entities within a
section, within a grouping sphere, must themselves be individually evolved and
perfected. The cello player does not switch from life to life as a violin,
viola or even guitar player -- no more than the heart changes place with the
lungs, which changes place with the spleen -- simply because all the instruments
of the great orchestra must not only play their part, but must support the
section as well as the Whole. And different aspects of the soul incarnates
into this world at different times, in order to perfect their part -- with the
objective of perfecting the Great Angelic Symphony of the Soul.
In applying what Jesus portrayed as the
Key of Knowledge to
the scriptures, the Spiritual (Gnostic) Seeker understands that the scriptures
are a blueprint of one's own mind and being. In the parable of the Two Sons,
the Elder Son remains in the Kingdom of the Father which is the Eternal World,
while the Younger Son travels into the temporal world which is portrayed as the
Far Country. The Knowledge of the Elder Son is not suppressed, and neither is
it forgotten. Contrary to the psychological model, that which is represented
in the Elder Son and the Father is not a subconscious state -- but rather, it is
the prodigal son who is portrayed as being dead, who is unaware of what is going
on in the (inner) Kingdom that he has left, in order to venture into this, the
Far Country which Jesus portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of
mind and being. Both worlds which exist as dimensions of mind and being,
continue to exist simultaneously. And in the parallel analogy of the escape
from Plato's Cave which is representative of the
"outer darkness" of
the Far Country, what is represented is the ability of man who is the soul-image
which came into being at conception, to travel through the inner
"narrow gate" into the higher reality of
the soul.
Again, in applying the
Key of Knowledge to the
scriptures, the parable of the
Sower and the Seed
must be understood on a number of levels -- i.e., while the Sower on the Highest
level would be seen as the Logos -- when the holographic reality and the Divine
Pattern of Creation is understood, the higher soul-self becomes the sower of the
soul-images that become embedded in the body-vessel at conception. And this
understanding is important, because the condition of the ground within which the
seed-essence is cast, is comprised of the lower three kingdoms of the earth --
i.e., the consciousness of which is the carnal appetites and aspects of self
that must be sacrificed and transformed to become the
Final Temple.
And again, we can observe the same error in Eastern Thought with respect to the
Hindu concept of the soul incarnating in the body of a beast. Again we see a
parallel error which is presented in the above -- i.e., it is not that the soul
incarnates into the body of a beast -- but rather, the seed-essence image
becomes ruled over by the lower animal nature of the body -- which being drawn
from the elements of the earth, not only has the consciousness of the earth, but
is itself temporal.
A reality that Christians would rather not talk about
is the statement by one of the earliest of Christian writers named Justin Martyr
where is makes reference to the doctrine of transmutation -- i.e., the
embodiment of a person in the body of a beast as punishment for the misdeeds of
a previous life -- when he (Justin) answers the question of Trypho, the Jew, and
writes: "And what do those suffer who are judged to be
unworthy of this spectacle? said he. They are imprisoned in the bodies of
certain wild beasts, and this is their punishment" (Dialogue of
Justin With Trypho, a Jew). Where could such a thought have originated? If
the Gospels had not been corrupted, Christians would have access to the teaching
which has been preserved in the 88th chapter of
The Gospel Of The Nazirenes where Jesus
states: "Love you one another and all the creatures of
God, Yet I say to you, not all are men, who are in the form of man. Are they men
or women in the image of God whose ways of violence, of oppression and wrong,
who choose a lie rather than the truth? No, truly, till they are born again, and
receive the spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts. Then only are they
sons and daughters of Israel, and being of Israel they are children of God, And
for this cause came I into the world, and for this I have suffered at the hands
of sinners."
What this means is that unless the person achieves the
next level of soul-birth (see
Ovum And Sperm), that they remain ruled over by their lower animal nature
which is embodied in the consciousness of the body-vessel. And in the parable
of the Sower and the
Seed, the condition of the ground is representative of the consciousness and
condition of the body, with respect to the objective of sacrificing the lower
animal kingdoms in order to bring about the
Final Temple
within the body and mind of the seeker. Therefore, it is not that the soul
incarnates as a beast -- but rather, that the soul-seed essence remains ruled
over by the consciousness of the beast as realized as the reality of the
body-vessel which is comprised of the consciousness and elements of the lower
three kingdoms. And it is ignorance of this fact that caused the early
Christian (Gnostic) Valentinus to confirm what Jesus stated with respect to what
is portrayed as only the very few who succeed -- i.e.,
"...narrow the road that leads to life, and only
a few find it" (Matt 7:13-14 NIV) -- Valentinus
stating that the vast majority of people have no real continuance beyond the
grave, that most seekers will fail, and only a few will overcome and succeed.
That Jesus is portrayed as the Savor, is because he fulfilled the Law within
himself, and became the pattern for all others to embrace and follow in TheWay.
Thus, Jesus taught that those who seek to enter into
Life, must "Enter by the
narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and
difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it"
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ) -- and it is imperative to
understand that the word translated "destruction",
in no manner represents what is actually being presented by the interpreters of
the Greek biblical texts. Quoting the footnote on this word in the Schofield
Reference Bible which reads: “There is no thought in
these various words of annihilation but of something that is ruined and thus
unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”. That the
higher soul-self generates embryonic images at the conception of the body -- and
these soul-images then begin the process of evolving through the levels and
stages of birth that Jesus portrayed in the words:
"...Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the
kingdom of God" -- means that those soul-images that, after emerging
out of the physical womb of their mother, and into the environment of this
world, have begun the next phase necessary in order to bring about the next
stage of birth. That you are a thought-image which has been generated by your
higher soul-self -- i.e., you exist as a projected embryonic seed-image which
has been impressed into the physical body at conception -- is the reason why
Paul and the earliest of biblical texts warn that carnal man is not even
"known by God" (see
You exist as a Creation of God only by proxy, and by virtue of the fact that you
are a thought projected by your soul -- and it was your soul that was Created by
God in the beginning. And thus, the reality of the words to Know Thyself --
and a house that is divided, cannot stand.
That for countless reasons these soul-images which
enter this world in the bodies of man and woman, mostly fail to bring about the
objective of achieving the next stage of birth that Jesus said was absolutely
necessary to achieve permanence in Life, is very much true that they have become
"...ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its
original purpose”. As soul-images that failed to evolve through
the next stage of birth, they are for the most part temporal, and can never
reincarnate as many in the New Age believe, and neither can they go to Glory as
the Church promotes. The fact that some people claim to see their past lives,
have been deceived when they mistakenly believe that they lived those lives, and
the memory has been suppressed. What they are in effect seeing, is the images
which their higher soul-self has previously generated -- failed images which is
the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 are portrayed in the words that
"...when you see your images which came into being
before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how much you will have to
bear!" And these failed images which walked (what Jesus portrayed
as) the broad-way of self destruction -- i.e.,
"...ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”
-- neither reincarnate, nor go to Glory in the Christian sense of the
understanding -- and yet, they remain within the higher reality of the soul in
that dimension of mind which man, in his very limited understanding, calls time.
When Jesus taught that you must achieve the next stage
of birth to enter into the Life in the Kingdom, this next stage of birth must be
accomplished while you are still in the physical body. That you, as the
projected soul-image, has been inhibited from growing and developing, because of
the conditions of the earth in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
is very much presented in the words: "...Yet I say to
you, not all are men, who are in the form of man. Are they men or women in the
image of God whose ways of violence, of oppression and wrong, who choose a lie
rather than the truth? No, truly, till they are born again, and receive the
spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts." Thus, the
soul-images that are ruled over by the appetites and passions of the lower
nature of the body, are temporal with respect to the higher reality of the soul,
and can neither reincarnate or go to Glory -- i.e.,
“For if ye live after the flesh,
ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye
shall live” (Rom 8:13 KJV).
The whole system of animal sacrifice in the Old
Testament is allegory -- and it is the lower animal nature within each person
that must be sacrificed. And this is why the early Church Father Epiphanius
wrote concerning the Ebionites that they do not engage in the outward ritual
observances of the Law of Moses -- i.e., they
"...do not accept Moses' Pentateuch in its
entirety; certain sayings they reject... stating Christ has revealed this to me,
and will blespheme most
of the legislation"
(Panarion 30.18.7-9). Yes, it is the Anointing (Messiah/Christ) that
reveals to the enlightened soul the inner meaning of the written word of the
scriptures that organic man remains blind to. Epiphanius then quotes the
Gospel of the Ebionites/Hebrews where Jesus states: "I
have come to destroy the sacrifices" (Panaron
30.16.5). And when
states that we must sacrifice our inner animals i.e.,
"We cannot atone for our shortcomings by sacrificing
animals, but we can sacrifice our inner animals—our hormones, our lusts, our
desires, our beastly compulsions" -- is this any different
than the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel
of the Nazirenes: "For they, making a god of their
belly, sacrificed to their God the innocent creatures of the earth, in place of
the carnal nature within themselves. And eating of their flesh and drinking of
their blood to their own destruction, corrupted their bodies and shortened their
days, even as the Gentiles who did not know the truth, or who knowing it, have
changed it into a lie." And this is why Paul warned that the person
must "Put to death, therefore, whatever
belongs to your earthly nature"
(Col 3:5 NIV). With the requirement that
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV). And this is why those who desire to
return to the Inner Kingdom, understand the absolute need to observe the
original diet intended for man in the words: "And God
said, See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of
all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for
food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to
everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every
green herb for food; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made,
and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day"
(Gen 1:29-31 NKJ).
In the terminology of the modern self-help psychology
of the New Age, the ego-self equates to the earth-consciousness of the body,
which G.I.Gurdjief portrays as the false-personalities of the person. While
the New Age self-help pop psychology is unclear, Gurdjief portrays the soul-seed
embryonic image as the essence-self that, like the seed in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
must be matured and evolved. And thus, it is of the utmost importance to
recognize Jesus' warning with respect to organic man's inability to understand
anything of any real value, unless this soul-image essence-self is matured and
evolved, as per the statement that nearly every student of the Gospels attempts
to ignore -- i.e., “Know ye not this parable? and how
then will ye know all parables?” (Mark 4:13 KJV) -- or, in the
wording of a the modern language New Living Translation:
“But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand all the
others I am going to tell?” What this confirms is that, unless you
bring about the conscious development of the embryonic image that was impressed
in the body at conception -- and cease to be ruled over by the
earth-consciousness of the body-vessel -- expanding your essence-self as seen in
the words: “…multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a
hundred times” what was initially received (Mark 4:8 NIV) -- then you
are functioning from a ego-false personality perspective, and you will remain
(spiritually) dead (see
The Dead
Know Nothing).
Failure to bring about the higher objectives of life,
and succeed in attaining the next level of soul-birth where you become One with
your higher soul-self who is the Being of
Light -- is because man has no understanding of his own cosmology of mind
and being -- and like the prodigal son, squanders away his spiritual
inheritance. But, in order for the prodigal son to evolve to perfection and
completion, he must possess freewill -- even when the exercise of this freewill
brings about his failure to overcome. Yet, in the fruit of each failure, is
the wisdom that in time, brings about the success of each soul in the Omega of
Absolute Light and Enlightenment. And this is possible only because each
image remains as a building block in the higher reality of the Mansion of the
Soul -- and time is really a dimension of mind which in the words of the
physicist, is "...just quanta kind of living on top of
one another without being immersed in a space” (In
physics, a
quantum (plural: quanta) is the minimum unit of any physical entity involved in
an interaction). The implications of what is being presented is that each
person exists as a (single) thought in the Mind of the Soul -- and, as a
thought-image (of your higher soul-self) which has been projected into this
world, you are presently in this world attempting to evolve this projected
thought to a state of Wholeness and Completion.
The soul is neither male nor female -- it does not
have a physical body as man does -- and it exists in a realm where all opposite
polarities of the Tree of Duality are maintained in absolute balance -- and the
soul, or higher soul-self, is the Being of Light that some people encounter in a
Near Death Experience. The higher soul-self does not incarnate into the body
-- and exists across that dimension of mind from the Alpha to the Omega which we
call time -- and all the images generated into this world which live the
lifetimes gaining experiential knowledge, continue to exist within the higher
reality of the soul. Thus, it can be said that,
"...But when you see your images
which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest"
-- that these images which represent the
past personalities the soul has lived as, is “...just
quanta kind of living on top of one another without being immersed in a space.”
Those who walk the spiritual path of the teachings of
TheWay that was revealed to mankind by the historical man Jesus, not only are
able to come into the presence of the higher soul-self -- but because time is a
dimension of mind within which the soul's past incarnations as previously
generated images still exist, the disciple of TheWay is able to freely
communicate with these past images -- learning from the experiential knowledge
of these lifetimes their higher soul-self has lived -- and even discussing with
them the higher realities that remains an unknown enigma to mankind today.
"The soul...", writes St. Teresa, is as
“a castle made of a single diamond… in which there are
many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior
Castle by St. Teresa of Avila) -- and each image which the soul has generated
into a life in this realm, continues to exist within the higher reality of the
soul, very much as a room within the mansion of the castle. And what man calls
time, is merely the layout of the rooms within the construct of the castle of
the soul -- which not only continue to exist within the mind of the soul, and by
proxy, within the Mind of God -- and it is the totality of the evolution of the
soul that represents the manifestation of the Light of the soul in it's natural
state as a Being of Light (
http://BeingOfLight.com ). And in coming to envision this higher
soul-reality as portrayed by the Mystic St. Teresa as
“a castle made of a single diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in
Heaven there are many mansions” -- these rooms inhabited by each
previously generated soul-image that failed to bring about the next stage of
birth, exist in a kind of Matrix that is divided across that dimension of mind
that man unknowingly calls Time -- and in the above words of physicist Carlo
Rovelli as “...just quanta kind of living on top of one
another without being immersed in a space.” Paradoxically, they
are both separate, and they exist as One. And it is this higher soul-reality
that motivated Paul to warn that the Christians of the simple-faith would reject
the knowledge and higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom as
utter "foolishness" (see
The Great House or Castle of the soul that encompasses
all that we have ever been from the Alpha to the present point of the soul's
journey, to the ultimate Destiny of the Omega of Creation, cannot be reduced
into the lesser limits of organic human consciousness -- being contained within
the three lower kingdoms of the earth. Therefore, while our true self exists
exclusively in the higher reality of the soul that does not incarnate into the
body at conception, modern Christians are unable to fulfill the words of John
5:24, and receive the Living Words that permit the disciple to
"...cross over from death to life”, because
they dwell in the poverty of their carnal mindset and manmade doctrines which
inhibit their ability to Know Thyself. Thus, the Gospel of Thomas warns that
"But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are
that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior to the world".
Why? As it states in the Book of Jewish Mysticism known as the Zohar:
"...According to these teachings, all human souls have
a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of which
form the individual souls... The sin of Adam brought higher and lower souls into
confusion; as a result, every soul has to pass through a series of
incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and
may vary from incarnation to incarnation”. If it is true, that our
soul has no sex -- and our gender varies from life to life in accord with the
body-vessel we are inhabiting in any given life -- then what are we? Certainly
not the physical reflection that we see in the mirror. And one of the primary
realities that Paul made reference to that could not be revealed to the people
of a natural organic mindset (see
Mystery), was
the reality that their true self is a Being of Light that is pure energy and
intellect -- and this Being of Light is our soul-self that was created and came
into existence in the beginning -- in the Alpha of Creation itself.
Therefore, our soul-self is the Offspring of God -- and is that part of
ourselves that is eternal -- and is the true being that we are. We, as
a man or woman born into the present timeframe of human existence, began our
journey as an embryonic image of our higher soul-self -- a being of the fourth
kingdom which is the balance between the three earthly kingdoms which comprise
of our lower animal carnal natures -- and the three heavenly kingdoms which
comprise our higher heavenly natures -- with the objective being, to become the
Final Temple
that manifests Heaven on Earth within us.
in this world you are dwelling in duality -- dwelling in either a male, or a
female body -- while your higher soul-self that is the true being that you are,
does not dwell in duality. Thus, to even begin to get to the reality of your
true self who is a stranger and enigma to the person you are in this world --
i.e., your soul which is your true self -- you must overcome the duality in
which you presently dwell. And while those of a monastic mindset may feel
spiritually intoxicated by tapping into the energy flow of the sixth center in
the head -- this feeling of endorphin driven intoxication cannot replace the
objective of evolving through the next stages of birth that Jesus taught was
necessary for the prodigal son to return to the Life in the Kingdom.
Moreover, because of the condition of imbalance, what the monk imagines to be
God, is merely the Light that is from their own higher soul-self, that they know
little about.
the necessity of reuniting the opposites in order to bring heaven and earth
together within one's self, was expressed in the teaching of Jesus that was
removed from the Gospels and still preserved in the Second Epistle of Clement:
“Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of
God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of
God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come,
replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within,
and the male with the female, neither male nor female’” And while
being neither male nor female is the elevated balance of the two polarities that
we observe in the form of gender, this elevated balance cannot be achieved
through the negation of the lower centers -- but rather, the joining together in
the manner of an ovum and sperm. For good reason, the scriptures place great
emphasis on marriage, and the fidelity of the man and woman within the
marriage. To the degree that fidelity is the Seventh Commandment, and Jesus
warned that a man who even looks upon a woman with lust, has already violated
this Commandment, and is an adulterer.
Hebrews who spoke in the esoteric meaning of numbers, for good reason made this
the Seventh Commandment. And in the same way that when Enoch who was the
seventh from Adam, is portrayed as having a son -- wherein, after having a son,
Enoch is portrayed as walking with God -- in the allegory of the path into Life
it is portrayed in the fact that Enoch is said to have never died, because God
took him. It is impossible to understand what is being portrayed, without
first understanding why having a son caused Enoch to walk with God -- and
comprehending the spiritual meaning of the number seven, and what it means to
overcome the Laws and organic duality of being.
Why is
such emphasis placed upon fidelity within a marriage? Why was Enoch who was
the seventh from Adam, portrayed as walking with God after having a son?
Enoch, which means the initiated, was the seventh from Adam -- and an important
part of the equation is the Seventh Commandment -- all manifested in the
allegorical symbolism that to overcome in this manner, is to dwell on a higher
plane, and overcome what is portrayed as death. And if one comes to understand
the true spiritual potential of marriage, what is portrayed allegorically in the
above, has the potential to become a true reality beyond organic man's ability
to even envision.
traditional male/female physical union is not enough to evolve the Divine
Marriage. We are not making reference to a consensus opinion between male
and female. There must be a threefold evolution where the feminine is matured
to fullness -- the masculine is matured to fullness -- and together, the
third-force of mind is evolved, in the same way that a physical child is evolved
through the stages into adulthood. @@@HERE NOW
Transcending Time: If what we call time
exists in a matrix within the higher reality of the soul-self, then this higher
reality exists as the most enlightening source of knowledge known to man.
Thus, the ancient adage that is reflected in the Gospel of Thomas that few
would-be teachers in this world can even begin to come to terms with:
"But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in
poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever finds himself is superior
to the world". Which is why Jesus rejected his disciples calling
themselves rabbi or teacher -- commanding: “But you, do
not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all
brethren” (Matt 23:8 NKJ). Throughout many of my writings I
portray the intellectuals that are the secular priests of our culture, as
pseudo-intellectuals. And the religious leaders as pseudo-religious leaders or
priests of the shadow church of this world. Why? For the same reason why
Jesus said to Nicomedus: "...Are you the teacher of
Israel, and do not know these things?" If a person who calls
themselves a teacher or religious leader, does not understand the means to bring
about the next stage of birth, then they are a pseudo-intellectual, a
pseudo-teacher or a pseudo-clergy -- and they exist as a detriment to their
brothers and sisters who they attempt to teach or lead. If the objective is
to be a doctor-healer -- but one only knows about dispensing an aspirin -- then
such a person would not only be a fraud, but would be a danger to those who come
to you for medical help. The same is true of pseudo-intellectuals who are
ignorant with respect to man's higher soul-reality -- a pseudo-teacher who does
not know how to bring about the next stage of soul-birth -- or a pseudo-clergy
who does not know the esoteric mysteries that Paul stated reveals the Mysteries
of the Kingdom of God.
are they pseudo-teachers? In the Gospel of Thomas it is written: (113)
"His disciples said to him, When will the kingdom
come? Jesus said, It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter
of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is
spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." In reality,
there is absolutely nothing hidden or concealed -- and all things including the
Kingdom, lie visibly before every man. And man does not see it, because of
his own inherent organic blindness -- which is why Jesus taught to first remove
the beam from one's own eye, before you attempt to remove the splinter from the
eyes of your brother.
Who is
the One Teacher that Jesus recognized as the only valid Source of Knowledge?
To the degree that the Apostle Peter stated in the Homilies of Clement:
"...Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect not that
you shall learn anything from any other." Among the Ebionite
Nazirene disciples of Jesus, the One Teacher was portrayed as the
TheTrue Prophet -- and only
those who become the "good ground" in the
parable of the Sower and the Seed, can be
taught by the True Prophet -- and why Peter taught in the Homilies that the One
Teacher who is the True Prophet, can only be found within each person who
becomes the Final
the experiences of each person's higher soul-self, lies a living record of
everything that soul has ever been. From the perspective of what is portrayed
in Gospel of Thomas saying 84, it is because all the unmanifest soul-images of
the past continue to dwell within the higher reality of the soul -- and the fact
that the Great House of the soul is as a Matrix wherein, these soul-images
remain overlaid across dimensions of mind and being -- that the words of
physicist Carlo Rovelli as “...just quanta kind of
living on top of one another without being immersed in a space”
portrays an almost incomprehensible reality that few people can even begin to
envision in their untransformed organic state of earth-bound consciousness.
Yet those who succeed in drawing nearer to their higher soul-self who is their
true source of being, are able to tap into and explore this inner source of
wisdom and knowledge that not only transcends time, but far eclipses any
knowledge that exists in the earth. When the Gospel of Thomas states:
"...Whoever finds himself is superior to the world"
-- this is because, from a higher soul-self level of being, all realities,
kingdoms, dimensions and realms are seen for what they truly are.
One of
the great realities that is presented in the article the
Divine Marriage,
is the fact that because the soul is as (quoting the above), a Matrix that is
divided across that dimension of mind that man unknowingly calls Time -- and in
the above words of physicist Carlo Rovelli as “...just
quanta kind of living on top of one another without being immersed in a space.”
-- man and woman as husband and wife within a
Divine Marriage
not only have the potential to embody the
Pattern of Creation within their Union -- but their expansion of mind
through the generation of opposite impressions within a
"one flesh" union of being that has evolved beyond that which is
portrayed as a
Ovum And Sperm, enables them to manifest all the strengths of their long
past -- spanning many lifetimes together in the present, and continue where they
left off. And while to a lesser degree this is true of all people by virtue of
The Laws which return to each
person the fruit of their past actions, because the very design of man and woman
as the sexes embody the Laws and Forces of Creation within themselves and their
union of opposites, their efforts are truly supercharged in relation to the very
slow progress of a man or woman who would be the equivalent of a
Ovum And Sperm. This is not to say that a man or woman in the singular
sense cannot make progress -- but rather, the environment of the Marriage of
Opposites was ordained by the Laws to supercharge the efforts of the prodigal
sons and daughters, because the Laws of the Divine Pattern are manifest within
the spiritual substance of the Union.
In the
article the
Divine Marriage it is explained that in their evolving fetus stages of
development, the feminine polarity accesses opposite dimensions of mind and
higher realities within the soul, than does the male. In fact, within the
union, the impressions of the husband/male activates the
impressions within the mind and being of the wife/female -- and vice versa --
and in the same way that the embryo/fetus is the third-force synthesis of the
two opposites, the higher areas of mind that is expanded within the environment
of the Etheric,
becomes as an independent atmosphere that connects every aspect of the two.
Thus, if we drew a circle around the
Etheric Fields
of the union of opposites of man and woman at the right, we would begin to
understand how what is portrayed as the Tree of Duality (a.k.a. Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil) is transformed into the Tree of Life -- the fruit of
which in its evolved Wholeness, brings about Eternal Life. In the same way
that all of life is in accord with the Divine Pattern -- and that in the Union
of Opposites, the third-force synthesis is conceived and evolved into a child
that is the genetic offspring of the two -- these same Laws are able to conceive
and evolve the minds of both the husband and wife -- as well as a the higher
third-force of mind that exists on a higher plane than what is associated as
earth-consciousness. And it is because the soul of man is as a Matrix which
transcends that dimension of mind which we call time, as well as all realities
within itself, that those who understand and embrace the Laws of Creation as God
intended, will find their efforts supercharged and soaring into higher realities
that few organic men and women can even begin to envision. Moreover, not only
does the Union enable them to draw upon the very power and experiences of their
past together -- but in transcending that dimension of mind which we call time
within themselves, they can at times communicate with the previous images within
the House of the Soul -- and in opening this door of higher reality, understand
what is being portrayed in Gospel of Thomas saying 84 in ways that cannot even
be envisioned by the organic people of this world.
same Laws that control the patterns within man's physical reality, can be
initiated within the pattern of each stage of birth that must be evolved in
order to bring about Wholeness and man's Ultimate Destiny. The major obstacles
to bringing these stages of birth about, is seen in the fact that, as the
offspring of God, man has freewill -- and when man ignores the pattern of the
Laws and immerses himself in the appetites of his lower animal nature -- failing
to evolve these appetites to their highest ideal in support of man's indwelling
spiritual nature -- then man remains earth-bound in a state of both mind and
being which Jesus portrayed as being dead: "Then
another of His disciples said to Him, Lord, let me first go and bury my father.
But Jesus said to him, Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead"
(Matt 8:21-22 NKJ).
The Evolving Soul: In our True Form --
i.e., the True Being that we are -- we are a
Being of Light ( BeingOfLight.com ).
Building upon what I wrote a number of years ago in answer to questions set
forth by forum members (see 600
Series), in the Alpha of Creation all Souls came into being and were as
sparks of the Divine. Quoting from above,
Always To Wander In Error:
While Creator-God brought forth all souls in the
beginning -- and these souls were themselves sparks of the Divine -- i.e.,
quoting from
Allegorical Fall Of Man: In the beginning all souls existed as sparks of the
Divine. In what I portray as the realm of souls, each individual soul would be
perceived as a weak flickering light -- like a distant star. Quoting The
Universal Jewish Encyclopedia under the heading of Souls, Transmigration of:
“The doctrine of transmigration of souls, which was
especially accepted by the Karaites… appears often in Cabala; it is found in organized form in the Zohar, it is
further developed in the teachings of Isaac Luria (1534-1572), and in Hasidism
it becomes a universal belief. According to these teachings, all human souls
have a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of
which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam brought higher and lower
souls into confusion; as a result, every soul has to pass through a series of
incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and
may vary from incarnation to incarnation”. Thus, the pre-existent
soul of man which is portrayed as "..sparks of which
form the individual souls..." are in fact the
Beings of Light -- encountered by some
people in a
Near Death Experience -- and it is this Being
of Light that is each person's true form and self. Moreover, in our
natural state we are a Being of Light --
and our body-vessel which we inhabit in this world, is merely an allegorical
projection of mind and spirit into the image of the body. That the journey of
the soul over the course of many lifetimes was an integral part of the teachings
of Jesus and TheWay -- and was removed by the Roman Emperors who ruled over the
doctrines of the Church (see
The Religion Of Roman
Emperors) -- is further demonstrated conclusively in
The Ten Reasons Why The Church
Rejects The Teaching On The Pre-Existent Soul.
In the Zohar it is written that:
“All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration;
and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard to them… The souls
must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged. But to
accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is
planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life,
they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the
condition which fits them for reunion with God”.
In order to begin to understand Soul-Evolution, we must focus on the above
words: "...The souls
must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged. But to
accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is
planted in them; ...until they have acquired the condition which fits them for
reunion with God”. Which is expressed in the Sermon
on the Mount in the words of Jesus when he stated:
"You, therefore, must be Perfect, as your Heavenly Father is Perfect"
(Matt 5:48). But what constitutes perfection? And how is
this condition brought about in the Journey of the Soul?
The soul of every person began their existence in the Alpha of Creation as
"sparks" of the Divine Mind of Creator-God.
But to even begin to contemplate the Higher Reality of Creator-God and our
relationship thereof, we must understand the statement
in one of the most ignored Gospel statements in the
New Testament where mankind is portrayed not only as the offspring of God,
but as dwelling within the Mind of God -- i.e., “‘For
in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have
said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28 NIV). Put this together
with the statement by
James Jeans (see
Religion, And The Field/Mind) that:
“...the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great
machine”. Or the words
of Arthur Eddington: “The stuff of the
universe is mind-stuff”.
And you have portrayed a higher reality that few
people are
even prepared to contemplate -- much less, understand with a sufficient degree to
even form a realistic opinion. Further, if you attempted to convey this
reality to the common man of the first century, they would very much reject what
you are saying as "foolishness" -- much like
the vast majority of mankind today.
Those who are able to enter what I call the Realm
of Souls -- i.e., a Higher Reality that must be entered by going within self -- upon
entering this Sacred Realm where everyone exists in their Pure State as a Being
of Light, one is immediately struck by the fact that most Souls appear as a weak
flicking light -- like a distant star. The more advanced the Soul,
the bigger and bright the light. In the case of the few who can be
categorized as Spiritually Advanced -- such as the Soul who lived as the
historical man Jesus -- is a Soul of great Intellectual and Knowing Light, Depth
and Expanse. And where all Souls including the Soul of Jesus all
began in the Alpha as sparks of the Divine Mind, the Laws have been put into
place (see The
Laws As A Living Bio-Feedback Organism) whereby Every Soul will in the Omega of Creation evolve to a Great Being
of Light. Which provokes the questions: What Process causes the
Light of the Soul to evolve and grow from a mere spark, into a Great Light?
And if it can be stated that as presented in the
Gospel of
Thomas that: "...But
if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that
poverty" -- how much more
in the case of those who fail to understand the process that evolves the Light
of the Soul?
When the first century elder Ignatius wrote to the
Christian congregation of believers that: “Might I not
write to you things more full of mystery? But I fear to do so, lest I should
inflict injury on you who are babes. Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not
being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them”
-- he said this because if he was to begin to even convey the truth and reality
of man's higher soul and spiritual nature and the Kingdom, these Christians
would very quickly dismiss him as a crazy lunatic, and would no longer listen to
a thing that he says. Therefore, Ignatius, as with all the biblical authors
(see Mystery),
understood that the mind of the believer must be matured -- the dormant spheres
of mind that do not correspond to this physical world must become activated and
developed -- in order for the believer to begin to perceive and grasp his own
higher soul and spiritual reality. And this expansion of organic human
conscious beyond normal physical limits is what is portrayed in the process:
"Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to
understand the message? Those just weaned from milk?
Those just drawn from the breasts?
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line
upon line, here a little, there a little" (Isa 28:9-10 NKJ). In
the same way that an infant grows into a child and adult one step at a time, so
too does the process of mental-expansion take place line upon line.
Perhaps the key to bridging the visionary
perception of the Gnostic Mystic who authored the scriptures (see
An Inconvenient Truth),
with that of modern
cyberneticist David Foster who described “an
intelligent universe”
whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable,
organized source, is in beginning to understand why we see allegorical images.
The reality of the holographic theory says that:
“…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by
interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The
brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”
And only then can we begin to grasp why Jesus
stated that organic man dwells in the "outer darkness"
of mind and being (see Outer
Darkness ), and why Plato portrayed man as dwelling in a type of Cave of
Illusion (see Illusions ) --
illusions that are shadow-images of an unseen reality. And
the answer is provided in the above words that:
“…our brains mathematically construct hard
reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and
space." Explaining that our
"...brain is a
hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”
What this means is that we dwell within the Great
Mind of Creator-God as "sparks" of the
Divine -- each of our Souls are as a single neuron in the Mind of God -- and
based upon the frequencies of thought that we perceive and interact with our
physical senses, our brains interpret these frequencies in the allegorical forms
that we perceive as being concrete matter. Each aspect of thought is
represented by a (universal) symbol that our brains interpret in the form that
we observe when we look out at the world. But if we pose the question: Is what
we see concrete matter? And why are these forms in the outer world said to be
an illusion (see The Outer Darkness)?
What we are in fact seeing is animated thought-generated symbols -- i.e.,
thoughts that our brains (organic consciousness) interpret in the context of an
allegorical symbol that we perceive as the shapes and forms that our physical
consciousness interprets in the appearance and meaning that we see it as.
Thus, the words of Karl Pribram in the February 1979 Psychology Today interview
where it is stated that: “It isn’t that the world of
appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level
of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a
holographic system, you arrive at a different reality, one that can explain
things that have hitherto remained scientifically inexplicable: paranormal
phenomena… synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events”.
In the words that “It isn’t that the world of
appearances is wrong..." -- what is being conveyed is that what you
see -- or think you see -- in the outer world of appearances, is thought
portrayed in an allegorical form that permits the people stuck in the
limitations of this realm, to interact with a higher reality (of mind) that is
beyond their conception -- and even beyond their wildest imaginations.
Why is this interaction necessary? In the beginning -- i.e., the Alpha of
Creation -- no experiential knowledge existed -- and thus, this period in our
Soul's existence can very much be portrayed as the Alpha of
Ignorance. And where in Jewish Mysticism the Soul is portrayed
as "sparks" of the Divine -- and these
sparks are in fact White Light -- it is important to recognize that what we see
as White Light is actually comprised by what we call the seven colors of the
rainbow -- and it is these seven primary colors that make up and manifest White
Light. Which in sound, the seven colors correspond to the
seven notes of the Octave. Why is this important? Because of the holographic nature of
Creation where the pattern of the Macrocosm is replicated into each of the parts
of the microcosm that make it up -- i.e., expressed in Genesis as:
"So God created man in his
own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them"
(Gen 1:27 KJV).
Holographically, what this means is that the Pattern
of the Whole is replicated into each of the lesser parts -- often expressed in
the term The Divine Pattern of Creation. With the Control of these major
and lesser realities portrayed as The Law -- the Natural Laws of Creation --
expressed in the Deist term The Laws of Nature and Nature's God (see
But what this means is that all of Creation is controlled by Natural Law --
Natural Law controls all events and realities of Creation -- and everything is a
direct expression of these Natural Laws -- to the degree that Jesus taught that
not even a sparrow can fall to the earth apart from the Will of God as expressed
in the Laws. And the reality of the Natural Laws Includes the development
and evolution of the Soul as encountered and expressed in the Laws of this realm
which can be portrayed as a Living Bio-Feedback Organism that develops the Soul
by returning back that person's words, thoughts, desires and deeds (see
Bio-Feedback Organism).
Holographically, what this also means is that the pattern of the whole is
replicated into each of the seven colors that comprise White Light -- or the
notes of the Octave Scale. And because in the Alpha of Creation there was no Experiential
Knowledge -- and all that existed, existed in an undeveloped and unknowing state
-- on one level the seven that made up the whole became separated and
disconnected from each other. And when rightly understood, this
separation within itself is allegorically portrayed as the Fall of Man (see
The Folly Of
Original Sin and
Allegorical Fall Of Man). Paradoxically and
holographically, on one level, each of the seven became whole within themselves,
and therefore functioned independently of the other six -- while paradoxically,
on another level, they remained on a deeper level connected. And it is this inability
of organic man to comprehend paradoxical truths where two seemingly opposing
truths are equally true -- within the reality of a
hologram that totally inhibits his ability to comprehend not only his own
higher Soul-Realty, but anything beyond the very limited perception of what he
sees with his physical eyes. And this inability to perceive and
comprehend in Wholeness, is personified in the Gospel of Thomas saying:
(5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and
that which is hidden from you will become plain to you."
Mankind is portrayed as the prodigal son who has become lost in this, the Far
Country ( see Parable Of
The Prodigal Son). And man's inability to perceive and
understand with wholeness, is portrayed in the Gospels as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness).
But what is the Outer Darkness? When rightly understood, what Jesus
portrays as the "outer darkness" parallels the analogy of Plato's Cave of
Shadow-Images and Illusions (see
Plato's Cave).
And if we pose the questions as to what causes mankind to perceive what can be portrayed as allegorical
shadow-images? It is a reality that Mystics have long known -- which
modern physicists have only now proven to be true -- as demonstrated in the
statement of
physicist Walter Thirring in his book, Urbausteine
der Materie where he wrote about the true nature of matter that modern
physics “...has put our thinking about the
essence of matter in a different context. It has taken our gaze from the
visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field. The presence of
matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place;
something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there
are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and
symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.” Einstein
experienced shock when he first came into contact with the new reality of atomic
physics, and wrote in his autobiography: “All my
attempts to adapt the theoretical foundation of physics to this [new type of]
knowledge failed completely. It was as if the ground had been pulled out from
under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could
have built”. In much the same fashion, the European physicist Niels
Bohr stated that “…The great extension of our
experience in recent years has brought to light the insufficiency of our simple
mechanical conceptions and, as a consequence, has shaken the foundation on which
the customary interpretation of observation was based.” The vast
difference between what would be called the common knowledge of man, and the
higher spiritual reality attested to by the mystic and visionary of man's
distant past, has begun to be demonstrated by the modern scientific community.
What the physicist portrays as a "blemish" where the intersecting forces of the
field manifest what we call matter -- which images the analogy of Plato's Cave
portrays as shadow-image of a higher unseen reality that man's organic senses are
unable to perceive -- is the result of the fact that this world is a three-dimensional realm
(allegorically) expressing a higher twelve-dimensional non-physical reality (see
The Truth).
If God is LIGHT -- and our souls which were Created in the Image and Likeness of
God are Light-Beings who are individual sparks of the Divine Mind -- and Light
is comprised of the Seven Primary Colors of the Rainbow as expressed when white
light is projected through a prism -- and the seven colors of the rainbow also
correspond to the seven notes of an Octave (see
Law Of Octaves) -- and while on
one paradoxical level the Light exists because the seven segments that make it
up remain in balanced harmony -- while on another paradoxical level, they remain
divided and independent of each of the other segments -- then what we have is
one of the Primary Blueprints of both the Whole, the Individual Souls, as well
as ourselves as mankind. But to begin to understand this higher
reality we must come to comprehend that when the allegorical account in Genesis
states that "God created mankind in his own image, in
the image of God he created them; male and female he created them".
And what is called the Divine Pattern of Creation which is
Mother/Father God and the Third-Force Balance which is portrayed as the Logos or
Son of God, is replicated into every aspect of Creation -- i.e.,
positive/negative and balance. As Sparks
of the Divine Mind, our Souls retain their reality as Beings of Light, because
as Adam was initially portrayed as Adam/Eve prior to the separation of male and
female, so too is our Soul the balance of male and female -- i.e., as stated in
the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia which quotes the Zohar:
.. "...The soul itself has no sex, which is determined
by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”.
And our Soul or True-Self remains a Being of Light,
because at that level of Creation the division of male and female does not
exist, and the seven primary colors and notes remain as ONE. But in
the same way that the Light of Creator-God is comprised of the Seven Primary
Colors, so too is each Spark of the Divine Mind that forms our individual Souls.
Why were the Individual Souls Created and came into being?
In the Alpha of Creation, ignorance prevailed because experiential knowledge did
not exist. And without knowledge based upon actual experience, True
Knowledge and Knowing cannot exist. So, the Individual Souls came
into existence so that Creation could emerge out of the Alpha of Ignorance and
Unknowing, and begin to possess actual Knowledge and Knowing based upon Experience.
And as the Individual Souls began to interact, Experiential Knowledge came into
existence -- and from the perspective of the Divine Mind that was Expressing
Self through the experiences of the Individual Souls, actual Knowledge came into
Existence. And through this body of Experiential Knowledge, Creation
itself began to move toward the Omega of Enlightened Light and Knowing.
As a point of reference, I often portray each Soul as a single
Neuron in the Mind of God (Logos). And in the same way that
holographically, our own mind is comprised of a great number of neurons or
points of influence and control over our thinking, actions and body functions, so too is the Logos or Divine Mind of God.
Both man and an amoeba can be portrayed as
being individualized and one -- and the differences are so vast, that the two
cannot even be compared with each other. Higher Perception, Knowledge and
Comprehension requires a complexity of Understanding. While both man
and an amoeba can be portrayed as ONE, because of the complexity of mind and
body that makes up man, no comparison can be made with respect to intelligence,
intellect and reasoning. In the same way that the organs and systems
of man's body are segmented in order to create a harmonic segregated environment
for the mind to function at a higher level -- with the amoeba being the opposite
of man -- it is important to understand that the very complex human body and
mind were all drawn from the One Primary Cell -- and that within the One exists
the genetic structure that manifested the complex organism known as man.
Thus, in the same way that the very complex mind of
man is comprised of the great number of neurons that make up the networked
perceptive-intellect that perceives from many perspectives, holographically the
mind of man is an image of the Soul-Mind -- which Soul-Mind as a single Neuron in the Mind
of God, is an Image of the Mind or Logos of Creator-God. And what is holographically true of the Divine Pattern of the Mind of God, is also
replicated into each Soul, as the pattern is also replicated into the mind of
man. Which of course provokes the question: Where, then, is the
individual neurons that comprise the Soul-Mind?
When Jesus portrayed this realm as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness), the reason man
can't perceive and understand the higher complex reality of both Soul and
Creation, is because this is a dualistic three-dimensional realm as explored throughout
the foregoing linked article. And it is for this same reason that in
the analogy of Plato's Cave, this realm is portrayed as shadow-images.
Which is also why modern physics has portrayed what we perceive as concrete
matter, as a "blemish" created by the
intersecting forces within the Ćtheric Field that is the source of the image we
perceive with our physical eyes and senses. Which is why Paul
instructed: "While
we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen:
for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen
are eternal" (2 Cor 4:18 KJV). And why the Gospel of
Thomas declares:
(5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and
that which is hidden from you will become plain to you." Which
is why one of the primary objectives of the original Gospel teachings was to
"open the eyes of the heart" (see
Eyes Of The
Heart) which would enable the person to gaze at the source that lies beyond
the facade of the "blemish" or shadow-image
of the "outer darkness".
The Individual Soul cannot possess the perceptive-vision or knowledge of the
Logos or Mind of God, because the knowledge of the Soul is limited to the
individual experiences of that Soul -- whereas, as Creation moves out of the
Alpha towards the Omega, the Experiential Knowledge of God who is experiencing
through all of the Souls or Neurons in the Logos of Mind of God, has become
virtually Infinite. Which provokes the question: If the pattern of
the Whole is replicated into each Soul, then where are the individual neurons
that comprise the mind of the Soul? In the same way that on a
Soul-Level, the paradoxical opposite polarities of male and female are ONE --
unlike mankind who dwells in a three-dimensional shadow-realm, the Soul or
True-Self of man dwells in a twelve-dimensional realm of Mind and Being that I
often portray as the Realm of Souls. And as demonstrated in the
previous subheadings (see The Enigma Of Time And The
Soul Of Man), what we call Time is merely a dimension of Soul-Mind that can
be moved in. Thus, because the Mind of the Soul exists across the
spectrum of Time, so too does all the soul-personalities generated by the Soul
continue to exist within the Soul Mind-Matrix.
As presented in the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 with
respect to the relationship of what is portrayed as your Likeness, and the
images which came into existence before you -- i.e., your True-Self or Soul-Self
is portrayed in the words:
Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice."
Contrary to Eastern dogma and the concept of reincarnation, the soul or
soul-self does not enter into this world -- but rather, what enters into the
body-vessel at conception is an embryonic image of the higher Soul-Self -- i.e.,
when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die
nor become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"
And these images which failed to become manifest do not reincarnate -- neither
do they go to Glory as the Christians believe -- but rather, as images that
failed to attain the next level of birth, they remain within the Matrix of the
Soul (see Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral) -- wherein I
often portray the previously generated images as single neurons in the Soul Mind-Matrix. What this
means is that each soul-personality generated into this realm that lived lives
in different time-frames -- as different genders -- as different races -- drawn
from different religions and often totally different experiences of life -- is eventually
evolved to the level where that personality can be reunited to their source in the
higher reality of their Soul -- and that all these personalities that lived
individual lives during different time-frames throughout man's history, all
continue to consciously dwell within the Soul Mind-Matrix. And the
fact that what we call Time is a dimension of mind that the Soul can move in,
means that the whole perception of Time and the Soul must be radically revised
is the person is going to evolve beyond the
"animal-soul" level of
consciousness that Paul warns is incapable of comprehending the true meaning of
the Original Gospel teachings and the Mysteries of Creation.
The Consciousness of what Paul calls "natural"
man -- or, organic man -- is portrayed as being of an
"animal-soul" level of mind and being (see
Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature).
The physical body of man has been formed out of the lower three kingdoms of this
world -- i.e., mineral, vegetable and animal -- and having emerged out of the
initial womb of his physical mother, he has entered the secondary womb of
Mother-Earth -- holographically, as a
Sperm Or Ovum. Which is why in the Gospel of the Nazirenes which
preserves many of the important teachings which were removed from the canonical
Gospels by the Church, organic
"natural" man is portrayed as a
beast who walks in the form of man:
"Love you one another and
all the creatures of God, Yet I say to you, not all are men, who are in the form
of man. Are they men or women in the image of God whose ways of violence, of
oppression and wrong, who choose a lie rather than the truth? No, truly, till
they are born again, and receive the spirit of love and wisdom within their
hearts. Then only are they sons and daughters of Israel, and being of Israel
they are children of God..." (see Organic
Man). And in the same way that the first stage of birth
provided you a physical body which was made up of the lower three earthly
kingdoms, when you emerged out of your physical mother's womb, you entered the
secondary womb of Mother-Earth in order to bring about the next stage of birth
as that of man in the fourth-kingdom -- i.e.,
"...Yet I say to you, not all are
men, who are in the form of man".
When Paul states that organic "natural" man
is of an "animal-soul" level of
consciousness that is incapable of comprehending his own higher Soul-Reality, he
was making reference to the reality that the mind must be matured and evolved in
order to bring about the next stage of birth and enter the Kingdom of Man. When
a person of a "natural" mind portrays
himself as a man, this is synonymous with a fetus being portrayed as an
infant. While it is true that a fetus has the potential to be born and become
an infant, until the fetus is actually born, the fetus is in the process of
developing enough to experience birth and become an infant. The same is true
when we are born into this world as a Cosmic Ovum Or Sperm (see
Cosmic Ovum And Sperm) -- which is holographically on the next level of
birth within the process of the Laws of Creation. In the same way that the
fetus has an undeveloped human body that is in the process of physically
developing in accord with the Laws of Nature, when we are born into this world
we dwell in a mentally-infantile condition that through the interaction of the
Natural Laws, we have the potential to bring about the next stage of birth --
i.e., Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you,
unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (see
Mental Womb).
Where our physical body can be portrayed as a cookie-cutter process, this would
not be true with respect to the process of mental development. Why? Because
the development of mind requires choice, freewill, and the living out of the
choices we have made in order to learn through our experiences. Therefore,
there can be no cookie cutter interaction with the Natural Laws that bring about
the next stage of birth. While the Laws of Nature can provide a physical body
for the Soul to inhabit, the development of mind requires a very different and
complex interaction of the Natural Laws in order to respond to our choices,
exercise of freewill, and the mindset and lifestyle we have chosen to live out.
because we are born in the image of man, that does not mean that we have
attained the Kingdom of Man. And this is seen in the statement in Genesis:
"Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in
our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in
the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures
that move along the ground" (Gen 1:26). Which is followed by:
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image
of God he created them; male and female he created them." (Gen 1:27).
What is portrayed in the term "likeness", is
a higher reality that must be achieved. When Jesus taught in the parable of
TheCall to the Wedding Feast that
those who did not put on the required "wedding garment"
would be cast into the "outer darkness" (of
mind and being) -- i.e, "So he said to him, 'Friend,
how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless.
Then the king said to the servants, 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and
cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' For
many are called, but few are chosen" (Matt 22:12-14 NKJ) -- and
again: For to everyone who has, more will be given, and
he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be
taken away. And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There
will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matt 25:28-30 NKJ). The
"outer darkness" is the womb of mother-earth
-- and the requirement to bring about the next stage of birth is the
"wedding garment" of spiritual maturity.
When rightly understood, what the Gospels portray as the outer darkness is
parallel to the analogy of Plato's Cave of Illusions.
Gospel of Thomas opens
with the profound statement: And [Jesus} said,
"Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."
Which means that to "find the interpretation of these
sayings", the seeker/disciple must overcome their own divided nature
-- and like an embryo that has been brought into existence through the combining
of an ovum and sperm, upon entering this world must bring about the next stage
of birth by (quoting Gospel of Thomas saying 22)
"...making the two
one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the
inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female
one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;
...then will you enter the kingdom." Only when the inner division of
mind that is represented in the above and below, the left and right, the outside
and the inside, and the male and female, can the next stage of birth be
achieved. Which means from a holographic perspective, if you as a
Cosmci Ovum or Sperm succeeded in becoming a Cosmic Embryo, you must then evolve
into a Cosmic Fetus and mature to the level where you can enter the Kingdom of
If all that exists, exists within the Mind of God -- i.e.,
in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have
said, ‘We are his offspring’” (Acts 17:28 NIV) -- and we are in fact
Created in the image of God -- with the potential to exist in the image of God
-- then it is perhaps best to envision
each individual Soul as having a vertical slice of the Whole. Which
means that in the same way that within the Mind of God exists the seven
divisions or kingdoms that comprise White Light -- and that paradoxically, on
one level each of these kingdoms appear to function independent of the other six
-- then these same divided kingdoms not only exist within the higher reality of
the Soul, but as an embryonic image of the Soul (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image), mankind is
imbued with these same incremental divisions within himself. And
in the same way that as a segment of the Whole, each Soul holographically
inherits a vertical slice -- as an image of the Soul, each person inherits a
vertical slice of their Higher Soul-Self. Which means that in the
same way that the Great Multitude exists within the Mind of God -- and the
multitude of soul-generated personalities exist within the higher reality of the
individual Soul -- this means that this same division exists with each of us.
Not only across the spectrum of a fragmented human personality, but also a
fragmented lower nature that is comprised of the lower three earthly kingdoms.
And so long as we remain fragmented and divided, it will be impossible for us to
achieve the next stage of Soul-Birth where we become At-One with our Higher
Soul-Self that is the true Being of Light that we are.
Returning to the above statements:
we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not
seen... -- And why the Gospel of Thomas statement
"Recognize what is in your sight, and
that which is hidden from you will become plain to you" --
and the statement of the modern physicist who portrays the images we see as the
facade of a "blemish" or shadow-image of the
"outer darkness" or shadow-image in Plato's
Cave of illusions -- because we dwell in a divided three-dimensional realm, what
we are perceiving with our very limited earth-bound and generated senses, are
aspects of mind that are presented to us in allegorical imagery.
Which means that only when we begin to understand what we see -- with the
allegorical meaning of the form of the imagery -- only then can we begin to
"Recognize what is in [our] sight...".
And only then can be begin to perceptively-comprehend the higher
twelve-dimensional source that causes what the physicist portrays as a
"blemish". But what does this
In his 1951 textbook on
quantum theory, Bohm offered some interesting speculations on the analogies
between quantum processes and thought processes, thus carrying further the
celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans two decades earlier:
“Today there is a wide measure of agreement…
that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality;
the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great
machine”; and the
statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington:
“The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.
Max Planck who is considered the
founder of quantum theory stated: "As a man who has
devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of
matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much:
There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue
of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this
most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this
force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the
matrix of all matter."
More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described
“an intelligent universe”
whose apparent concreteness is
generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source. The reality
of the holographic theory says that:
“…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting
frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a
hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”
If you understand
what is being said, then you can begin to understand why Mystics who have
walked the spiritual path in search of Gnosis and the Divine Manna of the
Kingdom of God, have traditionally warned others that what they see with
their physical eyes -- i.e., the objects that appear to their organic senses
and mind as being concrete and solid matter -- is merely an illusion. And
if we ask the question, what does this mean? What we are confronted with
is a reality that few biblical skeptics are even prepared to embrace --
i.e., that the allegorical nature of the scriptures is merely an extension
of man's own consciousness, mind and being.
Because we dwell in a three-dimensional world, what we are seeing is images of
mind impressed into the allegorical images of Nature.
As modern
science has already proven, what man sees as concrete matter, is in reality a
spectrum of frequencies (of thought) that the physical mind interprets as being
concrete -- and in reality, the images that we physically see are very much
aspects of mind impressed into allegorical forms and symbols of nature that
reveal to the seeker/disciple the Forces and Laws operating within their own
mind and being (see
The Allusion Of
The Forms Of Matter).

Source Of Soul-Light:
If our True-Self is a Being of White Light (see
http://BeingOfLight.com ), in a
holographic reality, God is also White-Light -- which means that as expressions
of both God and our Higher Soul-Self, we are also white light. Which
provokes the question: If this is true, then why don't we appear as a being of
white light? The answer is very simple: We can only perceive with our
physical senses, that part of us that is of the earth's vibration -- i.e., our
physical eyes are comprised of earth-matter, and can only perceive that
vibration which is of the earth. From
the perspective of the modern physicist, that part of us that we see is very
much the "blemish" within the greater
ćtheric field of the self -- i.e.,
Quoting physicist Walter Thirring
in his book, Urbausteine der Materie where he wrote
about matter that modern physics “...has put our
thinking about the essence of matter in a different context. It has taken our
gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.
The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field
at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.
Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary
particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”
Those people who have developed what the scriptures portray as the
"eyes to see", and are able to observe that
our form as a man or woman is the result of the interaction of the forces in the
greater field that surrounds our physical body, are able to see more than those
who lack the "eyes to see". -- i.e., the
prophecy of Isaiah when Jesus said:
"In them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: ‘You
will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never
perceiving" (Matt 13:14). While Jesus said of his
disciples who eyes, ears and perceptive-understanding had been opened:
"But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your
ears because they hear" (Matt 13:15).
In the above places of this article where white light is discussed, the reality
of white light is that it is comprised of the seven colors of the rainbow --
which in sound, equates to the Octave. But the important point to
consider is the fact that within the spectrum of white light, exists the seven
colors that when diffused at the right, is seen in the condition of separation
from the other colors. Which means that holographically where the
pattern is replicated, the White Light of God is comprised of Seven Kingdoms --
as is the white light of the Soul -- with the potential of white in the Ćtheric
bodies and/or Aura that surrounds the physical body of mankind. And
while on one level each of the seven kingdoms are At-One in the Wholeness of the
White Light, they also exist as separate entities on another level where we can
see that the White Light is comprised of Seven Independent colors. Just
like in sound, an Octave is comprised of the seven incremental primary notes,
which when the half tones are included, gives us the magic number of twelve --
with the twelve portraying the four (4) trinities that comprise the pattern and
blueprint of the Mind. But more important is the reality that it is
therefore impossible to have White Light apart from the Seven Colors that form
and manifest the White Light. Further, what we portray as Mind is the
product of -- or third-force balance of -- the male/female opposites that must
exist in order for the Mind to exist. In the Wisdom of the Ancients the
Logos was a portrayal of the Mind of God -- and it existed as the Third-Force
Balance or Offspring of Mother/Father God. The Logos or Mind of God
also exists at the core of every person's being, and was portrayed by the
followers of Jesus as the Son of God or True Prophet (see
http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org#TrueProphet ).
The reality of a hologram or holographic reality is that the pattern of the
whole is replicated into each of the parts that make it up. And this is
why the allegorical Genesis account states that mankind was Created in the Image
of God -- "male and female he created them"
-- which means that from a holographic perspective, everything that exists
within God, also exists within mankind. Which reality is expressed in the
wisdom of
the Delphic Oracle which states: "Heed these words, you
who wish to probe the depths of Nature: If you do not find within your Self that
which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of
your own House, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the
Treasure of Treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the
Gods." Which provokes the question: How can it even be stated:
"If you do not find within your Self that which you
seek, neither will you find it outside"??? While the vast majority
of modern authorities would immediately reject this statement as absurd, when
rightly understood it is true beyond even their ability to grasp and imagine!
The Source Of Soul-Light Part 2: And The Vertical Slice Of Creation:
Genesis 9:13 reads: "I have set my rainbow in the
clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth"
-- but what does this mean? Why is the rainbow with its seven color
spectrum a sign of the covenant between God and Man? In the same way
that within the Cosmic White Light of God there are Seven Kingdoms -- and
holographically the seven kingdoms are replicated into the pattern of the
each of our Higher Soul-Self -- and holographically the seven kingdoms of our
Soul-Self are replicated into the pattern of man's physical Spiritual Centers
(or what the Easterners call Chakras) -- which on one level exist as white
light, while on another level are the independent colors or Centers of the
body/mind of man. But, in order for the Soul-Self to be White Light, the
Soul must be comprised of what can be portrayed as
A Vertical Slice of the
Pie of Creation -- just as man can be portrayed as a
vertical slice of the Soul. And if mankind is the fourth kingdom, the lower
three earthly kingdoms are perceived to appear to our senses as mineral, vegetable and animal. In in a series of forum posts which was named
the original 600 Series I portray the upper three heavenly kingdoms
that would encompass spiritual center 5, 6 and 7. But what this also means is
that the ONLY means to bring about a condition of At-Oneness with our Higher Soul-Self,
is to achieve the Wholeness set forth in the Gospel Healings -- which is why the
Eastern paths of meditation and suppression of the lower centers does not work
to bring about the next stage of birth. In fact, the only source that has
the process of birth correct is the version of Gospel of Thomas saying 22 that is preserved in the
Gospel of the Nazirenes which reads: And one of the
disciples asked him, "How shall a man enter into the Kingdom?" And he answered
and said, "If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and
the behind as the before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit,
you will not enter into the kingdom of God."
Throughout the above article I confirm the teachings of Jewish Mysticism and the
Zohar where it is written:
"...According to these teachings, all human souls have a common origin in the
spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of which form the individual
souls...". And when it is recognized that the original
spark of the Divine that formed the Soul was White Light -- and that the seven
colors of the rainbow create the White Light -- then the evolution of the sparks
in the formation of an Evolved and Great Light that forms the Being of Light, is
dependent upon the evolution of each of those rays of color-vibration that
comprise the White Light of the Soul. Which means that there must be
maintained a degree of separation for each of the seven kingdoms/colors to be
expressed and interact -- while on another level a deeper connection must be
maintained that brings about an interaction across the spectrum of the seven
kingdoms/colors. This separation on one level, and connection on a
deeper level, is not only true and maintained in the outer world, but also
within each of us. Further, that in their separation, each of the seven
kingdoms/colors are imbued with a level of consciousness appropriate for that
level of mind -- and yet, only on the higher connected level of Mind that is
beyond the perceptive-vision of man's untransformed earthly senses, are they
perceived to be aspects of the Whole -- is man's Higher Soul-Reality Manifest.
What this means is that at man's organic "natural"
level of consciousness where he perceives the world with senses comprised
of earth-matter, he is only able to perceive each of the earthly kingdoms in
their separated reality of mineral, vegetable, animal and that of mankind.
Because his senses with which he looks out at the world are of an
earth-vibratory frequency, he is not only blind to the upper three heavenly
kingdoms, but is also unable to perceive the reality of the Whole where all
seven kingdoms exist as One. In order to perceive the Whole Reality, each
of the seven kingdoms must not only evolve and develop independently, but also
be harmonized across that spectrum of mind and being where they exist as One.
And throughout this article this self-knowledge that can be portrayed as the
pattern and blueprint of self, is portrayed as the Cosmology of Mind and Being.
And is the basis of the ancient adage that is presented in the Gospel of Thomas
in the words: "...But if you
will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that
When the question is posed to Jesus as to how the Kingdom is entered -- i.e.,
"If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind
as the before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit, you will
not enter into the kingdom of God."
The key term here is the word CENTER -- meaning that the left and right
male/female columns of the mind as portrayed in the
Tree of Life -- along with the three
upper heavenly kingdoms that must be merged with their lower natures in the
three earthly kingdoms and brought into the CENTER -- which Center is the
Kingdom of Man -- a condition portrayed in the phrase Son Of Man which equates
to our becoming a Child of the Kingdom. And it is this reality that
is expressed in the statement:
calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them, and said, Truly,
I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you
will never enter the kingdom of heaven"
(Mat 18: 2-3).
And it is this condition where the
Whole of Self is in harmony and balanced in the CENTER, that portrays the one
who has "turned about and become as a child"
-- i.e., a child of the Kingdom in the manner that each of us was when as the
prodigal son/daughter, we abandoned the Kingdom of the Father and traveled into
this, the Far Country.
And it is this "turned about" Condition
which achieves Wholeness, that is presented in the question of the above
teaching that has been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas:
"Shall we then, as children,
enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them,
"When you make the
two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the
inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female
one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;
...then will you enter the kingdom." When you can
accomplish this, you will not only become Whole, but you will manifest the White
Light of your Higher Soul-Self. It might also be pointed out that the
Center Sphere of the Tree of Life is the Love Sphere -- and this Sphere of
Divine Love can only be active when the other 11 spheres exist in a condition of
Each of the three lower earthly kingdoms -- and the kingdom of man -- are
interacting and evolving separately in the outer world. But the most
important interaction is taking place within us where the lower three kingdoms
are directly interacting with the fourth kingdom of human consciousness as
manifest in the kingdom of man. In the case of most people, they are
being ruled over by their lower animal nature (see above
Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature
). When one begins to understand the Cosmology of Mind and Being --
and they understand that the lower three earthly kingdoms are a reflection of
the upper three heavenly kingdoms -- and such a person is able to bring the
upper and lower together in the Center -- fulfilling the teaching:
Jesus said to them,
"When you make the
two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the
inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female
one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;
...then will you enter the kingdom."
Only then can Wholeness be achieved through the next stage of birth that
transforms the self into a "child of the Kingdom" -- i.e.,
"...unless you turn and become like
children, you will never enter the kingdom of
. The images we perceive in the outer
world, are aspects of mind impressed into the forms of nature -- interacting
with each other in the process of mental and spiritual evolution.
Allegorical Aspects Of Mind:
In this realm what we are in fact seeing with our physical senses, is
allegorical forms imposed on the images of nature which represent aspects of
mind. Quoting a paragraph from Science Proves
http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org#ScienceProves .
Universe is a Great Mind: In his 1951 textbook on quantum
theory, Bohm offered some interesting speculations on the analogies
between quantum processes and thought processes, thus carrying
further the celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans
two decades earlier: “Today there is a wide
measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading
towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more
like a great thought than like a great machine”. And the
statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington:
“The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”. Max Planck
who is considered the founder of quantum theory stated:
"As a man who has devoted his whole life to
the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell
you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no
matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a
force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds
this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume
behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the matrix of all matter." More recently,
cyberneticist David Foster described “an
intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is
generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source. The
holographic reality says that: “…our brains
mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies
from a dimension transcending time and space. The brain is a
hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”
What is the impact of these findings of
modern science? The reality that is being conveyed is that what we
perceive as solid physical matter, is being interpreted in this
manner because our brains interpret that frequency to make what we
see appear concrete. Moreover, what it also means is that we
perceive only a fraction of Creation because our brains, which by
virtue of the fact of their physical nature, can only detect
frequencies that are within the same (physical) spectrum. In the
same way that in order to be effective, an antenna must possess the
physical characteristics that enables it to receive a certain range
of the frequencies that the device (radio, TV, wireless phone, etc.)
is intended to operate within, our physical mind and bodies are
designed to function within a certain spectrum of Creation -- and
this is predicated by the fact that our physical nature is composed
of the elements that are of this world. |
Further quoting from: The Great Allegory Of Mind And Matter -
What Do We See?
Perhaps the key to bridging the
visionary perception of the Gnostic Mystics who authored the
scriptures, with that of modern cyberneticist
David Foster who described “an
intelligent universe”
whose apparent concreteness is generated by
cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source, is in beginning to
understand why we see allegorical images. The reality of the
holographic theory says that:
“…our brains mathematically construct hard
reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending
time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a
holographic universe.” And only then can we begin to
grasp why Jesus stated that organic man dwells in the
"outer darkness" of mind and
being (see
Darkness ), and why Plato portrayed man as dwelling in a type of
Cave of Illusion (see
). And the answer is provided in the above words that:
“…our brains mathematically
construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension
transcending time and space." Explaining that our
"...brain is a hologram, interpreting a
holographic universe.”
What this means is that we dwell in a
Great Mind -- and based upon the frequencies of thought that we
perceive and interact with our physical senses, our brains interpret
these frequencies in the allegorical forms that we perceive as being
concrete matter. Each aspect of thought is represented by a
(universal) symbol that our brains interpret in the form that we
observe when we look out at the world. But if we pose the
question: Is what we see concrete matter? And why are these forms
in the outer world said to be an illusion? What we are in fact
seeing is animated thought-generated symbols -- i.e., thoughts that
our brains (organic consciousness) interpret in the context of an
allegorical symbol that we perceive as the shapes and forms that our
physical consciousness interprets in the appearance and meaning that
we see it as. Thus, the words of Karl Pribram in the February 1979
Psychology Today interview where it is stated that:
“It isn’t that the world of appearances is
wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of
reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the
universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different
reality, one that can explain things that have hitherto remained
scientifically inexplicable: paranormal phenomena… synchronicities,
the apparently meaningful coincidence of events”. In
the words that “It isn’t that the world of
appearances is wrong..." -- what is being conveyed is
that what you see -- or think you see -- in the outer world of
appearances, is thought portrayed in an allegorical form that
permits the people stuck in the limitations of this realm, to
interact with a higher reality (of mind) that is beyond their
conception -- and even beyond their wildest imaginations.
We dwell in a world of animated
mental imagery --
a world where aspects of
mind are impressed into the forums of nature -- this
enables us to physically interact with aspects of mind -- and while
the forms with which these images are imbued are cast by Universal
Mind, because each of us is under a different sequence of Laws by
virtue of the fragment our mind is polarized to within the spheres
of the Tree of Life, we then perceive the forms of mental imagery
from an often uniquely different and sometimes opposite perspective
than what is perceived and understood from another person. This
segmented perspective which is responsible for what we can portray
as the Tower of Babel
Syndrome with which organic man is imbued, causes man to not
only understand the allegorical accounts of the scriptures
differently, but also the mental imagery of the outer physical world
itself -- as explored in the foregoing, and presented to us in the
90th Chapter of the Gospel of
the Nazirenes where it is stated: "The
One truth has many sides, and
one sees one side only, another, and some see more than others,
according as it is given to them.
Behold this crystal; how the one light is manifest in
twelve faces, yea four times twelve,
and each face reflects one ray of light,
and one regards one face, and another, another,
but it is the one crystal, and the one light that shines in all..."
Therefore, each person not only has a
unique perspective of the universal symbols of mind as expressed in
the mental imagery of the forms impressed into Nature -- but each
person's perception is further narrowed by (1) what sphere of mind
they are polarized to; (2) the Laws they were /are born under; (3)
gender; (4) the filter of race; (5) the cultural influences of their
present life; (6) the influence of religion and philosophy; (7) each
person's personal level of mental evolution they have achieved over
the course of the past lives their higher Soul-Self has lived. The
result is that what each person sees and evaluates in the outer
world, more often than not is a reflection of that person's own mind
and thinking. And it is through this interaction with a reflected
image and imagery of their own mind, that forces each persons growth
and development through the interactions of life which are brought
about by the Laws that have created each person's learning
curriculum of life -- with the objective being to force each
individual into mental interactions which not only serve the
individual needs of each person, but bring about that person's own
evolutionary development of mind. |
That the organic mind
of man only sees the outward allegorical form that has been imbedded in nature
as a symbol of what that form indicates, is the illusions of what Jesus
portrayed as the "outer darkness", and what
Plato portrayed as the Cave of illusions. Only as your higher aspects of mind
develop, do you begin to see the meaning of the allegorical symbols of this
world -- i.e.,
"Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become
plain to you".
If all that we see in
the outer world is the result of the forces exerted in the underlying Field --
i.e., the words of Einstein that “We may therefore
regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is
extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the
field and matter, for the field is the only reality” -- the form that
is impressed into the shape that we see, is an allegorical representation of the
aspect of mind that the symbol expresses. In the same way that a phallic
symbol which was used by the ancients expresses the male generative power, the
penis itself expresses an aspect of mind that is universal. And this is true
not only of all the parts of the body, but also everything that exists in the
outer world -- which is merely a larger scale and pattern of mind expressed and
impressed into matter -- i.e., mental-imagery.
Which means that a dog, appears to us in that
physical form that we see and interact with as a K9, because of the underlying
aspect of mind and consciousness that is represented in the physical form of a
dog. A dog, therefore, is an aspect of mind impressed into the form of nature
which we observe. When Jesus warned not to give what is holy to dogs, what he
was presenting was the reality that a dog represents a condition of mind
projected into the forms of matter that we see -- and people who are ruled over
by this condition of mind, are incapable of comprehending what is holy. And
from an enlightened perspective, a swine, is a swine, because of the underlying
aspect of mind and consciousness that is represented in the form of the
Thought Animated Symbols: The Egyptians
expressed themselves in hieroglyphs -- and much of the Chinese languages
represent thoughts impressed into symbols -- and when properly understood,
everything that we see and interact with in the outer world is merely the
thoughts of the Great Mind expressed in the allegorical forms of matter -- i.e.,
mental-imagery. If you could take the vast realities of our own mind and
express each aspect of mind in the form of a symbol that would animate the
thought that each represents, then you would begin to grasp the reality of man
as dwelling within an illusion that is an allusion -- i.e., a Matrix of mind
expressed into symbols which animate each thought that is the building blocks of
consciousness. And thus, we can begin to grasp the higher reality expressed by
G.R.S. Mead, a foremost authority on the Gnostics, in his book entitled
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, where this explanation of the true nature of
the scriptures is put forth: “…what the Gnostics
projected onto the screen… [in the form of a ] picture of the universe was in
reality a picture of their own minds. Its mythology is a symbolic portrayal,
almost a deliberate one, of the forces which operate in the structuring and
evolution of the human personality”. And upon encountering these
same patterns of thought in the dreams and thinking of his patients, was the
reason that Carl Jung called the Gnostic Christians the worlds first and
foremost psychologists who understood the very fabric of human consciousness.
Why did he come to recognize what the Gnostics were presenting? He found that
many of his patients who knew absolutely nothing about either the Gnostics or
scriptures, were in fact dreaming in these same symbolic symbols -- and thus, he
began to recognize that the authors of the scriptures wrote in what is called
the (allegorical) Universal Language of the Soul.
It as if we are looking at a child's picture-book where aspects of mind
are presented to us in enigmatic and allegorical forms and images that have been
impressed into Nature. And this is why the Gospel of Thomas
proclaims: "Jesus
said, Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will
become plain to you...". When rightly
understood, what you are observing when you gaze outwardly are animated aspects
of Mind impressed into the forms of Nature you are observing and interacting with you,
that convey to you the qualities what these aspects of mind represent within
your own consciousness. Jesus warned
"...not to give what is holy to dogs" -- and it is not the
four-legged variety of dogs that he was making reference to. The unclean
animals in the Torah are representative of aspects of consciousness that must be
transformed within the seeker's own mind and being, to make them serve their
higher heavenly opposite (see Animal Sacrifice). When Jesus therefore portrays some people as dogs,
this is because they are ruled over by what the consciousness of the dog
manifests in both the Divine Mind and the Soul-Mind -- that is ruling over the
person who can be likened to the qualities personified in a dog. And this
is also true of all the animals of nature -- each impressed with a fragmented
consciousness of the whole of the animal kingdom. But it is important to
recognize that in the same way that on one level the animal consciousness
appears to be independent, on another level is it intimately connected -- both
to God, our Higher Soul-Self, as well as our own consciousness. And there are
people who can look at a person's (undressed) body, and see the faces of the
animals that comprise that person's lower nature. And the ability to
actually release the lower animal nature and consciousness to accomplish tasks
for the person, is an integral part of the ancient Hawaiian religion of Huna --
as well as other indigenous religions that were more in tune with man's lower
nature. The movie, The Emerald Forest (see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emerald_Forest and the DVD at
https://www.amazon.com/Emerald-Forest-Powers-Boothe/dp/B0000542C6 ) presents
an indigenous tribe who possess this ability. And if the Europeans
who crossed the ocean had learned from the Native Americans how to release their
lower animal nature to perform tasks -- as a person would use a trained dog --
then their understanding of the life they were living would have been greatly
When the biblical authors stated that man's higher soul-reality was beyond his
comprehension (see Animal-Soul
http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#animal ), a really big obstacle to his
comprehension is in his inability to understand his own lower animal nature.
We enter this life to achieve Wholeness across the spectrum of the seven
kingdoms that provide us the bio-energy or vital life-force upon which our
consciousness is manifest. Being holographically created in the image of
our Source of Being, we are allotted a vertical slice of our Higher Soul-Self,
which is imbued with a vertical slice of the Divine Mind -- which means that our
lower animal nature is an integral part of our mind and consciousness -- and the
evolution and development of our lower animal nature is what is allegorically
set forth in the Torah as Animal Sacrifice (see Animal Sacrifice And The Living
http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#AnimalTemple ). All Opposites are
male/female in relation to each other -- and the three kingdoms of your
lower nature are the reflective (feminine) opposites of your higher heavenly
nature -- and the two must be joined in order to achieve Wholeness in the Center
-- i.e.,
"...the inside
like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below,
and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not
be male nor the female female". How
much you achieve in this life will be dependent upon how much of your lower
nature you can merge and make ONE with your higher heavenly nature of the upper
three kingdoms above the fourth kingdom of man. And this esoteric reality
is explored in the subheading The Gospel Enigma That Modern Christians Can't
http://GospelOfThomas.Nazirene.org#GospelEnigma . Quoting from this link:
In the same way that genetically, the embryo that forms the body
when an infant is born into this world is the merger and balance of
23 pairs of chromosomes from the mother and father, what is being
presented in the words of the Gospel of Thomas -- i.e.,
"When you make the two one, and when you
make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,
and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the
female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female
female..." -- is the means by which the
Feminine-Intuitive and Male-Linear opposite spheres of mind within
the pattern of the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life must be
brought into a state of Evolved Wholeness and Oneness, in order for
the mind of the seeker to evolve beyond what Paul portrays as an
"animal-soul" level of
consciousness (see Organic Man Ruled Over By
His Lower Animal Nature), and for the Kingdom to come in the
manner that was promised in the Gospel -- i.e.,
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the
Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will
give of the hidden manna" (Rev 2:17). Which
provokes the question: Overcomes what? Overcome the division
of the Tree of Duality of the person's own mind as explored in the
article The Tree Of Life -- as personified in the statement:
"'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of
life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7). Which
spiritually transformative process is personified in the words of
the Gospel of Thomas: "When you make the
two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the
outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you
make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not
be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom".
When this crucial teaching of Jesus that was removed from our traditional
Gospels portrays "...the above like the below",
it is making reference to the lower three earthly kingdoms with the upper three
heavenly kingdoms. When the above teaching states "when
you make the male and the female one and the same", it is making
reference to the male/female outer columns of the Tree of Life. The inside
and the outside is of course when you are able to bring the reflective images of
the outer world with the reality of the inner. And when you can bring the
whole shebang into the Center, only then can you achieve Wholeness --
experiencing the next stage of birth -- and becoming a Child of the Kingdom.
Now if the above is complex, the next part must be considered ultra-complex.
Because TIME is a dimension of mind and consciousness -- and all the (failed)
images portrayed in Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see beginning at Man As An
Embryonic Soul Image
http://SoulSelf.org#EmbryonicSoulImage ), where in the Soul Mind-Matrix each
of the (failed) images continue to exist as nerve endings or dendrites that
connect the upper three kingdoms with the Soul with the lower three kingdoms --
thereby creating a type of permanent connection between the upper mind of the
Soul with the lower mind. And this is one of the Higher Soul
Realities that Paul warned would be rejected as
"foolishness" by Christians of the simple-faith, as well as all of
organic man.
If you entered what I call the Realm of Souls, you would encounter each person
in their true form as a Being of Light. What is the Source of this
Divine Light? Each Soul is the embodiment of the Light that it has
developed over the course of all the lives that Soul has lived from the Alpha of
Creation to the Present. Most Souls have made very little progress -- they
are followers of the various groups they are attached to -- and
they exist as weak flickering distant stars. The more advanced the Soul,
the greater the depth and intensity of the Light of that Soul. Political,
cultural, philosophical and religious leaders are what can be portrayed as
advanced souls -- and they re-enter from life to life with other souls who are
part of their entourage of souls who are attached each other to the group.
While all groups enter to grow and develop, other groups are subject to what can
be portrayed as negative-karma because of that soul-groups past actions where
they violated the freedom and rights of others. Many of these groups
dwell in what Jesus portrays The Prison (see
http://outerdarkness.nazirene.org/#ThePrison ). The leaders today, are
the same leaders written about in the history books. All the despots of
the past, are on the worlds stage at present continuing their struggles with
their adversaries. Often, the sides have been switched -- with past
victims becoming aggressors, while aggressors in the past recast in the role of
Many of the mainstream Reform and Conservative Jews
were angered when Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan, the former chief rabbi of Israel -- a
religious scholar who was also the spiritual leader of the Shas party -- made
the statement that no innocent Jews died in the Holocaust. What Rabbi Yosefan
said was that the 6 million Holocaust victims "were
reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all
sorts of things that should not be done.” Rabbi Yosefan explained
that these souls who had previously lived lives of sin,
“…had been reincarnated in order to atone.” Immediately, all
sectors of the population -- from then Prime Minister Barak, to the Holocaust
survivors -- condemned the rabbi's remarks. In a communiqué issued from his
office, Barak stated: “His words are liable to harm the
memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and are liable to hurt the
feelings of their families and the feelings of the entire nation.”
Legislator Yosef (Tommy) Lapid, who had been
himself a Holocaust survivor who at that time headed the secularist Shinui
party, condemned Rabbi Yosef’s statements and said he was
“… in effect confirming what Hitler said, that the Jews are sinners.”
Holocaust organizations and the two main Israeli radio stations reported that
they were inundated with phone calls and fax messages, most of them criticizing
Yosef's statement. The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum labeled Yosef's
remarks “miserable” and said they
“seriously harm the memory of the victims.”
In a released statement the museum said: “With all due
respect to such a leader, it's hard to understand where Rabbi Yosef gets the
courage to explain the intentions and ways of the supreme authority.”
Attempting to clarify his words in the following week to a populace that did not
comprehend one of the most paramount teachings of both the Old and New
Testaments of the Bible, Rabbi Yosef cited a 16th century Jewish mystic, Isaac
Luria, who wrote: “If the soul was not purified
entirely the first time, and it left this world, that soul must come back in a
reincarnation, even a few times, until it is entirely purified.”
What Rabbi Yosef stated was that all those Jews who
died at the hands of Hitler, were merely reaping their own debts they had
themselves committed in a previous life (see
The Laws That Control Our Lives
http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org#TheLawsThatControlOurLives ).
And while the secular Jewish leaders
were offended by his statement, Rabbi Yosef did not state that they were Jews
when they committed the sins that invoked the Laws of Cause and Effect upon
them. From the perspective of the Laws that pseudo-authorities are in denial
of, the scriptures state:
“Do not be deceived: God
cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7
NIV). And this could just as well be expressed in the words: The chickens of
those people who suffered under Hitler, had come home to roost -- and in that
life they inherited the fruit of their own past actions.
What the Rabbi suggested was that, even though we
may appear to be the innocent victim in this present life, this was not always
the case -- and each of us inherits both the good and the evil that we have
personally and collectively engendered in the previous existences our soul has
lived prior to our being born into the present life we are now living -- as so
clearly stated in the words of the Church Father Origen when he wrote:
“Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by
the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen,
De Principiis). Thus, the common message proclaimed, was the confirmation of
the great biblically defined truth that what goes around comes around:
“Even as I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow
trouble reap the same” (Job 4:8 NKJ);
“Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full
with their own fancies” (Prov 1:31 NKJ);
“But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit
of deception” (Hosea 10:13 NIV); “God will
give to each person according to what he has done” (Rom 2:6 NIV);
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps
what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature
will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit
will reap eternal life” (Gal 6:7-8 NIV); “If
anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into
captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is
the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ);
“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood
be shed; for in the image of God has God made man” (Gen 9:6 NIV);
“His disciples asked him [Jesus], Rabbi, who sinned,
this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (Jn 9:2 NIV).
Yet, because certain New Testament teachings were removed by the Pagan Church of
Rome, modern Christians are at a total loss when they attempt to explain how the
Laws work in the life of man -- and even the very reason why bad things
seemingly happed to good people -- or why a benevolent God ordains the good and
evil that man is incapable of understanding.
Scriptures And The Light Of Spiritually Advanced
Souls: In Spirit, those who can be portrayed as a
Spiritually Advanced Soul would appear as a Great Light. And this
Soul-Reality should provoke a number of important questions: What
is the source of this Great Light? Why are the vast majority of
souls perceived as weak flickering lights -- while more advanced souls as more
intense lights with greater depth -- while Spiritually Advanced Souls would be
perceived as Great Lights? Thus, the question must be asked: What is the source of the Light of the
Soul? And because few people possess the Light of Higher
Understanding, this also is one of the
major flaws in the thinking of those people who imagine that the body is a mere
vessel they are inhabiting that will be cast away when they have competed their
present lives. I have heard the statement that the body is like an
automobile -- and in the same way that one gets rid of an old car, the soul
discards an old body and acquires a new one as a vehicle while in this world. We have all heard the rhetoric: "I
am a spiritual being, living a physical life" -- but this
concept embraced by many, is simply not
exactly true. The body that you are presently inhabiting is a
vertical slice of the lower nature of your own Higher Soul-Self that you have
entered into the physical to refine and transform. In the same way
that each Higher Soul-Self inherits a vertical slice of Creation -- you, as a
soul-generated personality, inherit a vertical slice of your Higher Soul-Self.
As explored in the subheading, The Folly Of Original
http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#OriginalSin where the Wisdom of Solomon is
quoted as stating:
“Now I was a child good by nature, and… being good, I
came into a body undefiled”.
Each person's ability to learn, advance, and
comprehend man's higher reality, is all dependent upon the Condition of the
lower three kingdoms of that Soul which the soul-generated personality inherited
when entering into a life. Again quoting the Church Father Origen
from the previous link on Original Sin:
“For God the Creator makes a certain vessel unto honor, and other vessels to
dishonor; but that vessel which has cleansed itself from all impurity [an
untarnished wedding garment] He makes a vessel unto honor, while that which has
stained itself with the filth of vice He makes a vessel unto dishonor. The
conclusion from which, accordingly, is this,
that the cause of each one's actions is a pre-existing
one; and then every one, according to his deserts, is made by God either a
vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel has furnished
to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being formed by Him
to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor.
And if the assertion appear correct, as it certainly is,
and in harmony with all piety, that it is due to previous causes that every
vessel be prepared by God either to honor or to dishonor, it does not appear
absurd that, in discussing remoter causes in the same order, and in the same
method, we should come to the same conclusion respecting the nature of souls,
and (believe) that this was the reason why Jacob was beloved before he was born
into this world, and Esau hated, while he still was contained in the womb of his
When Origen makes reference to the reality that each
person, "...according to his deserts, is made
by God either a vessel unto honor or dishonor. Therefore every individual vessel
has furnished to its Creator out of itself the causes and occasions of its being
formed by Him to be either a vessel unto honor or one unto dishonor",
what is being presented is the Laws of Creation that orchestrate each one of the
lives a Soul lives based upon the accomplishments of that Soul (see
The Laws That Control Our Lives
http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org#TheLawsThatControlOurLives ).
And because the Laws of Creation are imbued with the power to evolve each and
every Soul from the Alpha of Ignorance to the Omega of Enlightened Light --
presenting to each Soul a
Labyrinth of choices that test and open the
opportunity of advancement -- what the Church Father Origin portrays is a great
Truth that is not at all understood in modern times.
What Origen is stating is that when a soul-generated
personality enters this life and inherits a physical body that has been put
through the process of refinement --
with the animal nature evolved, domesticated and made a faithful servant to that
Soul's Higher Spiritual Nature -- that soul-personality as a
"vessel of honor", is able to make great
gains based upon the opportunities and choices that soul-generated personality
makes. When Paul speaks of organic
"natural" man's inability to comprehend man's higher Soul-Reality
because he is of an "animal-soul" level of
consciousness (see
Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature), it is because the
vertical slice of that Soul's lower (animal) nature which the soul-generated
personality inherited, was never refined and evolved -- a reality that Origen
portrays as a "vessel of dishonor". And this is
why organic man in the Gospel of the Nazirenes is portrayed as beasts who walk
in the form of man. Further, this is why Paul wrote of the necessity
"…beat my body and make it my slave..."
(1 Cor 9:27 NIV) -- and why Christians are commanded to
"Put to death, therefore, whatever
belongs to your earthly nature" (Col 3:5 NIV) -- with
the warning:
“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:
but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
(Rom 8:13 KJV). When Gospel of Thomas saying 22 states
the requirement to make the "below and the above"
one and the same, it is because the lower three earthly Spiritual Centers
serve as a (reflective) foundation for the upper three heavenly Spiritual Centers
-- and all seven Centers must be in
balanced-wholeness, in order to manifest the White Light that forms from the
segments of the rainbow -- i.e., Genesis 9:13 reads:
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be
the sign of the covenant between me and the earth".
When Jesus taught the multitudes of
people in parables -- i.e.,
"And with many such parables He spoke the word to them
as they were able to hear it.
But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He
explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34 NKJV) -- those
people among the multitudes who had entered that life with a refined and evolved
lower nature, were able to understand with greater clarity and comprehension the
spiritual meaning of the parable.
While the multitudes only heard parabolic accounts, those more
evolved Souls who entered life as a "vessel of honor",
perceived and comprehended what the vast majority of the multitudes of people
could not. Which reality of carnal imposed deafness, blindness and barrier
to higher understanding prompted the Wycliffe Bible Commentary to
write that: “…the initiate was instructed in the
esoteric teaching... which was not revealed to outsiders… The mystery of the
kingdom in its ultimate development is the full-orbed message of the Gospel (Rom
16:25-26). The purpose of parables was to instruct the initiates without
revealing the items of instruction to the ones who were without. This is in
keeping with the Biblical principle that spiritual understanding is restricted
to those who have become spiritual...”
With the far-reaching
implications embodied in the reality that
"...spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become
And while this is true, what must be examined is the meaning of
the term "initiate" as one who has evolved
to the level where they can be portrayed as IN THE HOUSE -- where the multitudes
are portrayed as being "without" (see
In The House).
What Jesus stated was of such a profound importance
to comprehend if the seeker/disciple was to begin to understand the true meaning
of the scriptures as set forth in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed,
that Jesus then warned: "And he saith unto them, Know
ye not this parable? and how shall ye know all the parables?" (Mark
4:13 ASV). And what this means is that if you fail to understand the meaning
of the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, and put its teachings into practice in your daily lives,
that it will be impossible for you to understand any part of the spiritual
meaning of the Gospel teachings. And if you fail to understand the meaning of
the term "In The House", and the difference
in the reality of those who Jesus portrayed in the words:
"...but unto them that are without,
all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and
hearing they may hear, and not understand" -- that you will dwell in
what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness"
of mind and being (see Outer
Darkness) -- walking upon what Jesus portrayed as the
"broad-way of self-destruction" (Matt 7:13-14). To become what is
conveyed in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed
as the "good ground", it is absolutely
necessary to live in strict accord with the Gospel Teachings. Which
transformation of self into the "good ground"
refines and evolves the lower nature within which the seed of the Soul has been
planted at conception, and creates within self the necessary environment for the
the Logos to In-Dwell -- i.e., "Jesus replied, If
anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will
come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my
teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who
sent me" (John 14:23-24 NIV). But this becomes impossible for
those who believe in accord with the dogma and traditions of men, and live a
lifestyle in accord with the ways of this world.
The word "initiate"
as used by the Wycliffe Bible Commentary, should be understood as a person who
has inherited a refined and evolved lower nature by virtue of the previous
accomplishments of their Higher Soul-Self. And this is why Jesus
could talk to the multitudes, and only the more advanced souls would understand
the spiritual meaning. This is also true with respect
to the allegorical meaning of the scriptures (see An Inconvenient Truth
http://AnInconvenientTruth.org ) --
wherein, the perception and comprehension of each reader is in relation to not
only their own ability to comprehend -- but even their ability to understand why
the scriptures are composed in the allegorical Language of the Soul, is
contingent upon the refinement and evolution of the lower nature they inherited
when soul-generated into any given life. The authors of the
scriptures understood this reality of mankind and human nature -- and they
therefore composed the whole of their sacred writings in allegory and parables
within a parable. The authors of the scriptures were
Who Were Hunted Down As Heretics -- and they understood the need to employ
the body of faith-based believers as a type of Mule who would perform the
important function of preserving the essential (esoteric) body of knowledge that
was concealed and hidden within the body of the written text of the parabolic
writings. In view of the fact that the authors of the scriptures all
understood that their more advanced Souls would return in the future, in many
instances the body of concealed knowledge that was transported by the
faith-based mules, enabled them to restore and regenerate themselves in
soul-generated future lives. After regeneration and rebirth, they
would then be in a position to assist and guide the faith-based believers into a
greater understanding of the scriptures and a more spiritual comprehension of
man's true reality.
Is the mind of an infant empty? Or does the infant
possess the innate ability to tap into a pre-existing source of knowledge within
himself that exceeds all of the wisdom of this world that he could be taught in
the traditional manner? Modern academia, our culture and mainstream religions,
all base their teachings upon the empty-mind philosophy -- which is in total
opposition to the scriptures and the wisdom of the wise and enlightened
ancients. And when rightly understood, modern faith-based believers
fail to understand the very foundation of the scriptures they promote, because
they fail to understand even the nature and purpose of the Gospels. The
scriptures are based upon the process of anamnesis -- or, drawing from a
pre-existing source within the child/person's own mind. Under the heading of
Anamnesis (Philosophy), the Wikipedia states: It is the
idea that humans possess knowledge from past incarnations and that learning
consists of rediscovering that knowledge within us. The article then
goes on to say: "Socrates' response is to develop his
theory of anamnesis. He suggests that the soul is immortal, and repeatedly
incarnated; knowledge is actually in the soul from eternity... What one
perceives to be learning, then, is actually the recovery of what one has
forgotten. (Once it has been brought back it is true belief, to be turned into
genuine knowledge by understanding.) And thus Socrates (and Plato) sees himself,
not as a teacher, but as a midwife, aiding with the birth of knowledge that was
already there in the student." And this is why the Apostle Peter is
quoted in the writings of his disciple Clement as stating with respect to the
scriptures: "...therefore great
care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according
to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine
Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for
himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and
extraneous sense, which you have brought from without" Why should
the scriptures not be read and understood in accord with
"an extraneous sense, which you have
brought from without"? Because the whole of the scriptures are an
allegorical presentation using and employing catalysts that connect the outer
physical consciousness with the pre-existing inner soul and spiritual
consciousness -- which when rightly understood, is the very essence of the
process of anamnesis. Therefore, when you attempt to teach the meaning of the
scriptures, you negate the catalysts and symbols that are contained in the
scriptural body, and you inhibit and atrophie the development of those areas of
mind that must be developed in order to tap into this inner Source of
Knowledge. Further, this is why Jesus commanded his disciples that they can
only have ONE TEACHER -- the True Prophet or Logos -- that dwells within them at
the very Core of their Consciousness (see
True Prophet).
With respect to this ONE TEACHER that the followers of Jesus were commanded to
seek out exclusively, Peter taught that he is
"...within the mind of every one
of us, but in those who have no desire of the knowledge of God and His
righteousness, He is inoperative; but He works in those who seek after that
which is profitable to their souls, and kindles in them the light of
knowledge. Wherefore seek Him first of all; and if you do not find Him, expect
not that you shall learn anything from any other."
In their abandonment of the Gospel First Principles and the One Source of the
Truth of all Truths that is drawn out through the process of Anamnesis, the
modern Christian world has virtually nothing in common with the purpose and
objective of the Original Gospel Teachings. But what this also means is that
the more we learn in the traditional manner as embraced by academia, the more we
suppress those innate resources of mind that have the ability to tap into this
Inner Source of Ultimate Truth (see Academia And The Feminist Cultural War On
http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org#AcademiaWarOnWomen ). And with respect to
the true meaning of the scriptures: the more we study commentaries, attend Bible
study groups, and the teachings of traditional religious institutions and
authorities, the more we alienate ourselves from the True and Spiritual meaning
of the Gospels.
Mankind is portrayed in the parable of the two sons
as the younger son who abandons the Kingdom of the Father, and squanders away
his divine inheritance on "riotous living"
in this realm which is called the Far Country -- also portrayed as the
"outer darkness" of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) -- which, when
rightly understood, parallels the analogy of Plato's Cave of Illusions (see
Cave). In the
Gospel of Thomas this world is
portrayed in the rather profound statement: (56) Jesus
said, "He who has come to understand this world shall discover (only) a corpse,
and whoever has discovered a corpse shall transcend beyond this world."
Which implies the reality, that the only means by which mankind can be restored
to his original condition, is to transcend and move beyond the limitations of
this world -- i.e., the Far Country that is not his place of origin. And this
was and remains the ONLY objective of the authors of the scriptures in the
composition of their Sacred Writings.
In the fourth century the Church of Constantine took
the most corrupted copies of the scriptures and further edited them to make them
reflect the (Mithraic) beliefs of Pagan Rome. What they did was
inhibit the Christian world from using the scriptures for their intended purpose
as the Key of Knowledge -- removing the most important spiritual teachings and
concepts -- and reframing them as mere historical accounts. And in this
respect the Church Father Origen portrayed the historical facade of the literal
text as virtually worthless -- i.e., “Scripture
contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the
worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning”
(Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The Encyclopedia of Religion and
Ethics). In the same way that the Gospel of Thomas portrays the wisdom
and knowledge of this world as a "corpse",
Origen correctly portrays what we teach in academia, our churches, and our
cultural wisdom as worthless "shadow"
faux-knowledge. Why? Because whatever is genuine in this world
connects the outer with the inner, the below with the above -- i.e., Jesus
said to them,
"When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and
the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the
male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female female; ...then will you enter the
kingdom" (Gospel Of Thomas).
The objective of the scriptures was to connect the prodigal sons and daughters
who are lost in this, the Far Country of the Outer Darkness of Mind and Being,
with their Inner Source. Using the process of Anamnesis and the
symbols of the scriptures as catalysts to connect
"...the inside
[with] the outside ...and the above [with] the below ..[thereby] making the male
and the female one and the same" -- enabling the prodigal
sons and daughters to be restored to the Kingdom. But the rewriting
and corruption of the scriptures in the Churches attempt to only support the
historical facade, has inhibited the faith-based believers from fulfilling the
Original Objectives and Purpose of the Gospels.
To their own detriment, the leaders of the modern
church ignore the warning of the Apostle: “let
no man beguile you in any wise: for (it will not be,) except the falling away
come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that
opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is
worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as
God” (2 Thes 2:3-4 ASV). What
the Apostle is herein very clearly predicting is that there would come a time
when the god of the Christian Church will be a false god.
Historically speaking, it has been almost universally recognized that the period
in time that the Apostle could have been referring to was in the fourth century
when the church made a covenant with the Roman Emperor Constantine.
With regard to this falling away, the Adam Clark Commentary writes of
this passage of Paul's Epistle: “[Except there
come a falling away first] We have the original word apostasia in our word
apostasy; and by this term we understand a dereliction of the essential
principles of religious truth, either a total abandonment of Christianity
itself, or such a corruption of its doctrines as renders the whole system
completely inefficient to salvation. But what this apostasy means is a question
which has not yet, and perhaps never will be, answered to general satisfaction”
(from the Adam Clarke Commentary). Not
to depreciate or make less the significance of any one of the individual
statements presented in the above words, what the modern believer must
recognized is the far-reaching totality of the statement:
“But what this
apostasy means is a question which has not yet, and perhaps never will be,
answered to general satisfaction”.
Ultimately, what this means to the modern believer is that each and every church
authority from the fourth-century to the present, as well as every single
preacher of the gospel, speaks from the position of concession -- which
concession is that there is a great void in their knowledge of the truth.
Thus, one of the core presumptions upon which our present-day doctrine of
faith is based, is that these words of the Apostle Paul are not true.
One of the major causes
of the present state of doctrinal chaos is the failure of modern pastors and
church authorities to recognize that the key to their dilemma is found in the
prediction of the Apostle that there would come a time of total abandonment of
the Gospel with respect to the desolation of all genuine spiritual Christian
ideas and concepts.
The purpose of the Gospels was to restore the prodigal
sons to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination which is their True Source.
The objective of the god of this world which in the parable is portrayed as the
Citizen of the Far Country, is to keep the prodigal sons shackled to the things
of this world. Which meant that the most important spiritual
teachings in the Gospels had to be removed, while the scriptures themselves
rewritten to support only the historical facade of the written word which Paul
portrayed as the
"letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales" (see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus
1:14). The first of the
scriptures to get a rewrite and pagan makeover, was the Book of Acts. When
the further corruption of the scriptures was seen by both the Ebionite Nazirenes and the Spiritual (Gnostic)
Christians, they buried seven (7) caches of scriptures in accord with the
numbers and places in the already edited Book of Acts, that would enable these
more pure copies of scriptures to be recovered in the future. And
because of the advent of a coming spiritual rebirth, this is why both the Dead
Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library of scriptures was discovered in the
1945-47 timeframe. And the importance of these scriptures is explored in
my introduction to the Gospel of Thomas (see
). Because the more spiritually advanced souls were born into
physical bodies where the lower animal nature was more refined and evolved,
these more advanced souls could read these more pure scriptures, and begin to
perceive the deeper spiritual meaning that lied concealed beneath the facade of
the written text. Thus, in the same way that it was written of Jesus
that: "And with
many such parables He spoke the word to them as
they were able to hear it. But without a parable
He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to
His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34 NKJV) -- those whose lower animal nature
was more refined and evolved, were able to comprehend the higher spiritual
meaning of the parable. And in much the same way, the many healings
and miracles in the written text of the scriptures, possess a deeper spiritual
meaning that could only be seen and comprehended by those with the spiritual
eyes and understanding to perceive the deeper spiritual meaning that was lying
concealed beneath the facade of the written text that Paul portrayed as the
"letter that killeth [and] Jewish folktales"
(see 2 Cor 3:6; Titus 1:14).
Thus, the great looming question: What is the Source of
the Great Light of a Spiritually Advanced Soul? The Answer that is not at
all understood in modern times: Because, as stated above, TIME is a
dimension of Mind -- and the past lives of each Soul continue to dwell within
what can be portrayed as the Soul Mind-Matrix -- portrayed by
St. Teresa of Avila in the reality that "The soul...",
writes St. Teresa, is as “a castle made of a single
diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many
mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila). Each
soul-generated personality which the soul has lived through, dwells in what St.
Teresa portrays as a single room within the Soul-Manson or Matrix.
And when this Higher Reality is understood, the Light of the Soul is the
product of the above personification of Gospel of Thomas saying 22 -- i.e., the
merger of the lower with the upper, the left with the right, and the inner and
the outer -- across the spectrum of TIME -- manifesting in the present in the
Light of Each Individual Soul. Which means that the Intensity and Depth of
Light of each Soul is the product (across the dimension of Time) of the
connections and merger of male/female opposites as manifest in the upper/lower,
left/right and inner/outer aspects of Soul-Mind through the personalities that
the Soul has lived.
In the same way that within the Mind of God the ALL Exists across the spectrum
of the Seven Kingdoms -- and each Soul is as a vertical slice of the Divine Pie
Of Creation, holographically containing all aspects of Creation -- the animal kingdom is an
integral part of the Mind of God, also the Mind of the Soul, and as well the
mind of man. And when the soul-personality/image is generated and made part of the body at
conception, the body of that person is formed by the lower three kingdoms coming
together within the womb of the mother -- which lower nature collected from the
lower three kingdoms, then forms the physical body of the fetus. Man is of
the Fourth Kingdom -- and brings together within himself the three upper
Heavenly Kingdoms and the three lower Earthly Kingdoms. But at
physical death, the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms are released back into
nature where they continue their existence as the animals of this world.
This process is somewhat explored at the subheading Organic Man Ruled Over By
His Lower Animal Nature
http://SoulSelf.org#AnimalNature. Which means that the animals that man
interacts with in the outer world, are very much the lower nature of people who
are not presently manifest in the earth -- but it is important to understand
that these animals in the outer world are acting as catalysts for each
person to interact with their own lower animal nature. Which means that if
you eat the flesh of dead animals, you are strengthening the beast of your own
lower nature -- thereby inhibiting the process of refinement and and evolution
-- and karmically, your own lower animal nature once released back
into the world, will suffer the same fate you subject the animal kingdom to.
Quoting from the foregoing link:
Once again we must pose the question as to what is the level of consciousness of
those who can be portrayed as a cosmic ovum and sperm? A reality that modern
Christians are not even prepared to come to terms with is presented in the
statement by one of the earliest of Christian writers named Justin Martyr where
he makes reference to the doctrine of transmutation -- i.e., the embodiment of a
person in the body of a beast which is portrayed as punishment for the misdeeds
of a previous life -- when he (Justin) answers the question of Trypho, the Jew,
and writes: "And what do those suffer who are judged to be unworthy of this
spectacle? said he. They are imprisoned in the bodies of certain wild beasts,
and this is their punishment" (Dialogue of Justin With Trypho, a Jew). Which
provokes the question: Is this really a teaching of Jesus and the original
Ebionite Nazirene Christians? Where could such a thought have originated? If the
Gospels had not been corrupted, Christians would have access to the teaching
which has been preserved in the 88th chapter of The Gospel Of The Nazirenes
where Jesus states: "Love you one another and all the creatures of God, Yet I
say to you, not all are men, who are in the form of man. Are they men or women
in the image of God whose ways of violence, of oppression and wrong, who choose
a lie rather than the truth? No, truly, till they are born again, and receive
the spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts. Then only are they sons and
daughters of Israel, and being of Israel they are children of God, And for this
cause came I into the world, and for this I have suffered at the hands of
sinners." Going even one step further the Church Father Origen explains that:
"By some inclination toward evil, certain spirit souls come into bodies, first
of men; then, due to their association with the irrational passions after the
allotted span of human life, they are changed into beasts, from which they sink
to the level of plants. From this condition they rise again through the same
stages and are restored to their heavenly place" (Origen, On First Principles,
B. W. Butterworth, translator). What is being said is that while man is of the
fourth kingdom -- i.e. with the mineral, vegetable and animal below him in the
first three kingdoms of Nature -- the Soul's birth in the physical body presents
to that Soul the opportunity to become of the Fourth Kingdom which we associate
with the Kingdom of Man. And what the soul-generated personality achieves in
this life, will determine whether that person is able to achieve the necessary
subsequent stages of birth.
respect to the Fourth Kingdom and the upper three heavenly and lower three
earthly kingdoms, Manly P. Hall wrote in The Secret
Teachings Of All Ages: "Man’s three bodies are
symbolized by an upright triangle; his threefold spiritual nature by an inverted
triangle. These two triangles, when united in the form of a six-pointed star,
were called by the Jews 'the Star of David,' 'the Signet of Solomon,' and are
more commonly known today as 'the Star of Zion.' These triangles symbolize the
spiritual and material universes linked together in the constitution of the
human creature, who partakes of both Nature and Divinity. Man’s animal nature
partakes of the earth; his divine nature of the heavens; his human nature of the
mediator.” ( Manly P. Hall). So long as man is
motivated and controlled by the appetites and the consciousness of the lower
three kingdoms, he will remain immersed in what Paul portrayed as
"animal-soul" consciousness that is
incapable of higher comprehension. And while man can attempt to
negate and suppress his carnal animal appetites and consciousness -- while
focusing on the upper three centers in the head -- without the balanced
development of all the spiritual centers it will remain impossible to achieve
Wholeness -- and without Wholeness, it will remain impossible to initiate and
achieve the next stage of Soul-Birth. Where it is written in the
above that man's "human nature" must be the
moderator between the upper three and lower three kingdoms which must be brought
into the Center as portrayed in the version of Gospel of Thomas saying 22 that
has been preserved in the Gospel of the Nazirenes:
"And one of the disciples asked him, 'How shall a
man enter into the Kingdom?" And he answered and said, "If you don't make below
as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind as the before,
entering into the
center and passing into the spirit, you will
not enter into the kingdom of God.'"
To enter into the Center requires all twelve spheres of mind as patterned in the
Tree of Life (
http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org ) to be fully evolved and existing in a state
of harmonic-balance -- which means that the male/female outer columns of the
Tree of Duality must be brought together in the Center -- which can only be
accomplished when the division of the upper three and lower three spiritual
centers are brought together in the Center.
A most important reality is presented in the above quotation that has
perpetually confused the modern Bible reader -- i.e., "No, truly, till they are
born again, and receive the spirit of love and wisdom within their hearts. Then
only are they sons and daughters of Israel, and being of Israel they are
children of God..." This verse explains and supports the statement:
twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, 'Go nowhere among the Gentiles and
enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of
Israel. And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’"
(Matt 10:5-7) -- and again Jesus said: He answered, “I was sent only to the lost
sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt 15:24). Why was Jesus sent ONLY to the
children of the House of Israel? Because only those who can be portrayed as
Spiritual Israel -- who have themselves been nourished by the fruit of the Tree
of Life and are in the process of achieving the next stage of birth -- have
attained the necessary level of Completion within themselves -- and are
therefore able to receive the Whole of the Gospel Teachings directly from the
Indwelling Logos/Son of God who was called The True Prophet
. When rightly understood, the leaders of the Jews were condemned by Jesus,
because they were the personification of counterfeit Israel who were portrayed
as blind guides -- because having received the Royal Law of the Most High, they
observe it outwardly in ritual and tradition. Only Spiritual Israel is no longer
controlled by their lower animal nature -- and have either achieved or are
in the process of achieving the next stage of birth into the Kingdom of Man. If,
as stated in the above, there are beasts who walk in the form of man -- and
exist at varying levels in the process of achieving the next stage of birth that
would make them of the fourth kingdom of man -- then humanity exists at greatly
varying levels between walking the earth as a beast in the forum of man, and
actually achieving the next stage of birth that would manifest them in the
fullness of the fourth kingdom. Further, only those who are portrayed as the
Spiritual House of Israel, are able to enter through the
"narrow gate" within
them, into the Kingdom, and learn in the presence of the Logos/Son of God.
It isn't that man incarnates as an animal -- but rather, at physical death his
animal nature is returned back into nature in accord with the (consciousness)
form it has evolved to. And this same animal nature will once again form the
physical body the next time the Soul incarnates into another soul-personality. And this is why in the Gospel of the Nazirenes
(see http://GospelOfTheNazirenes.org
), the animal kingdom is portrayed as our lesser brothers. And karmically, as we
do to the animals we encounter in this life, the same will be returned back to
your own animal nature. On the other hand, the vegetable kingdom is very much as
the soul of the lower three kingdoms -- which is why the Alice Bailey writings
(see http://theconsecratedlife.ebionite.com/#Theosophy ) can be quoted as
stating: "One point of interest might here be noted. It is known esoterically
that the vegetable kingdom is the transmitter and the transformer of the vital pranic fluid to the other forms of life on our planet. That is its divine and
unique function. This pranic fluid, in its form of the astral light, is the
reflector of the divine akasha. The second plane therefore reflects itself in
the astral plane. Those who seek to read the akashic records, or who endeavour
to work upon the astral plane with impunity, and there to study the reflection
of events in the astral light correctly, have perforce and without exception to
be strict vegetarians".
In the same way that the vegetable kingdom supplies organic life with
life-giving oxygen, the vegetable kingdom supplies man with life-giving Light
that is the balance of the three lower kingdom -- and is the only food that a
sincere seeker should eat: "And God said, See, I
have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the
earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.
Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything
that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb
for food; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it
was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day"
(Gen 1:29-31 NKJ).
The Matrix Of Soul-Mind: How does the Soul
Grow It's Light? In the subheading
entitled The
Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man, it is demonstrated that time is merely a
dimension of mind within the higher reality of the soul-self -- existing within
the Great Matrix of Mind of the soul. Thus, the
states that: In
mathematics, a matrix
(plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes) is a rectangular array of numbers,
symbols, or expressions. The individual items in a matrix are called its
elements or entries" -- and in the mental matrix of the soul, each
previous image represents a point of consciousness within a field of dynamic
life-experiences of the soul-self that is the sum total of all the experiences
of all the lives that the soul has lived. Where Eastern, New
Age and Pop-Psychology that ascribes to the Collective Consciousness philosophy
that often
imagines God as a Great Amoeba where oneness means the same -- just the opposite
is true -- and oneness is the sum total of a great diversity of different
experiences and conscious realities that Complete and bring about Wholeness.
And since the soul was created in the (holographic) image of God, then the soul
in like manner is the sum total of all the life-experiences of all the images
that exist as points of consciousness and being within the mansion of the
soul-self. And in many respects, this higher soul-reality can be
portrayed as the embodiment of what the Church portrays as Hell, because each
image-personality within the matrix of the soul-mind continues to dwell in the
reality of the life that it lived here on earth.
The Church Father Origen stated
that “Every soul...
comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats
of its previous life” (Origen,
De Principiis) -- and these strengths and weaknesses are the direct
expression of the victories and/or defeats dynamically manifest within the
matrix of the soul-mind that each person in the present life draws upon.
Where man envisions memory as being stored and ingrained in a computer like
storage disk that can be looked up, such a scenario is simply not the case.
All the past images that the soul has lived as, continues to exist within the
matrix of the soul-mind -- and as portrayed by St. Teresa, it can be said that
each has its own room or space within the countless segments of the castle of
the soul. And since time is a dimension of mind (see
The Enigma Of
Time And The Soul Of Man), each of these past image-personalities exist as
points of consciousness within the soul-mind matrix. Within the
matrix of the soul that lived as Hitler, the personality of Hitler still dwells
as a point of consciousness that continues his former existence. And
in like manner, Rabbi Ovadia
Yosefan expressed the mystical teachings of the Jewish sage Isaac Luria when he
stated that the 6 million Holocaust victims "were
reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all
sorts of things that should not be done” (see
The Chickens Come Home To Roost).
Which means that within the matrix of mind of the soul who lived as Hitler,
exists a previous image-personality who were victimized by the people who lived
as Jews under Nazi Germany. In the same foregoing link I present the
example of Barack Obama's spiritual advisor the Rev. Jeremiah Wright who
subscribes to what is called Black Liberation Theology. And within
the matrix of the soul-mind of the Rev. Wright exists an image-personality that
previously lived as a white slave owner. Which means that the Rev.
Wright's hatred of white people is the result of his abominations towards the
black race by a previous soul-image that continues to dwell within the matrix of
the Rev. Wright's soul.
Mankind, who Jesus portrays as
dwelling in the "outer
darkness" of mind and being -- or what Plato portrays as a
Cave of illusions -- dwells
within a holographic reality that exists within a larger holograph that he
cannot gain access to without the proper development of mind. And
while the Laws of Creation orchestrate the events based upon man's own past
experiences in the present -- and it is these Laws and Forces which the Deists
portrayed as being "...endowed ...with self-sustaining
and self-acting powers ...acting as second causes" which orchestrate
and even script the lives of man in the present that cause him to confront his
own self -- i.e.,
“Do not be deceived: God
cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Gal 6:7 NIV)
-- it is the development of man's intuitive spheres of mind that provides him
direct access into the previous soul-images within the matrix of the soul-mind
that has orchestrated the events that man is experiencing in the present (see
Spiritual Intuitive Development).
If Hitler had been able to directly draw upon his previous experiences as a
victim of the aggression of those people who in his life were born as Jews who
Rabbi Yosefan portrayed as having previously lived as
"...sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not
be done”, then he might have been able to draw upon the
insight to break the perpetual loop of the Laws (see Groundhog Day in
What's Wrong
With Wearing A Seat Belt? ), and he would have been able to overcome the
Laws which the Deists portrayed as being "...endowed
...with self-sustaining and self-acting powers", and free himself
from the shackles of what Jesus portrayed as
The Prison -- or the
Conditions of Birth.
Did the Jews who prayed for
deliverance from Hitler invoke the Law of Grace by repenting from their own past
actions which had orchestrated their lives in the present? Perhaps
the best answer to this question is found in another question: Has the
Rev. Wright repented from his own past as a white slave owner? And
in accord with the conditions of
The Prison of which Jesus stated
“Thou shalt by no means come out from there, till thou
hast paid the uttermost farthing” (Mat 5:26) -- would people act
differently if they realized that their present experiences is a direct result
of the previous actions of their own past soul-images? In
most instances, the religious/philosophical and political leaders in the
present, were the leaders in the past, and they are merely confronting their own
previous actions. That their followers who blindly attach themselves
to these leaders, share in the fate of what the Laws orchestrate, as each man
confronts his own past actions, is a reality that can be portrayed as a common destiny
under the Laws. The Germans who followed Hitler, will in the
future follow their leader into a type of future hell. In like
manner, those who sit in the congregation of people such as the Rev. Jeremiah
Wright who blames the white race from it plight as a black man, will continue in
the future to share in the destiny that awaits them based upon their present
allegiance to the Rev. Wright. And this is true of all of
mankind with respect to the good, the bad and the truly ugly events of this
world. The Law is that as you do unto others, the same will be
returned to you. And while this return may not be in the present
life, it will come back upon the soul until the last debt is repaid and
neutralized -- i.e.,
"...till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing”
(see Getting
Out Of The Prison). And of even greater importance is the
fact that so long as debts are owed to one's brothers and sisters, it remains
impossible to fulfill the Laws and manifest the Final Temple within one's self
(see The Laws -
The Gift On The Altar) -- which renders such a person totally incapable of
true spiritual development and advancement, and incapable of understanding the
higher reality of the soul. Which means that such a person is doomed
to failure as a generated soul-image, until the debts under the Laws are first
satisfied and overcome.
To understand the Source of Soul-Light, it is imperative to understand the
Cosmology of Mind and the Soul Mind-Matrix where all the previous soul-generated
personalities that the Soul has lived as, not only continue to dwell in what the
mystic St. Teresa portrayed as
“a castle made of a single
diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many
mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila).
In the castle or mansion of the Soul exists the previously
soul-generated personalities that continue to make the connection between the
upper three Heavenly Kingdoms and the lower three Earthly Kingdoms in that
Soul's individual slice of the vertical pie of Creation. Light, is the
product of the merger of Opposites within each Soul -- as portrayed in Gospel of
Thomas saying 22:
Jesus said to them,
"When you make the
two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the
inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female
one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;
...then will you enter the kingdom". In each life
the Soul lives as a soul-generated personality, connections are made that
connect the foregoing opposites within the Mind of the Soul=Self -- i.e.,
"...the inside [with] the outside ...and the above [with]
the below ..[thereby] making the male and the female one and the same"
-- and once the soul-generated personalities are re-attached to their Source in
the Higher Soul-Self, they act as dynamic neurons in the Mind of the Soul that
grows the Light of the Soul.
How much Light each soul-generated personality can add to the Soul-Self, is
totally dependent upon the degree that they accomplished and fulfilled the above
requirement of the Gospel of Thomas:
you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the
outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the
male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female female". And it is those
soul-generated personalities that actually achieve the next stage of birth and
fulfill the Law and the Gospel within themselves, that become the Source of the
Light of the Soul. And it is this reality within the Soul
Mind-Matrix that is presented in Gospel of Thomas
saying 84, and is conveyed in the words: (84) Jesus
said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images
which came into being before you, and which neither die nor become manifest, how
much you will have to bear!" What is being stated? Saying 84
presents what is portrayed as YOUR LIKENESS, and
YOUR IMAGES. The images that failed to
become manifest, are those soul-generated personalities that were basically
followers to the thinking, mindset and cultural/religious lifestyles of this
world -- and being of this world, they failed to achieve the next stage of
Soul-Birth that is necessary to become Manifest. And this is why the
vast majority of Souls appear as weak flickering lights. Yet, even
in the failure of these soul-generated images/personalities, they continue to
exist as building-blocks that act as a connection and catalyst of advancement by
connecting the upper three Heavenly Kingdoms with the lower three Earthly
Kingdoms -- thereby bringing together the Seven Spiritual Centers that Create
the White Light of the Soul-Self. While it is true that each life
that can be portrayed as a failed-image does not become Manifest, these
soul-generated personalities continue to act as low-level catalysts that connect
the Upper and the Lower across the spectrum of the Seven Kingdom as they
continue to exist within the Soul Mind-Matrix.
The Way Of The Monk:
The way of the monk, the yogi or the quasi-Gnostic who strives to negate the
lower centers of their earthly nature in order to make themselves more spiritual
by aligning themselves to the upper three heavenly spiritual centers, all fail
to comprehend the reality of Wholeness within the construct of the Cosmology of
Mind and Being. These paths which we can group together and portray
as the way of the monk, when properly understood, are paths which attempt
to circumvent the Laws as set forth in the
Gospel of Thomas -- i.e.,
"When you make the
two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the
inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female
one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female;
...then will you enter the kingdom" -- and only when you succeed in
bringing the opposites within your mind and being into the Center -- and evolve
the twelve-segments of the embryo of self to the level where the next stage of
birth can be achieved, only "...then will you enter the
kingdom." Which means that when any part of self is
negated, achieving the formation of the twelve-segmented embryo as patterned in
the Tree of Life (
http://TreeOfLife.Nazirene.org ), will remain impossible to achieve.
Therefore, it must be understood that the way of the monk (and all religious
systems which negate and suppress aspects of self), work in opposition to initiating the subsequent
stages of birth which bring about the expansion of mind and consciousness in the
endeavor to bring about Wholeness, Completion, and man's ultimate Perfection.
There are also quasi faux-Gnostic and various Mystery
schools and religions that have attempted
to portray the physical as evil, and only spirit as good. And while they
may call themselves Gnostic, they are not -- they are merely a different variety
of the way of the monk. Before his conversion, St Augustine who is the
author of the doctrine of Original Sin (see The Folly Of Original Sin:
http://AnInconvenientTruth.org#OriginalSin ) wherein he drew from his
Manichaean background the faux-gnostic concepts that were the bedrock of his
thinking and doctrine as presented in the
Widipedia: "Manichaeism was a major
religious movement that was founded by the Iranian prophet Mani in the Sasanian
Empire. Manichaeism taught an
dualistic cosmology
describing the
struggle between a
good, spiritual world of
light, and an
evil, material world of
darkness. Through an ongoing process which takes place in human history, light
is gradually removed from the world of matter and returned to the world of
light, whence it came. Its beliefs were based on local
gnostic and religious
movements." Throughout the above I have demonstrated the
error of both Manichaeism and the doctrine of Original Sin.
There are also
groups associated with movements such as Sant Mat and variations of Buddhism who attempt to escape what
they call the wheel of reincarnation. Yet, these groups are
attempting to escape a lower reality that they have no understanding of with
respect to the Source of Soul-Light (see The Source Of Soul-Light
http://SoulSelf.org/#SourceOfSoulLight ).
And in not understanding the reality and the purpose of man's lower nature in
the development of Soul-Light, their path is inhibiting their spiritual
progress. Further, with respect to the idea of escaping the wheel of
reincarnation, throughout the above subheading
entitled Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image, I
demonstrat that each soul-generated personality that lives in this world, is
in fact a unique image of the Soul that does not reincarnate as the Easterners
believe, or go to Glory as the Christians believe. In the above
subheading entitled The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of
Man, I demonstrate that from a Soul-perspective, Time is a dimension of
Consciousness that can be moved in -- and this reality of Time as a dimension of
Mind is further explored in the subheading Soul-Symphony
- Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral. And this in part is
an example of the body of knowledge that was possessed by the original disciples
of Jesus whereby it is stated in the Epistle of Peter to James that if this
esoteric knowledge because lost or was thrown away, that
"...it will remain even for those
who really seek the truth, always to wander in error".
Why? Because this realm is a mental womb of
Mother-Earth (see Mental Womb
http://OuterDarkness.Nazirene.org#MentalWomb ) -- and the subsequent stage
of Soul-Birth cannot be brought about, without achieving Wholeness at this level
of our Being. Neither can a person focus on the upper spiritual
centers in the head in meditation -- while negating the lower (earthly)
spiritual centers -- and become enlightened; break free of the wheel of
reincarnation; or achieve the next stage of Soul-birth -- thereby enabling the
seeker to
Enter The Kingdom Of Man.
monastic paths attempt to withdraw from the world, rather than engaging it in an
elevated consciousness and higher perspective of reality. And, while many
Eastern, Monastic and New Age paths attempt to bring this God-realization about
when they strive to focus on the spiritual centers in the head to achieve
enlightenment and what they portray as self-realization, those who instead seek
to walk the path of Completeness, the higher knowledge of self and the Gnosis
of the Kingdom, understand the requirement of Wholeness, and therefore do not walk in the way of the monk. It must therefore be
pointed out that for good reason, the word meditation does not even appear in
the Gospels. And while meditation is good, it is not the means
to bring about the next stage of birth. Meditation without engaging
the whole of self, is a path where the lower centers are negated -- and
in effect, the monk attempts to circumvent the Laws. Whereas, the teachings of TheWay represent a path where the lower centers are developed and transformed
into what is allegorically portrayed as the
Final Temple, and
the seeker/disciple strives to initiate the next stages of birth which brings
about the necessary Wholeness.
Focusing on the upper spiritual centers in the head at the expense of the
spiritual centers in the lower body, creates an inherent state of incompleteness
-- and this lack of wholeness only enables the monk to gaze at the Light of the
higher soul-self, while inhibiting them from bringing about the next stage of
birth and becoming One with their higher soul-self who is the Being of Light in
the Near Death Experience (see
http://BeingOfLight.com ). In gazing at the Light coming through the upper
spiritual centers of the body, they imagine that they see God -- when they are
yet far removed from the Source of the Light. Their path that they are
walking is said to be a safe path, because it avoids becoming entangled in man's
lower (carnal) nature. The problem is that it is a very long path, and
encompasses eons of lifetimes in a monastic environment. In contradistinction,
Jesus taught The Way -- TheWay to circumvent eons of lifetimes. And it
wasn't through blind belief -- but rather, by embracing a process and a higher
reality that completes the Laws, and reveals all realities and dimensions of
both self and God, to the mind of the seeker/disciple.
problem is seen in the fact that Wholeness requires all of the self to be
evolved to Completion and Fullness -- and this cannot be accomplished through
the negation of the lower centers -- or in the words of the yogi and many in the
New Age, to get above the mind. Especially in view of the fact that
all that exists, exists in the Mind of God -- and there is nothing but Thought
-- i.e.,
the statement made by the astronomer James Jeans:
“Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the
stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe
begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”.
And the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington: “The
stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.
In recognition that the All that Exists, Exists
in the Mind of Creator-God, the original teachings of TheWay
that was embraced by the Ebionite Nazirene disciples of Jesus, make no attempt
to "get above the mind" -- and quite the
opposite, strive instead to refine, evolve and perfect the mind to bring about Wholeness
-- and this is why meditation which is the center of the Eastern religions, is
not even mentioned in the Gospel accounts. And while the negation of the lower
centers and the focus on the upper centers often has the effect of flooding the
body with endorphins that may appear to give results in what the New Age
portrays as Christ-Consciousness, this development of the upper, at that expense
of the lower, cannot bring about the same results as achieved through
Instead of focusing on the upper spiritual centers of the body and gazing at the
Light -- becoming intoxicated by releasing the endorphins and bio-energy in the
head that is opposite in polarity to the lower sex center, which release of
bio-energy can be rightly portrayed as "head-sex" -- a True Gnostic
strives to raise up the lower centers so they not only support the upper -- but
become merged with the upper -- thereby seeking to bring about a Condition of
Wholeness. And it is this Wholeness that is not at all understood by the
monk, that enables the balanced spiritual seeker/disciple to move into the
higher reality of the soul that the monk knows nothing about. Holographically,
the pattern of the Whole -- i.e., the Macrocosm -- must be expressed in each of
the parts -- i.e., the microcosm. And because we are created in the image of
God, each of us has the attributes of the threefold self represented in the
physical body -- which, as demonstrated in the above chapters, is an allegorical
imprint of the mind.
In the
parable of the prodigal son we have two sons -- the elder remaining with the
Father -- and the younger traveling into what Jesus portrayed as the Far
Country. If we properly apply the
Key of Knowledge by
turning the scriptures within self, then we
must understand that the two sons represent an integral part of our own greater
mind and being. And herein lies one of the almost insurmountable obstacles
that inhibits the organic mind of man from comprehending his own higher
reality. The spiritual nature as portrayed in the elder son, does not
incarnate into the physical body -- but remains in what is allegorically
portrayed as the Kingdom of the Father -- just as presented in the parable.
Thus, we have the paradox seen in the higher reality that while the two sons are
an integral part of -- and the opposite polarities within the same Soul-Self -- it is also true that there exists a wall of
division which maintains a separateness between the two. Further, in
understanding the pattern that all duality is in reality a trinity where the
balance of the duality is in the third-force -- and that this third-force
balance of mind is what we call the Soul of man -- then we can begin to grasp
the threefold reality of man.
Eastern Religious systems such as Sant Mat and the various expressions of
Buddhism which teach that the soul must escape the wheel of reincarnation, lack
the Knowledge of the Cosmology of Mind and Being. As portrayed in the
parable of the two sons, neither our Higher Spiritual Nature or our Soul or
Soul-Self which is the Being of Light and our True-Self, incarnates into the
body-vessel. Like the elder son in the parable, our Higher Spiritual
Nature remains with the Father in the Kingdom -- while our Soul or Soul-Self
that is the balance between the duality of the physical-self and the
Spiritual-Self, is not contained or manifest in the physical body.
Which means that it is impossible to liberate our Soul in the manner that these
Eastern paths promote, because our Soul or True-Self does not incarnate in the
body, and therefore is not liberated through meditation or any other such
what I am presenting is an oversimplified portrayal of what is near impossible
to understand from a three-dimensional perspective, when the carnal obstructions
in the way of beliefs are removed, we can begin to grasp the
very basic concept of the Cosmology of Mind. And in this very simplified
portrayal, the spiritual nature is seen as a heavenly triad which is
representative of the three spiritual centers (or chakras) in the head, while
their reflective opposite is representative of the three earthly centers (or
chakras) in the lower abdomen. Which means that the fourth spiritual center
-- or the fourth kingdom -- is a balance between the heavenly and the earthly --
IN THE PHYSICAL. Yet, it is of the utmost importance to keep in mind that
these seven spiritual centers are merely a holograpic imprinting of the self in
the physical. Once again, the holographic Divine Pattern must be understood as
existing within every aspect of self. To say that we are a holographic pattern
or imprint of our Higher Soul-Self, means that our three spiritual centers in
the head are an image of the Three Higher Spiritual Centers of our Soul-Self --
and therefore the three spiritual centers in the head of man are images of the
Soul's Spiritual Nature. But when it is recognized that the three
lower centers are the reflective opposite of the three upper spiritual centers
-- and only when they are balanced in the Center can White-Light be manifest --
then when a religious path teaches that the lower three spiritual centers must
be negated, such a religious path is in fact inhibiting the progress of its
In a
holographic realty, the Pattern of the Whole (the Macrocosm) is imprinted into the
lesser-self or microcosm. Which means that the spiritual center in the head
that the monk meditates and gazes upon, is not the Spiritual Center of the
Higher Soul-Self -- but rather, the holographic imprinting within the physical
nature of man. Therefore, the spiritual center in the head
perceives the Light of the Soul -- enabling the monk or person in meditation to
gaze or perceive the Light of the Soul. And this is where both the monk, the yogi, guru and Eastern
master generally fail to grasp the higher reality of the soul -- often mistaking the Light of the higher
Soul-Self that they see in the reflection of
the sixth spiritual center (or chakra), with God. By
attempting to negate and suppress
the development of the lower three earthly spiritual centers -- which as a
result, fail to develop and evolve -- their monastic mindset and lifestyle
actually inhibits Wholeness. In lacking Wholeness, it becomes impossible for
them to bring about the next stage of birth -- or what we refer to as Soul-Birth
where the seeker becomes At-One with their True of Soul-Self -- and in their meditation and adoration of the Light pouring in the sixth
spiritual center which they then call Christ-Consciousness, they fail to
recognize that they are merely initiating what can best be portrayed as head-sex
and chakra-gazing at the Light coming through the sixth PHYSICAL spiritual
center -- i.e., holographically, the spiritual centers that are of the earth.
And this great confusion is seen in the fact becasue of their lack of Wholeness
and Completion, they are unable to open the
inner "narrow gate" where they would then
encounter their higher Soul and Spiritual natures that do not incarnate into the
physical body. Again, what is important is to understand the teaching on when
the Kingdom will come that is preserved in the in
The Gospel of the Nazirenes where
it is taught: And one of the disciples asked him, "How
shall a man enter into the Kingdom?" And he answered and said, "If you don't
make below as the above, and the left as the right, and the behind as the
before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit, you will not enter
into the kingdom of God." Thus the question: How does one
"...enter into the center and passing into the spirit"
with one's total focus on the vital life-force emitted from the spiritual
centers in the head -- resulting in a Lack of Wholeness? And with the negation
of the lower earthly spiritual centers -- as well as their attempt to
"get above the mind" and become intoxicated by the head-sex and
chakra-gazing which floods the body with bio-energy -- does not create the
necessary Wholeness that enables them to enter through the center into the Inner
respect to understanding the mind through the window of the scriptures, one of
the problems is seen in the fact that the inherent matrix equation is not this
simple. Both the parables and the scriptures possess a variableness that men
of an organic mind can't readily come to terms with. And this is especially
seen in the case of gender. In the diagram portrayal of the Tree of Life at
the right, the two outer columns are male and female in relation to each other
-- as is the lower earthly kingdom female (reflective) in relation to the upper
heavenly kingdom. Yet, when represented in the twelve tribes of Israel in the
Torah, each of the twelve spheres are comprised of both male and female. And
in the Gospel accounts, the twelve spheres which are represented in the analogy
of the twelve disciples, are all portrayed as singular -- and all are
allegorically portrayed as male. With respect to the Divine Pattern, prior to
the separation of Adam and Eve in Hebrew Mysticism, Adam/Eve were portrayed as
being One. And in much the same way as in the genetic pattern of man, when the
male sperm splits, one half is "Y", while the other half is "X" -- and yet, they
are merely half of the same essence (see
Ovum And Sperm). In the case of the divided sperm, either half can
fertilize an embryo, and evolve into a person. And while they may be male and
female in relation to each other, on another level they maintain their
individuality and separateness. And this is also true with respect to each of
the twelve spheres of mind as represented in the pattern of the Tree of Duality
and the Tree of Life.
In the
scriptural portrayal, the feminine is always a reflection of the active male
polarity. And once the separation occurs, the two remain both interconnected
on one level, while separate and independent on another level. And once this
separation has occurred, only an equal interaction of the two, in the evolution
of the third-force balance, can restore the original oneness -- but the end
result will be the Omega (of Completion) in relation to the Alpha (of
unknowing). What is portrayed by Jesus as the Far Country -- which, in the
Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter portrays this world as
feminine ("...For, since the present world is female,
as a mother bringing forth the souls of her children,
but the world to come is male, as a father receiving his children from their
mother" see
Ovum And Sperm) -- while the younger (prodigal) son is portrayed as male, it
is feminine-reflective in relation to the elder son that remains in the Kingdom
of the Father, and is representative of our spiritual nature. And this is the
reason why, in the Gospels, our indwelling spiritual nature is in many parabolic
instances portrayed as the bridegroom.
Divine Pattern is a hologram -- and the Pattern itself is replicated into each
of the lesser parts -- i.e., the Macrocosm and the microcosm -- Created in the
image and potential of likeness. In applying the reality of the holographic
pattern to the prodigal son, who is representative of a developing reflection of
the spiritual, the duality of the two must be dissolved through the evolution
and integration of the two within the reality of the third-force balance --
i.e., the eternal soul of man. Again, this is seen in the version of the
teaching as to when the Kingdom will come that has been preserved in the Second
Epistle of Clement in the words: "...'When two shall be
one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the
female, neither male nor female.’” Only when the division of male
and female is overcome in the maturity and evolution of the third-force
offspring, can the Kingdom come within the seeker/disciple -- bringing about the
next stage of birth that Jesus said was necessary to enter the Kingdom.
we have a spiritual nature that remains in the Kingdom and is personified in the
parable as the elder son, and we have a physical
nature that is of the earth -- as well as a transient soul-image that incarnates
and cycles in and out of this realm, our soul-nature which is the Being of
Light, is the balance between the duality of our spiritual and physical natures
-- and this duality is what is portrayed in the parable of the Two Sons -- or,
better known as the parable of the prodigal son. Yet, because of the
holographic pattern, the physical itself must have the pattern of the whole
represented within itself. In the subheading entitled the
Brain/Mind Connection, I demonstrate that the Mind is in the
Etheric Field,
and it interacts through the whole of the physical body.
then, the threefold pattern must be represented in each of the parts -- i.e.,
the pattern of the whole must be replicated in the physical body. Yet, there
is a separate soul and spiritual nature that is not at all manifest in the
physical body. From a purely physical holographic perspective, the
spiritual-physical is represented in the seven glands, or Spiritual Centers of
the body. The twelve spheres of mind that are portrayed in the diagram of the
Tree of Life (and above) that is superimposed over the DiVinci man at the right,
represent the twelve spheres of mind and are physically connected through the
organs of the body. Which means that the whole of the body is as much the
mind, as is the brain -- which is confused to be the mind, because it is the
upper power center of the mind. It's opposite is the sex organs in the lower
nature. Once understood, the lower three earthly spiritual centers, are the
feminine-reflective opposites of the upper three heavenly centers. And in the
same way that the outer columns of mind in the diagram of the Tree of Life --
consisting of three spheres of mind in each column -- are in fact male and
female in relation to each other -- and when the outer columns rule over one's
thinking, this is very much the eating of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of
Duality. In like manner, what is portrayed as the Heavenly Kingdom in the
utmost top sphere of mind, is in fact the gender and relational opposite of the
Earthly Kingdom which is presented as the bottom most spheres. And it is the
bringing of these two opposite spheres -- i.e., Heaven and Earth -- into the
Center, that is the objective of the teachings of TheWay. And it is this
objective that is portrayed with respect to when and how the Kingdom will come,
in the version of the saying in the Gospel
of the Nazirenes in the words: "And one of the
disciples asked him, "How shall a man enter into the Kingdom?" And he answered
and said, "If you don't make below as the above, and the left as the right, and
the behind as the before, entering into the center and passing into the spirit,
you will not enter into the kingdom of God." And as stated in the
above, this objective cannot be achieved through meditation, the negation of the
lower spiritual centers, or the process of "getting
above the mind". In fact, the teachings of TheWay work from a
totally opposite perspective than what is commonly embraced in the East and the
New Age.
the twelve spheres of mind are drawn with the Star of David overlain, what is
indicated is total balance of the Laws and Wholeness. Three spiritual centers
exist in the head and are physically represented in the glands -- and in the
division of what is portrayed as heaven and earth, these upper three centers
represent the heavenly, in contradistinction to the three earthly spiritual
centers or glands in the lower body. The balance in the center, is the key to
what is portrayed in the End Times prophecies of heaven on earth. These
spiritual centers which are physically manifest in the glands, are the source of
the vital life-force entering into the body from the spiritual centers that
animates the twelve spheres of mind, that must be used in order to expand the
mind beyond the organic limits -- which are biologically represented in the
gender roles as man or woman.
In the
allegory of the Fall of Man in Genesis, we see the Divine Pattern of Creation
represented in the symbolism of Adam and Eve -- and in the separation and the
eating of the fruit of the Tree of Duality (aka Tree of Knowledge of Good and
Evil), we have the allegorical symbolism of the Fall of Man in the Alpha of
Creation. But the Fall was not due to sin, as championed by the Church -- but
rather, the result of the fact that no experiential knowledge existed -- and we
became divided within ourselves. But it is through this division and
interactions of opposites, that we begin to evolve the Light of the Soul --
bringing about Completion and our Destiny in the Omega of Absolute Enlightened
Light and Knowing. And this is accomplished through the Journey of the Soul --
and the reunification of divided kingdoms and natures is accomplished through
the images portrayed in the
Gospel of Thomas
saying 84, that are generated into the fourth kingdom of man which is a
creature of both heaven and earth -- i.e., the statement in the the Wycliffe
Commentary for Genesis 2:7 where it writes: “Man's body
was fashioned from the dust of the ground, while his spirit came from the very
‘breath’ of God. He is literally a creature of two worlds; both earth and heaven
can claim him”. Once allegorically cast out of Eden after the
eating of the fruit of the Tree of Duality, this banishment was portrayed as
necessary to protect the Tree of Life -- i.e., "Then
the LORD God said, Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and
evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and
eat, and live forever -- therefore the LORD God sent him out of the garden of
Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. So He drove out the man; and He
placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which
turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life" (Gen 3:22-24
NKJ). One of the key phrases that are presented in the allegorical account, is
"...tilling of the ground from which he was taken".
The cherubim with the flaming sword (of the Laws of Karma see
http://DivineStrategery.com#TheLaws ) is what forces man to evolve -- and
this is why on Divine Strategery (
http://DivineStrategery.com ), I portray this banishment of the prodigal
sons and daughters as God's School House.
Journey is portrayed in the New Testament teachings on the Tree of Life -- i.e.,
man must overcome the Laws that divide and separate him because of the eating of
the fruit of the Tree of Duality -- i..e, "He who has
an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes
I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise
of God."' (Rev 2:7 NKJ). The Tree of Life is in the Center of the
Garden where the above quotation from the Gospel of the Nazirenes states we must
enter into Spirit -- i.e., "In the middle of its
street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve
fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were
for the healing of the nations" (Rev 22:2 NKJ). The Twelve Fruits
represent the twelve spheres of mind that are allegorically portrayed as the
twelve tribes of
or the twelve disciples of Jesus. Thus, each of us must overcome the Laws,
bring about a condition of Wholeness where the twelve both maintain their
separateness, and yet provide the necessary foundation of Oneness -- enabling
the person to enter within the reality of their own higher soul-self through the
Center -- i.e., "Blessed are they that do his
commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in
through the gates into the city" (Rev 22:14 KJV). And the twelve
spheres of mind are portrayed in the image at the right. The Tree of Duality
represents that condition when there is separation in the outer columns to the
left and right, and/or the upper heavenly kingdom with respect to the lower
earthly kingdom. The vital life-force that of course animates and powers the
mind, is drawn from the seven spiritual centers (or chakras) -- which in the
above reference at Rev 2:7, are the symbolism of the seven churches.
key to understanding the twelve spheres of mind as portrayed in the symbolism of
the Tree of Life, is when you overlay the Tree with the Star of David as seen in
the image to
left. And once understood, this is something that the physicist has the
potential to better comprehend, than the modern dogmatic religious believer.
Like the Tree of Life, the Star of David has twelve points -- six outer, and six
inner where the lines intersect. And among other things, what the angles
represent is the Laws that must be overcome in order to bring the mind to this
level of Wholeness and Completion. But in addition to the absolute wholeness
and balance of the heavenly and earthly, it also shows that the duality of the
heavenly which is projected into the upper horizontal points of the down
pointing triangle, can only be overcome by the lower most point in the earth --
and the duality of the earthly which is a reflection of the heavenly, can only
be overcome by the upper most point in the heavenly. As well as the duality of
both the left and right columns vertically, as well as the top and bottom points
in these outer columns. What this means is that if you negate the lower, in
order to achieve a greater energy flow out of the upper, you will not achieve
the same results as the Ebionite Nazirene teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and TheWay.
the Church promotes salvation through faith apart from works, once the
Revelation is understood as the Kingdom coming within the body and mind of the
seeker/disciple, they the fallacy of Church doctrine very quickly becomes
apparent. With respect to the total inadaquacy of modern Church doctrine from
a biblical and spiritual perspective, it is said of what is known as the
Epistles of Christ: “...it is impossible, if the
canons of the Church be followed, for these epistles ever to be read in the
public services” (Archbishop Trench, Church of England quoted in
Seiss' The Apocalypse -- see
Epistles of Christ). We can see how the Christians routinely eat the
forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality in their insistence that salvation is by
faith alone. In total contradiction to modern Christian doctrine, the criteria
of judgment in th eBook of Revelations that will be used for the followers of
Christ is not passive faith, or philosophical belief -- but rather, the criteria
is the peoples “works” -- i.e., what they
accomplish with their lives -- and it is used in this fashion eighteen times.
At Revelation 3:2 we find an example of one of the main differences in the
religious perspective of the first century followers of Jesus -- those who knew
him, and personally sat at his feet and learned the requirements to enter the
Kingdom -- and what we believe today: “for I have found
no works of thine perfected before my God” (Rev 3:2 ASV).
genuine Christians must therefore ask the question: What does it mean when Jesus
condemns the people because they failed to have
“perfected works” -- which in many other translations is rendered
“completed works”? From the perspective of
what Jesus taught his faithful disciples, completed and perfected works is
demonstrated by their ability to enter into the inner (Luke 17:20-21) parallel
realm that he called Heaven -- and another realm he called the Kingdom of God --
and the requirement to be spiritually pure enough to sit in the House and be
taught by the One Teacher. To follow Christ, literally means to go to where
the Master is. Since the Master is in the Kingdom, then we cannot be his
followers if we are not with him. Thus, the term
“works”, takes on a whole different dimension that neither the
Sadducees, Pharisees, the Church of Rome, nor the modern believer is able to
comprehend. And when this reality is understood, Paul was 100% correct to
proclaim that believers can't find salvation in the ritual works of the Law.
Yet, because those who read the Bible are of a carnal mindset and lifestyle, the
reality that Paul is attempting to convey is beyond their ability to even
begin to understand this important esoteric spiritual truth with respect to the
absolute need of “perfected works”, one must
begin to think dimensionally. In alchemy, the forms and symbols of the diagram
of the Tree of Life have many important meanings that can only be understood by
those who bring about the necessary transformation of self. If we draw a
horizontal line through the center of the Star of David -- or the triangle at
the right -- we can begin to grasp the obstacles that confront man and his
search for higher Truth. If the lower portion of the Tree of Life represents
the earthly, and the upper the heavenly -- then the horizontal line that makes
up the lower base of the triangle at the right, is on the earthly plane, while
the point where the duality of the earth is overcome, is on the higher heavenly
plane. If the two outer points which form the horizontal base are manifest in
the outer male/female columns of The Tree of Duality, then we can begin to grasp
the dilemma that confronts the seeker of Truth. Traditional, cultural, sexual
or emotional interaction between man and woman, cannot raise the third-force
balance of the two above the earth-plane, and into the point that makes the two
"one flesh" on the heavenly plane. Thus,
in order to bring about the necessary alchemical transformation, there must be
an interaction between the two opposite polarities that raise the third-force
balance into the higher heavenly plane.
If the
bottom horizontal base of the triangle represents the duality in the earthly,
then this duality can only be harmonized and overcome in the development of the
upper point. If the horizontal base represents the perception and
understanding from the limited reality of the earth-plane, then the elevated
point which is able to not only perceive reality from a higher plane -- but also
without the duality of the lower earth-plane -- posses an enlightened vision and
understanding that is not organic to the duality of the earth. One of the
primary obstacles that confronts seekers, is seen in the fact that to achieve
this higher vision where the duality of the earth is overcome, the third-force
balance must be raised up. Therefore, from a purely cultural perspective, what
would be commonly understood as the traditional consensus balance of opposites
(male/female) on the horizontal line of the earth plane, would only produce a
third-force balance on the same horizontal earth plane. And thus, the
majority of religious paths attempt to ignore the duality in the earth -- or
rectify this duality -- by seeking the spiritual as portrayed in the upper most
point, without understanding the nature of that elevated point of mind and
In the
same way that the soul is asexual -- and as a Being of Light that is pure
intellect and consciousness -- what exists on a soul-level is not polarized to
male of female of any other duality -- and yet, the enlightened vision of
reality is the product of the absolute balance of duality. In Jewish
Mysticism, Eve did not come into being when formed from the rib of Adam -- but
rather, Eve always existed before being separated. In the first Creation
Account, man was created from the beginning male and female in the image of God
-- i.e., "So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female created he them" (Gen
1:27 KJV) -- which indicates that what is allegorically portrayed as Eve always
existed within the reality of the One. And that to even exist in this world,
what exists must be in accord with the Divine Pattern -- and in the same way
that man and woman exists in duality, so too does even every thought that is
generated by man and woman. And only when these thoughts are balanced and made
whole across the spectrum of male and female, can the third-force balance that
exists from an enlightened higher soul-perspective exist.
The monastic mindset attempts to negate the lower -- and in meditation or ritual
practice, attempt to focus on that heavenly (upper spiritual center) point.
Yet, this cannot be accomplished in the way that they think -- or, such a path
will take a really long time spanning countless eons of monastic/ashram
controlled lifetimes. The secret to the point that is represented in the upper
most heavenly that overcomes the duality in the earth, is the reflective lower
most point of the earthly, in the Star of David. And it is here, in the
consciousness of the body as represented in the ego-self of the earth, that you
must strive to become the "good ground" in
the parable of the Sower and the Seed --
and it is here where you must strive to overcome the Laws portrayed in the
symbolism of cherubim with the flaming sword (of the Laws of Karma -- see
The Laws ).
properly understood, the Resurrection is an allegorical portrayal of the Final
Stage of Birth -- and the Gospel of Philip warned that if the next stage of
birth is not achieved while in the physical body -- i.e.,
"Those who say that first they shall die and (then) they shall arise are
confused. If they do not first receive the resurrection (while) they live, they
will not receive anything (when) they die" (see
http://DivineManna.org ) -- that what must
be accomplished while in the body, cannot be achieved after the death of the
physical. Why? In spirit, without the body, you can't work on that lower
most point of mind and being that is deeply immersed in the lower vibrations of
the earth -- so, your soul must continue to incarnate in order to overcome these
Laws which divide and separate the seven kingdoms. Yet, once in the earth, the
tendency is to seek the spirit as portrayed in the upper most point as the
solution to the earthly dilemma. The problem is seen in the fact that most
systems of religion attempt to accomplish this by suppression and negation of
the lower centers and what they call the ego-self. They attempt to become
spiritual by rejecting the flesh and the things of the earth -- in
contradistinction to evolving and perfecting what is earthly, in order to make
it a foundation for the higher and spiritual reality of mind and being.
soul of man did not enter the earth-plane to not-live, not-engage, not-know and
not-prevail over the lower realities of self and Creation. As it is written:
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be
fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every
living thing that moveth upon the earth" (Gen 1:28 KJV). Thus, it
is impossible to have dominion over the three lower kingdoms of the earth,
without directly engaging one's lower nature -- and it is impossible to be
fruitful and multiply, without the proper and balanced interaction of male and
female on all levels of our being. It is important to note that in the first
Genesis Creation account, that there is no Tree of Duality with it's forbidden
fruit -- i.e., "Then God said, Let Us make man in Our
image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the
sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over
every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own
image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the
earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of
the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. And God said,
See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all
the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.
Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything
that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb
for food; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed
it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Thus the
heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished" (Gen
1:26-2:1 NKJ).
If the
spiritual meaning of what is being allegorically portrayed is understood, then
what is called the Tree of Duality did not exist, until the separation of male
and female was brought about by the Laws in the second Creation account -- i.e.,
"And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every
tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely
die" (Gen 2:16-17 NKJ). And in the very next verse we find the
separation of Eve from the side of Adam.
In the
same way that the soul of man is asexual, and yet is the balance of all male and
female opposites, then the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality is
representative of the male and female thoughts in their divided state. The
promise is that those who eat of the forbidden fruit will die -- and this is
true of all those who eat of the Tree of Duality. From a higher soul and
spiritual perspective, they are very much dead -- and this death is expressed in
the meaning of Ecc 9:5 that "the dead
know nothing"!!! Thus, of organic man's inability to
understand the true meaning of the scriptures, the Church Father Origen writes:
“What man of sense will agree with the statement that
the first, second and third days in which the evening is named and the morning,
were without sun, moon and stars, and the first day without a heaven. What man
is found such an idiot as to suppose that God planted trees in paradise in Eden,
like a husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life, perceptible to the eyes
and senses, which gave life to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to
the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil? I believe that every man must
hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed”
(Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).
In the
same way that the polarities of male and female are representative of the
pattern of duality in the earth, the very thoughts and mental impressions -- in
addition to the (spiritual) vital energies or life-force -- what exists within
the reality of man and woman in a state of division, must be overcome and
raised up to a soul-level of being, in order to eat the fruit of the Tree of
Life. And the only way to overcome this duality, is to properly engage it --
evolve it -- and restore the male and female to a condition of Oneness and
Wholeness. Thus, the Kingdom can only be restored as presented in the Second
Epistle of Clement where Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom in the
words: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the
kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the
appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom
would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which
is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”
In the same way that there was no Tree of Duality in the first Creation account
of Genesis -- and this duality that brings death is the result of the Laws --
only when the Laws are overcome, can the Kingdom be restored within the prodigal
sons and daughters.
While there have always been entry-level pseudo-Gnostics who have preached an
earthly-evil and heavenly-good doctrine based upon fragmentary understandings,
the Gnostics who truly know, stated the necessity of evolving the earthly or
ego-personalities which are often portrayed as false-personalities, in order to
develop the essence-self or soul-impression in
Gospel of Thomas
saying 84. And thus, the earthly, or ego-self, must become the
"good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, in order for the
essence-self or soul-image to develop and evolve to it's full potential as
portrayed in the words: “…multiplying thirty, sixty, or
even a hundred times” (Mark 4:8 NIV) the soul-image or essence-self
which was implanted in the body at conception. If the ego or false
personalities are the expression of the earthly centers, then the refining of
the "good ground" in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, is representative of
the development of the lower centers -- and ultimately the earthly becoming the
bride of the heavenly opposite -- coming together in the Center.
It is
important to recognize that while you can't get to the upper point on the
heavenly plane that is beyond your reach as organic man -- the point that is the
object of worship to the ashram and monastic mindset who strive to achieve
illumination through the Light emanating through the sixth spiritual center --
if you understand and are willing to apply the
Laws of Creation and Spiritual Alchemy, you can make the lower point reflect the
upper, which enables their joining. Therefore, the lower point as portrayed
in the Star of David at the left, must be purified and evolved to the degree
that it merges with it's heavenly opposite.
properly understood, the threefold reality which the monk or yogi attempts to
tap into by the suppression of the lower and the meditating on the Light
emanating through the sixth center above and between the eyes, can be used to
demonstrate the failings of the path of both the monk and yogi who rely upon
meditation to achieve their ecstatic states of illumination and what they
portray as Christ Consciousness via the Light that enters the body and mind
through that center. Thus we must ask: Why not the topmost seventh center?
And it is in the understanding of this crucial question, that the secret to the
key of all of Creation is revealed. The top three centers in the head are the
heavenly centers -- and the sixth center is the balance of the fifth and seventh
spiritual centers (aka chakras). The amount of Light that has the potential
to illumine the mind, is the result (or fruit) of the balance of the fifth and
seventh spiritual centers -- which balance is manifest in the sixth center.
And herein lies the problem -- i.e., part of us is manifest in the lower
vibrations associated with the earth and earth-consciousness -- and the higher
reality of the soul or soul-self, cannot even be approached, without the
Wholeness of the seven spiritual centers -- which cannot be balanced without the
evolved balance of mind as portrayed in the diagram of the twelve spheres of the
Tree of Life with the Star of David overlain.
this means is that while the monk or yogi can learn to meditate and tap into the
Light of the sixth spiritual center, their path is a slow and safe way by virtue
of not engaging the lower three centers which are earthly -- or more correctly,
by engaging them by proxy through their disciples who they guide in their
path. The problem is that because they have chosen to follow this slower and
safer path, it is impossible for them to achieve balanced wholeness, and neither
the monk or yogi can achieve the next stage of birth -- which stage of birth in
a given life is not even their objective. In the same way that in a sexual
path such as the Egyptian Temple Prostitutes and Priests -- or even a sexual
addict who is addicted to the energy release from the lower triad spiritual
centers -- the monk and yogi becomes consumed by the energy pouring into the
body-mind by the triad in the head -- a condition which they often call
Christ-Consciousness. In the same way that carnal man can't achieve the next
stage of birth because of his lack of balanced wholeness, neither can the monk
or yogi achieve the next stage of birth because they lack balanced wholeness
from the perspective of the opposite polarity. And this void created by the
imbalance, is why the word meditation does not even appear in the Gospels -- and
why Jesus stated that there is only One Way into the Kingdom. This is not to
say that the Eastern paths are wrong -- only opposite from the teachings of
TheWay -- and those souls who choose the Eastern path, feel that the safety of
this very controlled path outweigh its inherent weaknesses. Sadly, in most
instances, while the yogi understands this higher reality of the path he has
chosen, the monk who is ruled over by blind faith, does not.
a summary explanation which will be explored throughout the following, if the
triangle above represents the dilemma from the perception of man on the
earth-plane with the horizontal duality that must be satisfied by the
third-force point of the heavenly plane -- and the vast number of religions
attempt to overcome the dilemma by negating and getting above the mind by
seeking that higher point to the exclusion of the lower -- then the Ebionite
Nazirene teachings of TheWay embraces an opposite Gnostic path. As presented
in the parable of the Sower and the Seed,
the teachings of TheWay strive to develop and evolve the lower point by making
the reflective earth ego-self the "good ground".
And this is the objective of allegory of the Torah and the manifestation of the
lower animal appetites that must be evolved and perfected, in the AskMoses.com
portrayal of the
Final Temple. And it is the evolved development and perfection of these
lower centers, that embodies TheCall to the parable of the Wedding Feast,
wherein each who comes to TheCall, must have on the appropriate
"wedding garment" -- which signifies the
evolved perfection of the lower earthly spiritual centers which are
intentionally negated by the paths of
monk and yogi. And this is why, contrary to the Eastern Paths, the Gospel of
Thomas is consumed with the development of self as seen in the wisdom:
"But if you will
not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty... Whoever
finds himself is superior to the world". The self that the seeker
must find, is the indwelling soul-self that is the focus of the True Self in the
Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (explored above and throughout), and this can only be
achieved through the Wholeness of an evolved mind that brings about the next
stage of birth. Again, we see the relationship between the lower earthly
point that is the solution to the upper heavenly duality, in conjunction with
the upper heavenly point that is the solution to the earthly duality, and when
evolved Wholeness is achieved, how the perfected fruit of the Tree of Life is
portrayed in the symbol of the Star of David.
In the
same way that the sixth spiritual center (chakra) is the balance between the
fifth and seventh heavenly spiritual centers in the head -- and the second
spiritual center (chakra) is the balance of the lowest first and the third
spiritual (sex) centers. -- Thus, we have an upper heavenly triad, a lower
earthly triad, and it is the fourth spiritual center which is often
allegorically portrayed as the Son of Man in the scriptures, which is the
balance of what is portrayed as heaven and earth. The totality of mind is the
balance between the seven spiritual centers and the physical body -- and the
mind is manifest in the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life. And this is the
primary reason why the paths of the monk and yogi teach the need to get above
the mind -- not being able to engage the mind and evolve it to Wholeness,
because of the negation of the lower centers. The twelve tribes of Israel
have absolutely nothing to do with an historical people -- but rather,
represent an allegorical portrayal of the mind as patterned in the Tree of Life
-- as is the higher presentation of the twelve disciples an allegorical
portrayal of the perfected mind in the Gospels.
And this is why Paul
warned the Galatians who were attempting to embrace Jewish ritualistic ways,
stated to them: “Tell me, ye that desire to be
under the law, do ye not hear the law?” And
then Paul goes on to explain to those who want to attempt to read the written
word literally, in an historical context as Christians do today:
“For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by
a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born
after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an
allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).
One of
the main differences is seen in the fact that while the Old Testament
allegorical presentation of the twelve spheres as divided by virtue of being
portrayed as tribes, the Gospel accounts present the twelve spheres as being
singular -- and in harmony with that Wholeness which is presented in the name
Yeshua/Joshua/Jesus. Thus, what is presented in the Gospel account, is the
perfection and completed wholeness of the Old Testament and the Law -- and this
is why Paul stated that the coming of Jesus represented the end of the Law -- or
more correctly, the perfection and objective of the Law. And therein lies the
problem in that the majority of Gentiles were to carnal and heathen to even
begin to understand the esoteric truths that are presented in the allegorical
Gospel account, and they made the grave error of reading the scriptures
literally and historically, in the manner of the Pharisees. As stated under
the heading of Intellectual Idiots: Quoting the Church historian Eusebius who
writes of the doctrines conceived by the early Christians Papias and Irenaeus:
“Papias reproduces other stories communicated to him by
word of mouth, together with some otherwise unknown parables and teachings of
the Saviour, and other things of a more allegorical character. He says that
'after the resurrection of the dead there will be a period of a thousand years
when Christ's kingdom will be set up on this earth in material form'. I suppose
he got these notions by misinterpreting the apostolic accounts and failing to
grasp what they said in mystic and symbolic language. For he seems to have been
a man of very small intelligence, to judge from his books..."
(Eusebius, Hist Eccl., Book III, 39.11). Thus, the pseudo-intellectuals and
Atheists who ignore the most spiritual authorities, while disparaging the
immature in the folly of their misguided error, are little more than
the monk and yogi will proclaim that they are getting above the mind, their own
imbalance and focus on the upper spiritual centers to the exclusion of the
lower, causes them to dwell in an opposite polarity of illusion in a different
chamber of Plato's Cave. Because they lack Wholeness, it becomes impossible
for them to achieve the next stage of birth -- and while they become intoxicated
by the Light entering into the upper spheres of mind by meditating on the sixth
spiritual center, they can't become that Light -- and they can't achieve
soul-birth -- because of their imbalance and lack of Wholeness.
only are the lower three earthly centers the paired opposites of the upper three
heavenly centers -- but the spiritual centers and associated spheres of mind are
paired across the spectrum of gender as manifest in male and female. But this
is not apparent unless you come to understand the holographic reality of man and
woman as the cosmic sperm and ovum that must achieve the next stage of birth.
Moreover, while in our divided reality as man or woman we exist as an ego-self,
or embryonic soul-image, our true being is manifest in the higher reality of our
soul, or soul-self that is the Being of Light encountered in the Near Death
Experience (NDE). In the same way that a sperm or ovum is not representative
of the whole person, we are not representative of the wholeness of our soul or
higher soul-self. And because the womb of our physical mother's is simply not
the environment necessary to develop the mind and bring about the next stage of
birth, our soul-image is connected in a fetus that is born into this world --
divided across the spectrum of cosmic ovum and sperm in the womb of Mother-Earth
-- which world presents to us the necessary environment to bring about the
expansion of mind and consciousness in the quest to initiate the next stage of
soul-birth. And man and woman who possess the potential to initiate and
fulfill the Laws which bring about this next stage of birth, must develop those
areas of mind that are beyond the level of organic consciousness.
modern culture which is consumed with explicit and rampant sex, attempts to
portray biblical morality as being out of date and the product of undue
restraint. Yet, it is our modern culture that is bound by its ignorance of
man's higher soul and spiritual reality. When
Jesus healed by making the person Whole, he eliminated and dissipated the
negative connections in that person's
Field/Mind that inhibited them from progressing in TheWay. That these negative
connections of mind are initiated by sex with a multitude of partners -- and
often result in physical disease and maladies -- is because these
negative connections not only interfere with the flow of vital life-force, but
drain the person of necessary energy needed to bring about the expansion of the
mind, through connections to others. In the case of the Gospel account of
the Woman at the Well who could not receive the Living Waters due to the fact
that she did not have a husband (see
Woman At The Well), her connection to five other men was easily seen and
detected by Jesus in her
Field/Mind. Moreover, because she was anchored to five men -- and could not
therefore even have a husband -- her lifestyle and flat-lined mindset inhibited
her from receiving the Living Waters of the Spirit (see
Lilith, The Demonic Reality Of The Modern
Feminist Movement ). And it was for this very reason with respect to
connections in the
Etheric Field/Mind that anchored people to this world, that Jesus condemned
even looking on another person who was not your spouse with lust -- i.e.,
"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You
shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to
lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart"
(Matt 5:27-28 NKJ - see
we have sex with a person, we initiate a lasting connection between the
Etheric fields
that act as routes and gateways upon which a constant flow of thoughts and
mental impressions travel between people. And it is these connections from
mind to mind with other people, that inhibit and even obstruct us from achieving
a state of oneness on a higher level with our spouse. And this results in
either a loss of vital life-force in the case of a man, or the bombardment of
invading thoughts in the case of a woman -- and is why Jesus warned about even
looking on a woman with lust -- or in the case of a woman, attempting to attract
the attentions of a man who is not her husband. And that the mystic
visionaries who composed the scriptures understood reality from a higher etheric
level that organic man is blind to, is the reason why the scriptures are so
consumed with sexual purity and marriage (see
If we
draw a vertical line through the middle of the triangle from to top bottom, we
can begin to grasp the solution with respect to the Laws that must be
overcome. The two horizontal points on the base of the triangle, are imbedded
in the outer columns of the Tree of Duality -- and for this duality to be
overcome, the angles must be equal and reversed with respect to the Laws that
will bring about the evolution of the center point. Where normal male/female
physical and emotional interaction will remain earth-bound with the third-force
balance remaining of the horizontal plane, when a Husband and Wife work on
evolving the mind and thinking of each other, as both male and female in
harmonic balance -- while evolving that third-force which is the sum of that
union of "one flesh" -- while seeking the
higher truth of mind that is manifest in their soul, and the higher reality of
the Kingdom that is manifest in their spiritual nature -- then the duality is
overcome in the Third-Force balance, and the Alchemical Transformation is
brought about through the application of the Laws and Forces of Creation which
manifest Completion within the Divine Marriage.
objective is to elevate one's mind and being to the higher soul-plane of
reality. One of the problems is seen in the fact that there is no duality of
male of female on the soul-plane -- and yet, our higher soul-plane is the result
of all duality of male and female raised up in perfect balance and wholeness.
Our higher soul-self is neither male nor female -- and this higher reality
cannot be reached when our thoughts and mindset are imbued with the duality of
male or female -- i.e., the fruit of the Tree of Duality. Yet, within the
environment of a Divine Marriage where male and female have been merged into
"one flesh" (Matt 19:6), this duality of
mind and being can be overcome -- and the original pattern of Adam/Eve manifest
within the reality of Husband and Wife.
order to accomplish this transformation, the Husband and Wife must seek to make
themselves a Holy and Consecrated Final Temple -- where the lower appetites of
the animal consciousness of the body are raised up to their highest expression
as portrayed in the AskMoses.com presentation (see
Temple). And
it was this reference to the Law that Jesus stated not one jot or tittle would
be negated, till all is Completed. But an all-important reality of Law must be
recognized and observed, if this spiritual alchemical transformation is to be
brought about. In its final manifestation as a triangle, each of the
male/female horizontal opposites, are themselves equal points in a triangle that
they are themselves part of, and they are the center of. Which means that the
male and female opposites must not only reflect each other in the reverse of
their polarities, but that the Laws that form the linear connection on the earth
plane, as well as the linear connection which arises into the heavenly plane,
must all be equal and harmonically balanced. And while this may sound complex
to many, this is exactly what happens in the physical process of birth which
every succeeding level is patterned after. In the same that the genetics of an
embryo must have a perfectly balanced chromosomal balance across the DNA of
mother and father, in order for the third-force of the offspring to begin to
evolve into an fetus and be born as an infant, so too must the balance of male
and female opposite impressions of mind manifest this same harmonic balance
between Husband and Wife in a Divine Marriage.
Why There Is No Such Thing As Reincarnation? - Or
Heavenly Glory? Once again man's inability to comprehend his own higher
soul-reality, is largely because of his inherent inability to understand the
nature of Duality and Paradox. And while some people
attempt to merely dismiss both Duality and the Paradoxical reality of this
world, such people do not possess either the necessary depth of vision, or a mature
comprehension, that would even allow and permit them to perceive beyond the
limits of their dogmatic and ideological beliefs. Therefore,
to even begin to understand the dilemma of life and man's fate when he passes
from this world with greater depth, it is imperative to understand the nature
and resolution of the paradoxical reality that confronts every single seeker
that has ever -- or ever will -- walk upon the face of the earth.
Paradoxical Truths exist on a lower plane as diametrically opposite polarities
of truth that, on this level of divided reality, not only oppose and seemingly
conflict with each other -- but like male and female opposites, must be merged
and raised up within the construct of a third-force higher realty, in order to
solve the dualism of the equation.
There are people who not only claim to remember past lives -- but there is a
body of factual evidence to substantiate their claims. On the other
hand, there are
those who say that there is no such thing as reincarnation -- and from one
paradoxical perspective, there is truth to their position. Yet,
there are others who not only proclaim reincarnation as a provable fact -- but
in many instances, they can remember events drawn from their own and others past
lives. And thus, it is important to pose the question: What if both
positions are true -- i.e., that while the soul does live many lifetimes in its
journey toward perfection and completion -- and yet, the person you are in this
world has not only never lived prior to your own physical conception in the womb
of your mother, and when you pass from this life you will never be reborn as
another person. What if both seemingly conflicting positions possess
truth -- and yet, they are both lacking a higher Truth that brings the
paradoxical opposite positions into Oneness. Which means that
those who believe in reincarnation, as well as those who reject reincarnation,
while possessing degrees of truth, are not only equally in error from the perspective of the Greater Picture of
Reality -- but that they will each remain hopelessly flat-lined, until which
time their thinking, awareness and knowledge has evolved beyond their present
The Eastern doctrine of reincarnation is built upon
the foundation that the Soul of man incarnates into the body -- passing through
what they portray as the cloud of forgetfulness where the person is stripped of
any past live recall -- and the objective is to break the cycles of what they
call the Wheel of Rebirth. On the other hand, the teaching on the
pre-existent Soul that evolves to Wholeness and Completion over the course of
many (incarnations) lifetimes, is based upon the reality that the Soul is far
too vast to incarnate into our three-dimensional realm -- especially when it is
understood that what we call Time, is a dimension of Mind and Consciousness (see
The Enigma Of Time And The Soul Of Man ) -- and all the lives that the Soul
has lived are unique expressions of the Soul that continue to dwell within what
can be portrayed as the Soul Mind-Matrix (see The
Evolving Soul). Which means that while each of us is a unique
expression of our Higher Soul-Self (see Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image) -- and our Higher Soul-Self that is our True-Self,
evolves to Wholeness and Completion over the course of many Unique Incarnations.
Many of the
teachings that were suppressed and removed from the Gospels by the Roman Church
have been preserved in the Gospel
of Thomas. While what is revealed in the
Gospel of Thomas
saying 84 may sound strange to the modern Christian, it represents an
important foundational teaching that was removed from the Gospels by the later
Pagan Church of Rome (see
http://BibleCorruption.com ). What is our true nature and form? Our Soul
is our True-Self, and is the Being of Light that many people encounter in the
published accounts of what is known as the Near Death Experience (see
Being Of Light). And one of the
realities that is unknown today, is the fact that you need not physically die,
in order to come into the presence of the Being of Light within you -- i.e.,
your true soul-self. In fact, one of the primary objectives of the Gospel is
to enable the believer to draw near and actually become At-One with their higher
Soul-Self who is a Being of Light -- and thereby prevail over the forces of this
world -- manifesting the Heavenly Kingdom within one's self -- and walking the
earth as a one's true self, a Being of Light. But herein lies the problem: Men
and Women look at their reflected image in a mirror, and they think they are
seeing the true being that they are. And thus, because of man's own ignorance
of his true self and form, this higher reality could not be revealed to men of a
carnal mindset who Paul correctly portrays as being of an
"animal-soul" level of consciousness (see
Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower
Animal Nature ), it remains impossible for organic man to grasp the higher
realities of the soul and the Kingdom of God. Yet, if each person is to
overcome the ignorance of this world with respect to our true nature and form,
then it is important to begin to recognize the reality of self that is being
portrayed in the Gospel of Thomas saying 84, and is conveyed in the words:
(84) Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you
rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and
which neither die nor become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"
What is being stated? Saying 84 presents what is portrayed as
IMAGES. It does not say: When you see God -- and this is because you
dwell within the reality of your own soul-self -- and it is your soul-self that
is in the above portrayed as "your likeness"
that dwells within God. When rightly understood, we only dwell within God by
proxy. In the teaching where it poses the question:
"...But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which
neither die nor become manifest" -- it is making reference to all
the previous incarnations the Soul lived which failed to achieve the necessary
subsequent stages of birth -- and are therefore portrayed as failed images that
did not become manifest or At-One with their True-Self.
the Book of Genesis it is proclaimed that if the forbidden fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil (aka Tree of Duality) were to be eaten, that the
eater thereof will die. And while critics of the Bible have
often pointed out that after eating the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve did not die
as promised -- what the critics fail to understand is that death from a biblical
perspective, is not the same as physical death (see
The Dead
Know Nothing). And this is why Jesus said of the people of this
world: "...let the dead bury their own dead"
(Matt 8:22 NKJ). When the
inherent paradoxical duality of this world is understood as being of the mind -- and the
duality of the male and female columns of the
Tree of Life is understood --
along with the duality and division of what is portrayed in the diagram at the
right as the Heavenly Kingdom and the Earthly Kingdom -- then it is the duality
of the fruit or knowledge of the paradoxical truths of this world that is
portrayed as the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that brings
death to the eater thereof. And a prime example of this forbidden
paradoxical truth is demonstrated in the beliefs in either Eastern reincarnation
or that of the Western idea that believers go to Glory. The problem
is seen in the fact that both beliefs hold a degree of truth as well as error --
and like all paradoxical truths, greater error is embraced when you embrace the
one polarity and reject its opposite -- which is from a higher soul-perspective,
equally true.
The True Self: The Gospel of Thomas warns
that if you don't know thyself, that you will dwell in a state of poverty.
The Epistle Of Peter and James goes as far as to warn that if the body of
esoteric knowledge of the Gospel become lost, that
"...it will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in
error." (see Always To Wander In Error).
The Gospel itself teaches that if the
Key of Knowledge is
dogmatically thrown away and not properly applied to the interpretation of the
scriptures, that the believer will be inhibited from entering into the Kingdom.
Jesus posed the question:
"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and
yet lose or forfeit his very self?" (Luke 9:25).
Therefore, how can you "...lose or forfeit [your] very
self?" In Emerson's article on the
Oversoul it is stated that
"...our conscious ego is
slight and limited in comparison to the soul, despite the fact that we
habitually mistake our ego for our true self" (see
The Oversoul). And in like manner, in The Ten
Principles Of Gnostic Revelation Philip K. Dick writes:
"Each of us has a
divine counterpart unfallen who can reach a hand down to us to awaken us. This
other personality is the authentic waking self; the one we have now is asleep
and minor" (see The Divine
Counterpart). In the teachings of G.I.Gurdjieff the people
of this world are portrayed as "false personalities".
In the Gospel of Thomas saying 84 the people of this world are portrayed as
previously generated failed images (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image).
Moreover, The Apocalypse of Peter also contains a description of Jesus’
death that differs drastically from the New Testament gospels. When Peter sees
Jesus being arrested he asks, “Who is the one smiling
and laughing above the cross? Is it someone else whose feet and hands they are
hammering?” Jesus answered, “The
one you see smiling and laughing above the cross is the living Jesus. The one
into whose hands and feet they are driving nails is his fleshly part, the
substitute for him. They are putting to shame
the one who came into being in the likeness of the living Jesus.
Look at him and look at me.” And from this higher perspective
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth reads,
“It was another who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me
with the reed; it was another. It was another upon whom they placed a
crown of thorns. But I was rejoicing in the height over their error. And I was
laughing at their ignorance.”
From the perspective of
Plato's Cave, the ultimate
illusion is that man in his physical organic form is his true self.
That man is a shadow image of his true self that is not manifest in the physical
body-vessel -- an embryonic projection of our true self (see
Man As An
Embryonic Soul-Image) that is very much like the seed that is cast into the
ground in the parable of the
Sower And The Seed
-- and the development of the seed-essence is wholly dependent upon the
condition of the body-consciousness. From a scriptural perspective,
the seed that brings forth one hundredfold and can be portrayed as the
ground", is representative of that person who travails in TheWay and transforms
his body and physical consciousness into the
Final Temple --
and as the High Priest of the Living Temple, the disciple of TheWay is then able
to enter within the "narrow strait gate" within himself -- enter the Kingdom of
Light through the presence of the higher soul and true self -- there by escaping
what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness"
of mind and being (see
Outer Darkness) -- which can also be portrayed as escaping the illusions of
Plato's Cave.
If it is indeed true that we are
an "image" of our true soul-self that is not
manifest in the body-vessel, then we would be forced to not only perceive the
scriptures from a totally different perspective, but also we would have to
re-think the reality of self
we are in this world and our inherent relationship to our true self -- i.e., our soul-self.
In the early scripture known as the Dialogue of the Savior, which was
found in the Nag Hammadi Library of Christian Scriptures, Jesus explained that
our natural dwelling place is a “place of life”
where “the true mind dwells” that is
“only pure light.” Thus,
confirming our true soul-reality as a
Being of Light.
It is also important to note that there existed a segment of the Church as late
as the 6th century that possessed the soul-knowledge that man's true
reality and form was a Being
of Light. Among the condemnations of the Emperor Justinian against Origen
in the 2nd Council of Constantinople in the year 553 where the teachings on the
preexistent soul was condemned and deemed heresy from a dogmatic Church
perspective, where this statement:
"If anyone says or thinks that, at the resurrection, human bodies will rise
spherical in form and unlike our present form, let him be anathema" (see
Council Agenda). The problem is that the true form of the soul is a
spherical Being of Light
-- and the human body is merely an allegorical manifestation of the mind
projected into the symbols of matter. Moreover, in our natural state we are a
Being of Light -- and our
body-vessel which we inhabit in this world, is merely an allegorical projection
of mind and spirit into the image of the body. That the journey of the soul
over the course of many lifetimes was an integral part of the teachings of Jesus
and TheWay -- and was removed by the Roman Emperors who ruled over the doctrines
of the Church -- is demonstrated conclusively in
The Ten Reasons Why The Church
Rejects The Teaching On The Pre-Existent Soul.
In each instance it is
demonstrated that the person you are in this world is not the true being that
you are -- but rather, a projected image of your soul which is your true self
that does not incarnate into this world. Which means that the
person you are as an embryonic soul-image projected into this world at
conception, and it can therefore be stated that you have never lived previous to your present birth.
Moreover, if you fail to attain the next stage of birth that Jesus said is
necessary to enter into Life, as a
soul-image that has failed to become manifest, as portrayed in Gospel of Thomas
saying 84, you can neither reincarnate or can you go to Glory as the dogma of the Church assumes. Which
means that a more enlightened
understanding of the Cosmology of Mind would convey to us the correct
understanding of the warning of Jesus with respect to the words:
"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide
is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many
who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads
to life, and there are few who find it"
(Matt 7:13-14 NKJ) -- the
word translated "destruction", in no manner
represents what is actually being presented. Quoting the footnote on this word
in the Schofield Reference Bible which reads: “There is
no thought in these various words of annihilation but of something that is
ruined and thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its original purpose”.
And in the same way that a woman does not perish if one of her eggs fails to
evolve into a fetus, neither does the soul perish when one of its images which
is projected into this world, fails to evolve through the three stages of
birth. And in the same way that the woman's egg that fails to become an
embryo is "...thus unsuitable or unable to fulfill its
original purpose”, so too is the embryonic image of the soul that is
projected into this world "...unsuitable or unable to
fulfill its original purpose.” And this purpose, is to bring about
the necessary threefold birth that enables the soul to enter into what Jesus
portrayed as Life. To further demonstrate the higher reality of birth that
was portrayed to Nicomedus in the Gospel of John (see
Ovum And Sperm), Jesus stated: "...Most assuredly,
I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
-- and this fact is a true reality of life.
It is important to understand the principle of Wholeness -- as when Jesus healed
the people -- i.e., "They that are whole have no need
of a physician" (Matt 9:12). And when the scriptures are
understood in their original context, this is in fact the question that is posed
to everyone: "When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew
that he had been now a long time in that condition, he said unto him, Will you
be made whole?" (John 5:6). And this lack of wholeness --
or, division between the person you are in this world, and your higher soul-self
who is your true-self and Being of Light -- is what is being referenced to in
the Epistle of James where it states: "a two-souled man
is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8) -- which Barns Notes On The
Bible states: "A double minded man - The word here
used, δίψυχος dipsuchos occurs only here and in
James 4:8.
It means, properly, one who has two souls" And
James 4:8 reads: "draw nigh to God, and He will draw
nigh to you; cleanse hands, ye sinners! and purify hearts, ye two-souled!"
And of those who are portrayed as being divided -- i.e., two-souled -- James
writes that
"For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord"
(James 1:7). And with respect to the original Gospel Message,
achieving a state of Wholeness and becoming ONE with one's higher soul-self, is
the initial objective of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.
In the Key of Knowledge I raise and answer the
question: Is the Gospel
Copied From Another Source? Briefly quoting from this article:
What the Atheists and critics have never
considered is this: The fact that what is presented is in the scriptures is not
at all an historical account (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
-- but rather, what is presented is a series of Universal Allegorical Symbols of
Laws, Natural Forces and Higher Consciousness that is totally relevant to every
person who has ever walked upon the face of the earth. What this means is that
such allegorical symbols as the
Virgin Birth,
Twelve Disciples, the symbol of
that is not at all understood, the crucifixion, and even the name Jesus, all
portray realities and conditions of mind that are as universal to the Ebionite
Nazirene authors of the Gospels, as these universal allegorical symbols are to
all the people's of the earth -- even those who live on a remote island. As a
mystic begins to comprehend the reality of what is portrayed as the
Illusions of Plato's Cave --
and he begins to discover that what is portrayed as illusions, are in fact
allusions -- and all the forms of nature are imbued with aspects of mind
impressed into the forms that man sees and interacts with on a physical level --
only then can such a mystic begin to evolve to the degree that they fulfill the
statement in the Gospel of
Thomas: (5) Jesus said,
"Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become
plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."
The fact that this world is very much a mental-womb (see
The Womb
Of Mother-Earth) -- and what man observes in the outer world are aspects of
mind projected into the forms of nature that when rightly understood, have the
power to nourish him in the Gospel objective of bringing about the
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind -- culminating in the initiation of the
next stage of soul-birth where the person you are in this world as an
Embryonic Image
Of Your Higher Soul-Self (see also
Reality Of The Soul), is then able to be nourished by the higher impressions
of the soul which act as food for the mind, in conjunction with the Universal
Laws and Forces of Consciousness acting within the Cosmology of Mind which has
been preserved in the esoteric base of knowledge concealed within the
allegorical scriptures (see
An Inconvenient Truth)
-- as the seeker/disciple brings about that condition of mind portrayed in the
name Jesus (Yeshua/Joshua), as the prodigal son/daughter is reborn in the Edenic
Kingdom of Origination (see
http://GateOfEden.com ).
What believers, critics and pseudo-intellectuals all fail to understand is the
reality that man does not make up the allegorical symbols that are used in the
scriptures -- but rather, he interprets from a higher state of mind what already
exists. In the analogy of Plato's
Cave, the forms and images that are danced upon the wall of the Cave that
those imprisoned erroneously believe is real, are created by objects of a higher
reality that are real. And this is why the
Gospel of Thomas declares
the necessity to "Recognize what is
in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..."
The fact that EVERYTHING that you observe in Nature is aspects of mind
allegorically impressed into the forms that organic man observes with his very
limited physical senses -- and the meaning of these allegorical symbols are the
expression of Divine Providence -- the authors of the scriptures merely used
what is called the "language of the soul" to compose the scriptures in a
language that already exists and is Universally Comprehended by the higher
soul-self of each person that is not manifest in the physical body (see
Man As An
Embryonic Image Of Your Higher Soul-Self ). That the symbolism themselves
in their original scriptural native environment has the power to act as a
catalyst that connects the seeker/disciples mind with what these symbols
represent within the Mind of the Soul-Self -- and that as a catalyst, the
allegorical scriptures composed in the language of the soul has the potential to
bring about the
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind -- is a reality that those who reject the
scriptures as mere myth, do not at all understand.
If we begin to understand the above -- and the fact
that the ancient Mystery Religions were all in search of escaping the illusions
of this world -- prevailing against the Forces and Laws of Mind and
Consciousness -- and with respect to Pythagoras the article on his religious
system tells us: "Pythagoras
and his followers were important for their contributions to both religion and
science. His religious teachings were based on the doctrine of metempsychosis,
which held that the soul was immortal and was destined to a cycle of rebirths
until it could liberate itself from the cycle through the purity of its life. A
number of precepts were drawn up as inviolable rules by which initiates must
live. Pythagoreanism differed from the other philosophical systems of its
time in being not merely an intellectual search for truth but a
whole way of life
which would lead to salvation. In this respect it had more in common with the
mystery religions than with philosophy."
Thus, it was the objective of
Pythagoras to embrace "Wholeness" -- and if
one can begin to comprehend the Laws and Forces controlling one's own mind and
being -- in conjunction with the Law of Octaves (see
The Law Of
Octaves) -- this knowledge of numbers as it applies to one's own mind and
being, is of the utmost importance.
When our astronauts flew to the moon, while it is
true that rocket propulsion was used to escape the earths gravity and limiting
factor of its organic atmosphere, the astronauts then utilized the Natural Laws
to escape the pull of the earth, and permit the spacecraft to be pulled to its
destination. Scientifically, this would be portrayed as slingshot paths that
are called Gravity Assist Trajectories. They use the gravity and motion of
planets to pull a spacecraft into a new path. Quoting the article on Navigation in
space: "Gravity
is a very important force. Every object in space exerts a gravitational pull on
every other, and so gravity influences the paths taken by everything traveling
through space. It is the glue that holds together entire galaxies. It keeps
planets in orbit. It makes it possible to use human-made satellites and to go to
and return from the Moon. It makes planets habitable by trapping gasses and
liquids in an atmosphere. It can also cause life-destroying asteroids to crash
into planets. ...Consider Voyager 2 ... the spacecraft's arrival was carefully
timed so that it would pass behind Jupiter in its orbit around the Sun. As the
spacecraft came into Jupiter's gravitational influence, it fell toward Jupiter,
increasing its speed toward maximum at closest approach to Jupiter. Since all
masses in the universe attract each other, Jupiter sped up the spacecraft
substantially, and the spacecraft slowed down Jupiter in its orbit by a tiny
amount, since the spacecraft approached from behind. At this point, Voyager 2
had been sped up enough by Jupiter's gravity to get a speed greater than
Jupiter's escape velocity. As it left, it slowed down again, but it never slowed
all the way to the speed it was before getting to Jupiter. It left the area near
Jupiter faster and in a different trajectory. This technique was repeated at
Saturn and Uranus. Gravity assists can be also used to decelerate a spacecraft,
by flying in front of a body in its orbit. When the Galileo spacecraft arrived
at Jupiter, passing close in front of Io in its orbit, Galileo experienced
deceleration, helping it go into orbit around Jupiter. "
So, our scientists in understanding the Natural Laws,
timed their sequences where they initiated rocket burns to take advantage of the
natural movement of the planets, where they could then manipulate these Natural
Forces to bring about the results which they envisioned. In the
Law Of Octaves there is a natural twisting
of the sequence between the third to fourth sequence-step -- and when this
twisting sequence is applied to our own minds, it is this twisting of the Laws
that keeps our thinking earth-bound and carnal. But in living a
Wholistic Lifestyle, Pythagoras, the core of the ancient Mystery Religions, as
well as Jewish, Christian and Sufi Mystics, came to understand how the proper
impressions at the right interval of the progression of one's thinking, had the
effect of a rocket-burn that broke the pull of the earth-carnal -- enabling the
seeker/disciple to begin to break through the barrier of what Jesus portrayed as
the "outer darkness" of mind and
being (see
Outer Darkness) -- which can also be portrayed as escaping the illusions of
Plato's Cave.
And when what Jesus portrayed as the
Key of Knowledge
is applied to the scriptures in the endeavor to turn them within to unlock the
inner "narrow strait gate"
within one's self -- entering the Kingdom of Light through the presence of the
higher soul and true self -- by achieving what Jesus
portrayed as the next stage of soul-birth, the image-self was then able to
prevail over the Laws and Forces of the physical body and mind, and enter into
the Permanence of the Higher Soul-Self -- and ultimately, the Indwelling
Logos/Son of God.
In the approximate year of 178 of our Common Era, Celsus, the Epicurean
Philosopher and opponent of Christianity published a rather embarrassing work in
opposition to Christianity known as The True Word or Discourse. It is
said that this work was widely published and used by the Pagan world as an
attack on the Church. Seventy years after its publication The True Word
was still so widely circulated, that the Church Father Origen was commissioned
by St. Ambrosius to refute this attack by Celsus. When Celsus attacked
the Church for being a “secret system”,
teaching some a different doctrine than others, Origen replied:
“Moreover, since he frequently calls the Christian
doctrine a secret system, we must confute him on this point also, since almost
the entire world is better acquainted with what Christians preach than with the
favorite opinions of philosophers. For who is ignorant of the statement that
Jesus was born of a virgin, and that He was crucified, and that His Resurrection
is an article of faith among many, and that a general judgment is announced to
come, in which the wicked are to be punished according to their desserts, and
the righteous to be duly rewarded?”
Fundamentally, what Origen enumerated was elementary Christian doctrine 101 --
i.e., what the Apostle Paul refers to as the “milk”
-- or that basic doctrine which still exists to this very day (see
Mystery Of The
Gospel). Modern Christians have no idea that the position of the
pre-Nicene Church was that the allegorical doctrine that is believed today as an
article of faith is representative of entry-level Christianity that was
“preached in the Churches… for the simpleminded and for
the ears of the common crowd who are led on to live better lives by their
belief” (see
Doctrines Designed For Entry-Level Believers). The Church Father
Origen who was commissioned by the Church acknowledged these doctrines --
refuted Celsus by stating that these beliefs are openly expounded as articles of
Christian faith, and then Origen explained: “And yet
the mystery of the Resurrection, not being understood, is made a subject of
ridicule among the unbelievers. In these circumstances, to speak of the
Christian doctrine as a secret system is altogether absurd.
But that there should be certain doctrines, not made known
to the multitude, which are after the exoteric ones having been taught, is not a
peculiarity of Christianity alone, but also of
philosophic systems, in which certain truths are exoteric and others are
esoteric. Some of the heroes of Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit;
while others were taught in secret those doctrines which were not deemed fit to
be communicated to the profane and insufficiently prepared ears. Moreover, all
the mysteries that are celebrated everywhere throughout Greece and the barbarous
countries, although held in secret, have no discredit thrown upon them, so that
it is in vain he endeavors to calumniate the secret doctrines of Christianity,
seeing that he does not correctly understand its nature”.
the question: Why could Pythagoras only reveal the esoteric knowledge of the
Forces and Laws of Mind to his closest of disciples -- i.e.,
"...while others were taught in secret those doctrines
which were not deemed fit to be communicated to the profane and insufficiently
prepared ears." And why was
the pre-Nicene Church portrayed as a "secret system"
wherein the inner spiritual core believed very different than the congregation
of faith-based believers (see
The Secret Doctrine Of Christianity). Because this sacred body
of esoteric knowledge could only be revealed to those who had themselves become
Whole. Unlike the very simple presentation of
Law Of Octaves in the example provided,
the human mind is complex -- with each of the 12 spheres of the Pattern of Mind
as portrayed in the diagram of the Tree of Life each initiating a Major
Sub-Octave -- wherein each from the perspective of mind holographically manifest
in the pattern of the microcosm, which can be very much portrayed as the
influence and gravity of a planet on the larger scale of the Macrocosm.
Thus, this body of esoteric knowledge which appeared to be the study of the
intervals of the music scale and the cosmology of the universe -- i.e., in the
words of Origen: "...Some of the heroes of
Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit"
("In the field
of Logic, the Latin phrase Ipse dixit ("He, himself, said it") is known as the
bare assertion fallacy, wherein it identifies and describes a dogmatic statement
asserted, but unproved, which the speaker expects the listener to accept — on
faith — to be true"
Wikipedia) -- which as in
the esoteric teachings of Christianity as well as all such systems, it is
necessary to
"accept — on faith — to be true" until which time the
seeker/disciple can achieve the necessary Wholeness and
Heightening And Expansion Of Mind, necessary to
prevail over the Forces and Laws of Mind and Consciousness, and achieve the next
stage of soul-birth.
In the 16th century Giordano Bruno
Spiritual Religion) who was a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, also
portrayed the cosmology of the universe as a cloak for his body of esoteric
teachings. As can be seen in the following quotation, Giordano Bruno
understood the higher reality of the soul or soul-self that evolves to
perfection over the course of many lifetimes (quoting)
He then
proceeded to explain how this knowledge could be acquired. "Within every man,"
he said, "there is a soul-flame, kindled at the sun of thought, which lends us
wings whereby we may approach the sun of knowledge. ...This principle in
man moves and governs the body, is superior to the body, and cannot be
constrained by it." It is Spirit, the Real Self, "in which, from which and
through which are formed the different bodies, which have to pass through
different kinds of existences, names and destinies." Giordano Bruno taught
that the Law of Reincarnation is indissolubly connected with its twin doctrine
of Karma, or "High Justice." Every act performed brings its appropriate
reward or punishment in another life. In proportion as the soul has conducted
itself in a body, it determines for itself its transition into another body.
And then, to show that the doctrine was not original with him, he carefully
explained that it had been taught by Pythagoras, Plato and the Neoplatonists,
and that he was merely passing on what he had learned from his predecessors.
Bruno - Homage To The Forgotten Philosopher).
The question raised in the foregoing confronts every
person who has ever walked the face of the earth -- i.e., how this sacred
knowledge can be acquired. And when understood, his words parrallel
those of Philip K. Dick where Giordano wrote: "Within
every man there is a soul-flame, kindled at the sun of thought, which lends us
wings whereby we may approach the sun of knowledge" -- or, in the
words of Dick: "Each of us has a divine
counterpart unfallen who can reach a hand down to us to awaken us"
-- and one of the primary objectives and purpose of all religious teachings, is
to tap into man's higher soul-self and acquire this sacred knowledge that can
bring about one's transformation which first brings one's union with our true
self -- i.e., our higher soul-self -- and ultimately, with our own divided
nature overcome, our Union with God which was accomplished by our brother the
historical Jesus. And this is in fact the position of the
first-century followers and disciples of the man Jesus who taught that by
fulfilling the Law within himself he became in “...supernatural
union of a man and God... In their eyes, Jesus of Nazareth was a mere mortal,
the legitimate son of Joseph and Mary: but he was the best and wisest of the
human race, selected as the worthy instrument to restore upon earth the worship
of the true and supreme Deity. When he was baptized in the Jordan, the Christ,
the firs